Strategies of Healthcare Leadership Essay

Strategies of Healthcare Leadership Essay


Your reading this week was careful to identify the differences between management development and leadership development programs (p. 190). Leadership development programs for a part, if not all of the staff, can be a powerful tool for improving services delivered to consumers and the long-term success of the firm. For this week’s assignment, you are going to propose and discuss a leadership development program.

After reading Chapter 10, think about the differences between management and leadership development, as well as the leadership skills discussed in the text (p. 195) to come up with your proposed Professional Development Program topic. Examples might include Diversity and Inclusion training, Emergency Preparedness training, Team-Building and Communication training, etc. Once you have determined your topic, complete the Leadership Development Proposal template (available in your Instructional Resources and below) which will help you think through the various components of the program

After completing your proposal template, add a section called “Discussion” in the same document and answer the following questions:

Explain how this training is a leadership development training and what leadership skills staff will have after completing this training.  Strategies of Healthcare Leadership Essay

Your textbook gives an example of what can happen when a needs assessment is not done well (p. 191). What should the needs assessment for your training consider carefully?


  1. Discuss how this training would be evaluated, including what outcomes you think could qualify this training as a success (for example, what gets better for the firm and/or consumers if the program goals are achieved? How will you know that learning occurred?)
  2. Question 2
  3. Conflict in the workplace is incredibly costly to the organization (p. 174). Costs of conflict can include employee turnover, wasted productivity, losing talented staff, absenteeism, negative patient outcomes, and more. Chapter 9 of your textbook lists 7 conflict management strategies that a skilled leader or manager should match to the specific situation they are meant to resolve (p. 182).

For this week’s discussion, choose three of the seven strategies presented in your text to think critically about. For each of the three strategies, address the following:

Describe an example situation that this technique could be well-suited to solve

Discuss how the technique could resolve the situation and the specific considerations a leader must consider when using this technique

Think back to what you learned in Chapter 6 about the need for trust. How does this technique support or challenge trust between those in conflict? How does it help or hinder trust in the institution?

Strategies of Healthcare Leadership Essay

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