Banning Alcohol Consumption Essay Paper

Banning Alcohol Consumption Essay Paper

Alcohol consumption is done for different reasons. Some people consider it entertaining, while others use other means available to entertain themselves. Some prefer doing nature walks to bond with nature, while others may prefer activities like swimming and fishing. Some people are more efficient under the influence of alcohol in their jobs, while the addicted groups may find it difficult to control themselves once alcohol is banned. Cultural activities that use alcohol would be closed in an event where alcohol consumption is closed.

However, there are several ways alcohol banning could be substituted to help the addicted group. First, some people take alcohol as a stress remover, while others take it as a result of depression; therefore, setting up counseling centers would help such people with programs that would ease and help them gradually adapt to living like alcohol-free people.

This article discusses the effects related to the consumption of alcohol and how stopping the consumption may be of help at the country and individual stage (Sherk et al., 2018).

In most societies, drinking and partying are considered socially acceptable. Most people believe that they will need alcohol to enjoy themselves when out with friends or with their peers. Banning Alcohol Consumption Essay Paper Because of the effects of alcohol, you may experience lapses in judgment and changes in your depth of character. Alcohol should not be available to us and should be prohibited in all nations, regardless of age, sexuality, or reason for requiring it (Morojele et al., 2021).


The drinking of alcoholic beverages may be traced back to biblical times, and one of the most significant historical events is the final supper, during which Jesus shared communion with his apostles before being killed on the cross. While they shared a loaf of bread and a glass of wine, the latter did not have the same impact as it does now. It had more of a grape juice consistency rather than being fermented. As time has progressed and we have evolved and discovered new cocktails to create, the amount of alcohol contained within a drink may be measured by the ABV contained within the cocktail. In most alcoholic beverages, there is a chemical molecule known as ethanol, a form of alcohol created by fermenting grapes, fruits, or other sugars over an extended period and present in high concentrations.

The most common motivations for people to take alcohol, in general, are mostly for recreational activities, to become numb to any troubles they may be having. Most teenagers feel compelled to do so by their peers to consume alcohol. In the United States, the legal drinking age is 21 years old; in other nations, the legal drinking age is 18. In fact, until the age of 21-27, the nervous system is not even fully matured. Most youngsters believe that this is an inappropriate age for them and so drink secretly at parties and social gatherings. While most parents, who consume alcohol at an early age, do not intervene and allow their children to repeat the same mistakes they did when they were younger; there are some exceptions.

(Burton, 2020) stated that if you drink and drive, the consequences can include vomiting, liver failure, dehydration, lapses in judgment, and even vehicle accidents that result in death if you are not careful. People drink to distract themselves from the problems and anxieties of everyday life that they may be experiencing. It has the potential to generate tears and emotional suffering inside families and their lifelong relationships. Along with being a reason for couples to separate, alcoholism is an issue that most people are too familiar with. It can potentially destroy relationships and communities, alongside drugs and infidelity.

Some of the advantages of consuming alcohol include letting go for a short period. Some people are locked in their everyday routines and rely on alcohol to allow them to experience life through the eyes of a different personality. Some people require it the same way as they use coffee to maintain their power and social lives. Additionally, it lessens your risk of developing dementia, but, oddly, you can still miss stuff when you consume it. It also benefits from preventing the common cold and allowing others to enjoy you more, both of which can be considered bipolar( Neufeld et al., 2020).

To conclude, alcohol should not be allowed to dominate your daily activities in this short argumentative essay. You may live your entire life without ever having experienced the fragrance of alcohol and still have a fulfilling life. I haven’t personally witnessed or experienced the disintegration of families caused by alcohol because I’ve seen it and read stories about it. If you have a family history of alcoholism, you can stop the pattern by opting not to indulge in alcoholic beverages, even if it’s just for a sip or two. It doesn’t make you any cooler or funnier in any way, but it does completely transform your life, not positively.

Works Cited

Burton, A. (2020). The Impact of Smoking Bans in Bars and Restaurants on Alcohol Consumption, Smoking, and Alcohol-Related Externalities. Smoking and Alcohol-Related Externalities (November 13, 2020).

Morojele, N. K., Dumbili, E. W., Obot, I. S., & Parry, C. D. (2021). Alcohol consumption, harms and policy developments in sub‐Saharan Africa: The case for stronger national and regional responses. Drug and alcohol review, 40(3), 402-419.

Neufeld, M., Lachenmeier, D. W., Ferreira‐Borges, C., & Rehm, J. (2020). Is Alcohol an “Essential Good” During COVID‐19? Yes, but Only as a Disinfectant!. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(9), 1906-1909.

Sherk, A., Stockwell, T., Chikritzhs, T., Andréasson, S., Angus, C., Gripenberg, J., … & Woods, J. (2018). Alcohol consumption and the physical availability of take-away alcohol: systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the days and hours of sale and outlet density. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 79(1), 58-67. Banning Alcohol Consumption Essay Paper




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