Food Additives in Treating Active Crohns Disease Example Paper

Food Additives in Treating Active Crohns Disease Example Paper


Crohn’s disease is classified as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) which causes inflammation of the digestive tract and irritation (Seyedian at al., 2019). It mostly affects the small intestine though sometimes it affects the beginning of the colon. The disease etiology has not been well established but there have been links to abnormal mucosal immune response and other environmental factors. The disease is also said to be heredity or genetic as it can be passed from parent to child. Dietary habits have been recently studied and in most studies, the findings show a correlation significance between the diseases and some foods. Proper treatments for the disease are also yet to be fully understood but some foods’ diets have been said to reduce some symptoms of the disease. Some food additives have been said to retrigger the disease while some help in managing the disease even though no vivid evidence.

Food additives and Crohn’s disease.

Food additives are non-nutritious substances that are added to foods to maintain the taste of the food, safety, fresheners, texture, or appearance of the food products (Parrish, 2021). As said before food some food additives have been linked to managing Crohn’s disease and some act as a risk factor that can trigger the disease. Their many additives but those f interest include sucrolase which is a sweetener, probiotics, nanoparticles, Splenda, and potassium additives.  Food Additives in Treating Active Crohn’s Disease Example Paper

There are two groups of people who are affected by the additives either positively or negatively. The first group is those who have not developed the disease and those who have to developed the disease or are in the active phase of the disease. The additive-microbiota interaction has been seen to have effects on the host gut health (Mimee 2016).

Artificial sweetener

The use of Splenda as a treatment of Crohn’s disease has come to the table of many scientists who want to find deeper on whether it is effective or not. A recent study conducted, Splenda was introduced to mice with bowel disease and those with no disease. The results showed that the mice with bowel disease had increased myeloperoxidase compared to the healthy mice. Myeloperoxidase is an enzyme that kills microorganisms when introduced into the body (Li 2020). The inference is that the increased presence of E. coli intensified the myeloperoxidase activity in the bowel as the body sought to fight off the invader. The function of the Splenda additive in this experiment is to produce the myeleperoxide in the pro-inflammatory mice and not the healthy mice. The findings suggest that the myeloperoxidase was only effective to humans with Crohn’s infection and not health the healthy person.


This study shows that when Splenda is used in people with the infection there is likely hood of the infection getting low or getting cured the sweetener changes in the bacteria. This research second the results found by Alex Rodriguez and his students while he was an assistant professor of medicine at Case Western School of medicine. DR. Alex quoted at the end of his experiments and his students “patients with Crohn’s disease should think carefully about consuming Splenda or similar products containing sucralose (Rodriguez et al., 2018).

Also, McDonald remarked after his experiment that those people who had Crohn’s disease should try to incorporate sucralose to try if their health improves or not even though all these research results create room for more studies to be done (Ghattamaneni, 2018).

Probiotics additives

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as “microorganisms which, whilst administered good enough in right full amounts confer a fitness gain at the person health. Probiotics normally do this by enhancing or restoring the intestine flora and preventing the unwanted microorganisms from overgrowing in the intestine (Cohen 2018). Gut flora refers back to the microorganisms that certainly stay in your digestive tract and are key gamers to your health. Two critical roles microorganisms play withinside the body are the safety of the immune system and assisting metabolism. Therefore, ingesting probiotics can assist someone’s gut flora to enhance his/her normal health. Probiotics are broadly used withinside the feed industry as a feed additive due to the fact probiotics gives a health advantage to human.

Probiotics are yet to be proven that are effective in treating Crohn’s disease directly, for both inductions of remission or upkeep of remission. Several kinds of research have attempted to hyperlink if there has been the effectiveness of the probiotic additive to treat Crohn’s disease however many studies have not shown any statistical significance on their studies. Even though there’s no statistical significance among probiotics and remedies of Crohn’s disease further research has proven that probiotics are useful for intestine health (Kim et al., 2019). Crohn’s disease is related to inflammation that’s a damaging process and it additionally begets different sorts of digestives problems. Studies have proven that probiotic is powerful in the remedy of inflammation and consequently make them powerful to alleviate a number of the signs and symptoms of Crohn’s ailment.

There is growing proof that shows intestinal microbiota performs a function in initiating, preserving, and figuring out the traits and improvement of IBD, And, a few human beings with IBD have filed that taking probiotics can assist with easing a number of their signs and symptoms (Kim et al., 2019). Food Additives in Treating Active Crohn’s Disease Example Paper Recently some people have stated that there’s effectiveness on the use of probiotics because it relieved a number of their signs and symptoms together with bloating, fatigue, eczema, constipation, and skin conditions. Probiotics had been discovered to alleviate human beings with irritable bowel syndrome.

The E. Coli Nissle is one of non-pathogenic strain of the E. coli bacteria that has been maximum clinically trialed in in the search for cure for crowns disease. In a study done by Malchow, E. Coli Nissle or placebo was given for 12 months on those who had the disease. Both groups additionally obtained widespread steroid remedies at an equal time (Veerappan et al., 2012). The results confirmed that even as remission charges have been comparable for each group (suggesting no extra advantage to including the probiotic to traditional steroid remedy) the subsequent relapse rates have been decreasing withinside the E.coli handled the group.

This way that when remission has been accomplished much less of the probiotic group re-evolved symptoms. Whilst this precise pressure of E. coli has proven probiotic potential, we’d recommend practitioners await extra studies earlier than looking for any E. coli supplements, as of path different lines of this microorganism are properly documented and widely recognized for his or her pathogenic impact at the human body.

Saccharomyces Boulardii is a well-researched probiotic yeast that has additionally been appreciably trialed in Crohn’s disease victims. In an experiment done by a scientist, Guslandi and his colleagues put patients with Crohn’s disease into groups and gave one group divided CD sufferers into groups, and gave one of the groups an anti-inflammatory and another group the same drug but added an s.boulardii probiotic in a couple of days (Cartwright 2003). this experiment continued for a month and analyzed the results. the results stated that those who were administered with the probiotic developed an afternoon flare-up while does who were given anti-inflammatory only were reported to have developed a day flare-up in their symptoms. this shows that the s.boulardii provided a shielding effect on the probiotic.

Nanoparticles additives

Nanoparticle are food additives that are used to kill micro-organism in food substances and it is widely used in food industries and agricultural industries (Naughton ET AL 2019). Nanoparticles are to be capable of killing certain microbes that may invade food substances. This particles such as zinc oxide have been linked to reducing microbial diversity especially firmates. Silver has been used to reduce Faecalibacterium and clostridium bacterias. Silicon and titanium are known for increasing the number of proteobacteria in the body. These results are according to research findings of TAYLOR And his colleagues where they studied three nanoparticles i.e titanium dioxide, zin oxide, and cerium dioxide which they finally find out that these particles had significantly decreased the amount of microbial population.

Nanoparticles have been widely applied in the different scientific diagnoses of diseases, treatment of certain diseases, and theranostics applications (Janib, et al., 2010). Nanoparticles can yield significant results even when used in small amounts and are less toxic or have fewer side effects.

In recent years, studies to find out the effectiveness of nanoparticles to treat IBD, especially Crohn’s disease have been taken to action both in-vivo and in-intro investigations (jiang et al., 2014). The inflammatory response of the IBD diseases has created an interest in carrying out experiments that involve nanoparticles through formulating precise carriers that can enhance colon delivery. Nanocarriers have been said to enhance colon delivery and also improve colon bioavailability and reduce complications that may arise in oral and intravenous administrations Talegaonkar & Bhattacharyya 2019). Also, some studies have suggested that Nanoparticles should be used inform of nanoemulsion, lipid-based nanocarriers, and other forms that can be driven from natural compounds or natural products mostly used in Chinese medicine. Other studies suggest the use of nanoparticles inform of DDS, especially when intended in the treatment of IDBSs.

Nanoparticles can be used as a diagnostic tool for Crohn’s Disease and can be used in Computed Tomography (CT) are contrasts agents for Gastro-Intestinal tract imaging in people suffering from active Crohn’s disease, this is helpful because other agents like conventional iodinated and barium-based Computed tomography have no specific any longer effective in determining the specific the inflamed site of the gastrointestinal tract (Glaudemans, et al 2010).

Besides, polyethylene glycol-primarily based nanocarriers, coupled with molecular adhesion molecules and loaded with quantum dots, research has propensity tore generated as useful nanodevices for unique IBD identification. supported preceding studies withinside the present-day work, reviews have been done distinct nanomaterial’s carried out to analysis and remedy of active Crohn’s disease. Late advances in engineering technology have created Nanoparticles superb gear to be deployed withinside the feisty combat in opposition to IBD (Scheme ) (Glaudemans, et al 2010). at some point of the research review, researchers have specialized in distinct NonaMolcules carried out to the remedy and analysis of IBD.

Potassium additives

Research that was done by Translational Health Science Technology Institute located in Faridabad in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School observed some US ladies for over 10 years to examine the potassium content material of their urine (Gries, 2010). Their nutritional consumption changes into additionally was also monitored for the 10 years of the research. The researchers located that nutritional consumption of potassium, compared to that of sodium, changed into related to reduced hazard of deveCrohn’s disorder.

This research additionally located that extracellular potassium modifies the T molecular reaction to the technology of disorder stopping T cells. Also at the same time, laboratory findings and those done outside the laboratory found that residing cells, potassium changed into located to suppress the T-cells proliferation indicating its position in an anti-inflammatory function. this finding was firstly published in a journal called frontier in immunology and the researchers gave way for more research to be done especially on how dietary potassium could regulate the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the reason for Crohn’s disease is the imbalance immune system of the body, the T cells a type of white blood cell can regulate the immune system and reverse an active Crohn’s disease and can attack Crohn’s disease to reverse the disease. T cells work under the principle of engulfing any substance that may interfere with the immunes system and therefore can prevent Inflammatory Bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease (Marks et al., 2010).

Research has found a controversial concern in the study of T-cells on fighting cross disease. Some Tcelss have been found to promote and keep someone at risk of developing Crohn’s disease. A good example of this T-cells is the Th cells that have been found to promote inflammation and therefore making it sim[ple for someone to develop IDB.

In the everyday human body, there may be fashionable stability among those contrary varieties of T-cells. In IBD cases, this stability has been located to have been disrupted if The T-cells abnormally increase in number. The actual cause for this imbalance isn’t thoroughly understood, scientists though accept it as true with that nutritional behavior and environmental elements cause it. The results of smoking or hygiene situations also are being explored. A few years ago, a paper proof to reveal that an extra of salt (sodium chloride) makes human beings greater liable to auto-immune disorders (Singh et al., 2021).

The findings of those papers placed the research group, which was running on IBD a few time, on a selected line of thinking. It is pretty widely recognized that sodium and potassium have very contrary effects and features in a variety of biochemical and physiological approaches in the human body. If extra sodium changed into growing possibilities of growing auto-immune diseases, it changed into feasible that potassium should suppress the possibilities.

In seconding the research results found in the USA among women, another research was done in India where they remote the T-cells and studied the reaction of the T-cells to an extra amount of the potassium additives (Graff et al., 2009). The study founding corresponds to the study found in the USA. Potassium did certainly have an inhibiting impact on the ailment-selling T-cells at the same time as it generated ailment-stopping (Foxp+ Tregs) cells (Graff et al., 2009).

The fact is that a potassium-rich weight-reduction plan or a better presence of potassium withinside the digestive tract can also additionally suppress the threat of growing IBD with the aid of using editing T-cells’ reaction to the technology of ailment-stopping cells. The facts produced in research studies offer overwhelming proof to indicate that a potassium-wealthy weight-reduction plan can lessen the progression of IBD. Thi study is one of the studies that used a big number of human cohorts. This is likewise the primary study that right away hyperlink among potassium and the functioning of T-cells.


To conclude, the food additives have not been 100 percent confirmed to heal an active Crohn’s disease directly but researchers have found that some additives will stop the progression of this disease and other Inflammatory Bowel diseases. Additives such as Splenda, sucralose, nanoparticles additives, and sodium additives have been experimentally found to significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease. Even though most researchers were not certain about the results but at least there is some proof and evidence that they can treat the disease even though not effectively.

Some of these additives work indirectly as the potassium additives work by boosting the T-cells which again turn in boosting the immunity which then regulates the inflammatory of the Gastrointestinal tract. Some work as an anti-inflammatory like the Splenda additive works on patients who have been affected and reverse the inflammation thus promoting healing of Crohn’s disease. Most of these additives are non-toxic but still one has to be cautious when using them as a home remedy still someone can seek medical assistance where effective drugs have been found to heal the disease.


Cartwright, P. (2003). Probiotics for Crohn’s & Colitis. Prentice Publishing.

Cohen, P. A. (2018). Probiotic safety—no guarantees. JAMA internal medicine178(12), 1577-1578.

Ghattamaneni, N. K. R. (2018). Anthocyanins in chronic inflammatory bowel disease in rats (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Queensland).

Glaudemans, A. W., Maccioni, F., Mansi, L., Dierckx, R. A., & Signore, A. (2010). Imaging of cell trafficking in Crohn’s disease. Journal of cellular physiology223(3), 562-571.

Graff, J. C., Kimmel, E. M., Freedman, B., Schepetkin, I. A., Holderness, J., Quinn, M. T., … & Hedges, J. F. (2009). Polysaccharides derived from Yamoa™(Funtumia elastica) prime γδ T cells in vitro and enhance innate immune responses in vivo. International immunopharmacology9(11), 1313-1322.

Gries, R. (2010). Ernest Dichter and motivation research. S. Schwarzkopf (Ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Janib, S. M., Moses, A. S., & MacKay, J. A. (2010). Imaging and drug delivery using theranostic nanoparticles. Advanced drug delivery reviews62(11), 1052-1063.

Food Additives in Treating Active Crohn’s Disease Example Paper

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