Health Effects of Education Essay Discussion Paper

Health Effects of Education Essay Discussion Paper

Having an adequate education is the best tool to enhance the quality of life for anyone. Deciding to obtain a college degree is the best choice a person can make. Although going to college will require that one makes some sacrifices. There are long hours of studying, being away from family and friends, and failure to name a few. Nevertheless, once the journey has been completed, the rewards are endless. A college education promotes personal development, financial stability, and a healthy lifestyle.

Going to college promotes personal development. For many students, going off to college is the first time they have actually been independent. Health Effects of Education Essay Discussion Paper  They have to learn to make major decisions on their own, as well as keeping up with minor tasks. The relationships they make and maintain helps them to grow as a person. Some of the bonds they develop in college provide them with a networking community that they can use later in life. Also, students encounter diversity in a way that they have not before. They learn tolerance and acceptance of differences (Heron, pg.106).

A college degree ensures that one will make a decent income. Although money cannot buy happiness, it can ensure that one has access to things that will make them happy. Financial stability is very important to families. In the United States, more than 35 percent of divorces are caused by financial issues (Darmon, & Drenowski, pg, 208). Those who have obtained a bachelor’s degree typically make about $1,000 dollars more per month than those with just a high school diploma. Likewise, those who have an advanced degree make about $1700 dollar more than others (Darmon, & Drenowski, pg, 202).       People with a college degree are more likely to maintain healthy eating, sleeping, and physical activities. According to Groot & Maassen van den Brink,


“Education and health are the two most important characteristics of human capital. Their economic value lies in the effects they have on productivity: both education and health make individuals more productive. Health Effects of Education Essay Discussion Paper Education and health have a considerable impact on individual well-being, as well” (pg. 356).

Most people who do not take adequate care of themselves note money and health insurance as the major reason. A person who has a college degree is more likely to have health insurance. When a person has health insurance he/she is 48 percent more likely to visit a personal physician on a regular basis. Having an adequate income also dictates which types of foods a person will buy. People living in poverty have limited food choices. People in poverty buy food in reference to quantity rather than quality. These foods are usually high in carbohydrates and sugars. Consequently, they have a low intake of fruits and vegetables.

Although a college education does not guarantee a successful life, it is a great step towards it. People who have obtained a college degree are 33 percent less likely to suffer from depression and other forms of mental illness (Taylor, pg.155). College exposes the individual to cultural differences that will increase their level of tolerance and acceptance of others. Understanding that your health and body are major assets to one’s success is taught in freshman courses. With this concept instilled, the student is more likely to take care of their body and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Finally, having adequate finances can eliminate unnecessary worry and stress. Worry and stress are leading causes of premature aging and other preventable health issues.

Works Cited

Darmon, N & Drenowski, A. (2008). Does social class predict diet quality? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 87(1) 202-09.

Groot, W. and H. Maassen van den Brink (2006a), “The Health Effects of Education”, Economics of Education Review. 355-62.

Heron, J. (1992). Feeling and personhood: Psychology in another key. Newbury Park, CA: Sage 103-106

Taylor, E. W. (1994). Intercultural competency: A transformative learning experience. Adult Education Quarterly, 44, 154-174.

Health Effects of Education Essay Discussion Paper

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