Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Essay

Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Essay


This reflection presentation describes differences between psychology and psychiatric rehabilitation. It also explains values that guide practitioners in the recovery process and the importance of clarifying the distinctions between disciplines.

Keyword: Psychology, Psychiatric rehabilitation


Psychiatric rehabilitation refers to “efforts of restoring persons with mental disabilities to optimal states of constructive activity” Roberts 2014, p 15. The goal of psychiatric rehabilitation is helping individuals with serious or persistent mental illnesses develop the intellectual, social and emotional skills required for to learning primarily. It also extends to a person’s work life as well as their interaction within their community. Many of them live and survive in society with limited support from family and professionals. As such rehabilitation is important to their mental, social and physical well – being.

Experts have recognized that rehabilitation enables persons affected by chronic mental illness to return their communities and live a normal life among peers. For example, these individuals operate within a specific social context. They perform roles such as wife, husband, mother, daughter, sibling as well as professionals. Each role involve interaction with significant people in their social world. Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Essay  Hence rehabilitation affords mental ill people an opportunity to feel accepted in their social environments as being valuable.

However, Psychology is different because it is exclusively the study of human behavior as it pertains to the mind activities. Experts have described Psychology as a science responsible for investigating the etiology of mental behaviors applying systematic and objective procedures for measurement as well as observations. Psychologist believe that theoretical interpretations, predictions and generalizations could explain these behavior phenomena. Consequently, while psychology is concerned with the way human minds function to produce thinking, learning, perception, acting, feeling and reacting psychiatric is a completely different science.  More importantly, psychiatric rehabilitation “is to enable individuals to compensate for or eliminate the functional deficits, interpersonal barriers and environmental barriers created by the disability and to restore…” (Roberts, 2014 p 15).


For practitioners to perform at the highest-level of proficiency, distinct of principles or values ae applicable to each intervention executed in the practice. Two major principles currently practiced within the science are normalization and strength based approach. “Normalization is the achievement or acquisition of valued social roles for consumers” (Roberts, 2014 p 470). These concepts require practitioners applying normalization to their practice offer this opportunity to all persons to whom they have to render care. This is important, especially, to persons with learning difficulties. Significantly, normalization enables these clients to be restored into their accustomed life patterns of very close  as possible in alignment with societal norms society(Roberts, 2014).

The strength based approach seeks to reflect the values, capacity, knowledge, skills and potential deep within individuals and their communities. Precisely, it is a collaborative process between the client and his/her community service provider. An advantage of this model is the collaboration it affords clients. Essentially, they have the privilege of determining the outcome by participating in planning the intervention.

An example of this approach could be observed many family supported programs. Practitioners assist families when applying this approach through encouraging participation in the program. They are required to offer the additional support needed by the client.

Reflecting on topics addressed in class, it is the public perception mental illness is a stigmatized disease.  This sis an aspect of negative stereotyping and social rejection,. Meanwhile, “much of the stigma around mental illness has its roots in ignorance and fear” (Roberts 2014, p 14).  There is a saying in my country stating that “once you’ve been treated of your mental illness the illness will one day come back so beware’.

In the Ghanaian culture there are many mentally ill people homeless and sleeping on the streets because families do not recognized their illness with empathy. Stigmatization removes solid relationships. Families are ashamed to own their loved ones who have become mentally challenged. The perception of now being useless deprives the mentally ill of their self-esteem and recovery is more difficult to achieve. Therefore healthcare professionals, politicians and departments of social welfare ought to advocate for policies to remove labeling and ostracizing of mentally ill persons from the society.

In more developed society attempts are made at integrating mentally ill people back into their social environment such as home, job, church and educational institutions if the desire exits. Hence, the purpose of psychiatric rehabilitation in developed nations across the world. Mentally challenged individuals are valuable citizens. If governments continue to make the incapable of participating in the social structure the cost of providing for them as disabled citizens becomes an economic burden on the nation and families.

Ultimately, practitioners in the field of psychiatry have to become advocates for the mentally ill in our society. They are the homeless and many accused of crimes being imprisoned due to their mental condition. Judges criminalize them falsely, especially those with bipolar disease who have the tendency to murder. Advocates have to protect them from the law as well as exploitation of their vulnerability.

Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatric Rehabilitation Essay

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