Discuss about the Nursing A study conducted established that inexperienced workplace incivility was directly connected to three types of negative feelings including sadness, fear, and anger of targets.
Incivility is used to define, disruptive, rude, undesirable and intimidating behaviors focused on another person. Moreover, it is disruptive behaviors that usually result in psychological or physiological distress for the involved and if not addresses can advance into frightening situations (Felblinger, 2008). Incivility behaviors are characterized by a lack of regard for others. The discourteous actions include spreading rumors or gossiping or delays such as declining to assist others when requested to do so. Incivility occurs since nurses work in fast-paced surroundings that may involve death and life circumstances, frequent workplace threats and long working hours (Lim & Cortina, 2005). Usually, inclusivity is caused by stress and fatigue. Impact Of Workplace Incivility On Nursing And Patient Outcome Discussion Paper
Incivility seems to be an increasing problem to the organization. A survey conducted in the US healthcare estimated that 80% of the nurses experienced incivility at work. Also, 40% of the faculty in healthcare has been the target of incivility. Incivility is frequently applicable in healthcare that is greatly modified by the inherent high-stress environment (McNamara, 2012). The unruly behaviors among the health workers existed for decades but only in the recent it has been identified as unacceptable and associated with adverse outcomes and effects. It is not only limited to the physicians but also occurs among nursing, pharmacy, radiology and laboratory staff. Victims of incivility may experience stress, sleeplessness, exhaustion, anger, depression, and embarrassment.
Incivility has major impacts on the nursing ability to use a high level of clinical judgment. Incivility is more likely to cause negative effects on the target. This is usually created by the demand and pressure of the workplace that nurses are involved in. Incivility creates negative emotions on the nurses thus affecting their working ability (Berry, Gillespie, Gates, & Schafer, 2012). A study conducted established that inexperienced workplace incivility was directly connected to three types of negative feelings including sadness, fear, and anger of targets. The environment of healthcare often is characterized by a high stress on the nurses. This, therefore, affects the nurses’ ability to deliver provided they are not functioning as normal. Nurses usually experience incivility from the management, their leaders and their fellow nurses. The patients care need are often at risk with many patients being left stranded and embarrassed by the situation imposed on them by the nurses. Normally, the patient expects a friendly interaction and environment with the patients. However, when nurses themselves experiences incivility in their workplace, significantly, they tend to project their emotions to the patients. The wellbeing and psychological functioning of the patients are also greatly affected.
The negative emotional factors accumulation across time in nurses results in impaired psychological well-being due to increased anxiety and depression (Estes & Wang, 2008). This psychological symptom eventually influences the physical health of the nurses. The negative relationship in the healthcare workplace significantly affects nurses and psychological wellbeing is usually measured in various ways. The nurse’s mental health may be affected, emotional exhaustion. This states obviously is a threat to the nurses and more critical to the nurses care delivery to the patients.
Incivility inflicts chaos on nurse’s relationship and workplace drive as well as the patient safety. Incivility has a devastating consequence on effects on health care setting. Being a fatality of incivility is also costly to the organization. Nurses lay less energy and produce lesser quality and can even burn out. The yearly cost of job stress alone owed to incivility at the corporations in the US is estimated to be around 300 billion dollars. The effects caused by the incivility are major in healthcare. The most affected by the incivility is the patient’s outcome. Patients are usually in critical conditions and thus they require maximum attention from the caregivers especially the nurses. The major goal of healthcare is to promote health and healthcare in patients however, when there are cases of incivility, the goals are threatened (Luparell, 2011). This usually happens when there is no good relationship between the healthcare practitioners for example between the pharmacists and the nurses. The policies and procedure of the health care functioning also are put into a stalemate by the incivility. The health care system functioning is significantly distracted. The presence of undesirable behaviors among the health professionals in health care exists in the occurrence of inclusivity. The physicians are usually regarded as the head of the healthcare and often acts the leader. They have significant responsibilities towards the healthcare of the patients. Meanwhile, they cannot work alone and requires other health professionals such as nurses to supplement each other and healthcare delivery. In the incidences when there is incivility the physicians treat nurses in an undesirable and rude manner results to the violation of the policies and the procedures set to ensure there are equality and impartiality in the health care systems.
Incivility causes to harm and injuries from the health care professionals to patients and among the health care professional. Centered on the unethical standards caused by incivility creates an environment where harm and injuries are can occur. This may occur in form of physical and emotional injuries. These injuries can result in death. The health professionals may find themselves in activities that often cause harm to one another. For example, a stressed nurse may shoot his or her working partner.
Communication is vital in healthcare. It assists in the sharing of ideas and information in health care. Healthcare professionals interact with the patients at various capacities to improve their health. Effective communication, therefore, is vital in the quality of service delivery in the healthcare system. A healthcare setting is supposed to facilitate effective communication between healthcare and health care delivery (Hutchinson, Vickers, Jackson & Wilkes, 2006). This often enhanced through friendly interactions in assessing the patient’s conditions. Also, the effective communication between the healthcare providers serves a major boost in the health outcome of the patient due to the elimination of errors that exist due to a lack of communication among healthcare providers. However, the incivility acts a major blow to effective communication in healthcare. Incivility was and still affects adversely communication between the healthcare professionals thus affecting the patient’s outcome. Patients often suffer due to inefficient communication inflicted by incivility. Due to the environment created by incivility in healthcare often healthcare finds it hard to create an effective communication between them. Thus, the lack of effective communication leads to errors in administering treatment and medication (Pearson & Porath, 2005). Moreover, in many incidences patients usually miss the treatment. This is caused by lack of proper communication by the health professionals regarding the patients’ health conditions, as well as lack of communication well-structured communication between the healthcare providers and the patients.
The unconventional incivility has serious and lasting repercussions. Thus, there is a need to address and decrease this condition. Addressing incivility by speaking up when it occurs is the most effective way to stop it (Luparell, 2005). The American Nurses Association (ANA) clearly articulates various intervention of reducing the incivility in nursing. It has created resources including publication, webinars and fact sheets, tips cards that offer policies for both organizations and individual nurse to use. It has also modeled questions on workplace violence as part of its health risk appraisal an online survey to all nurses. Meanwhile, nurse experts around the nation are working to promote ways of ensuring a safer and better environment for all. In 2009, in realizing behavior influences morale, staff turnover, and patients care. The joint commission set standards in place that require the leaders of healthcare to maintain a culture of safety Spence (Laschinger, Leiter, Day & Gilin, 2009). According to the joint commission, organizations that fail to address unprofessional behavior are indirectly promoting incivility.
It is essential to point out that incivility has devastating consequences that have significantly affected the healthcare delivery in a healthcare institution. Incivility in nursing and their workplace has substantial implications for patients, healthcare organizations and nurses. Thus, although it has gained attention recently, it is of much significance for the government agencies and the concerned parties in healthcare to put more strategies of promoting civility in healthcare. It is imperative for the student to be enabled to address issues of incivility in their various nursing academia courses to prepare them for future occupation in a healthcare setting.
Berry, P. A., Gillespie, G. L., Gates, D., & Schafer, J. (2012). Novice nurse productivity following workplace bullying. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Retrieved from: https://sigmapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1547-5069.2011.01436.x
Estes, B., & Wang, J. (2008). Integrative literature review: Workplace incivility: Impacts on individual and organizational performance. Human Resource Development. Retrieved from: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1534484308315565
Felblinger, D. M. (2008). Incivility and bullying in the workplace and nurses’ shame responses. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. Retrieved from: https://www.hadassah.org.il/media/1880347/incivility.pdf
Hutchinson, M., Vickers, M., Jackson, D., & Wilkes, L. (2006). Workplace bullying in nursing: towards a more critical organisational perspective. Nursing inquiry. Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/01612840903308531?scroll=top&needAccess=true&journalCode=imhn20
Felblinger, D. M. (2008). Incivility and bullying in the workplace and nurses’ shame responses. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing. Retrieved from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1552-6909.2008.00227.x
Lim, S., & Cortina, L. M. (2005). Interpersonal mistreatment in the workplace: the interface and impact of general incivility and sexual harassment. Journal of applied psychology. Retrieved from: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Luparell, S. (2011). Incivility in nursing: The connection between academia and clinical settings. Critical care nurse. Retrieved from: https://ccn.aacnjournals.org/content/31/2/92
Luparell, S. (2005). Why and how we should address student incivility in nursing programs. Annual review of nursing education. Retrieved from: https://ccn.aacnjournals.org/content/31/2/92
McNamara, S. A. (2012). Incivility in nursing: Unsafe nurse, unsafe patients. AORN journal. Retrieved from: https://www.archives-pmr.org/article/S0001-2092(12)00032-4/abstract
Pearson, C. M., & Porath, C. L. (2005). On the nature, consequences and remedies of workplace incivility: No time for “nice”? Think again. Impact Of Workplace Incivility On Nursing And Patient Outcome Discussion Paper