Infection Prevention and Control Essay Paper

Infection Prevention and Control Essay Paper

Psychomotor Skills

 Psychomotor capacity encompasses a broad variety of physical movements that are linked to conscious perceptual abilities. Accuracy or pace may be used to test psychomotor capability. Similarly, an effective outreach program that includes all of the organization’s social workers is needed. A well-equipped monitoring unit is also an excellent tool for alerting society in the event of an outbreak. According to limited yet convincing studies, more than 70% of infections in health care facilities can be avoided. This, however, can only be accomplished with the right types of ICP programs (Adhikari et al., 2020).


Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a general concept that covers all facets of health care. (IPC) aims at regulating and preventing the spread of a particular disease or infection within a specific geographic area. Health care staff are responsible for ensuring that all employees, patients, and visitors to the health centers are in good health. Similarly, health care professionals with the right kind of basic IPC skills will provide quality services to the community while ensuring that no harm is done to the members (Magiorakos et al., 2017). Infection Prevention and Control According to a survey undertaken by a specific research organization, more than 30% of health professionals are exposed to the risks associated with the patient’s disease.


The risks associated with care providers such as health workers and nurses can be significantly decreased with the right kind of infection prevention and control systems (Kouadio et al., 2012). The acquisition of professional IPC practitioners who can manage IPC initiatives within the health care organization and devise, audit, or execute the implemented policies is necessary for proper implementation of the prevention and control measures.

Cognitive knowledge

Health care facilities are often connected to new outbreaks of other diseases due to their concentration of ill patients. Many intrusive measures have been introduced as patient care sophistication has grown, reducing the risk of related healthcare infections (HAI). Implementing and executing IPC systems has been shown to make healthcare facilities safer and more accessible, according to convincing research (World Health Organization, 2016). Similarly, the number of patients who die or recover as a result of a healthcare infection would be greatly decreased. The different ways that health professionals can use ICP services to protect the lives of patients, employees, and visitors will be addressed in this article. It will also look at how ICP services can be successfully handled and implemented in healthcare facilities.


Importance of maintaining hygiene in a salon

Cross tainting can be tried by keeping up undeniable degrees of cleanliness in your salon. Organisms, infections, parasites, and microbes can immediately spread on the off chance that you don’t do your part to stop them, regardless of whether it’s from yourself, different clients, or grimy gear. Cross tainting is a genuine chance with devices like brushes, scissors, and tweezers – and customers would be somewhat earned out in the event that they discovered you utilized a similar scissors on every one of them without washing them! Germs can without much of a stretch spread between customers as such, bringing about diseases that render them hesitant to get back to you. Everything thing you can manage is focus on cleanliness in your salon’s everyday activities. A salon cleanliness agenda might be utilized to remind the entire staff about prescribed procedures and give preparing on the most proficient method to keep the salon clean.

Understanding the Transmission of Infection

Types of Biological Organisms that Cause Diseases


Bacteria are prokaryotes with nuclear membrane-bound organelles that are not well-established (Dodds, 2018). They have chromosomes that are made up of single DNA molecules that are closed. They come in a variety of sizes, including tiny spheres, spiral strings, rods, and filamentous chains. They make up the bulk of the world’s population and tend to live in inhospitable conditions. Bacterial infectivity is caused by a disruption in the equilibrium between bacterial virulence and the host’s warm resistance; as a result, the bacteria’s primary goal is to reproduce rather than cause illness. As a result, the bacterial interest is not to destroy the host but to bear, and the host dies as a result. The lagging phase, stationary phases, exponential phases and death phase are all stages in the life cycle of bacteria. Tuberculosis, salmonella, and body flora are all examples of bacterial-related diseases.


Viruses have a structure called virions, which is made up of two parts. Both are the nucleic acid and the capsid, which is a protein coat. Double-stranded or single-stranded DNA and RNAs make up the nucleic acids. Similarly, the capsid is responsible for safeguarding the nuclear virus’s genome (Bedoya et al., 2017). The majority of viruses have a diameter of 250-400nm, with 400nm being the shortest. Larger viruses, on the other hand, have a diameter of 700-1000nmin and a length of 1000nmin. Viruses of complex structures can be seen at the highest resolution possible under a light microscope. Viruses have six stages in their life cycle. Attachment, penetration, uncoating, biosynthesis, maturation process, and removal are the steps involved.


A multicellular structure is found in the majority of fungi. The reproductive and vegetative stages are the two morphological stages that they are made up of. Hyphae make up the vegetative stage, while the reproductive stage is more visible. Fungi replicate by using spores, which are inhaled and then land on a person. Fungus infection often begins in the lungs or on the skin. A reproducing fungus’s life cycle is made up of alternating haploid and diploid stages. Nuclear fusion occurs in the haploid process, while zygote formation occurs in the diploid phase.


The protozoans’ composition is made up of unicellular eukaryotes. With ciliates and vesicles, the nuclear is membrane-bound. The nuclear is also distributed in the chromatin, giving it a disused appearance (Kouadio et al., 2012). The protozoa’s life cycle is divided into two phases: proliferative and dormant cysts.

Five-minute Lesson Plan

In the vast majority of cases, diseases affect only those that are susceptible and vulnerable to the illness. Such individuals may have a weakened immune system, rendering them vulnerable to illness (Kisely et al., 20200). Similarly, people with a damaged immune systems that are likely to form other pathogens, such as opportunistic diseases, leaving them vulnerable. More than 20% of patients with a damaged immune systems may develop other illnesses, according to studies. Similarly, surgical wounds on the body’s surface provide a simple entry point for pathogens that are related to various forms of infection. Patients with venous leg ulcers have chronic leg wounds with high morbidity, rendering them vulnerable to other illnesses. However, due to the prevalence of non-healing wounds, this is very normal in older people.


As a result, it’s been shown that using intrusive instruments like catheters in hospitals increases the risk of patients contracting hospital-acquired infections. According to Pratt’s study, the risks of urinary tract infection have increased as a result of the usage of urinary catheters in health-care settings. Urinary catheters are responsible for over 80% of urinary tract infections in most hospitals. Infection Prevention and Control  Similarly, poly-pharmacy has been identified as a common risk factor, especially among the elderly. The majority of the elderly population is still on medication, which puts them at risk of contracting new infections.

Any remaining NMC rules, directions, and exhortation are based on the code. It regularly goes about as a benchmark for evaluating an individual medical attendant’s or maternity specialist’s wellness to rehearse in the event that it is raised doubt about; this is additionally the quality that individuals partner with the code. Regardless of the way that the wellness to rehearse office alludes under 1% of the all-out number of medical attendants and birthing assistants on the NMC’s vault, the two medical caretakers and maternity specialists should figure all the more extensively about how the code will help them in their everyday work. The code ought to be seen as an assortment of center ideas that support all medical caretakers’ and birthing assistants’ training and fill in as a token of their expert commitments. It can likewise be utilized to help dynamic, reflection, and development and improvement.


The immune system and natural defenses help protect the human body from disease-causing pathogens. The skin, mucous membrane, and stomach acid make up the natural walls. White blood cells and antibodies, on the other hand, make up the immune system, which helps in the fight against infections. The skin has cilia and flagella linings that help prevent bacteria from invading the skin’s surface (Zing et al., 2012). However, skin that has been affected by injuries or insect bites may not be resistant to infection.

Strategies of valid and reliable assessment

Preceding patient touch, exceptionally contaminated hands ought to be washed with a disinfectant to evade nosocomial transmission of irresistible infections. This confirmation was allowed around 150 years prior. Hand cleanliness can be accomplished with the utilization of a liquor based hand rub or cleanser, just as running water. Quite possibly the best advances we can take to forestall becoming ill and spreading germs is to keep our hands clean by better hand cleanliness (Kouadio et al., 2012). Hands not washed with cleanser and perfect, running water can spread an assortment of sicknesses and conditions. In the event that you don’t approach spotless, streaming water, which is typical in numerous pieces of the world, use cleanser and whatever water you have. In the event that cleanser and water aren’t accessible, clean your hands with a liquor based hand sanitizer that contains at any rate 60% liquor (Edwards et al., 2012). The World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and different accomplices observe World Hand Hygiene Day on May 5 to urge medical services suppliers to advance and practice great hand cleanliness activities to limit the danger of contamination among patients. Imparting great hand washing propensities in kids requires oversight, especially in a day care climate. Hand washing procedures are easy to learn and can assist with forestalling the spread of irresistible illnesses in the two youngsters and grown-ups. Liquor based hand rubs should be promptly accessible to encourage effective hand cleanliness rehearses, especially in regions where there is no running water. Expanded hand cleanliness authorization by medical services laborers and a decrease in medical services related contaminations have come about because of the utilization of a liquor based hand rub.

Contemporary Framework

As a consequence, by increasing the amount of white blood cells in the blood, it aids in pathogen protection. The invading pathogen is engulfed and eradicated by white blood cells, especially neutrophils and monocytes. If a microorganism inverts, the infected area can experience inflammation, which can lead to a variety of conditions. The immune system responds by attacking invaders or disposing of worn-out tissues in the affected region.


A chain is a word used in describing how certain infections spread through a population. Since they include interconnected measures that determine a pathogen’s movement in the body, they’re called a chain. Researchers hope to improve infection prevention strategies and policies by breaking the chain, preventing infections from spreading further.


In the microorganism regulation, many methods are used. Sterilization, disinfection, pasteurization, hygiene, and asepsis are some of these processes. Both living organisms and viruses are killed during sterilization so that they can no longer reproduce. The pathogens are exposed to high temperatures during pasteurization, which damages and kills them. Similarly, sanitation aids in the killing of certain microorganisms, reducing their number of particles or tissues. Asepsis, on the other hand, aims to identify the appropriate practices and procedures that will aid in the prevention of pathogen contamination.

Understanding medication in the control of infectious disease

The use of drugs to control the infectious disease

In the medical industry, some medicines are used to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Antiviral medications, for instance, are used to treat viral infections. While there is a broad-spectrum virus that acts against several viruses, they target particular viruses. Antibiotics are medications that are used to treat infections caused by bacteria (Kouadio et al., 2012). They don’t always work to get rid of the infection. Similarly, the antifungal condition aids in the management of fungal pathogen-related disease. Anti-parasitic medications, on the other hand, assist in the treatment of parasitic diseases. Infection Prevention and Control Anti-malaria drugs, metronidazole, and Tinidazole are among them. These medications are used to treat infections caused by protozoans, helminths, and ectoparasites. The parasites pay homage to the host and feed on it directly.

How antimicrobial resistance occurs

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when viruses, bacteria, and fungi mutate over time and stop responding to prescription antibiotics, making it impossible to treat the infection. In most cases, this raises the risk of the disease spreading further, resulting in more deaths and serious illness. When the treatment no longer works, the infection remains in the patient’s body, allowing the disease to spread rapidly to others. In most cases, antimicrobial resistance leads to longer hospital stays and more expensive alternatives that could be harmful. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a new strain of Aureus that has developed resistance to b-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and cephalosporin over time (Kouadio et al., 2012). According to research conducted in 1961, MRSA strains are versatile and have major nosocomial pathogens that, in most cases, result in postsurgical wound infections.

Learning and Teaching

According to limited research, nearly 20-80 percent of nosocomial conditions increase the mortality rate, morbidity, and high cost associated with hospital stays around the world. According to the World Health Organization, over 64% of MRSA patients worldwide die of diseases unrelated to MRSA strains. Health care facilities are often connected to new outbreaks of other diseases due to their concentration of ill patients (Edwards et al., 2012). Many intrusive measures have been adopted as medical treatment has become more complicated, lowering the risk of healthcare-related illnesses. According to the enthralling evidence, implementing and executing IPC initiatives will make healthcare facilities safer and more accessible. Similarly, the number of people who die or recover as a result of a healthcare infection would be greatly reduced. The different ways that health professionals can use ICP services to protect the lives of patients, employees, and visitors will be addressed in this article.

To keep the whole team in the health care unit healthy from disease outbreaks, health care patients, guests, and employees must adhere to the organization’s laws. They should implement consistent hand washing systems and maintain good hygiene in the company to help avoid any further outbreaks of the diseases (Kouadio et al., 2012). Similarly, post-exposure risks to already sick patients would be low, ensuring that the service user’s wellbeing is not jeopardized any further. The procedures, practices, and policies that a health care organization implements to minimize or stop the spread of infection, especially in the health care unit, are known as infection prevention and control measures. Health-care staff must also inform and inspire members of the health-care units on the value of adhering to established policies, protocols, and practices.

Education Policy

This will ensure that every member of the health-care team is well-informed and capable of taking the appropriate infection-prevention measures (Burnett et al., 2011). These policies are responsible for ensuring that susceptible patients do not contract the disease while also preventing the spread of antimicrobial-resistant diseases. If the whole population in the health-care units is well-informed about the risks of a specific outbreak, they will be well-informed and take the appropriate precautions if it happens (Adhikari et al., 2020). As a result, health units must provide timely information and advice to ensure that infection transmission is held to a minimum for those concerned. Every person in the workplace should be involved in the prevention and control programs, so that the whole program is a joint effort (Murphy et al., 2012). They should also include trained researchers in their study to assess the best ways to mitigate and potentially eradicate any outbreak.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every twenty hospitalized patients is at risk of developing a healthcare-associated infection. To eliminate these risks, a hand hygiene program must be introduced to ensure that disease transmission is minimized (Mo et al., 2020). Before engaging in some sort of interaction with the patients, the surgical team in the health care units should make it a habit to put on gloves and wash their hands.



The article has highlighted the numerous guidelines that are needed to ensure that infectious disease control and prevention are successful. We looked at the different roles that health workers can play in preventing infectious diseases from spreading within the health-care setting. The risks associated with care providers such as health workers and nurses can be significantly reduced with the right kind of infection prevention and control systems. The acquisition of professional IPC practitioners who will manage IPC initiatives within the health care organization, develop audits, and enforce the implemented policies is necessary for proper implementation of the prevention and control measures. Similarly, an effective outreach program that involves all of the organization’s social workers is required. To reduce the risk of contracting the disease, proper protocols and policies must be implemented. A first aid kit with supplies such as gloves, gowns, goggles, and face masks should be accessible at all times inside the workstation. Hand washing, wearing gloves, and not exchanging personal things like towels and toothbrushes are also policies that must be implemented.


Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Assignment Feedback Sheet

Learning outcome 1. 

Critically review appropriate evidence and relevant bio-scientific theory to evaluate clinical risk and promote safe decision making when caring for people with complex needs.

  • Identify bacteria, parasites, and viruses
  • Analyze cleaning and disinfecting in the salon
  • Review rules and regulations for disinfecting a foot spa and basin
  • Demonstrate how to clean and disinfect foots spas, pedicure equipment, tools and implements and work surfaces
Learning outcome 2. 

Manage essential care skills when evaluating safe, effective Relationship Centred health and social care

Learning about what can cause infections in a salon is very important for the health and safety. There are rules and regulations that must be followed to avoid the spread of bacteria and other illnesses. The application of these precautions will safeguard you and your clients and ensure a safe working environment. Let’s find out what they are!
Learning outcome 3

Critically evaluate the importance of learning and assessing in contemporary nursing situations

  • appraise safe and effective personal care products and services
  • implement policies and procedures regarding health and safety explore safe use of tools to enhance client services


Kouadio, I.K., Aljunid, S., Kamigaki, T., Hammad, K. and Oshitani, H., 2012. Infectious diseases following natural disasters: prevention and control measures. Expert review of anti- infective therapy, 10(1), pp.95-104. Retrieved from

Infection Prevention and Control Essay Paper

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