National Healthcare Essay

National Healthcare Essay

Many Americans go everyday without any sort of health care. This is where the idea for national healthcare came from. People think that having national healthcare would be a very good idea however there are many flaws with it. Throughout this essay it will cover what national healthcare is, what countries have national healthcare, the positives and the negatives of having it.National Healthcare Essay


Universal Health care or more commonly referred to as National Healthcare began in the 1880’s in Germany. (Mcguigan) Every employee and employer in the country paid in a percent into the local health bureaus. Then the health bureaus would distribute the money to the doctor offices when you visit. If this bill is passed this would be the way it would work. For example if they were going to have you pay 10% if you made a 1,000 dollars and someone else made five hundred a week you would pay one hundred dollars and the other person would pay fifty dollars. Even though the healthcare coverage would be the same for you and them you end up paying more than the other person. In a way you would end up paying for their coverage. This is good depending on your pay class if you’re in the upper end of the spectrum you are getting screwed, but in the lower end of the spectrum it’s the best thing to happen.National Healthcare Essay

“I obviously disagree with a lot of what the president’s done, I don’t think that what he’s done is an impeachable offense, versus horrific public policy.”-Rep. Todd Platts (FAULHEFER)

Heffner 2

National healthcare doesn’t sound so bad right? Wrong, one of the key parts to this bill is everyone who works pays in, however everyone has healthcare

National Healthcare: A Bad Idea
Many Americans go everyday without any sort of health care. This is where the idea for national healthcare came from. People think that having national healthcare would be a very good idea however there are many flaws with it. Throughout this essay it will cover what national healthcare is, what countries have national healthcare, the positives and the negatives of having it.
Universal Health care or more commonly referred to as National Healthcare began in the 1880’s in Germany. (Mcguigan) Every employee and employer in the country paid in a percent into the local health bureaus. Then the health bureaus would distribute the money to the doctor offices when you visit.National Healthcare Essay
Sure part of the money put in there was yours, but thanks to you the drug addicts not working will be saved and have no emergency room fees thanks to the forty hours a week you put in. The next problem with national health care is where is all this money coming from? What happens when they start not being able to pay for everyone to go to the doctor for medical treatment? What will happen is medical treatment prices will go down and the quality of your treatment will to. Right now with the way things are you have an option to take treatment for cancer or not to if you have it. When the budget gets tight with national healthcare this option might not be there. There is a chance that it will turn into these people here deserve treatment, but you have cancer so instead of us allowing you to take treatment we don’t have funds to pay for it and your more than likely going to die anyway so we are denying you treatment. Being told that would be horrible.National Healthcare Essay

Health outcomes among ethnic minorities are noted to be worse compared to the general population. These disparities are associated with many factors including patient distrust of the health care system, ineffective communication with providers, and cultural differences (Misra-Herbert & Isaacson, 2012). The Office of Minority Health (OMH) developed the standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) to address the language and cultural barriers to care (OMH, 2014). Three of the standards are discussed along with the level of organizational compliance. Recommendations for improving the application of the standards are also presented.National Healthcare Essay

Standard on Diverse Governance, Leadership, and Workforce
The purpose of this standard is to diversify the leadership and workforce by encouraging organizations to mirror the diversity of the communities they serve. Leaders and employees of different cultural backgrounds have a lot to contribute in terms of knowledge and skills. Eliciting the ideas and perspectives of cultural minorities in the organization fosters innovation that will improve the level of cultural competence in service provision, achieve cost-efficiency, and reduce health disparities. In my workplace, 95% of nurses are Whites despite the Census showing that ethnic minorities, mainly Asians and Hispanics, compose 27% of the community. Hospital leadership is also 100% White. A human resource policy for the active recruitment of qualified cultural minority nurses is yet to be created.National Healthcare Essay

Standard on Education and Training of Leadership and Workforce
Ethnocentrism which may manifest in prejudice and discrimination affects how health care professionals communicate with and care for patients (Singleton & Krause, 2009). Cultural competence is often something that professionals of the dominant culture do not possess and this standard highlights the need for education and training. Learning activities generate awareness of personal biases and expand individual worldviews to include knowledge of and respect for the health beliefs, values, and practices of others (Loftin et al., 2013). Policies reinforce culturally competent behaviors. There have been in-service educational activities for the nursing staff and providers regarding the cultural beliefs and practices of ethnic groups in the community as well as standard procedures when communicating with patients not proficient in English.National Healthcare Essay

Standard on Print and Multimedia Materials and Signage
The purpose of this standard is to ensure language congruence. Signage in other languages allows patients who cannot read or understand English to navigate the environment. Likewise, print and multimedia materials in the patient’s language facilitate an understanding of his or her rights and responsibilities as well as health care information related to his or her medical condition. At present, our signage and most of the printed materials are in English, Spanish, and Chinese. However, many of our multimedia materials for patient education are available in English only and those with translations are in Spanish. As such, there are not enough materials for Asian but non-Chinese patients.National Healthcare Essay

One recommendation is that commitment to workforce diversity should be manifested by human resource policies that promote the active recruitment, retention, and development of qualified cultural minority employees. For instance, there should be a Diversity Office with oversight from a Diversity Officer at the level of senior management. This office will coordinate efforts to increase diversity in leadership and workforce. It will also develop professional support systems for minority employees and counter all forms of discrimination.National Healthcare Essay
At the level of clinical practice, it would be better to create a multidisciplinary committee that will spearhead cultural competence improvements. Efforts among different disciplines should be coordinated so that there are uniform expectations as to how each member of the team should care for ethnic minority patients. This will promote greater accountability as everyone is held to similar standards, and will also facilitate interdisciplinary communication regarding how best to respect cultural beliefs and practices.National Healthcare Essay
The third recommendation is to address the lack of multimedia materials in more languages as needed by patients in the community. The materials assist in educating the patient about his or her illness and its management which increases compliance, a behavior that helps address health disparities. However, unlike Hispanics who speak variants of Spanish, Asian minorities come from different countries with different languages. Efforts should be done to locate and secure relevant materials in these languages such as from advocacy groups, the OMH, and other health care organizations National Healthcare Essay

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Currently, a lot of issues are being debated in the American health care system. The presidential election which was held in the country this year heated up the debate on these issues. Currently, insurance cost is one of the issues that are being debated in the American healthcare system. Originally, the Affordable Health Care Act was proposed with an aim to make the health insurance costs more affordable for every citizen in America. Many attempts that were made to pass this proposal failed. In fact, the Affordable Health Care Act made the health insurance cost for many people expensive than they were. New ¶ The Act also introduced a tax for those individuals who are uninsured. The American people have different opinions on the issue of the cost of healthcare insurance in the country, but most of them agree that there are changes that need to be made on the Act.National Healthcare Essay

Have a strong introductory paragraph which sets the tone for the paper. Then follow it with a paragraph or two, or as needed, to lay out the key issues or points, and then what the paper accomplished, transitioning finally to the body.

A good introduction sets the tone, scope, direction of the paper, and what the paper will accomplish. Otherwise the reader does not know what he or she needs to be considering as he or she progresses towards the conclusion.National Healthcare Essay

During the campaigns of the presidential election held this year, This year? I, as a presidential candidate You ran for the office? What party? suggested a solution for the issue of health care insurance and lot Americans tend to agree with this proposal. What proposal? Probably close to 80 percent thought there was a problem, but few agreed on any one proposal. Who is he, above you stated that Mark Lasky ran for the job? He proposed the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare to be repealed. This would be a good spot for a direct quote to support your ideas. New ¶ Many Americans are very sensitive to the issue of trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act and the Obamacare. The proposal to get rid of the Act and Obamacare would get things in health insurance the way they were before (Hillary, 2016). You are quoting Hillary on a statement about repealing Obamacare? Actually, no one expects any repeal to go back the way it was, but for many things to go back, while still taking care of the poor that Obama promised, but fell short of. New ¶ This solution will also You need to learn to recognize the need for transitions or to have better transitions, and not to rely on conjunctions and adjectives for transitions or to move ideas along. The overuse of words like another, also, in addition, but, but also, furthermore, etc. usually indicate one of three things. One is either not transitioning ideas well; one is not developing ideas fully; and/or, one is adding an afterthought. The latter two often occur when one is rushed, or one does not have sufficient research to support ideas.National Healthcare Essay

You should be aware of this and when proofing your paper keep an eye out for such usage. Then you can either develop better transitions, develop ideas fully into new paragraphs, put the idea in a footnote, or delete altogether. Most of the time the overuse of also, etc. detract from the quality of the work. get rid of the pesky tax that was imposed on individuals who are not covered by health care insurance in the country. Since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the premiums for health insurance have risen steadily. This solution of abolishing the Affordable care Act will help to lower the premiums.National Healthcare Essay


Another solution to the issue of health insurance costs that have been proposed is getting non-profits back in the business of providing health insurance. One issue bringing the insurance costs in the health sector is relying on for-profits only to provide insurance. Many people in America believe that the high costs of premiums in health insurance by the for-profits being the only ones providing health insurance. What does this mean? New ¶This solution will enable the American people to buy health insurance covers from companies who care about the well-being of the American people more than just making money from them. Insurance is not free, and has to have premiums from healthy people to pay for benefits for anyone who becomes ill, and a capitalist society allows for reasonable profit. Actually, the only program the government ought to be in is Medicare, and that could be extended to the poor, and maybe some supplemental to the states for Medicaid if certain thresholds are met. The companies which will be non-profits will provide the American people with insurance carrying affordable premiums While this could be a solution, you don’t provide a strong enough case one way or the other, or suggest how this would differ or be any better. You don’t consider it could be worse as well. 😊 (Elsenberg, 2016).National Healthcare Essay

What follows should be your lessons, which are part of your conclusion, not separate from the conclusion.

Between two solutions, the one that I have settled on is getting rid of the Affordable Care Act and repealing the Obamacare. From public opinions, it is clear that most Americans prefer the solution which entails doing away with the Affordable Care Act and repealing the Obamacare. I personally agree with this, but poll data is inclusive as polls ask different questions that muddy the waters of opinion. But even assuming it is true, you offered no support for this statement in the body of the paper. New ¶People have various reasons for supporting this solution but the most cited factor by many Americans is the high premium costs for health insurance and the tax that is imposed on every individual that is not covered by health insurance (Roy, 2016). The fact that the premiums were low and there was much low deductible before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act made this solution to be more appealing to many Americans. New ¶The federal government plays the biggest role in controlling the cost of health insurance. The federal government plays its role through programs like Medicaid. The federal government also is responsible for laying down the rules and regulations which the insurance companies in the health sector play by.National Healthcare Essay

affordable care act: I monitor healthcare coverage changes hot off the wire affordable care act: Healthcare Reimbursement word cloud collage, health concept background


In order to increase the efficiency in the provision of health insurance in the United States, the government needs to increase the regulations of the private insurance sector. OMG, no. How did you get this from what you argued in the paper, which seemed just the opposite? The problem with Obamacare is the overregulation that exists, not that there is too little. The health insurance market in the United States has placed itself as a private market where every company which is willing and able to provide health insurance sets their (43) Be careful with pronouns, you know what you mean when you are writing, but the reader has context and rules of grammar. If the context is not clear, and that is often the case, one has to rely on the rules. So do not use pronouns if there are words that can agree in number and gender between the pronoun and the intended antecedent.National Healthcare Essay

Review pronouns. A pronoun must agree with its intended antecedent in number and gender. Collective nouns are usually first person. If you do not want to use it, then you need to use a synonym or repeat the original noun, or use an appropriate plural such as the Chinese vice China, or committee members, vice the committee. While context helps, if there is ambiguity the reader must rely on the rules of grammar.National Healthcare Essay

Be sure that no other noun that can agree in number and gender comes between your pronoun and antecedent. While the context may be clear, many times the context is ambiguous and then real problems of understanding can follow. own rules. New ¶ The Affordable care Act which is a federal law enabled the regulation of this market by setting the rules which the companies need to follow when providing health insurance. At the state level, the rules put in place are not enough to create a difference in the sector. A conclusion is not a single paragraph with multiple ideas crammed into it. A conclusion is multi paragraph, and the reason you write the paper. It consists of lessons, and takeaway and/or concluding paragraph. Like the introduction, the conclusion has no new ideas, or documentation, but is based solely on what is presented and documented in the body National Healthcare Essay


You had a good paper and some very good insights. There were some developmental issues, to include that your introduction, body, and conclusion were mostly independent from one another, and did not work as one. But the paper really had no clear focus as the lessons and takeaway in the conclusion did not drive the focus, nor was the lessons and takeaway very clear, detail, and seemed contrary to what you argued in the body.

The body itself rambled at time, and lost cohesion, as there was not clear context for most of the points. Much of the paper read as if you were writing stream of consciousness, and at one point it seemed you paid no attention to what you were writing – i.e. the election year, and that “I” was running. Proof your work better, allow enough time to sleep on the paper so you can revise anything that is needed to be revised.National Healthcare Essay

Work on developing an outline which lays out the problem, the arguments you want to make, and in the context of the lessons and takeaway you will have, and thus outline up front, in the conclusion. This way your body and conclusion will work as one, and you can then outline your introduction to reflect what the paper accomplished, by revising the introduction as the last thing you do.

This will further allow you to develop your arguments better, have better transitions and assure that you have the detail and depth to lay out lessons and takeaway at the end. All three parts of the paper need to work as one.National Healthcare Essay

I will address my concerns in turn. A paper should be focused on the conclusion you want to draw. A paper is not about providing a lot of information, but developing argument using specific events, examples, arguments, etc. Think through your paper to the lessons and takeaway you want to leave the reader, and then outline what you need to develop to support those lessons.

While one can bring in additional ideas, they must directly support the key issues that are necessary and directly relate to the conclusion you will reach. Your conclusion must be fully supported by the body of the paper. All issues and problems laid out in the body, must apply to some lesson and conclusion you raise in the paper. While one can have background related to material needed not for the conclusion but for the material supporting the conclusion, it still has to be relevant to the focus of the paper.National Healthcare Essay

Your conclusion must be fully supported by the body of the paper. All issues and problems laid out in the body, must apply to some lesson and conclusion you raise in the paper. While one can have background related to material needed not for the conclusion but for the material supporting the conclusion, it still has to be relevant to the focus of the paper.

You need to proof your pronouns. You know what you mean when you write, but the reader needs proper grammar to assure the context is correct.

You need to develop strong instincts on when to use quotes and use them effectively. This will help you with paragraph development, and to better argue your points. I will add some examples near the end of my comments below.National Healthcare Essay

Facts are building blocks to the conclusion, but using only facts is like building a house with only wood slats and not having any paint, eaves, molding, etc. to make the house stand out. One uses fact to lay out the basic information, then one uses direct quotes tied to the discussion, preferably from other sources than those used for the basic information, examples, or alternative data to discuss the reasons why something is true or possibly not true, or an alternative view or all three over several paragraphs. This helps build a strong case and developed argument that provided the specific data one uses to reach the conclusion. When one only provides facts, one is not giving the reader the benefit of your research, or your originality that would come from your discussion.National Healthcare Essay

By finding multiple sources for all data you assure you are fully covering the topic, and have more sources upon which to draw from in both writing the paper, and supporting it. By looking for primary, or original documentation, and you can do this by seeing what sources your secondary source used, and by corroborating all data, you then build a body of knowledge in your own data base. Then when you write, you write mostly from your head which is an amalgam of all the material you read,

Then you know when you are writing something that is unique to only once source and can document that idea or concept. And you will bring in various quotes, and examples, to support your writing. But you can only do so if you do focused, not general research.National Healthcare Essay

Be sure to go back after you finish the draft of the paper and rewrite your working introduction/proposal to reflect what the paper actually did, not what you originally hoped it would do. This way you can double check that you have the three parts of a paper working together.

The introduction should be the last thing you revise so it reflects what the paper does. The conclusion should drive the outline. There are several ways to do this. One common way is think the paper through to what you want to leave the reader with. Have the initial ideas for the lessons clear before you start. Then outline the paper, and conclusion.National Healthcare Essay

The second is to do the first draft, then follow the process by outlining, again as hopefully you had an outline to start, the key points and identifying the lessons that you make while developing those points. Then craft the lessons and finalize the conclusion.

Sleep on the paper, then with fresh eyes review and revise one last time and proofread for paragraph development, proper quote and pronoun usage, etc. Learn to use proper quotes, I provide the primer and the PowerPoint in the student center, and gave examples in the first paper’s feedback.

I want to iterate this point as well. When proofreading your paper, the last thing you write, or redraft, is the introduction. This way you can lay out for the reader what the paper does, and accomplishes. It will serve as a review that the body and the conclusion did work together.National Healthcare Essay

You might try a reverse outline when you proof your work. After you finish your first draft, outline the key point and sub arguments you make in the paper. And the points you have in both your introduction and conclusion. Then evaluate them.

Are they in logical order, are you going back on yourself and discussing information that is overlapping? Are you raising issues or problems that you are not bringing to some fruition or are laying a foundation for information that is relevant to the conclusion? Are all the points in the conclusion well supported? And does the introduction introduce what follows, and what will be later developed in the paper?National Healthcare Essay

Here are with some examples on using quotes. For example, quotes add credibility. If you wrote: The president assured the people he would fight to the last man. In his speech the president said: “I will fight to the last man.” That would be redundant. And this would not be a good quote.

However, note the following two uses.

The president addressed the Congress pointing out that he took personal responsibility for the action. In defense of the decision, the president stated flatly: “Sometimes when one sits behind the desk, there are no clear answers. I have an obligation to make the best decision I can with what information I have. It is my obligation and my duty to the people.”National Healthcare Essay


The president addressed the Congress pointing out that he took personal responsibility for the action. Former President Bill Clinton gave credence to the President Bush’s words when, after the speech, Clinton pointed out: “Whether one agrees or disagrees with the president, at times it is only the president and his conscious. It is his call and it is the president that was elected to make that call.”National Healthcare Essay

This quote is used to corroborate an idea.

This should give you an idea of using a quote for credibility and one for corroboration.


If the bibliography and footnotes/reference page have a 1:1 ratio then one is not doing research. It is like building a home project and using just what one finds in one’s back yard. Good research, especially as one should be finding multiple source for credibility and corroboration, and assure that all ideas are being explored, is more like deciding to build a project and going from store to store to find the best material. But one notes not only what one eventually buys, but all the items one looked at to help one to decide what to buy. National Healthcare Essay

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