Medicine and Health Care Thesis Example Paper

Medicine and Health Care Thesis Example Paper

It is clear that for patients to fully handle their chronic diseases, they need a combination of physicians, nurses, and psychologists. Nurses help to handle the chronic diseases in terms of advising and helping the patients with their daily treatments when dealing with their chronic diseases. Medicine and Health Care Thesis Example Paper  Nurses help patients to know when to take their medicines and the types of medicines they need to take at the specific times. Reynolds reports that physicians help patients in the recovery process by also providing important details about drugs and their effects if any (2006). Dieticians on the other hand help the patients to eat a balanced diet during their process of recovery. It is the dietician’s job to make sure that the patient keeps his body healthy so that the drugs can work well and also the body can boost its own internal immunity into fighting the diseases.

Reynolds suggests that chronic diseases can either be long term or short term because some diseases are often inherited from parents while some diseases are acquired in nature (2006). Psychologists help the patients deal with emotional breakdown in case a person has a disease that cannot be cured but can be treated over a short period of time. The work of a therapist is to help the patient realize the usefulness of accepting his condition and being hopeful about it even when they know the disease cannot be cured. Most patients are hopeless when they have chronic diseases and instead of helping themselves, they turn to depressing which leads to suicide or drug addiction with the intention of forgetting their chronic diseases.


Brian K., John H. Victor C. Et al report that all these groups of people need to work together and understand that each of them is important to the patient’s life (2007). These people need to accept and respect each other’s professions because without one of them, the patient will have serious problems in handling the chronic disease.


Brian K., John H. Victor C. Et al: (2007). Merck manual: Importance of having psychologists, nurses and dieticians in patient recovery. California: Berkley University Press.

Reynolds N. (2006). Patient’s recovery at home. Texas: Academic Press.

Medicine and Health Care Thesis Example Paper

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