Personal Coaching and Leadership Philosophy Essay Paper

Personal Coaching and Leadership Philosophy Essay Paper


A coaching philosophy defines coaching used by coaches to guide them in their coaching process. The philosophy provides coaches with a clear view of the objectives to be pursued and how to achieve them. A coach makes consistent decisions while sticking to philosophy during coaching. Coaching philosophy is part of the codes of ethics in the International Coaching Federation (ICF) (Mullem & Brunner, 2018). The philosophy helps in understanding the concepts of the ICF Code of Ethics. It ensures coaches develop personal standards through which their teams are well served. Actual coaching gives a team space to facilitate their personal growth in leading the coaching conversations. Coaches should be active listeners rather than advisers (Gomes, 2020). Their coaching philosophy determines a coach’s firm stand on decisions. The coach’s commitment gives assurance to the satisfaction of their clients. A well-developed coaching philosophy starts with the reflection of moral standards.


The mission statement would be to be a leading provider of a source of open-minded support for the team as an honest, organized, and safe coach allowing innovative, creative, and collaborative space to enjoy professional and personal growth. Honesty would build trust between the coach and the team (Jenkins, 2021). The coach and team need to feel safe because they are working together. There should be trust between them so that they engage in both valuable and meaningful coaching. Creating space for the team to provide them with an environment for innovation motivates them. They could come up with new ideas which make their team stronger. Thus, it becomes easier to face their competitors due to teamwork. The spirit of working together is guaranteed through collaborative efforts. Life lessons are learned through coaching when coaches teach with integrity. Players tend to look for their coaches’ instruction, feedback, and motivation. Personal Coaching and Leadership Philosophy Essay Paper

The mission statement describes what should be done and why it should be done. For example, the mission statement looks to allow innovative, collaborative, and creative space. The reward is ensuring that the team members enjoy personal growth. Also, it shows that the coach does not only do coaching for money but to change the world (Gomes, 2020). Having the mentality of money out of the equation makes it easier in coaching. The team develops a mindset of working to change the world than looking for money. They become highly dedicated in their activities to ensure they become the best in the world. Money has always interfered with talented individuals playing for their preferred teams. Their interests are shortchanged by the teams offering better pay than their previous teams. Such happenings have greatly affected sporting activities. The mission statement would change it because it believes in changing the world.



The vision is to have a healthy world of extraordinary relationships, significant achievements, and integrity; a world of respect, good leadership, and honor where people give their best in coaching and sports. Extraordinary relationships will ensure greater fulfillment of work and satisfaction in sports (Mullem & Brunner, 2018). There should be a defined relationship between the coach and the team. The coach is a unifying factor for the team and should build a good relationship with team members. As a result, a higher level of outcomes would be achieved within a short period because of mutualism. The level of frustration and stress among the team would be reduced since they work as a team. Working in isolation makes it difficult to share problems with the team. It may result in severe breakdowns within the team, which could have been avoided. These obstacles to success which could be internal, external, or both, could be eliminated.

The vision statement is essential in building good leadership. An effective leader ensures mutual respect in the team. There would be a reduction in the conflicts among the team members. Every member of the team works towards the achievement of the team’s set goals. There are no unnecessary competitions among the team since they work for a common goal that would benefit the whole (Jenkins, 2021). The coaching becomes easy because the wrangles within the team are highly minimized. The team experience increased motivation amongst them due to good organization. The management finds it essential to channel resources into developing the team without being forced. Coaching performance improves when the resources are available since the coach can expose the team to varied competitions. They are capable of taking part in highly challenging competitions within their reach. Thus, they can discover various uniqueness in coaching to attract more clients.

Core Values

Firstly, mutual respect would be more critical. Mutual respect calls for always approaching the team with unconditional positive regard in coaching. The best way to create mutual respect is through demonstrating respectful behavior daily (Gomes, 2020). It requires a friendly and kind approach to each interaction with the team members. It would ensure respect for different opinions and avoid divisive or derogatory language. Encouraging mutual respect reduces conflict, stress, and problems among the team. An increase in respect helps improve players’ communication, reduce stress, and increase teamwork. Peace continues soaring among the team, and they work in a common direction. The coach could increase the team’s performance through understanding and knowledge (Gomes, 2020). The exchange of ideas rises as mutual respect and understanding increase. It reduces unnecessary politics and pettiness and increases coaching performance. The goal shifts from being the responsibility of the coach alone to focusing on the entire team.

Secondly, the organization of the team would be necessary. It includes being organized with timely meetings, management, and keeping track of discussions and progress. Meetings allow team members to air grievances (Mullen & Brunner, 2018). Such meetings are significant since there are things that may be happening within the team without the knowledge of the coach. These could only reach the coach through organizing meetings. It also gives room for the coach to provide feedback on the issues raised by the team members. A well-organized structure makes it easy for administration. There is effective identification of the roles to be played by each team member (Jenkins, 2021). The coach can build a stronger team through practical and effective administration. Keeping track of records is necessary for follow-up on the previous discussions. It shows whether some changes or progress have occurred, as discussed in the previous meetings.

Thirdly, integrity would be upheld. Integrity requires the coach to honor the confidence and trust of the team. The coach should lead by example as the team would be impressionable, looking to their coach for motivation (Jenkins, 2021). For example, coaches emphasizing winning and losing would inevitably trickle down this mindset to the team. The value of fair play and respecting the coaches should demonstrate to opponents. The coach determines the success of the development of a team. Coaches neglecting integrity and focusing on winning would send a wrong picture to their teams. The teams would end up not respecting the decision of losing, which should never be accepted in fair play. Thus, coaches should emphasize the most important thing. They should remember that results are not the criteria for success and that the most important thing is the effort to achieve them.

Leadership Type

A transformational leader would be the most effective. This kind of leadership would help improve the team’s capabilities and functions. A cooperative leadership style would be used for effective coordination with the team (Mullem & Brunner, 2018). Different tasks may be available for assignment, and this style would be used in asking team members to push their boundaries constantly. It is expected to be growth-minded in transforming the coaching industry into a better place. The approach would cause change among the individuals in the team and those in the social systems of interactions.

Plan as a Transformational Leader

Open-mindedness would be applied while hearing the ideas from the team and responding without finality or judgment to instill good character. They feel understood and respected in the team. It would also ensure the team members are inspired to share their thoughts without fear or self-censoring in creating a strong and healthy culture (Gomes, 2020). It would promote satisfaction and improve self-morale while encouraging them to continue with their academic performance. It is because they can create new avenues to face new challenges.


Coaching philosophy requires open-mindedness for effective handling of the team. The mission statement should be geared towards ensuring personal and professional growth. The vision statement provides a healthy environment where all players feel they are respected. A personal system could be developed from actions of core values, including mutual respect, organization, and integrity. Therefore, coaching philosophy is the interplay of the leader’s mission, vision, and core values. A transformational leader with a cooperative leadership style would be the most appropriate for coaching. It communicates a sense of belonging to team members and anticipates high expectations concerning the group goals.


Gomes, A. R. (2020). Coaching efficacy: The leadership efficacy model. In Coaching for Human Development and Performance in Sports, 33(5), 43–72.

Jenkins, S. (2021). Coaching philosophy. Sports Coaching: Professionalisation and Practice, 6(2), 233–242.

Mullem, P., & Brunner, D. (2018). Developing a successful coaching philosophy: A step-by-step approach. Strategies26(3), 29-34. .Personal Coaching and Leadership Philosophy Essay Paper



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