The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

What issues are involved in being a male nurse and what barriers are preventing males from choosing it as a career?
Currently in the nursing industry males make up as little as 10% of the nursing population in places like the UK (Whittock & Leonard, 2003a) even though many male nurses state that nursing is a rewarding and meaningful career (Rajacich, Kane, Williston, & Cameron, 2013). Nursing is still seen as female dominated industry (Hoffnung, 2013) and as stated by Sherrod, Sherrod & Rasch, nursing has yet to break the gender roles that other professions have managed to (Rajacich et al., 2013) even though women have to reach a higher standard to progress in male dominated professions (Hoffnung, 2013).The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay


Male registered nurses are faced with quite a large variety of challenge and as stated by Burnett 44% of male nurses experienced discrimination, 31% suffered with social isolation (Rajacich et al., 2013) and many felt concerned that they were to be excluded from gender specific areas or procedures because of their gender (Whittock & Leonard, 2003a). As stated by Ollyn, male nurses also felt that there were barriers which made them feel unwelcome as they feared that other nurses would think they were displaying sexual misconduct with female patients and with regards to their education felt they were unprepared to work with women and felt that they had a lack of teaching regarding the difference between communicating with a female to a male. There are also gender based stereotypes towards male nurses from colleagues and patients with some colleagues believing that they should not even be a nurse and only call upon a male nurses for jobs that require strength (Rajacich et al., 2013).The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

Males make up about 5% of all RNs working in the United States today” (Poliafico). Nursing is a profession in the health care field that concentrates on the nurturing care of individuals. The United States currently lacks testosterone (the male hormone) in the nursing field. The subject is something many people have thought about at least once in their lives. Some may argue nursing is a career meant for a woman, while others may argue it is a non-gender specified career option. Either way, the world has come to accept the lack of men in nursing. The nursing profession should be for both men and women, but society puts a stereotype on the ‘average nurse’ preventing men from being accepted into this career. The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay
A male nurse is considered a “valuable man” (Craig). Men currently are looked down on in the nursing profession due to many different beliefs. While it’s true in some, if not a very rare few, these beliefs are what make the nursing profession for men uncomforting and discouraging. It is believed many male nurses are gay and because of this lack the acceptance they look for. Another belief is that men have an inappropriate ‘sexual’ behavior. They must be careful when caring (touching) for a patient in any way. Men are highly subject to accusations and it makes it almost impossible for a male nurse to perform his job to the fullest (Evans). Male nurses are not typically encouraged by the society we live in today. The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay  Men are not in favor of being called nurses and maybe would have a bit more encouragement if the caregiver word would simply be changed from ‘nurse’ to ‘medic’ (Gorgos). Just the change in title can make a positive difference to both men and women in the nursing field. Men and women enter the nursing career with the same goals and interests; but are still yet separated by the name ‘nurse’ and ‘male nurse’ (Kouta). Eddie Hebert a 35-year nursing veteran claims that the caregiver one usually pictures a white woman. This image is being projected into the American public. He believes that, “Caregiving is not feminine; it’s universal.” The lack of men in nursing though is, “a result of cultural stereotypes and image” (Gorgos). The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

Nursing is expected to be 90 percent female in 2016, yet the opportunities for men in nursing are growing, from bedside care to management to research. The following guide has been written by Keith Carlson, an expert in the field, and offers valuable information, firsthand insight, and resources to help men who are interested in becoming a nurse.
Men in Nursing: Fact vs. Fiction
Common stereotype
There are very few male nurses The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay
Fact about male nurses According to the US Census Bureau, in the 1970s, men comprised only 2.7 percent of all registered nurses in the US; February, 2013 US Census Bureau data, however, showed that men comprised almost 10 percent of all RNs. This number is even higher in specific nursing roles, such as nurse anesthetist positions, where 41 percent are men. Meanwhile, the number of male nurses within the military is rising in all branches of the armed forces.Additionally, the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System reveals that the number of men completing RN associate and bachelor degree programs has steadily increased since 2004 (with a dramatic increase in the early 1990s before a temporary drop).The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

Common stereotype
Nursing is not a respectable career for men
Fact about male nurses As members of the nursing profession, men enjoy a high level of respect within the healthcare industry, as well as within the larger society. While old beliefs about nursing being a profession solely for women are still relatively prevalent, acceptance of male nurses is indeed growing.With the coming of age of the Millennial generation, gender roles appear to be less restrictive. It is expected that Millennial men may be increasingly willing to embrace a career that is traditionally labeled as “female”.Additionally, when it comes to pay and advancement, men nurses seem to be outpacing women. Despite nursing being 90 percent female, studies show that male nurses earn more than their female brethren. Additional evidence shows that, on average, men rise more quickly than women into positions of authority and management within the nursing profession. While these are unfortunate realities that certainly need to change in terms of gender equity, it underscores the fact that men are accepted and successful members of the profession.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

Common stereotype
There aren’t enough nursing jobs for men
Fact about male nurses As the 21st century advances, the need for nurses will likely far outweigh outmoded gender bias against men entering the profession. As the country ages, the need for qualified healthcare professionals will only continue to grow, especially for those with interest and skill in geriatrics, Information Technology, and other key areas of nursing specialty. Nineteen percent projected job growth for registered nurses between 2012 and 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, supports this optimistic view.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

Common stereotype
Women are better nurses because they’re naturally caring
Fact about male nurses Anecdotal evidence shows that male nurses demonstrate high levels of emotional intelligence and compassion. One would also expect that men who choose nursing as a profession in the first place are men who have a natural propensity for caring, nurturing relationships. However, genuine human connection is one of the most crucial aspects of the nurse-patient relationship, and men are equally capable of creating positive, nurturing, and emotionally healthy connections with patients.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

Common stereotype
Nursing isn’t for “real men”
Fact about male nurses Men’s physical strength can be a benefit in areas of practice such as medical-surgical nursing, flight nursing, and rehabilitation. Since physical strength, stamina, emotional stability, and calmness and quick thinking in the face of trauma are characteristics traditionally perceived as “masculine”, most men will feel (and be perceived as) useful and effective within the nursing world. Additionally, men often prefer task-oriented work, and nursing provides many areas of practice where the task-oriented male nurse can thrive and succeed.In the military, the number of male nurses is steadily rising far more quickly than in the civilian workforce. Most sources show men as representing between 30 and 35 percent of all nurses within most branches of the United States armed forces, more than three times the percentage for civilian nurses.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay
Shaking Up Stereotypes
Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st century, stereotypes and stigmas have followed men who chose to enter nursing as a professional career. Many may not know, but nursing was historically male-dominated prior to the 1900’s. It was the 20th century that saw a major demographic shift towards a largely female profession, with only a smattering of men choosing nursing as their calling.
In recent decades, the percentage of the profession comprised of men has risen, and continues to do so, albeit relatively slowly. This growing number is due to the fact that more men see nursing as a viable professional career that offers great flexibility, opportunity for learning and advancement, and a plethora of choices in terms of specialization and areas of clinical and non-clinical focus. And as the autonomy of nursing practice expands, opportunities for men expand as well.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay
As older generations with more rigid notions of gender give way to younger, less conservative generations, there will likely be less stigma around men in nursing, opening the doors for more men to find satisfying careers in the nursing profession.
Top Nursing Careers for Men
While men can be found in almost every nursing specialty, there are certain areas of practice known to attract a larger percentage of male nurses. For instance, the US Census Bureau documented that more male nurses are often found in higher paying nursing jobs, such as nurse anesthetist roles. Evidence also suggests that male nurses are generally drawn more readily to the ER, ICU, CCU, flight nursing, and other physically demanding and clinically challenging positions.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

Although nursing has historically been a female-dominated field, its reputation as a “women only” profession is gradually diminishing. Even though the percentage of men in nursing is still disproportionately small (only between 9-10%) , because the nursing field is so wide open, more and more men are choosing this demanding, yet highly rewarding, professional path. A nursing career holds many advantages for men, such as highly diverse patient care environments, career stability, and a competitive salary.

For men who are still deciding whether or not to answer the call to become a nurse, here are some great reasons why it’s a solid career choice.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

We are in the midst of a critical nursing shortage

Statistics from the World Health Organization show that the total number of nurses actively working in the U.S. health care field has decreased dramatically since 2000, therefore causing the demand for nurses to increase. Another reason for the shortage is that our country’s aging population is generating a growing demand for services like end-of-life and long-term care. More and more facilities are actively recruiting men into nursing as a way of addressing this critical shortage of qualified nurses. Good nurses are in high demand, and will be for the foreseeable future.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

There are some great motives for men to become nurses

Men interested in nursing have already chosen to clear one hurdle: the gender stereotype. Once that is behind them, there are some compelling motivations for becoming a nurse. Many men value careers with relationship-oriented components, something nursing offers in spades. There is also a highly technical side to nursing, another element of the profession that is often appealing to men. Men who had early exposure to male nurses may also find themselves more motivated to break into this female-dominated field. Yes, there are barriers, such as gender stereotypes and lack of male role models, but with many individuals, these barriers have become an important reason to tackle them.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay


There are many types of nursing specialty options available

The nursing field offers many different patient care environments, some of which may be particularly appealing to men, such as anesthesia, flight, emergency, or trauma nursing. Other nursing specialties in the field that male nurses may want to explore include middle management, nursing education, nurse practitioner, oncology, psychiatry, pediatrics, and administration. Nursing is not a one-size-fits-all profession; for both male and female nurses, the wide array of specialties makes it possible to pursue one’s specific areas of interest in the field.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

It’s way past time to break the nursing gender gap

Certain jobs have gender stereotypes attached to them, and nursing has always been one of them. Unfortunately, male nurses have historically had to fight a stereotypical image when compared to other career choices. Of course, there really is no significant difference in the actual quality of care a well-trained, compassionate male nurse can provide. It’s important for men interested in a nursing career to know that this is a valid and much-valued career choice. Those who choose this path will also find support in organizations like the American Assembly of Men in Nursing, which offers scholarships, conferences, collaboration, and coverage of nursing topics of particular interest to men.

Salaries for male nurses are highly competitive

Even in the female-dominated field of nursing, male nurses typically out-earn female nurses, as is the case across almost all occupations. Another financial incentive for male nurses is that this is a solid and stable career field that shows no signs of slowing down. As a career, nursing is consistent and reliable as a career choice, and the retirement benefits are often very appealing. It is also not uncommon for new nurses to be offered sign-on bonuses. Even in today’s shaky economy, nursing is a reliable and financially savvy career choice for many.The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

More and more hospitals and nursing schools are enthusiastically recruiting men to join the nursing profession. The need for well-trained, highly qualified nurses can’t be ignored, and men who are willing and ready to shatter the gender biases and stereotypes will often find themselves landing challenging, fulfilling, and financially stable jobs. The Advancement In Male Nursing Essay

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