Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay

Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay

How To Remedy Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD)

Anything that negatively affects a man’s sexual pride is indeed a sexual disorder! One such disorder is Penile Dysmorphic Disorder. What exactly is PDD?

Penile Dysmorphic Disorder, abbreviated as PDD, is a mental illness or disorder. It is a condition in which you, as a man, are obsessively focused and ashamed with the shape, size or length of his penis. It is thus a form of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) also known as dysmorphophobia. BDD is where one is obsessed with his or her physical body defects which are not real but imagined. Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay.

While the “willy-fear” is often linked to shape or size, it may include other concerns such as its network of veins, angle of curve when fully erected, and penile skin colour.


You probably have dark-coloured glans penis. Or is yours pink? Do you constantly feel depressed because you think men with pink glans penis are sexual champions?

May be your penis is curving sideway like miniature bow when fully erect! Your fear is that it’ll never track your woman’s G-spot and nail it for that magical orgasm you keep fantasizing about. Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay. Eehee?

If you have some of the fears mentioned above, then your state defines PDD. Nothing makes a man feel smaller than being convinced that his penis and that of dik-dik (Madoqua) are twin brothers! But, you are not alone, brother! You are not alone.

Of interest is that when suffering from PDD, you will be a mirror-lover! You will always be willing to stretch yourself further-including stretching your penis! It is only the mirror you can freely allow to willingly watch your willy!

Do Men Long for a Bigger Penis?

Of course yes! According to a research publication on Psychology of Men and Masculinity, a survey showed that out of 25,000 mean interviewed, half of them felt dissatisfied by the size of their penis. Out of this 45% wished their penis could be longer. A different search further revealed that out of 250 men who complain of having an abnormally small penis, a whole 98% actually had standard or normal size penis sizes. Only 2 people accounting to 0.8% actually had micropenis. This demonstrates that PDD is indeed an imagined disorder.

As a male reader, you’ll definitely feel better if your penis length can be increased, even just little, right? Well, it’s often difficult to realize that indeed your penis size is the normal size. Our minds sometimes just enjoy playing unnecessary “sexual games” with us!

How You Can Detect Penile Dysmorphic Disorder?

Men who suffer from PDD prefer having sex in darkness! They never let their partner’s eyesight or hand get closer their willy. Well, this is practically true because that which they can show-off, is that which puts them off! What does this lead to? A very boring “dark sex” clouded by deeply seated fears.

9 Signs of PDD that You Must Look For

  1. Do you feel your penis is not attractive enough to charm your partner?
  2. Do you currently feel distressed because of your penis size and appearance?
  3. Does the size of your penis cause you to a void sex
  4. Do you think about your penis size very frequently and you cannot just help it?
  5. Do you feel your penis size is affecting your current sexual relationship or has the potential of affecting your future sexual relationships?
  6. Are your concerns about your penis size currently interfering with your collage studies or work?
  7. Do you currently avoid socializing like attending parties or appearing in clubs, etc.?
  8. Does the size and appearance of your penis make you uneasy during your leisure times especially when you are in changing rooms? Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay.
  9. Do you think your penis’ size and appearance is the most important thing about you?

Out of the nine questions, if you answer yes to two or more, chances are that you are suffering from PDD, and need support.

What Treatment Option Are Available?

Cosmetics/Pills/Lotions-Do They Work?

And so in an attempt to fix your condition you may resort to all manner of creams. Hoping that they will make your penis breath with power: get longer, curve smoothly, appear cooler, and screw better! Poor man! They are not a solution.

These creams have adverse impacts that may as well cost you your precious penis. While there are promotions for a wider variety of pills, creams, vitamins for enlargement of penis, there has been no scientific evidence to support their effectiveness.

Apply chemicals or taking pills that are not prescribed is a huge risk that you should not take in trying to “balloon” your penis. Before you take any pills or apply uncertified cream on your penis, please consult your doctor first. They may end up screwing up your screwing plans!

Penis Stretching-How Effective is it?

You may decide to physical stretching of your penis, doing it each day and intensely. This may lead to physical injuries, and permanent damages that even specialized doctors may not rectify. Doctors warn that intense stretching of penis damage penis’ blood vessels and can cost you your precious tool. You are warned. Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay.

Penis Surgery-Is it Safe for Your Penis?

Many believe that a “huge penis leads to a better sex” .This is influenced by porn industry and advertisements where huge-penis owners are perceived as sex professionals! Well…may be some! But this is bullshit! Don’t buy this notion.

With overwhelming pressure, you may decide to go for surgical operations such as penile augmentation. This is a cosmetic surgery to increase both the length and girth of your penis.

Medical reports reveal that there are many risks involved in such procedures leading to permanent deformities. A publication in International journal of Impotence research describes penile enhancement surgery as a high risk procedure.

Penis Rings-Are They Safe?

There is a rigid penis ring specially designed to enlarge your penis. It requires that you pull each of your round balls through the ring followed by your penis. Uiiich! Just how far can you go to be sexually cocky!

Be warned…

Wearing this ring for a longer duration can however cut off blood floor to both your penis and balls and damage your entire penis packages!

Penis Pumps-Are The Good For Your?

Do you stretch up your penis with a vacuum pump for a better and longer penis length?

While they may cause temporary gains, they will expose you to huge risks including pumping off your erection! They are known to adversely damage penis tissue and hence not recommended. Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay.

Are There Safer Therapies For You?

More research in the effective treatment of Penile Dysmorphic Disorder is still needed. However, there are some actions you can take in dealing with your PDD condition.

The first step is taking note of compulsion acts you involve yourself in as a way of reassuring yourself that you are sexually normal.

For instance, how often do you masturbate or measure your erection to compare with what you believe is the ideal erection size?

Do you avoid getting into relationships based on the fear you have?

How often do you search for information on the internet regarding penis enlargement?

All these are compulsion behaviors that you can try to avoid by putting much effort.

You can also see a specialist whose strategies can help you manage your situation. While there is currently no universally agreed method of managing PDD, you can be assisted in adopting two main approaches as put forward by Dr Wylie and Mr Eardley in their publication “Penile size and the “small penis syndrome”. These two approaches include:


Getting relevant education from a specialist on how you can manage your fears. This may involve what is termed a Mirror-Work approach. This involves watching yourself as you undress in front of a mirror while watching your penis as you would watch other people’s penises. This way, your penis will appear larger than you tend to think. Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay.

Undergoing Psychological Treatment Therapies. This involves behavioral therapies that are cognitive in nature or simply Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT). These will help you build your self confidence thereby crashing negative thoughts about your penis being substandard!


Penile Dysmorphic Disorder as with other Body Dysmorphic Disorders is a common clinical disorder. It has been found that PDD also leads to erectile dysfunction. This is due to the state of your mind which is obsessed with fear. More research is however still needed to help develop suitable psychological remedies.

Many treatments that purport to treat PDD like use of lotions, devices or surgeries have been found to have adverse effects. Further, there has been no consensus or proof that they will effectively eliminate PDD since this is not a physical disorder.

As a victim, identifying and managing your compulsive behaviors are positive steps in dealing with PDD. For any form of treatment being offered, always consult your doctor advice. Seeking help from a professional therapist specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) is highly recommended. Penile Dysmorphic Disorder (PDD) Essay.

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