Post University Progressive Disease Health Discussion

Post University Progressive Disease Health Discussion


DB 6.1

In thinking about your required reading in terms of the Matrix Model, please summarize this treatment model. What are the basic ideas incorporated this treatment model? Please summarize your thoughts. Please be sure to also discuss the 5 types of sessions [1) Individual/Conjoint Sessions, 2) Early Recovery Skills Group, 3) Relapse Prevention Group, 4) Family Education Group, and 5) Social Support Group (Continuing Care)]that are used and the differences in the intensive treatment and continuing care phases.

NOTE: You must make at least 1 substantial posting and 2 substantial replies to this thread. You must participate in the Unit discussion board (making postings/replies) at least 3 days per unit to qualify for full credit and also have at least 1 posting by Wednesday at midnight. You also must use APA style in your posting and replies so please use in-text references and provide a reference to give proper credit to the authors.  Post University Progressive Disease Health Discussion

DB 6.2

Permanent behavior change with a chronic and progressive disease such as addiction is hard to maintain. From your reading, please explain the research which suggests that the Matrix Model has been proven useful in several studies. Please summarize the findings from your reading and also explain at least 2 examples in which the Matrix Model could be useful with the clients you will be treating in the future. Please explain the setting in which you hope to work (if you are unsure pick one of interest) and how the Matrix Model could be used successfully. Be sure to provide details to support your ideas.

NOTE: You must make at least 1 substantial posting and 2 substantial replies to this thread. You must participate in the Unit discussion board (making postings/replies) at least 3 days per unit to qualify for full credit and also have at least 1 posting by Wednesday at midnight. You also must use APA style in your posting and replies so please use in-text references and provide a reference to give proper credit to the authors.


DB 6.3

Lloyd is a 23 year old single male who chose to move to Dallas, Texas instead of going to college. He has been working as a plumber’s assistant for the last couple of years and will soon get his union membership. However, he has to pass a drug test which has brought him to treatment at your agency presently. “Then I could bid on city jobs and make a very comfortable living.” As it is, he makes pretty good money when jobs are around. During lean times he works on cars and motorcycles on the side. He reports an active social life with his friends and all of them do some type of drug or another.  Lloyd prefers to smoke or shoot methamphetamine and has done so for 5 years. He reports that he prefers to inject meth but many of his veins have collapsed leaving few options. Lloyd says he doesn’t do any other drugs but has tried them all. Occasionally he will drink some Scotch but lately his stomach has been really giving him trouble. Sometimes it will feel like multiple stab wounds in my gut that go on for hours. It really has me scared. He’s seen his doctor and she prescribed some Demerol and an antacid. He’s pretty sure it’s related to his drug use. Lloyd tells you quite frankly that when he gets too bad and too sick from the drugs he’ll take himself out. “Hey, I think of suicide from time to time. If it gets really bad? I mean.”

In thinking about Lloyd’s case, please answer the following questions:

-How might the Matrix Model help Lloyd? What are some benefits and limitations to this model in thinking about Lloyd’s case? Please be sure to discuss at least 2 benefits or limits and elaborate on your thoughts.

-In thinking about your readings, how might Lloyd progress through the stages of treatment? Please discuss the process of treatment for Lloyd and any potential obstacles that might occur during each stage. Be sure to share examples and elaborate on your thoughts.

NOTE: You must make at least 1 substantial posting and 2 substantial replies to this thread. You must participate in the Unit discussion board (making postings/replies) at least 3 days per unit to qualify for full credit and also have at least 1 posting by Wednesday at midnight. You also must use APA style in your posting and replies so please use in-text references and provide a reference to give proper credit to the authors.


Welcome to Unit 6

Welcome to Unit 6

Welcome to Unit 6!

Assignments due for Unit 6 in addition to material presented in class:

For Unit 6, please complete the following listed below.

  • Please read the Matrix Model of Intensive Outpatient Treatment by Rawson & McCann (2006) by clicking  HERE HERE – Alternative Formats .
  • Please read A Multi-Site Comparison of Psychosocial Approaches for the Treatment of Methamphetamine Dependence by Rawson et al. (2003) by clicking  HERE HERE – Alternative Formats .
  • Optional but Recommended: Please view these helpful treatment manuals that can be used in your future sessions and to get a good orientation to how treatment using the Matrix Model is structured by clicking  Counselor Manual Counselor Manual – Alternative Formats OR  Client’s Treatment ManualClient’s Treatment Manual – Alternative Formats OR  Client’s Treatment Companion Client’s Treatment Companion – Alternative Formats

Post University Progressive Disease Health Discussion

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