Role of Leadership in the Growth of an Organization Essay

Role of Leadership in the Growth of an Organization Essay

When it comes to leadership, it is defined as a process in which a person attempts to convince others to do a certain action. This phrase has been used in a variety of contexts, including political areas, business, educational institutions, and places of employment, among others (Messick and Kramer, 2004). The level to which a person may demonstrate leadership traits is determined not only by his or her personal characteristics and talents, but also by the circumstances in which he or she finds himself or herself and the effect of the environment in which he or she finds themselves (Ibrahim & Daniel, 2019). An individual will only support an organization if he feels that it will aid him in reaching his own objective as well as the organizational aims; otherwise, the individual’s personal interest would most certainly diminish. In the workplace, leadership is defined as when one individual helps another person become more successful and efficient while also improving their attitude about their job. Leadership includes the division of authority among the highest-ranking officials of an organization and the members of that organization (Nongo, 2009). The members of an organization have power, but most of that authority is held by the leaders, who are often in a position of greater influence. People’s ability to lead is inextricably linked to the practice to which they commit themselves. The success of a company is dependent on its ability to provide effective leadership. Organizational success is always based on the competence and talents shown by the individuals who hold leadership positions. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of organizational expansion on the function of leadership.

A large number of organizations have come crashing down as a consequence of weak leadership and poor management approaches. When a leader’s leadership style is lacking, bad management results. The lack of organizational skills among employees, as well as a lack of coordination and a negative employee attitude toward work, may all contribute to low productivity within a business. In the end, all of this results in the dissolution of organizations. Some businesses are having difficulty selecting effective leaders who have the right personality, talent, intellect, and experience to lead them forward in their organizations (Ibrahim & Daniel, 2019). Despite the fact that there are many different kinds of leadership, this research will focus on transformational leadership since it is critical to the success of any business.  Role of Leadership in the Growth of an Organization Essay

Because both the leader and the workers are driven by the same ideas and values, as well as a similar sense of trust and respect for one another, the leadership approach to change is more effective, innovative, and fulfilling to those who apply it. According to researchers, successful process of leadership is a specific way of integrating employees with organizations in order to achieve their aims and goals, and that a large part of a leader’s effectiveness is largely dependent on the approach adopted by managers, which he considers to be the most important issue in the management of a firm. In a similar vein, another researcher finds that the failure or success of a business has ramifications for its employees, its target market, and the agencies both inside and outside the organization. According to research, effective leadership is one of the most important predictors of a company’s, organization’s, or nation’s long-term viability. According to Ukeje and Okorie (1990), leadership is the most important factor in determining whether an organization, country, or corporation achieves its objectives or fails to accomplish them, earns a profit or does not create a profit, or develops or does not develop enough. Leadership is defined as the process of influencing other people.

There are also more types of leadership that exist, although they are seldom noticed in the course of leadership. This kind of leadership is referred to as charismatic leadership. At the moment, the transactional and transformational leadership styles are the most popular among business executives. Individually owned schools seem to have more authoritarian leadership styles, whilst government-owned schools appear to have a more laissez-faire approach to leadership styles (Ibrahim & Daniel, 2019). Furthermore, private school heads do far better than public school heads in terms of connecting to other people, making choices, supervising students, and establishing communication patterns.

According to Adebakin and Gbadamosi (1996), a business is comprised of two or more persons that work together on a daily basis to achieve a set of goals through completing tasks. Almost every company is composed of three key components, each of which must work together in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the business (Ibrahim and Daniel, 2019). Work management, personnel, and time are the three components that make up this system. Within a business, one of the responsibilities of management is to provide leadership, which includes inspiring employees to achieve their goals, managing human resources, and managing financial resources. When it comes to direct contact with employees, it encompasses an executive’s whole conduct in that relationship. An organization’s management is also a body of leadership that establishes rules and regulations to regulate interactions and activities inside the company, and to a certain degree decides how well the organization performs in terms of achieving its goals and objectives. When two or more individuals engage with one another, the conditions for the formation of a group are created ( Ibrahim & Daniel, 2019). The year 2019 is the year of Ibrahim and Daniel. When members of a group cohabit and collaborate for the sake of a common goal, and the group persists for an extended period of time, organization is formed.

A group’s leader is responsible for giving guidance, anticipating the behaviors of the group’s many members, and ensuring consistency in the delivery of tasks. Workers’ organization and spirit throughout the performance of their tasks reflects the leader’s image and the quality of leadership. In this way, the leader determines the style of work behavior, the execution of tasks, and the ethnicity of employees by leveraging his or her organizational influence (Ibrahim & Daniel, 2019). The degree of leadership has an impact on both the productivity of employees and the grandeur of the organization. Because of this, businesses spend a significant amount of money on the search for successful leadership as well as on the training of their employees in effective leadership conduct. The present shortage of leadership is an issue, hence the reason why businesses are always on the investigation for it, prompting them to affect and create all of the efficient leadership potentials in people who work in management which is corporate.


Transformational leadership
We must understand transformational leadership in order to understand the function of leadership in the success of a company. Transformational leadership was first described in 1978 by a researcher, and it is defined as “optimistic, trustworthy, and leaders with a good attitude who advise and foster collaboration among workers and set the stage for discoveries.” Transformational type of leadership includes the concepts of shared important objectives, emotional connection,motivation, vision, and shared values, all of which are components of transformational leadership. Transformational leadership helps organizations accomplish their current goals more effectively by linking work performance to attractive incentives and ensuring that individuals have access to the human resources that will assist them in reaching those objectives. Creating a strategic vision, communicating it via language and symbols, modeling it by “walking the walk” and performing consistently, and increasing adherence to the goal are all hallmarks of transformational leadership. According to previous empirical research and met studies, transformational leadership has a significant impact on both the performance of an individual and the results of an organization (Howell & Hall-Merenda, 1999). Many recent studies have shown that the success of an organization is linked to the effectiveness of its transformational leaders.

Individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, and appeal are the four core components of transformational leadership. The other two are inspiration and intellectual stimulation (Bass & Rigio, 2006). Charisma is defined as the ability to gain the trust, confidence, and respect of people. It is critical in the transformative process since it helps to create a relationship between the authorities and the employees as well as a common goal. When leaders use tailored attention, they listen to their employees’ demands and give responsibilities while offering guidance and encouragement, as well as providing guidelines. Those in positions of leadership who engage in intellectual stimulation enable their subordinates to work independently. The latter rely on their past expertise, ingenuity, and invention in order to carry out their responsibilities. In Inspiration, the leaders inspire by positively connecting with the organization’s principles while remaining comfortable and confident in their actions and decisions.

According to Burns, “the outcome of this kind of leadership is a connection of shared stimulation and elevation that turns followers into leaders and may change leaders into moral actors” (1978). (1978). Leaders take part in a changing connection with their most followers, who will therefore feel encouraged and become more determined as a consequence, leading to the creation of leadership cadres as a result of the transformational leadership relationship. Transformational leaders help their people go up the moral ladder by modeling ethical behavior. With regard to the question of moral leadership, Burns was particularly concerned. Moral leadership, he argued, sprang from the fundamental needs, ambitions, and ideals of the followers and constantly returned to those same principles and requirements. After everything is said and done, according to Burns, “transformational leadership becomes moral in that it increases both the leader’s degree of human behavior and ethical desire as well as the degree of ethical desire of the led, and therefore it has a transforming impact on both.”

Theories of leadership
Furthermore, the following leadership theories provide appropriate explanations for the function of leadership in organizational development: The first is the Contingency Theory, which is comprised of three key factors that influence the performance of a leader in various situations. A few of them are Leader-Member Relations, which is concerned with the interactions between employees and their supervisors, including how much the employees trust their supervisors, how much the supervisor can interact with their employees, and to what extent the leadership can inspire them, among other things. The second kind of structure is the Task Structure, which analyses the nature of workers’ duties, whether they are regular or non-routine, in order to manage and optimize staff output. Finally, but certainly not least, there is Position Power. The authority a leader has is derived from the position he or she occupies within the organization. Leadership with the capacity to make choices, as well as the ability to put those decisions into action, is essential for effectively dealing with and managing organizational issues (Fiedler, 1996).

The Path-Goal Theory is the second kind of theory. According to this notion, good leaders are those who guarantee that their people are motivated to work by presenting them with a clear work plan that guides them towards the achievement of their objectives. According to this viewpoint, the capacity to motivate their staff to accomplish the objectives of a company while keeping control over the results of their duties and assignments are the most important characteristics of a successful leader. Additionally, by acknowledging their efforts and fostering and keeping employee enthusiasm, leaders demonstrate their appreciation for their workers. This is accomplished by establishing confidence in their talents and desire to work (House 1971).

We have a fascinating notion about transformational leaders. A leader’s transformational leadership manifests itself in three key ways when he or she changes the mindset of his or her people. These may assist leaders to win the trust and confidence of their staff as a result of their actions. This in turn increases the efficacy of the personnel and as a result, improves the overall performance of the organization Employees who work with the goal of creating transformational leadership are more likely to be driven to accomplish their work objectives while also being cognizant of their own personal growth and development opportunities (Burns 2003). When this kind of leadership is used, employees become far more determined and driven to work for the greater benefit of the firm, regardless of their particular interests or desires.

Organizational transformation
When a firm undergoes or has undergone a transition, the term “organizational change” is used to characterize that shift. It includes their success as well as any other incident or failure that has occurred in the past (Hage, 1999). When we talk about organizational change, we are referring to a number of actions that result in a change in direction or method that has an impact on the way businesses work (Hage, 1999). When management is not satisfied with the recent state of affairs, it becomes necessary to institute organizational change. Even if changes within an organization are either anticipated or unexpected, they are both important and, in some cases, required in order to deal with the changing environment and circumstances. In terms of leadership, vision and planning are the most important aspects to consider. Management is more closely associated with planned changes, in that management makes a concerted effort to get a specific goal. To effect planned change, a high level of commitment and a systematic strategy is required, with the important component being that it is based on the leader’s vision and stated objectives as the foundation. It is possible that changes in the organization’s strategies, tasks, or factions will result. There are various types of changes that can be implemented depending on the nature and context of the organization; some organizations make minor adjustments, while others make significant investments in organizational transformations, also known as massive transformations, which entail a large number of changes and are difficult to manage. Organizations frequently go through three more stages of transition after they have completed the first. Unfreezing, moving, and refreezing are the three options available to you (Senior & Fleming, 2006) A change in employee attitudes and behavior, as well as a change in the workplace, are all part of the process of unfreezing. This is a fundamental type of transformation because every type of change necessitates the development of requirements for change by all parties involved in the transformation.

The role of the leader in unfreezing is extremely important because it needs a structured approach to achieving the alternative by controlling the behavior of those working together to achieve success. Everyone’s strong commitment to working together toward a clearly defined common goal is also demanded by this strategy. The organization’s top management is responsible for determining, planning, and implementing the optimal strategy in the following phase. At this point, it is also decided whether the organization will make gradual or drastic changes in the future. When it comes to strategizing and implementing initiatives, the vision of the leader is also essential.

The transformation of an organization is an approach taken by the leaders of an organization to make the organization better in some way. Both internal and external pressures for change, as well as technological, societal, and economic issues, could all be driving forces behind the change process in different ways. Furthermore, the visionary leadership of an organizational leader, as well as the introduction of new ideas, can serve as a catalyst for organizational development.

Organizational development’s significance
In order to improve its functionality both within and outside the organization, organizations must make changes. This is a labor-intensive process that takes time (Caetano, 1999). Inability to adapt to change will result in a corporation’s inability to compete over an extended period of time (Boston. MA, 2000). There are numerous benefits that can be realized as a result of organizational transformation, such as competitiveness, increased employee and customer satisfaction, improved financial performance, and importantly, continuous improvement and sustainability. In an organization, these are benefits, and while not all employees in the company will personally benefit from these changes, everyone in the company shares the same goals and these changes have led to improvement of the company’s overall performance (Boston, 2000). In order to be successful, organizations must go through a difficult but necessary process of transformation. It may also make it possible for them to meet future demand and compete effectively with other competitors in the market. According to Robbins (1999), a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized (Robbins, 1999) Ulrich emphasizes the importance of organizational transformation in dealing with market diversifications and difficult market conditions, which are common in today’s world (Ulrich, 1998). External forces frequently spur innovation because they increase an organization’s willingness to adapt to new situations and circumstances. These impacts may lead to the establishment of high expectations and the provision of superior services by the firms.

A suitable organizational change, as well as a change that is successfully executed in a methodical way, will result in continuous development and innovation (Boston.MA, 2000). It is necessary for an organization to have a clear management of the transformation process in order to continue making progress toward reaching its goals and objectives. (Boston, Massachusetts, 2000). Business trends are changing at a dizzying rate throughout the globe, and organizations who do not adapt may be forced to close their doors (Hage, 1999). Companies are under pressure from inside and outside the organization, which calls for organizational transformation. Organizations are always under pressure to achieve a healthy balance between these aspects in their operations (Senior & Fleming, 2006). Customer satisfaction and employee morale are also critical for an organization’s success; as a consequence, change is always necessary to keep up with changing needs and expectations. As we have shown in the preceding discussion, organizational adjustments are necessary in order to remain in business. It is a period characterized by intense competition, rapidly expanding technologies, and global trends. It is necessary for businesses to grasp and execute changes so that for they to react appropriately to the changes and stay compatible with them. It is critical at this point to be successful in business while still maintaining some degree of containment.

Many firms today consider effective leadership to be one of the most important factors in the overall success of a company and its growth. People with the finest leadership skills have a wealth of talents and knowledge that they have accumulated over the course of their careers, which allows them to effectively and efficiently manage everyday operations. Successful leadership is required in order to achieve effective development results (Kennedy, 2000). When addressing organizational growth, Brookfield emphasized the importance of culture, highlighting certain challenges that might block change management attempts, such as secrecy culture, individualistic culture, and quiet culture. When dealing with such circumstances, effective leadership may be quite beneficial.

Competence may be defined as the ability to handle knowledge, as well as other talents and abilities, among other things. Many leadership abilities have been shown to be essential for effective and successful leadership. Here are some examples (Bennis, 1987). It is possible to build a variety of highly effective leadership talents that are also associated with the success of an organization’s growth. In his model of leader abilities, he identifies leadership characteristics and establishes a link between them and effective organizational development (Virtanen, 2000). He emphasizes the importance of leadership and the competencies that come with it in order to achieve corporate success. He goes on to argue that these are the most important skills and competencies for organizational growth in order for it to be successful and fruitful.

According to the research, it is obvious that strong leadership abilities are required for both initiating and coordinating transitions. Change processes will always face some amount of resistance; a leader who is skilled will be able to cope with the opposition while implementing effective reforms and improvements. Resistance is difficult to recognize and resolve; it also takes time and effort to defeat. The ability to overcome people’s aversion to change, particularly dramatic change, is dependent on the leader’s ability to inspire them to action. A effective leader is necessary to address the issue, just as a farmer is obliged to address farm-related issues (Heifetz 1997).

As a result of the fact that incremental updates are delivered in tiny doses, formal launches are seldom necessary. Employees are drawn to them since they are often simple to use and adapt to new environments. They’re generally just for a brief period of time, and individuals who work in companies are used to dealing with them on a regular basis. Unlike incremental improvements that may be accomplished with little difficulty and little opposition, radical changes need more than just strong leadership talents. Changes that are radical in nature need private acceptance, and senior leaders are accountable for telling employees about the need for change and, as a consequence, creating a willingness to abandon old working practices in favor of new ones (Reardo n 1998). The methods for bringing about major change vary from those for preserving it, and the kinds of leadership required for each differ as well. Radical changes, as opposed to incremental improvements, a high level of innovative leadership is necessitated and the urge to take risks.

During the various phases of change, different sorts of leadership abilities are required to succeed. The four major types of leadership styles are authority leadership, logic leadership, inspirational leadership, and support leadership. Authority leadership is the most common kind of leadership style. Almost all of these styles of leadership have a significant relationship to the change of evolution (Bennis, 1995). A larger vision is held by those who are in charge of logics and inspiration, who are focused on the changes. A compelling vision motivates leaders to take action and assists them in bringing about transformational change.  Role of Leadership in the Growth of an Organization Essay

When it comes to generating and managing change in any organization, the role of the leadership is critical in creating an environment that encourages change adoption and implementation. Changing organizational culture has a significant impact on the changes of development in any organization, and the one leading is also the one who brings new strategies for developing the culture of the organization. The top management may design methods of connecting the procedures of the company to the individuals who work there (Appelbaum, 1998). When it comes to organizational culture, it may vary from conservative to creative, and it might encompass the organization’s viewpoints and beliefs. Disciplines and unwritten rules are the examples of such things, and the role of leadership could be consultative, educational or supportive in nature.

It is possible for leaders to be quite effective when it comes to technology management. When it comes to managing technology, there are two types of leadership 20 aspects to consider: transactional and transformative. Technological developments and technical abilities are important to transactional leadership, but people and problem solving are less important to them.

In contrast, transformational leadership stresses the importance of technology change while also taking into consideration human interactions; this type of leadership exhibits his or her position as a trailblazer and conveys his or her vision in line with the application of talents. A multitude of methods are available to the leader to encourage his or her personnel, but the most successful technique is via the use of a pay scheme. An organization’s capacity to inspire people to reach better levels of performance is directly influenced by the compensation plans that are in place (Appelbaum, 1998).


An organization’s capacity to inspire people to reach better levels of performance is directly influenced by the compensation plans that are in place ( Appelbaum, 1998). It is essential for leaders to ensure that a diverse range of awards and training programs are provided as part of the strategic organizational transformation reform process. In the opinion of some writers, the ideal corporate environment gives chances for personal growth while also instilling a feeling of responsibility. It is the leadership’s obligation to create a positive atmosphere for their employees.

Although it is impossible to overstate the importance of a leader in managing organizations and the organizational change process, there are other factors to take into consideration. There are a range of internal and external elements that play a big role and have an impact on the situation when it comes to company management. According to what we’ve already discussed, organizational culture is significant and may have an impact on the transformation process. We think that the leader’s effect on developing organizational culture is limited, and that the kind of organization, geographic location, and nature of the job done by workers are all significant aspects to consider when establishing organizational culture. Changes in political, social, and technical situations may have a great impact on the clear and efficient performance of businesses and the organizational transformation process. It is clear that the function of the leader is severely restricted when it comes to regulating and managing such situations.

The advent of technology has not only made things simpler, but it has also had an impact on people’s attitudes on certain issues. Businesses are experiencing significant shifts in business trends, technological advances, and business environments, all of which are changing at a rapid pace during this period. Because of technological advancements, clients are becoming more aware of changes in the products, services, and activities that are taking place all over the world.

When it comes to businesses, the demands of consumers are constantly changing and exceedingly high. The consequence is that organizations must not only match current customer expectations, but also anticipate and plan for future trends. If businesses and organizations are to attain this aim, they must be willing to accept and execute changes in their business models. The process of organizational transformation is described as a leader’s purposeful effort to make the organization better via a variety of means. When it comes to organizations, the most significant issue is leadership and the role it plays in the management of organizations and the transformation of companies.

Change inside an organization is very tough and takes a significant amount of time. As a result, in order for an organization to bring about these changes, it must establish strong organizational strategic leadership. This will assist the company in putting in place required modifications ahead of time. As well as fostering dedication and a favorable atmosphere for employees and team members to comprehend and effectively implement the changes.

An effective leader has a number of abilities, traits, and qualities that distinguish him or her from the rest of the pack. Various scholars give a variety of perspectives and examine various aspects of leadership. They also emphasize key leadership characteristics that may assist a leader in becoming successful in the management of a company. A variety of leadership techniques are described by the researchers, including those that a leader may use to develop more successful management abilities and the process of successfully reforming an organization.

The ability to see the big picture is one of the many characteristics a leader must possess in order to effectively begin and execute organizational change. Vision is defined as a leader’s ability to accurately predict future events and trends in the absence of current information. When it comes to motivating teams and people inside a business, a leader’s vision may be quite beneficial.

The ability to think creatively when it comes to organizational change is another important trait that a leader should possess. When innovative business leaders are in place, they may aid a firm in attaining long-term success as well as better defining an organizational plan for the coming times.

Innovative approach of a leader can at some point defined as the ability to think, make decisions, and do things in a way that is distinct from the norm or novel. Additionally, by encouraging employees to come up with new developed ideas and providing efficient infrastructure to make those ideas to a reality, this leadership technique can assist companies in developing and cultivating an innovative culture within their organizations.

As important as vision and a creative approach to leadership are, there are some other major attributes of leadership that have a great effect on the performance of learder in organizations management and navigating the organizational change as well. Moreover, when it comes to dealing with the organizational change process, the leader’s role is not the most required thing to take into consideration. The following are some of the other important factors that may have an impact on the process of organizational transformation and the consequences of that change.

Finally, in order to meet the demands of the market, an organization must change its operations. The evolution of technology necessitates the evolution of organizational structures, which necessitates the development of effective leadership. According to leadership theories, a successful leader must engage in transformational leadership in order to fulfill the aims and objectives of a company or organization. Good leadership is related with an improvement in the results of the organization. As a result, in order to fulfill the needs of its customers and the expectations of the market, a corporation should establish well-organized leadership methods. Changes in companies that are thought to have been initiated and executed by visionary and imaginative leadership tend to be associated with organizational success. The process of organizational transformation is both important and time-consuming; yet, leadership may be of assistance. Organizations may better manage the process of organizational change if they have a “vision” and a “creative approach” from their leaders, which may increase their chances of success in the process. As a result, when it comes to the development of a company, effective leadership is critical.

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