The Psychology of Habit Example Paper

The Psychology of Habit Example Paper

This field research report is based on the Rickell Literature Review, and it seeks to investigate and find answers to the question on hand. Rickell is a student who is a new student at Kipps High School with an intellectual disability. The research topic agrees on the importance of rewarding children with tangible items for good behavior. It seeks to know the effects of external stimulus on learning.

Research methods used in this study resulted from observed Rickell’s behavior that was done using zoom classes, which also had its limitations. The Two items are used in the data collection, and this was the presentation of Ariana Grande’s picture and the playing of pop music for five days with data being collected. The Psychology of Habit Example Paper The production of the two items was done simultaneously to get the intended results. The limitation was that the picture had lowered quality since it was presented online. The music was also of a low quality. This study is essential for people living with disabilities. It is seen that through research and other studies, there is a chance for them to learn and the other ordinary people in the society.


Arians Grande’s picture motivated Rickell to behave positively and allowing Rickell to listen to music whenever he displayed the desired behavior improved consistency in displaying positive behaviors. This, though, had a disadvantage on Rickell as he occasionally presented intended negative behavior to get rewarded by the items.

This research-based on the learner Rickell shows the effects of an external stimulus on learning. The study and collection are essential as it builds for a furthered research on the implications of rewards in education and learning. It is necessary not only for educators but for the family, students, and the community.


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The Psychology of Habit Example Paper

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