Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay

Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay

The literature review was based on extensive survey of books, journals and international nursing studies. Review of literature entails systematic identification, selection and critical analysis of scholarly publications, unpublished scholarly print materials, audiovisual materials and personal communications to the problem of interest. Hence the investigator intended to review the literature available regarding Perinatal care among teenage mothers using both research and non-research materials.

This chapter deals with a broad view of related literature and studies in the following sections. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay.

Section-A: Studies related to importance of perinatal care for teenage mothers .

Section-B: Studies related to knowledge and attitude of teenage mothers regarding perinatal care.

Section C: Studies related to effectiveness of exhibition.

2.1: Section-A: Studies related to importance of perinatal care for teenage mothers.

Orvos et al.,(2012) conducted a comparative study between the adolescent and the adult mothers in a maternity hospital. Adolescents have been found to be at higher risk than adult women for some complications of pregnancy. They are at particular risk for pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth restriction, preterm delivery and low birth weight. The study concluded that careful monitoring of adolescents for signs and symptoms of problems will assist the health care provider to begin treatment early, with the potential for improved outcomes.


Omole-ohonsi A (2012) conducted a retrospective case-control study to determine obstetric outcome of teenage mothers in a tertiary care hospital. 500 teenage others were selected. Their obstetric outcome was compared with that of an equal number of booked primigravidae aged 20-34 years. The findings showed that the teenage mothers had increased incidence of preterm labour and low birth weight infants.

Reid.V (2011) conducted an integrative review in a maternity hospital, Delhi. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay. The study revealed that there is increasing rates of depressive symptoms in the postpartum period among teenage mothers. The findings showed that the teenage mothers were had more depressive symptoms in the first year of postpartum and it can be treated by providing proper perinatal care.

Santos et al (2011) conducted the cross-sectional study with 542 adolescent mothers in a tertiary care hospital, Gujarat. Findings showed that with respect to nutritional status of adolescent teenage mothers 27% had normal weight, 30% were underweight, 25% were overweight and 18% obese. The finding shows that the teenage mothers need proper health education and health care during their antenatal period.

Ave Lottee (2010) conducted an experimental study among 240 adolescent mothers in Government headquarters hospital, Orissa.Copyright 2008 A Lamaze International Publication

120 women giving birth who had received inadequate perinatal care (case group) and compared them with a sample of 120 women who had received adequate perinatal care (control group) at the same inner-city hospital. The findings shows that those who had received inadequate perinatal care had more adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes than those who had adequate perinatal care.

Pratinidhi A (2010) conducted a study on risk of teen mothers in rural community. The study sample included 5994 deliveries in the rural health district area of Sirur, Maharashtra state, India. Adolescent pregnancies (to women under 20 years old) amounted to 598 deliveries, or 10% of deliveries. The perinatal mortality rate among teenage first births to high-risk mothers (238) under 18 years old was 67.2 per 100 births; the neonatal mortality rate was 61.4. Risk factors such as prolonged labor, short stature, and anemia were associated more with women under 18 years old. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay.The neonatal mortality rate was 2.5-18 times greater when associated risk factors, except anemia and edema, were present. Late neonatal mortality was 2.2 times higher among infants with mothers under 18 years old. The study concluded that effective perinatal care improves the outcome of pregnancy among teenage mothers.

Ezegwui HU (2010) conducted a retrospective review of all teenage pregnancies at University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu. A total of 74 teenage pregnancies were analyzed and compared with 105 adult mothers.The study results showed that majority of the teenagers (78.3%) were nulliparous. There was statistically significant differences between the teenage mothers and older mothers in the rate of booking status (41.9% vs. 100%) anemia (32.4% vs. 24.8%), caesarean section (18.9% vs. 10.5%), cephalopelvic disproportion as an indication for caesarean section (9.4% vs. 3.8%), preterm delivery (18.9% vs. 11.4%), low birth weight (23.0% vs. 10.5%), episiotomy (61.7% vs. 28.7%,), instrumental delivery (6.8% vs. 2.9%), Apgar score at 1 minute (35.1% vs. 19.1%), and perinatal mortality (16.2% vs. 12.4%). The study concluded that perinatal care will help to minimize it associated hazards among teenage mothers.

Fadupin GT (2010) conducted a retrospective review of case notes of 785 adolescents < or = 19 years and 1300 adult mothers who delivered at Adeoyo and Oluyoro maternity hospitals. Anthropometric information such as weight at second and third trimester, and infant birth weight and length were collected using a record review proforma. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay. The study results showed that the adolescent mothers had significantly lower weight gain in pregnancy and higher rates of low birth weight compared to the adult mothers. The results concluded that strategies to reduce incidence of adolescent pregnancies and improve access to nutrition information that will promote weight gain among pregnant adolescents should be instituted.

Sagili H (2009) conducted a retrospective study of 15,498 pregnant patients who delivered in Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry, South India. Teenage girls were compared with pregnancy outcomes of adult women. A total of 620 teenage pregnancies were compared with 14,878 non-teenage women. The study showed a significantly higher incidence of anaemia, post dates, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), episiotomy, and low birth weight in teenage mothers compared to other mothers. The study concluded that effective perinatal care decreases the adverse outcome of pregnancy among teenage mothers.

Rohra DK (2009) conducted a prospective case-control study in three tertiary care hospitals of Sindh, Pakistan . The obstetric outcome of all teenagers (13-19 years) was compared with that of selected nonteenage women (20 to 35 years) taken as controls. Teenage mothers were more likely to suffer from severe anaemia (8% versus 4.3%) and chorioamnionitis (2.8% vs 0.8%) and their infants were more likely to suffer from post maturity (4.6% vs 1.8%) and meconium aspiration syndrome (6.5% vs 2.4%) compared to non-teenage mothers. Teenagers had instrumental deliveries more often than non-teenagers (7.1% vs 2.2%). The study concluded that the teenage mothers should be paid special attention during antenatal, intranatal and postnatal period to reduce obstetric complications. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay.

2.2: Section-B: Studies related to knowledge and attitude of teenage mothers regarding perinatal care.

Joan, (2012) conducted a descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude of teenage mothers regarding prenatal care in community health centre, Bihar. Among 50 teenage mothers, 78% had moderately adequate knowledge and 80% had neutral attitude towards prenatal care and there was a positive correlation between the knowledge and attitude of couples. The study concluded that there was a need for health education to teenage mothers who were attending the antenatal clinic.

Milton et al. (2011) conducted a cross sectional study on knowledge, perceptions and myths regarding perinatal care among the teenage mothers, West Bengal. A total of 300 teenage mothers were included in this study. The study results revealed that only one third of the teenage mothers were aware of the perinatal care.

Aishwarya.K., (2012) conducted a descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude on antenatal care among 50 teenage mothers in a Primary Health centre Orrisa. The study results revealed that 20% of the teenage mothers had adequate knowledge, 30% had moderately adequate knowledge, 50% had inadequate knowledge, 18% had favourable attitude, 35% had moderately favourable attitude and 47% had unfavourable attitude. The study concluded that teenage mothers had inadequate knowledge and unfavourable attitue towards antenatal care.

Sujatha (2011) conducted a preexperimental study to assess the knowledge and attitude of teenage mothers attending Primary Health centre, about postnatal care among 100 mothers. The study result showed 80% of the participants had inadequate knowledge and 74% had unfavourable attitude. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay. The study concluded that there was lack of knowledge about postnatal care, also the attitudes of the participants was highly influenced by cultural and religious believes and need education to make awareness among the teenage mothers.

Nagae, et al., (2011) conducted a study to examine the knowledge and attitude in 100 teenage mothers in Community health Center, Assam. The study found that most of the teenage mothers had inadequate knowledge and unfavorable attitude regarding perinatal care. The study results concluded that there is a need to educate the teenage mothers regarding the perinatal care.

Rupa .R., (2011) conducted a descriptive study to assess the attitude of newborn care among the teenage mothers attending the antenatal clinic in maternity hospital. The study showed that 72% of the teenage mothers had unfavourable attitude on newborn care. The results concluded that the teenage mothers need to be educated to change their attitude towards newborn care.

Peterson, (2010) conducted a study to assess the knowledge on different aspects of perinatal care among 150 teenage mothers. The study results revealed that the teenage mothers were not aware about the different aspects of perinatal care. The results concluded that the inadequate knowledge had an impact on outcome of pregnancy.

Jhonson, et al., (2010) conducted a descriptive cross sectional study to assess the knowledge attitude on intranatal and postnatal care among 150 teenage mothers. The study results revealed that 62.7% mothers had inadequate knowledge, 25.7% mothers had moderately adequate knowledge and 11.6% had adequate knowledge about intranatal and postnatal care. The study concluded that the teenage mothers should be educated for better outcome of pregnancy.

Suraj (2010) conducted a descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude towards perinatal care among 120 teenage mothers in a rural area of North India. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay. The study results revealed that 66% of teenage mothers had poor knowledge and 44% had good knowledge. 80% of the teenage mothers had unfavourable attitude and 20% had favourable attitude towards perinatal care. Their beliefs are influenced by education, cultural practices and religion.

2.3: Section C: Studies related to effectiveness of exhibition.

Davidson (2012) conducted a study on effectiveness of exhibition on improving the knowledge of mothers regarding prenatal care among 100 antenatal mothers in a hospital. The pretest mean was 10.8 and the standard deviation was 3.21. The post test mean was 28.67 and the standard deviation was 5.18. The study concluded that the exhibition has been very effective in improving the knowledge of the antenatal mothers on various aspects of prenatal care.


Smith et al., (2011) conducted a community based intervention research study to assess the effectiveness of exhibition in knowledge and attitude of mothers regarding antenatal and postnatal care among 100 mothers. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay. The study concluded that there is a marked increase in the knowledge and attitude after the exhibition based health education session.

Susan P. (2009) conducted a experimental study to assess the effectiveness of health teaching through exhibition regarding antenatal care for the pregnant mothers. The investigator has conducted the pre and post test for the mothers. The study revealed that the knowledge level was increased for the mothers those who had participated in the exhibition programme.

Rohan et al.,(2009) conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of exhibition in teaching the mothers regarding postnatal and newborn care in community area of Maharastra. The study revealed that the knowledge level was increased for the mothers those who had attended the exhibition. Perinatal Care For Teenage Mothers Health Essay.

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