Blood Clotting Mechanism Example Paper

Blood Clotting Mechanism Example Paper

Blood clots are due to one of two pathways. This is the intrinsic pathway, which takes place when a clot forms on the inside of the bloodstream as a result of an underlying anomaly or a blood vessel harm. Second, once blood is subjected to the outside surroundings after damage, such as an icicle penetrating, the extrinsic pathway is activated. Irrespective of how the clot formation operation starts, the clot structures in the same way. It’s alluded to as the potential mechanism. The term “coagulation” relates to the procedure of blood clotting. Platelets, as well as numerous factors found in blood plasma such as proteins, calcium, enzymes, and vitamin K, play a role in the clotting process.

Small, repeated traumas in everyday life result in minor vessel injuries, increasing the risk of spontaneous haemorrhage. Extrinsic injuries can cause bleeding by severing vessels, which must be treated quickly. The vascular wall must have normal resistance and contractility, and the platelets, as well as many other factors involved in the coagulation process, must have normal concentrations and activity (Junge, 2006). When air enters the wound, the body responds by forming a platelet plug; the severed collagen and other chemicals from the wound attract platelets, which seek out damaged tissues and adhere to them. Blood Clotting Mechanism Example Paper

The platelet plug is only a stopgap measure. The hormone thrombin then triggers the conversion of fibrinogen, resulting in the formation of a thin fibrin meshwork. These fine fibrin threads mesh with platelets to form a blood clot, which pulls the edges of blood vessels together. This movement squeezes out the serum, which is mostly blood plasma, and platelet-derived growth factor signals smooth muscles and fibroblasts to repair the injured area, preventing bleeding or blood loss entirely (Clemetson, 2012).


An axonic reflex causes localized, transient vasoconstriction in response to injury to the vessel and its overlying structures. Its physiologic significance is unknown, though it is possible that by slowing circulation, this mechanism facilitates platelet accumulation along the vessel wall and at the site of injury (Clemetson, 2012). Their platelets quickly clump together. They work in part by mechanically plugging the wound in the vessel. But it appears that their ability to release a series of agents that initiate and regulate the haemostatic process is far more important.

Hemorrhagic shock is a clinical syndrome that is distinguished by lessening in blood capacity caused by blood loss, as a result, cardiac output and organ perfusion are reduced (Klabunde, 2011). Both internally and externally, blood can be lost. The severity of hemorrhagic shock is determined by the amount and rate of blood loss. When the bleeding stops, the arterial pressure gradually returns to normal, as long-term compensatory mechanisms restore normal arterial pressure, the heart rate slows. When there is more blood loss, the recovery time is longer. Fluid administration to raise blood levels, for example, can hasten recovery. Significant blood loss can be fatal, and resuscitation is essential because chronic hypotension causes organ failure and death.

When blood pressure falls, the sympathetic adrenergic system kicks in, which stimulates and constricts blood vessels. Sympathetic activation has a little direct impact on the brain and coronary arteries. arteries, so vasoconstriction in other organs can benefit these circulations by increasing systemic vascular resistance and arterial pressure. Blood Clotting Mechanism Example Paper Reduced organ blood flow causes systematic acidosis, which chemoreceptors detect, due to vasoconstriction and decreased arterial coercion (Klabunde, 2011).

The lymphatic anatomy has long been thought to perform a detached role in the control of immune function by hauling antigen-presenting cells and dissolved antigens to local lymph nodes. Lymphatic endothelial cells significantly alter immune function explicitly by attenuating immune cell entrance into lymphatic capillaries, portraying antigens on major histocompatibility proteins, and modulating antigen-presenting cells, as per the latest report.

The lymph system controls immune responses by transferring bacteria, foreign antigens that could have joined as an outcome of a snip, particulates, exosomes, and lymphocytes to local lymph nodes and lymphatic tissue frameworks. Immunity is regulated at various levels, both assertively and casually. Immune cell entrance through the opening and mobility through the lymph system are effective techniques of lymph immune system response regulatory oversight.


Phagocytosis is a complex process in which cells in almost every organ system remove pathogens and debris. Activation of the inflammatory pathway is usually followed by phagocytosis, which promotes pathogen elimination and inhibits their growth. When skin is severed as a result of an injury, bacteria enter the body and begin replicating. Injured cells respond by releasing histamine, which causes blood vessels to dilate, causing them to leak. This causes inflammation at the site of the wound or injury. When bacteria enter the body, neutrophils respond by phagocytosing them and killing them in large numbers. T cells swing into action to offer aid in directing the lymphatic system response by marking cells for phagocytosis and releasing perforin to puncture any injured or rather the affected region cells (Murray & Wynn, 2011).

Macrophages too make a move by getting to the injured site to consume any marked material not excluding the toxins that may have found a way into the body. Pro-inflammatory macrophages are usually available fairly soon after a scar form, preceded by pro-wound curing macrophages that aid with connective tissue restructuring and development by significantly decreasing the protective immunity (Murray & Wynn, 2011). Thus, upon completion of the coagulation process, lymphatic capillaries aid to reduce swelling by absorbing excess fluid.


Clemetson, K. J. (2012). Platelets and primary haemostasis. Thrombosis research129(3), 220-224.

Junge, T. (2006). Blood clotting mechanism. Surgical Technologist38(10), 12.

Klabunde, R. (2011). Cardiovascular physiology concepts. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Murray, P. J., & Wynn, T. A. (2011). Protective and pathogenic functions of macrophage subsets. Nature reviews immunology11(11), 723-737. Blood Clotting Mechanism Example Paper



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