Psychology Behind Eating Disorders Annotated Bibliography Example

Psychology Behind Eating Disorders Annotated Bibliography Example

The issue of eating disorder has long been plaguing the human society ever since the beginning of time. Relatively though, the problem behind it specifically indicates the fact that there is something in the human behavior that needs to be altered to help those who suffer from such instance of particular disorder. In the presentation of references below, a focus on the psychological backgrounds that explains both the causes and the resolutions presented to provide an answer to the growing problem of eating disorder among human individuals shall be given attention to.

Australian Psychological Society. (2012). Public perception of eating disorders clouded by false beliefs, study shows.  (Retrieved on October 9, 2013). In this particular documentation, the Australian Psychological Society notes some of the most common misconceptions about eating disorders while presenting a more constructive and scholarly defined indication on what eating disorders are really about. This documentation could help in improving the explanation about the realities of eating disorders as a basic foundation of the study that is being established.

British Psychological Society and Gaskell. (2004). Eating Disorders: Core interventions in the treatment and management of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and related eating disorders. (Retrieved on October 9, 2013).The British Psychological Society and Gaskell specifically points out in this presentation how eating disorders could be intervened through properly managing the behavior of patients being treated under the said diagnosis. Psychology Behind Eating Disorders  Relatively, such condition of development is expected to make a distinctive manner on how sufferers of particular eating disorders are better understood and helped to cope up with the situation which is the same aim of the research being completed.

 “Psychology Works” Fact Sheet: Eating Disorders . (2012). Canadian Psychological Association. (Retrieved on October 9, 2013). In this documentation, the Canadian Psychological Association presents rough graphs about the facts and statistics on the rate of individuals suffering from eating disorders. The collection of data are rather general hence could give a height of statistical validity for the research being completed. This information aims to bring about a sense of realization thus increasing understanding about the widespread situation that affects people from all over the globe.


Wilson. T. (2005). Psychological Treatment of Eating Disorders. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. (Retrieved on October 9, 2013). The author of this reading focuses on how to divert the attention of patients as well as redirecting their behavior towards food and how it is supposed to be eaten. Relatively, this reference shall provide a better sense of defining what specific treatment or therapy could a sufferer of eating disorder undergo to be able to recover from the said situation without having the need to undergo extensive diet change.

Psychology Behind Eating Disorders Annotated Bibliography Example

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