Contemporary Ingenious Health Essay

Contemporary Ingenious Health Essay

For this assessment, it is required that you use a validated reflective framework to underpin the discussion of your attitudes, beliefs and values towards Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people that have arisen in this subject. An example of a validated framework is ‘Gibbs model of reflection’.


Task: 1. Go back and review what you submitted in assessment item 1, i.e. your initial assumptions at the beginning of your journey through this subject. Tip: Do not merely repeat what you wrote before but look at the feedback you received. Contemporary Ingenious Health Essay
2. Review and analyse what you submitted in assessment item 1 along with the subject content. Reflect and describe thoughts, feelings and emotions that have been experienced while participating in the subject. Use three (3) specific examples of learning activities. Tip: this is an extension of assessment item 1 not a repetition of what you have already written, it is a description of your personal journey in this subject. It is suggested that you use the ABCD Cultural assessment tool to enhance your discussion.
3. Explain how you think what you have learnt in this subject might impact on your future nursing practice with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. You are required to embed the Graduate Attributes, RN standards and UTS Indigenous Graduate Attributes.Contemporary Ingenious Health Essay

Social media has played and has been playing a crucial role in the development of health and social care in United Kingdom (UK). Since the emerge of the health and social care sector, social media has been performing a tremendous role as the health and social care is becoming an industry and without this industry social and economic development of UK would not be possible. This report covers the role of media for the development of health and social care. At the very beginning a snapshot of the role of media on the creation of public concern about health and social care will be discussed with evidence. The ways by which media publishes and considers about the…show more content…
Mass media has a strong liaison and this strong interpersonal relationship with different sources of information results in an unveiling of health and social care related information to the public. Common people are completely influenced by the information provided by the sources. As the sources of information has been introduced in the previous section, it is state worthy that social and health care information has changed the attitudes, thoughts, and behavior of common people. Mass media along with social media make people much more aware about their health and safety issues (Godden, 2014). For example: Before the invention of Facebook, any movement that had to be taken place faced great difficulty. But as Facebook grows and other mass media are getting concerned about the rights of them from the society, any nonviolent movement is taking place without such effort than previously had done (Mcclimens, et al, 2012). People are conscious about various contagious diseases and much more aware about their contribution to the society. They are also focused on their rights from the society.Contemporary Ingenious Health Essay

Analyzed contemprorary Health Issue- grand canyon university (rough draft No citation sorry)
In this essay, the issues of diabetes will be examined. This disease exists when the body cannot regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Because of this, the body fails to either produce or properly regulate the amount of insulin and thus causing the body to lose the ability to break down sugars and starch. Although the actual cause of diabetes is unknown, genetics and environmental factors like obesity, and poor exercise are likely to expose people to the such diseases. This essay will identify how the disease impacts the healthcare organization from a business point of view, whether differences do exist between how profit organizations and…show more content…
Most of the analysis in regards to diabetes, with the above two health plans shows that the business case for the management of diabetes is not strong. The average costs for the programs are very substantial and actually benefitting from the plan may take as much as 10 years. It has been estimated that only about $70 will be saved by most non-profit organizations. Society will gain substantially, due to the fact that they pay less money for health care and they can maintain their health at an affordable rate. Contemporary Ingenious Health Essay It has also been estimated that a diabetic patient who spends about 11 years in the in such programs will more likely have improved benefit of about $30,000 and experience a quality life. Non-profit organizations (at one time) reimbursed provider groups through capitation which meant clinics were at the high risk of specialist fees and pharmacy charges. They later moved away from this arrangement and now carry about 60% of the risk and pharmacy charges. When it comes to managing diabetes, non-profit organizations are able to track patients past the early 1990’s and from available statistics, the value of patients’ complications were reduced to about $30,000 with about $300 in operating costs. Contemporary Ingenious Health Essay

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