Therapeutic Interventions to Support the Family Essay

Therapeutic Interventions to Support the Family Essay



Course Paper: Complete 1) a brief, informal interview with a parent; and 2) complete a 45-60 minute observation of a child in a natural setting. 3) Identify a developmental theory: use this theory as a guide in critically thinking about the child’s developmental stages of growth and change. 4) Apply therapeutic interventions to support the family

Your paper will include the following sections. I have provided guiding questions, but please modify them to fit how you would ask the question.

Your Appendix will include the results from the interview and any other supplemental material gathered.

1. Results from your parent interview will include:

a) Prenatal and perinatal history

b) Developmental milestones

  • What developmental stages did the child go through healthily? Were there barriers or inhibitors to hitting these stages? What happened? What was the result? How did the parents intervene? What was helpful and/or not helpful? How would they describe their child’s temperament?

c) Academic history (if applicable)

  • If the child is pre school aged, this is not applicable. However, you can speak to child’s learning and capacity.
  • School aged children: When did they begin school? How did they adapt? What subjects did they enjoy? What were easy and/or difficult transitions? Any emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and/or social issues in school?

d) Parent’s current existing concerns with the child’s development or personality (This might have already been answered by the parent in previous questions, however still ask because there might be something missed)

  • What kinds of concerns do the parents have? What do they see are their child’s strengths and how do those strengths help the child overcome deficits.

2. Results of your child observations

a) Observe, do not intervene. Notice emotional, mental, cognitive, and behavioral responses to interactions and connect when engaging with others. Therapeutic Interventions to Support the Family Do your observations match parent’s report? Notice distinction of child’s interaction between, peer groups, parents, and/or toys.

From your interview with the parent and observation of the child/children, interweave the sections below into your paper

3. Integrate attachment and developmental theory

  • Consider attachment theories and styles.
  • Identify a developmental theory: use this theory as a guide to critically think about the child’s developmental stages of growth and change.


4) Apply three therapeutic Interventions

  • In your interview and observation of the child/children, what are three specific areas of change/growth the parent would like to see. As a therapist, identify an intervention for EACH of the THREE SPECIFIC AREAS. Discuss the use of these interventions: why did you choose these three interventions and what are you hoping to accomplish with each of these intervention?

Textbook(s) • Margaret E. Blaustein and Kristine M. Kinniburgh, Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents: How to Foster Resilience through Attachment, Self-Regulation, and Competency, The Guilford Press, 2nd edition, ISBN-13: 9781462537044

• Bruce Perry & Maia Szalavitz, The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist’s Notebook–What Traumatized Children Can Teach Us About Loss, Love, and Healing, Basic Books, 3rd edition, ISBN-13: 9780465094455

Therapeutic Interventions to Support the Family Essay

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