Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay

Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay


1. Overt discrimination

This is when discrimination is “clear and up front” despite equality legislation making it illegal. For example paying a male nurse more money than a female nurse for the same job because of his gender. It could also be refusing to treat a patient because they are of a different race or religion.

2. Covert Discrimination

This is the opposite of Overt Discrimination. It is when the discrimination is hidden or masked in some way. For example if three people applying for a nursing job, with all the same qualifications, and one of the nurses is black and because of this they don’t get the job, this is covert discrimination. It isn’t obvious, and it disadvantages individuals. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.

3. Infringement of rights

This is preventing an individual or group from accessing something which is their right to receive. For example, there may not be enough staff within a residential setting to provide choice in activities.

4. Stereotyping and labelling

This is the belief that all people are the same in certain circumstances. For example: All runners have bad knees and should put up with the pain. Overweight people are lazy and do nothing to help their situation. Male nurses are gay. Labelling is when a label or term is used about an individual that is considered to explain who they are. In health and social care labels can lead to loss of dignity and discriminatory treatment.


M3 – discuss difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings. There are many difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care settings such as; * The development of resentment culture. This is when an individual who has been discriminated against builds a hostility towards the individuals who discriminated against them, so that when that individual has children they pass these views to them, the child will then grow up believing this view unless shown otherwise and will continue to believe this view and will pass it to their offspring therefore making hard for anti-discriminatory practices to be implemented as because of the experience this individual has had it will be hard to show them that things have changed. * Individuals not understanding the importance of promoting and implementing of anti-discriminatory practice. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay. If an individual does not see why the practices need to be put in place and are an employee of a health and social care provider they might cause trouble by refusing to follow them, which can make service users who needs the practices lose self-worth. * Difference in value systems and beliefs Everyone has different values and beliefs so may refuse to follow certain anti-discriminatory practices because of these values or beliefs which can cause problems for health and social provisions which this individual works for the provider. * I

The above case study is highlighting discrimination. This is the unequal treatment between individuals and it is a negative action towards members of a certain group. The bases of discrimination include: culture, disability, age, social class, gender, sexual orientation, health status, family status and cognitive ability. The discriminatory practise used in the case of Jeta is predjudice. This is judging someone and making an assumption without having any solid evidence to support the judgement, on the basis of their appearance or what group they belong to.

Jeta is experiencing this as her teacher is making a false assumption about her thinking that she is lazy and naughty as her standard of performance in school assesments is decreasing.

There are many contributing factors that can lead to the predjudice that Jeta is experiencing. One of these factors is social background. Jeta comes from a “rough” background, lives alone with her mother who is a single parent and her father is in prison.

Another factor leading to predjudice could be socialization. This is when the media create demeaning stereotypes about specific groups of people. The media assumes that if someone is in prison, they are associated with bad behaviour and are automatically given a negative impression on. As Jeta is related to someone in prison, the teacher is assuming that she’s equally as bad and discriminates against her. The teacher is almost “blaming” the father situation on the poor school work produced by Jeta.

Another discriminatory practise that Jeta is experiencing is stereotyping. Stereotyping is a widely held but fixed oversimplified image or idea of a certain type of person. Stereotyping can have a demetrial effect on the individual involved.They involve generalizations about the most common characteristics of members of the group. There are many factors which could suggest why Jeta is being stereotyped. The first is social categorization. This is classifying people into groups based on common attributes that individuals share. In relation to Jeta she is being stereotyped as “lazy” because the standard of her school assesments are dropping. She is also being stereotyped as “naughty” and this could be due to the social aspect that her fathers in prision meaning she is being percieved as this naughty child. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.

Another base for discrimination is age. Age discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfairly due to their age without any given justification or reasoning. The fact that the child concerned in this study is of quite a young age of 9 years old means she is more vunerable to age discrimination and this usually occurs because the child is seen to have less social power. Jeta is experiencing age discrimination because she is seen to have less of an authoritive figure compared to her teacher. Children in todays society are more likely to face discrimination due to their dependance on adults and the decisions that are made for them. Children experience discrimination on other grounds including race, gender, social class, health status, disablities and many more.

Jeta is being stereotyped as this “lazy” persona and due to her age, the teacher isn’t listening to her despite being told numerous times by Jeta that she cannot see the board from the back of the classroom. Jeta’s age could be an indicator as to why she is being stereotyped as she is insignificant compared to the teacher and has little or no power so her opinions and views are simply ignored. Another discriminatory practise that Jeta is facing is inequality. This is where people are not treated the same because some individuals have more power, authority, money etc. Jeta is experiencing this as she is not being granted the same opportunities to education and rights to learn as everyone else in her class. Due to this inequality she could be left in a vunerable position as she could be at a risk of falling behind in class and doing even worse in assessments than before. The main base for discrimination is this case study is Jeta’s diability. She has poor sight and this explains her low standard of work in lessons. She is being discriminated for having this disability and this could result in her feeling vunerable and cause low self esteem.

She is being segregated from the rest of the class being sent to the back of the classroom and this could knock her confidence. This is also making the situation worse as Jeta will not be able to focus on the tasks set in class as she cannot see what is is being taught. Instead of providing Jeta with the correct additional learning support she requires, the teacher has placed her right at the back of the class, segregated from her other classmates. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay. The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone who has a disability. This act is covered by most sectors including the education sector which means it should be covered in all schools and organisations. The DDA covers eyesight problems so Jeta’s needs should be met. Initially, Jeta’s teacher is being unlawful as she isn’t adjusting to the DDA standards to suit Jeta’s needs. If no changes are made, Jeta’s eyesight could deteriate and worsen. Jeta currently has no glasses or any form of equipment to help imporve her eyesight so being at the back is not helping the situation in regard to Jeta.

Discrimination is a form of deliberate separation. It means separating an individual due to their race and religion and segregating them from a norm in society and treating them differently. There any many forms of discrimination such as:

Social class

Class is a group made into 8 sections by the government to organise people’s occupation and their income starting from the lowest to the highest e.g. people who are not working and are claiming welfare benefits are classed as the ‘under class’ where as someone who is a doctor and has a higher income is classed as someone in the ‘upper class’ Class is also dependent on where individuals live. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.

Social class segregates people in society as they are not seen as equal, the former security state for health had said people who are poor are most likely to get cancer than the rich – this statement is clearly showing that people who are in the middle class can afford private treatment and are able to live fit healthy lives and are immune to diseases whereas the working class people use free health care service and rely on free treatment in order for them to get better and are more prone to cancer because of this.


Culture is a way of living, it identifies individuals as they develop and adapt in the social group they are raised in during the key parts of their lives. Culture can also be one of the ways that separate individuals from each other as not everyone is brought up in the same way as other people e.g. Pakistani’s are brought up differently to people who live in the British culture as they have traditional dress wear, shalwar kameez. In a health and social care environment, respecting other cultures that come to use the service shows that workers have a clear understanding of the different cultures in the world and are able to support them and not consider them different as this could portray them as not respecting other cultures and being close minded.


Sexuality is part of an individual’s personality and should not be confused their sex. Sexuality is how an individual’s choose to behave in society in which they believe they feel comfortable in.Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.  Sexuality can also determine what opposite of sex an individual is attracted to e.g. if they are: bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual (gay/lesbian). Discriminating an individual due to their sexuality is against the law as it can lead to people believing they do not fit into society and often seek help.


The act Gender Equality Duty 2007 stops people being discriminated due to their gender. All services given to different genders should be equal and within employees at a work place, discriminating different genders can have an effect on the rights people have and their equal rights of access.

Infringement of rights

Individuals do not have the rights that they are entitled to. People have the right to freedom of speech and have certain rights in order to tackle any inequality in the environment they are in. Infringement of rights is not respecting other people’s rights in society and not letting them practice their culture, this can lead to individuals in society feel as if they are not accepting and feel devalued which can affect their health.

Abuse of power

Individuals have the right to empowerment where they are able to control their own lives and make their own decisions depending on the situation they are in e.g. a doctor is unable to force his patients to an operation but however, he can tell them advice on the benefits of the operation. The General Social Care Council, Code of Practise for Social Care Workers (2002) is an act which requires all individuals to work respectively and make the individual make their own decisions as care workers cannot control individual’s lives. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.


Prejudice is a judgment made before hand and either is positive or negative towards a person or a group. If a prejudice comment is made, it is done by beliefs and not true facts, making some harsh comments can affect an individual behaviour and emotion which leads to the act of discrimination. Most prejudice comments are based on stereotypical views of people or groups and believing that all people from the same type of group hold the same characteristics and are the same as each other which can also lead to people believing they are much more superior to them.

Prejudice minds are an environmentally influenced due to their upbringing as they are scared to bond with groups they have never had contact with before. In a care home, if there is a Muslim present the carers should treat him the same as the other people in the care home with different beliefs towards the male who is a Muslim. If all Muslims are stereotypes as terrorists this can cause prejudice behaviour amongst Muslims and for them to get treated different compared to the other elderly people in the care home as the care workers believe he might be dangerous and she will not treat him as he will be a terrorist and would want him to leave the care home for the safety of others.


Stereotyping is one of the major discriminatory acts. Stereotyping mostly comes from children as they are taught about norms and values from a young age and adults have a major influence in their behaviour towards children and what they teach their children. Stereotyping can lead to wrong assumptions about individuals and can lead to them being harmed by the workers or another individual using the service. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay. People stereotype fat people and believe they are fat because they eat a lot where as people who are fat suffer from severe diseases which leads them to be overweight.


Labelling is attaching individuals to a certain category. People who suffer from disability are put into certain categories which make it easier for people to understand what type of disability they have e.g. disabled, autism and dwarfism. Labelling can both have their pro’s and con’s as labelling people with a disability comes help from health care professionals as they can easily narrow down symptoms and help them out with the disability they suffer and give them therapeutic help.

Labels can also mean treating people differently towards people who do not suffer from any form of disability as they are not seen as capable of doing many things which leads to a low self esteem as people who suffer from disability believe they only have a limited amount of things they can do and a limited amount of job opportunities and believe that they have to stick to living a life which they are not allowed to do certain things and this can also cause depression.


Bullying is when an individual believes they have more power than someone else as they seem weaker and people who are bullies take advantage of the situation. There can be many forms of bullying including: cyber bullying, verbal and written bullying which can lead to distress and mental health care issues. Teenagers would suffer majority of the time due their environment. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.


Abuse if a form of negative behaviour towards an individual which leads them to either get psychically hurt or emotionally hurt. There are different forms of abuse however some of the major abuses are child abuse and domestic violence. Any form of psychical abuse involves hitting kicking and biting whereas sexual abuse is forcing either a child or an adult to partake in a sexual activity unwillingly. Emotional abuse is when an individual is humiliated and belittled. The affects of discrimination are:


Disempowerment is where care workers are not able to understand and value individuals and their unique stories. Care workers need to support their patient when important decisions are taking place as everybody has the right to have an equal status in any service they acquire. Care workers should never believe they have a higher status compared to people using the services as this could lead to equality. Disempowerment can make people feel less confident and less powerful. this can lead to depression and for the individual to feel disvalued in society and this can lead to further health care issues which is bad to one’s health.

Low self-esteem and self-identity

Is where individuals believe they have a low value in society. Individuals can have low self-esteem depending on how they are treated. In the health care service, discriminating against an individual may make the person feel vulnerable and lose their self-identify which can cause both depression and worthlessness. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay. Health care staff should ensure that low self-esteem is raised and if self-esteem is high it should be maintained as this helps people cope with certain situations.

Restricted opportunities

If a person who is using the health care service feels as if they have been discriminated against, this may lead to the individual to stop using the health care service which leads to them having a poorer health. People who suffer from disability and people who are elderly suffer from restricted opportunities as not all areas have access to wheelchair users which makes them hard to use the services for their treatment which can sometimes have a major effect on their health as it can get worse. Elderly people who use the services do not get the same amount of healthcare they should as some doctors and nurses within the healthcare services they believe they are wasting both money and time treating elderly patients who are bound to be near death as they can spend more valuable time treated younger patients and give them full healthcare services. Underclass people have a disadvantage as they cannot afford to go to private healthcare services as they would not have the money for clinics such as BUPA and result to using the NHS.

Negative behaviours (aggression and criminality)

Negative behaviour is influenced by discrimination. Individuals who have had a bad past and have been living in poverty may experience discrimination which has led to a long term effect in them being violent towards police, health care professionals and teachers as they will take their anger out on people who are in a position of power, some health car professionals can lead to being attacked both verbally and physically due to their aggression. The majority of drug users are mostly aggressive and show negative behaviour whilst they are in rehabilitation. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.

Effects on those using the service

Sexuality can affect in individual if they are not treated with respect. In a hospital, if there is a male doctor and they are viewing a patient who is gay, the doctor should ignore their sexuality and continue assessing the patient. If the doctor does not want to treat the patient, this can lead to discrimination and hurt the individual and cause depression as they feel as if they are an outcast in society and they feel as they are not accepted by society as they are not seen as one of the norms in society. Although everyone has the right to health care treatment as respect, the individuals rights are not being accepted which goes against the law in society but regardless to this, some health care workers are homophobic and are not willing to treat patients who have a different sexuality. The individual will then not use the healthcare service and due to this, they would not live a healthy lifestyle as their health can worsen over the years with no daily check ups with the doctors.

When a person is classed in society, they are put into different groups which can separate them from others in society. people who claim benefits and do not work are known as the underclass in society and blamed for the debt of the country as there is no adult working in the house hold and is sometimes seen bad as children should not grow in household were adults are not working as they can be easily influenced. People who claim benefits are entitled to free treatment. If a woman believes she is suffering from some symptoms of cancer, she would go hospital in order to get her tests done and be diagnosed as soon as possible, however, at a hospital, results are submitted 2 weeks later which can worse an individual’s health. Where as someone who is in the middle or upper class get private health care and results are submitted instantly and treatment for cancer is started straight away for the patients benefit.


People look down on the underclass and working class and known to lead non healthy lives and are more prone to death than the upper class. This causes a division in society and people are discriminated due to their class which can lead to depression as they have to be labelled with the class, this can lead to self fulfilling prophecy as people will start to live up to their labels and cause forms of criminality in society e.g. rebelling. Individuals will become violent towards police and health care professionals and professionals are in danger of being attacked by the individual as they have not had a good past. Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay. If a doctor is forcing the individual to make the decision the doctor wants, the individual feels as if they are unable to have open options for their own life.

If a patient requires surgery and the risks outweigh the benefits the doctor has no right to make the decision for them as the individual needs to understand the conditions of the treatment so they are able to think thoroughly before they agree on the decision and if they are willing to accept the risks of the operation. This is one of the reasons why the government had made laws to protect individuals and make sure they are still in power and are able to make decisions for themselves. This can of course lead to disempowerment as they feel less valued and the doctor is unable to understand them properly. In any environment, an individual has the right to have an equal status and also have the right not be to abused by any form of power e.g. a doctor forcing an individual to have the operation although there are many risks. Forcing an patient can lead to them being less confident around the doctor and feel as if they are powerless when it comes to decisions.  Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care Essay.

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