APRN Scope of Practice Essay

APRN Scope of Practice Essay

The Tennessee State should consider the reforms of the Scope of Practice for the nurses due to a variety of reasons. Considering the benefits accrued from the Scope of Practice it would be wise to consider abolishing the APRN restrictions within the state. For instance, according to the report presented by the institute of Medicine (IOM), the future if nursing should be empowered and invested in through ensuring that the nurses are in a position to practice all that they were educated and trained in their studies (The Institute of Medicine, 2010). In this case if the APRN scope of practice is enacted in the State of Tennessee, the nurses will be able to deliver their responsibilities efficiently and effectively.

The APRN Scope of Practice will enable both the nurse and the other medical practitioners in the organizations interact effectively within the hospital.  APRN Scope of Practice Essay.That will be as a result of the fact that the nurses will be allowed to do more in coordination with the doctors such that the nurses are well positioned to apply what they know. Consequently, the nurses will be motivated to accomplishing their roles in a confident and effective way. The result of this coordination will be increased medical health care in the health sector (The Future of Nursing, 2010).


The Scope of Practice will enable the enables the nurses to not only practice all what they have already learnt but to further what they know. The APRN Scope of Practice will encourage the nurses to learn continually since they are able to practice what they learn in school. The advantage of them learning more is that the health care sector will be enriched in terms of care giving capability. In other words, as more of the nurses increase their levels of education, they are privileged to even have more responsibilities within the health care organizations. There are better chances of the health sector improving if the responsibilities within the organization are distributed more.

As can be deduced from all these advantages, the APRN Scope of Practice strategy will create an effective workforce within the health care sector. The increased distribution of responsibilities within the organization enables the creation of a favorable atmosphere for the planning and making of policies for the individual health care organization. This is because there is an enhanced partnership (cooperation) between the physicians, other health care practitioners and the nurses (The Future of Nursing, 2010). They all function as a unit in all the health care offering services and other responsibilities in the organizations. The nurses are in this situations eligible for any leadership positions and other roles other than what they have learnt in the medical school. APRN Scope of Practice Essay.

Conclusively, the State of Tennessee should consider redesigning their nursing sector and adopting the APRN Scope of Practice so as to enhance their functionality in the health sector. The adoption of the Scope of Practice has a wide range of benefits as has been presented in this paper. It should be a priority for the state to establish this practice which means that the state should invest in enabling the nurses to further their education by adding in the necessary technology and resources required to teach and train the nurses, not only in the medical sector but also in other essential sectors such as management and leadership.


The Future of Nursing,. (2010). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health : Health and Medicine Division. Nationalacademies.org. Retrieved 14 October 2016, from http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health.aspx

The Institute of Medicine, (2010). The Future of Nursing Focus on Scope of Practice. Washington: National Academy of Sciences. Retrieved from http://nationalacademies.org/hmd/~/media/Files/Report%20Files/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing/Nursing%20Scope%20of%20Practice%202010%20Brief.pdf

This original research was conducted in a large teaching hospital in the North West of England that examined ward-based Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) and aimed to clarify their roles and expectations in patient care and how they impact the clinical practice. APRN Scope of Practice Essay.

Study participants (which consist of five ANPs, 14 ward-based nurses, and five patients) were observed and invited to participate in interviews. The roles and skills of ANPs were observed and gathered from the interviews. ANPs were described as pivotal in the management of patient care and served as an invaluable link between the medical and nursing team. They frequently translated medical information for nurses, patients and other allied healthcare professional to make sure that the plan of care was well understood and provide further explanations if necessary. ANPs were observed to be confident practitioners, good information resource and by using their technical knowledge and skills served as a role model to support the nurses and junior doctors to enable them to be more efficient in providing care. In addition, ANPs were found to be less intimidating than doctors and more approachable in resolving care issues. Meanwhile, ANPs were faced with a number of challenges and have to overcome skepticism from other health professionals who have different views on the ANP role expectation and scope of practice. ANPs perceived that their education had not adequately prepared them for their clinical role.

ANPs have great impact in nursing practice and patient care. Although the study strives to clarify the role of the ANPs, the findings regarding the role of ANPs are not clearly defined and lack consistency that may lead to role conflict and overload. APRN Scope of Practice Essay.

Running Head: How are acute care nurse practitioners enacting their roles in healthcare teams? A descriptive multiple-case study

This multiple-case study conducted in two-university affiliated teachings hospitals in Quebec, Canada aimed to understand how cardiology acute Care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) enacted their roles in healthcare teams. Data were collected from interviews, field notes, documents and time and motion study of NP activities. The work activity pace was faster before noon due to patient care demands. Participants in one hospital believed that NP role was not an integrated role of medical and nursing components but an expanded role because they assumed more expanded nursing role components than the medical role. In addition, NPs needed to consult with physicians for patient care decision making that were within their scope of practice. They did not have that much authority in regards to decision making due to lack of structures to formalize the organizational role. There were also inconsistent messages about the role expectations to attempt to formalize the prescriptive authority of NPs which had not been approved by the medical advisory board. APRN Scope of Practice Essay. On the other hand, participants in the other hospital believed that NPs enacted their role more in the medical component since the medical directives and prescriptive privileges had been approved by the medical advisory board. NPs had greater autonomy in their role and prescriptive authority. It was also noted that NPs participated very little in nursing activities such as implementing nursing care plans or use of clinical care pathways. In both hospitals, the largest role component was the clinical role.

The transfer of prescriptive and decision-making authority must be addressed to enable NPs to work their full scope of role to optimize patient outcomes. Clarifying role structures were expected to enable the NPs enact their role in healthcare team and prevent role confusion.

Running Head: Defining NP scope of practice and associated regulations: Focus on acute care

This review of literature was conducted to define the NP scope of practice (SOP) with emphasis on NPs in acute care setting. Documents were gathered from different resources including National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN), individual state board of nursing, and NP scope and standards of practice. According to Federation of State Medical Boards (2005) and NCSBN (2009), “SOP is a set of rules, regulations and boundaries within which a fully qualified NP may practice”. It defines what activities a profession can undertake. Both practice acts (state regulatory board form of statutes approved by legislators) and its rules and regulations define NP SOP and require approval from legislators to become law. The Consensus Model for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) Regulation was developed to resolve different issues concerning inconsistent APRN education and licensure requirement across jurisdiction and issues in certification. APRN Scope of Practice Essay. It helps standardize regulations for APRNs. Professional regulators are working together in implementing a consistent SOP for NPs in all jurisdictions. According to American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), NPs are licensed independent practitioners that provide nursing and medical services emphasizing on health promotion and disease prevention. In addition, NPs have a collaborative practice agreement with the physicians.

However, regulations are different from state to state NP SOP are not clearly defined and further clarifications are needed especially as it pertains to NPs working in acute care to ensure that NPs are practicing according to their education, training and competency as evidenced by the certifications they hold.


This research focuses on the evidence-based practice guidelines conducted at the University of Colorado Hospital as a quality improvement project to initiate a nursing-driven approach to reduce the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection and improve patient outcomes.

A catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is the most common cause of healthcare-associated infection. It is a major health concern leading to prolonged hospital stay and increased healthcare cost. Evidence-based use of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) must be enforced to reduce the prevalence of CAUTI.

In this project, an intervention design was implemented to evaluate the nurse-driven intervention incorporating evidence-based guidelines. The goal is to decrease the prevalence CAUTI by emphasizing health education on specific unit-based nursing practice. APRN Scope of Practice Essay. Improving the nursing care by educating the nurses regarding insertion, management and early removal of IUC to ensure the best practice and expanding this education to ancillary services (eg. rehabilitation and transport staffs) were found to positively impact the CAUTI rates. Focused unit interventions such as providing education on postoperative catheterization, use of bladder scanner to check for urinary retention to minimize IUC reinsertion, and encouraging early removal of the urinary catheter were found to decrease the catheter days and prevent infection. Providing education by infusing the best evidence into current practice are important interventions to raise awareness. Incorporating evidence-based guidelines and strategies by focusing of nursing-driven interventions can improve patient outcomes.

Scope of practice for nurses Table of contents 1. Nursing 2. Scope of practice for nurses 3. Understanding whether a task is within the scope of practice 4. Bibliography Nursing A nurse is a health care professional who cares for ill or disabled individuals, their families and communities ensuring that they attain, maintain or recover optimum health and functioning (Crosta, 2013). There are several kinds of nurses classified depending on their education and experiences. As an example, • In the UK Nurses are classified as: o first level nurse o second level nurse o specialist nurse o manager • In the United States nurses are classified as: o licensed practical nurses (LPNs) o registered nurses (RNs) o…show more content…
It is important to know that the task a nurse performs is within the scope of practice. So that a nurse can perform his/her task in a permitted way safely. According to the ICN (International Council of Nurses), “Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. APRN Scope of Practice Essay Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles” (ICN 2010) This statement clearly defines the scope of practice of a nurse. But in the field of nursing there are several kinds of care givers. It includes registered nurses, midwives, licensed practitioner nurses, enrolled nurses and nurse assistants. The scopes of practice for these care givers are not so common. The scope of practice depends on their education qualification and experience which are well defined by the governing bodies. Some areas in the scope of practice of a nurse according to Queensland nursing council are, • Giving direct care, including assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating care • Coordinating care and supervising others • Leading, managing • Teaching, education, health promotion and counseling • Undertaking research • Developing health, nursing and midwifery policy Above mentioned
The role of Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) has changed dramatically in recent years. APRN Scope of Practice Essay. Currently, the Unite States (U.S.) health care is focusing on delivering a cost -effective health care to all patients. In the last decades, there were many efforts to control health care over spending in the U.S. One of such efforts is to focus on applying proven principles of evidence-based practice and cost-effectiveness to find the least expensive way to produce a specific clinical service of acceptable quality (Bauer, 2010). The vast changes in health care system, such as cost, need for high productivity, limitation on reimbursement, and the inadequacy on access have made APNs to think in a way where they most fit to provide independent care for
The Purpose and the Main Objectives (10) The purpose for the practice plan to develop a hospital-based outpatient adult continence clinic that offers comprehensive, holistic, coordinated, state-of-the-art urinary continence screening and wellness program for the people in the Chicago’s Northwest community. The main objectives for the Urinary Continence Clinic Service are to: • Raise awareness of urinary continence related issues. • Provide care which is client focused, evidence based, and practical. • Accessible multidisciplinary services including assessment (urodynamics investigation where appropriate), diagnosis and management for people with urinary incontinence and other bladder dysfunctions. • A flexible delivery of clinic based service approach and outreach services dependent on client need and resource availability. • Adhere to appropriate legislation governing health service practice including the Illinois Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice. The Services/environment/ clientele The services will be provided to the clients in the Chicago’s northwest suburban community. The main target group would be people who are 18 and older with one or more urinary related issues; including age and postpartum incontinence. The Urinary Continence and Wellness Clinic Services will adopt an approach to service that embraces a philosophy of respect for, and partnership with, people receiving services. A client centered urinary continence service. APRN Scope of Practice Essay.


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