Leadership Experience at a Sales Marketing Company Discussion Paper

Leadership Experience at a Sales Marketing Company Discussion Paper


Get it all is a sales company in California that deals in selling assorted commodities online. As a sales manager, I was responsible for increasing sales in the company by creating awareness leading a team of marketers and salespeople. Leading a large group of people to follow a similar goal requires specific personality traits to create harmony and focus on the destination (Gill R et al 2011pg 6). Leading gets it all sales company needed. Different groups were tasked with additional responsibilities geared towards the same goal, which was to increase company revenue through more sales.

Leadership concepts

Leadership styles

Leadership styles are an essential element in leadership that characteristics how a leader handles the work and the people doing the work (Kirkpatrick et al pg. 50). The approach taken by a leader to ensure the task at hand is made critical as they determine how the job is performed. Likewise, the leader’s system to give directives, do the follow-ups, and ensure the subjects terminate the work matters how the task will be done. A leader has to ensure they are familiar with the task at hand. They must understand and consider all variables that relate to the study to be in a position to give directives to their subjects (Cai et al 2019 pg40). A leader should be able to understand the needs of the workers for them to address them in advance. Failure to address them might cause them to be a liability in getting action done. For a leader to grasp the full content of what is happening within the company, have to participate in the process. Participating in the process of not only decision making but also implementation helps the manager to make decisions regarding different procedures. Leadership Experience at a Sales Marketing Company Discussion Paper


The personality of a leader is instrumental in the quality of leadership a leader portrays in the leadership capacity bestowed on them. A leader whose character is sensitive represents a different approach to issues compared with a secure leader who would approach topics more cautiously than the prior. A reserved leader will tend to be passive compared to an outgoing leader who becomes active in their leadership. An open leader will tend to be curious and follow virtually every detail of their directives (Hendricks et al 2007 pg. 330). An interested leader ensures every aspect of the process in the company is at his fingertips and is concerned about the process and the people involved in it. A leader whose personality is agreeable does not argue with ideas and opinions that come up within company operations. They are friendly with all workers at all levels. Compared to the non-amiable leader who continually challenges every move and questions every detail necessary or not.


Personal experience

Managing a group of people with different needs to work on the same project requires an uptight personality. Being a leader with a weak nature affects the efficiency of the leadership. At get all sales company, I had to deal with different kinds of people who did not always see eye to eye with each other based on their beliefs and personalities. Managing different characters and keeping them on the same page requires a strong personality representing authority. Leadership Experience at a Sales Marketing Company Discussion Paper  As a leader, I was able to get experience in handling such. At one time, workers were influenced by a few elements that saw them boycott work claiming unpaid overtime. I understood the situation at hand and addressed the issue of unpaid wages satisfying the workers and getting the work resumed.

At getting it sales com an any, I experienced the importance of balancing the task at hand and the people involved ln performing it. At one particular time, the company had too many unanswered enquired from prospective buyers. Due to a shortage of workers, the company was overwhelmed. My most significant experience at that time was to develop a plan that would enable the company to meet its demands with the available human resource. This included division of labor and assigning specific roles to experts that we’re able to work under pressure.

Analyzation of the experiences

To get it all, I was taken with the responsibility of heading a dozen of marketers and other sales agents. During my stay at the company, I got to experience handling different elements that were essential in ensuring the department I ran went on smoothly, delivering what was expected of it. Understanding the task at hand enabled me to delegate duties accordingly. Managing the human resources available to meet the demands of the company and, at the same time, meet the demands and interests of the workers helped me balance the necessary variables in ensuring my department delivered. I developed a great sense of responsibility as my personality improved, helping me to develop a strong sense of leadership.



My observation was that leadership was more than what is known. A leader has to have certain qualities to manage the different variables that determine quality leadership. The concept of personality is an essential element of good leadership and plays a critical role in ensuring a leader can relate with the concerned public of the company. Establishing all necessary stakeholders in every process is essential for the leader as it enables them to handle each part of the management based on facts. This helps them to articulate their ideas regarding all procedures. Engaging in the process of management is essential for a leader as he/she is able to understand the requirements of the company and is able to address them on time and efficiently.


Leadership is essential in any given system geared towards a particular goal. Therefore, leadership should reflect the core values, mission, and vision of that particular system. To ensure success, a leader should possess specific skills personality, among others, to deliver (Heresy 1985 pg. 13). Having mentioned that, leadership should be given to people who have proved resilience and tenacity to handle things under pressure and steer the company regardless of the circumstances.


Cai, D.A., Fink, E.L. and Walker, C.B., 2019. Robert R. Blake, With Recognition of Jane S. Mouton. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research.

Gill, R., 2011. Theory and practice of leadership. Sage.

Kirkpatick, S.A. and Locke, E.A., 1991. Leadership: do traits matter?. Academy of management perspectives5(2), pp.48-60.

Hendricks, J.W. and Payne, S.C., 2007. Beyond the big five: Leader goal orientation as a predictor of leadership effectiveness. Human Performance20(4), pp.317-343.

Hersey, P., 1985. Situational selling. Escondido, CA: Center for Leadership Studies. Leadership Experience at a Sales Marketing Company Discussion Paper

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