Antihistamine Drugs Essay

Antihistamine Drugs Essay

This medicine can cause excitement especially in children. See a doctor immediately if you experience: fast or irregular heartbeat mental or mood changes ightness in the chest unusual tiredness or weakness. e. Any important fact that calls your attention. If you have liver or kidney disease, your doctor should prescribe a lower starting dose of Claritin. f. Dosage and how should it be taken. 10 mg tablets per day, to be administered orally g. Antihistamine Drugs Essay. When should not be prescribed. Do not take Claritin if you are sensitive to or have ever had an allergic reaction to it. Make sure your doctor is aware of any drug reactions that you have experienced. h. Possible food and prescription drug Interaction.

Although no harmful interactions with Claritin have been reported, there is a theoretical possibility of an interaction with the following drugs: Antibiotics such as erythromycin Cimetidine (Tagamet) Ketoconazole (Nizoral) Do NOT take this medicine with orange, apple or grapefruit juice. The levels of this medicine in your blood may be decreased by 70%. Antihistamine Drugs Essay. Diphenydramine a. The names given are the Generic name, you need to find the Brand name and the company that produces it. diphenydramine: Benadryl, Pfizer b. What is the mechanism of action

Blocks cellular histamine receptors; decreases vasodilation; decreases motion sickness. Reverses extrapyramidal reactions. c. What is the use of the medication. The specific conditions that are treated with it. Benadryl is an antihistamine with drying and sedative effects. It relieves red, inflamed eyes caused by food allergies and the itching, swelling, and redness from hives and other rashes that are caused by mild allergic reactions. It also relieves the sneezing, coughing, runny or stuffy nose, and red, teary, itching eyes caused by seasonal allergies (hay fever) and the common cold. Antihistamine Drugs Essay.


Anaphylactic shock (extreme allergic reaction), anemia, blurred vision, chills, confusion, constipation, convulsions, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, double vision, dry mouth, nose, throat, early menstruation, excessive perspiration, excitation, fast, fluttery heartbeat, fatigue, frequent or difficult urination, headache, hives, inability to urinate, increased sensitivity to light, irregular heartbeat, irritability, loss of appetite, low blood pressure, nausea, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, rash, restlessness, ringing in the ears, stuffy nose, tightness of chest and wheezing, tingling or pins and needles, tremor, unreal or exaggerated sense of well-being, vertigo, vomiting e. Any important fact that calls your attention Antihistamines may produce excitability in children. In the elderly they may cause dizziness, excessive calm, or low blood pressure. f. Dosage and how should it be taken. Benadryl reaches its peak effect in 1 hour, and 1 dose will continue to work for 4 to 6 hours. ADULTS The usual recommended dose is 25 to 50 milligrams 3 or 4 times daily.Benadryl is also used to treat allergic reactions to blood transfusions, to prevent and treat motion sickness, and, with other drugs, to treat anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction) and Parkinson’s disease, a nerve disorder characterized by tremors, stooped posture, shuffling walk, muscle weakness, drooling, and emotional instability. d. Antihistamine Drugs Essay. Side Effect of the prescription drug. • common side effects may include: Disturbed coordination, dizziness, excessive calm, increased chest congestion, sleepiness, stomach upset • Less common or rare side effects may include: Antihistamine Drugs Essay.

The sleep-aid dosage is 50 milligrams at bedtime. Motion Sickness For prevention of motion sickness, take the first dose 30 minutes before exposure to motion; take the other doses before meals and at bedtime for as long as the motion continues. CHILDREN (OVER 20 POUNDS) The usual dose is 12. 5 to 25 milligrams, 3 to 4 times daily. A child should not take more than 300 milligrams a day. This medication should not be used as a sleep aid for children under age 12. Your physician will determine the best use of the drug in response to its effects on the child. g. When should not be prescribed. Benadryl should not be used in newborn or premature infants, or if you are breastfeeding your infant. Antihistamine Drugs Essay.

Do not take this medication if you are sensitive to or have ever had an allergic reaction to diphenhydramine hydrochloride or other antihistamines h. Possible food and prescription drug Interaction. Benadryl may increase the effects of alcohol, and alcohol may increase the sedative effects of Benadryl. Do not drink alcohol while taking this medication. If Benadryl is taken with certain other drugs, the effects of either could be increased, decreased, or altered. It is especially important to check with your doctor before combining Benadryl with the following: Antidepressant drugs known as MAO inhibitors, such as Parnate and Nardil Sedative/hypnotics such as Halcion, Nembutal, and Seconal Tranquilizers such as Xanax and Valium

Antihistamines are mainly used to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever), urticaria (hives), pruritus (itching) and insect bites and stings. They may also be used to help reduce nausea and vomiting, and in the emergency treatment of anaphylaxis – a severe allergic reaction. The side-effects most commonly experienced are minor. In addition, Antihistamines are a class (group) of drugs used in the treatment of allergic disorders and some other conditions. They include: acrivastine, cetirizine, desloratadine, fexofenadine, levocetirizine, loratadine, mizolastine, alimemazine, chlorphenamine, clemastine, cyproheptadine, hydroxyzine, ketotifen and promethazine. These also come in various different brand names, Kaplan (2013, May 9). They can be taken as tablets, syrups or nasal sprays, and some come in droplet form for use in the eyes. This case study will discuss the application of promethazine on a patient who is suffering from hives. It will also emphasize on different uses, contraindication, and the side effects of promethazine. Lorraine Mark is a 24 years female from Kerema in the Gulf province. Married to Freddy Kamaho from Bulolo in the Morobe province and had three children. Her husband is a warder and they reside at Bomana correctional services institute in Port Moresby. Antihistamine Drugs Essay. On 18th April 2013, she showed up at Pacific Adventist day clinic with the complaint of hives all over her body. It was first felt itchy and she began to scratch it without ceasing. It was started 3/7 ago and she can’t tolerate with it anymore. After viewing her history of past illness the nurse found out that she had previously treated with urticaria. She was previously prescribed with promethazine (Phenergan) and it helps her to recover from the same condition as at present. However, she did not complete all the doses as prescribed by the nurse earlier. She stopped taking it when all the hives from her body was disappeared and though she was fully recovered. The nurse prescribes the same medicine and warned her not to skip or deliberately ignore the medicine when the hives disappeared from her body. She informed her of the contraindication and expected effects which the patient may encounter during the administration of the medicine. She told her to take Phenergan tablets 25mg orally for as long the symptoms persist, or as normally recommended by doctor but for no longer than 10 consecutive days. She was given 24 tablets (3/24) for the next seven days. During the administration of the medicine at home she often encountered sleepiness, dizziness and blurred vision. For that reason she sometimes skips the doses as scheduled by the nurse. On her second visit to the clinic she was told not to take double dose to make up the missed dose but to continue with the remaining dose. She also informed her of the adverse effects when taking this medicine. After three days he was fully recovered and all the hives were disappeared. Phenergan can be used in many ways to treat different allergic reactions to food, chemicals, dust, insect bite, and pollen of the flower. These allergic reactions can cause the body to produce chemical called histamine. The release of histamine causes allergic symptoms which can include sneezing, runny or watery eyes and nose, itching and skin rashes. Antihistamines like Phenergan reduce the effects of histamine and help to relieve these symptoms. In addition, Phenergan can also be used to treat sickness, vertigo (loss of balance or dizziness), and to prevent travel sickness. Because Phenergan causes drowsiness, it may also occasionally be used for short periods of time to treat insomnia (difficulty sleeping) in adults, Powell and Clark (2013, May 4). The different forms of Phenergan were stored at different temperature based on the route of admission. Tablets, syrup and injection should be stored at room temperature, between 15 oC to 25 oC (68 F to 77 F). Antihistamine Drugs Essay.

Allergic diseases are the most common chronic conditions lasting throughout the patient’s life. They not only cause significant deterioration in the quality of life of patients but also lead to significant absenteeism and reduced productivity, resulting in very high costs for society. Effective and safe treatment of allergic diseases is therefore one of the main challenges for public health and should be carried out by all the specialists in family medicine, internists and paediatricians in collaboration with allergists, otorhinolaryngologists and dermatologists. Antihistamines are most commonly used in the treatment of allergies. Several dozen drugs are available on the pharmaceutical market, and their generic forms are advertised widely as very effective drugs for the treatment of allergic diseases. What is the truth? What are the data from clinical trials and observational studies? Are all drugs equally effective and safe for the patient? According to a panel of experts representing various fields of medicine, inappropriate treatment of allergies can be very risky for patients, and seemingly equally acting medications may differ greatly. Therefore, a panel of experts gathered the latest data from the entire scientific literature and analysed the latest standards and recommendations prepared by scientific societies. This paper provides a summary of these studies and highlights the importance for the patient of the proper choice of drug to treat his allergies.

Keywords: antihistamines, bilastin, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, allergy
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Which antihistamines should be chosen according to current standards and recommendations?

In the last few decades the incidence of allergic diseases has grown to epidemic status. According to the current data, more than 600 million people suffer from allergic rhinitis worldwide, approximately 25% of them in Europe. In the ECAP trial (Epidemiology of Allergic Diseases in Poland) as many as 30% of respondents reported allergic rhinitis, less than 7% mentioned urticaria, but over 40% of patients had positive skin tests with common inhaled allergens (e.g. plant pollen, dust mites, mould and animal hair). Despite this huge number of patients, these data are frequently underestimated, since allergic diseases are generally believed to be trivial and non-hazardous. However, it has already been proven that allergic rhinitis, asthma and urticaria are associated with a significant socioeconomic burden all over the world – regardless of region, development level and financial status. The total cost of allergic diseases brings both reduced quality of life and also direct costs of drugs and health services as well as indirect social costs such as the absence from work; it also decreases productivity and concentration and generates learning disorders and concomitant diseases. As allergic diseases occur mainly in the young population (which supports the senior population), their consequences are much more costly than those of diabetes, coronary heart disease or myocardial infarctions. In the USA alone, the costs of allergic rhinitis morbidity are estimated at over 25 billion dollars per year, of which approximately a half consists of indirect costs, resulting from insufficient disease control. Antihistamine Drugs Essay.  In light of these studies it is not difficult to notice multidirectional benefits from effective management of allergic diseases, which improve both the patients’ activity, productivity and quality of life and ultimately decrease the financial burden of healthcare systems. Efficient therapy of the most common allergic diseases is based mainly on oral antihistamines which are administered simply and, as a result, have the best compliance among the drugs recommended for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Histamine plays an important role in human physiology, influencing immunoregulation of the acute and chronic inflammatory response through 4 different types of receptors, called H1, H2, H3, and H4. Drugs classified in the first generation of antihistamines (sometimes called “classical” antihistamines) act non-selectively. Apart from all histaminic receptors they also block muscarinic, adrenergic (or adrenoreceptors) and dopaminergic receptors, causing cardiovascular, urinary and gastrointestinal adverse reactions. High lipophilicity and consequently easy crossing of the blood-brain barrier additionally intensify the most dangerous adverse events from the central nervous system, including drowsiness, decreased concentration, vigilance and psychomotor efficiency as well as reduced ability to learn and memorize, which is not related to sedation. However, in histamine-dependent allergic diseases the most important role is played by the H1 receptor, whose stimulation by histamine results in e.g. constriction of smooth muscles (obturation of inhalatory tract), increased permeability of endothelium (oedema) and stimulation of sensory nerves and cough receptors (pruritus, sneeze attacks, rhinorrhoea). Therefore, the discovery of compounds selectively acting on H1 receptors, currently called second generation drugs, could be considered the greatest breakthrough during more than 70 years of the history of antihistamines (Figure 1). Antihistamine Drugs Essay.On top of the high efficacy, the most important feature of these drugs is the incomparably better safety profile: some of them have the same (or even lower) number of adverse reactions as placebo. Due to the selective mechanism of action, low penetration of the central nervous system (CNS) and lack of interaction with adrenergic, muscarinic and dopaminergic receptors, the second generation drugs are devoid of the majority (if not all) of the side effects mentioned above; however, some of them could cause other serious adverse reactions, including body mass gain, inter-drug interactions or potentially life-threatening cardiotoxicity (in the majority of countries, these preparations have been withdrawn from the market) (Figure 2). Due to selective antagonism with H1 receptors, these drugs are highly effective in reduction of allergic rhinitis and urticaria symptoms, and the wide therapeutic index makes it possible to use them in very high doses without any concerns related to overdosing toxicity, which with the first generation drugs could lead to consciousness disturbances, coma, respiratory distress, and even death.

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Figure 1

Development history of antihistaminic drugs

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Figure 2

Adverse effects of antihistamines

The described characteristics and easy usage as well as affordable price led to the inclusion of the second generation antihistaminic drugs in all global and local recommendations as the drugs of choice in all forms of allergic rhinitis and urticaria. The most frequently cited are ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) guidelines, which discusses pharmacotherapy and presents the second generation anti-H1 drugs in the first place, recommending them in all adults and children [1]. Additionally, they highlight that the first generation drugs are not recommended wherever newer drugs are available. Antihistamine Drugs Essay. Almost the same recommendations could be found in the current EAACI/GA(2)LEN/EDF/WAO guidelines of urticaria management, in which non-sedative second generation antihistamines are recommended not only as the first but also as the second line drugs (after a maximum 4-fold dose increase in case of lack of efficacy of the standard dose administered for 2 weeks).

In light of the presented guidelines it is quite clear that non-sedative antihistamines are the backbone of allergic diseases treatment. However, the number of available drugs brings a dilemma: which drug should be chosen? Which criteria should be recognized in the decision-making process? Patients have different expectations, concomitant diseases and symptoms intensity, so the answer is not obvious, and each patient should be treated individually. From an average allergic perspective, the most important criteria of the drug choice are efficacy and price but – considering that not all second generation drugs are totally side effect-free in term of sedation, and their influence on ability to drive and learn is not commonly known by people – the safety profile and side effects should be especially taken into consideration in the drug selection process. Moreover, there are more and more patients in allergology practice treated due to concomitant chronic diseases, so inter-drug interactions are also an important factor, which should be taken into consideration treating allergic rhinitis and urticaria [2]. Thus, drugs which are not metabolized in the liver should be chosen.

As the second generation antihistamines available in Poland have comparable efficacy in controlling allergic rhinitis and urticaria symptoms, the most important factor distinguishing them seems to be the influence on the CNS and the safety of this therapy. Hence, when prescribing an anti-H1 drug according to recommendations we should first take into consideration the preparations with the smallest possible sedative effect, wide therapeutic index, beneficial pharmacokinetics and the lowest number of inter-drug interactions (Figure 3). This selection is of special importance in patients whose professions require concentration (such as driving), in which even a small sedative effect could lead to serious consequences (Figure 4). Here, we present the expert opinion regarding the role of bilastine in the management of allergic rhinitis and urticaria as a non-sedative second generation antihistaminic drug of an extremely favourable safety profile which does not influence the ability to drive vehicles and other machines, does not have any interactions with other drugs or alcohol, and (in allergic patients) decreases drowsiness even when compared to placebo [3, 4]. Antihistamine Drugs Essay.

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Figure 3

Efficacy and safety of bilastine 20 mg compared with cetirizine 10 mg and placebo for the symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis (somnolence) [3]

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Figure 4

Efficacy and safety of bilastine 20 mg compared with cetirizine 10 mg and placebo for the symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis (fatigue) [3]

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The newest antihistamines in the management of allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic rhinitis is a complex of clinical symptoms caused by an inflammatory reaction including antibodies immunoglobulins E (IgE) targeting sensitizing allergens. The clinical symptoms of allergic rhinitis include rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, itchy nose and sneezing [5]. These symptoms are recurrent and intensify after contact with the allergen. Sometimes the patient’s complaints include concentration disturbance, fatigue, or snoring.

Allergic conjunctivitis frequently coincides with allergic rhinitis. Eye symptoms, including watering, redness and itching, usually develop before nasal symptoms.

Allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis are concomitant so frequently that in many countries they are defined as one condition (e.g. allergic rhinoconjunctivitis).

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis significantly reduce quality of life; they adversely influence social life and decrease performance in learning and work. Untreated (or undertreated) allergic rhinitis (incompatible with recommendations) could lead to complications in the lower respiratory tract, paranasal sinuses and ears.

In the ECAP trial the incidence of allergic rhinitis was assessed and attributed to 22.4% of the population under research [6]. Antihistamine Drugs Essay.

According to triggering allergens and duration of exposure time, allergic rhinitis was previously divided into seasonal, perennial and occupational. In 2001, an international workgroup proposed an ARIA statement with a new classification of allergic rhinitis based on duration of clinical symptoms. They distinguished periodic allergic rhinitis (with symptoms not shorter than 4 days per week or shorter than 4 weeks) and chronic allergic rhinitis (with symptoms lasting for more than 4 days per week and longer than 4 weeks) [5]. Depending on the intensity of symptoms, allergic rhinitis could be split into mild and moderate/severe.

The choice of drugs for allergic rhinitis treatment is based on its intensity level and clinical symptoms. In each case, allergen-specific immunotherapy should be considered.

Updated recommendations indicate that the second generation antihistamines (without a sedative effect) and local glucocorticosteroids are the main drugs used in allergic rhinitis management. Although the second generation antihistamines reduce itching and sneezing highly efficiently, glucocorticosteroids effectively reduce nasal congestion, which is a symptom of delayed allergic reaction.

According to the recommendations published in ARIA and PoSLeNN (Polskie Standardy Leczenia Nieżytów Nosa) documentation, the basic treatment of patients with any form of chronic allergic rhinitis as well as in moderate and severe periodic allergic rhinitis should be based on local glucocorticosteroids [7, 8], and oral antihistamines should complement allergic rhinitis therapy. Antihistamine Drugs Essay. The use of oral antihistamines is specifically justified in patients with concomitant extra-nasal symptoms: pruritus, eye watering and redness, symptoms from the mouth and pharyngeal mucosa as well as skin signs. The second generation oral antihistamines are indicated, including those without a sedative effect. Allergic rhinitis involves the nasal cavity, and it is also a systemic disease, so the systemic treatment would relieve all relevant symptoms of allergic inflammation.

The nasal cavities should be investigated before local administration of glucocorticosteroids. In the case of very tight nose congestion local drugs are ineffective because they could not be delivered to the entire nasal mucosa. Patients with anatomical variations (e.g. nasal septum deviation, hyperplasia of nasal turbinate) have additional restrictions with administration of intranasal drugs. Treatment with intranasal glucocorticosteroids could be associated with adverse reactions (burning sensation, pain, bleeding) which could discourage patients from taking such drugs. The full effect of the drug could be apparent at 5–7 days of its administration; however, the relief of symptoms could be observed within a few hours after the administration of the second generation antihistamines. This is very important in patients with periodic allergic rhinitis, when the duration of the condition is shorter than the onset of action of intranasal glucocorticosteroids. Physicians and patients are also discouraged by the quite widespread phobia of steroids. For these reasons, many patients prefer to use oral drugs instead of intranasal drugs. Therefore, the therapy with the second generation antihistamines seems to be more beneficial. Favourable tolerability and safety profile of the drug should always be considered when taking a decision on the choice of an antihistamine. Bilastine is the most modern drug in this group, and meets the criteria mentioned above.

In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial Horaka et al. [9] compared in Vienna Challenge Chamber conditions outside the pollen season the efficacy of bilastine, cetirizine and fexofenadine in relieving nasal and extra-nasal (mainly ocular) symptoms of allergic rhinitis. They found that bilastine in a dose of 20 mg is effective in relieving the nasal and extra-nasal symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis. Bilastine is characterized by fast onset of action already at one hour after administration, and the effect lasted over 26 h. Bilastine is more effective when compared to placebo in relieving allergic rhinitis symptoms, and its efficacy in relieving the nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis was comparable with cetirizine. Compared to fexofenadine in the dose of 120 mg, bilastine in the dose of 20 mg is significantly more effective in relieving nasal symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in the period between the 22nd and 26th h after its administration. Antihistamine Drugs Essay.


In another randomized, double-blinded clinical trial, the efficacy of bilastine in the dose of 20 mg and cetirizine in the dose of 10 mg was compared with placebo in 681 patients from 61 European sites [3]. The results showed that bilastine in the dose of 20 mg administered once a day for 2 weeks was more effective than placebo in relieving the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis. Bilastine showed the same efficacy as cetirizine in relief of nasal and extra-nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis for the entire 14 days of treatment. Bilastine decreased the intensity of patient’s discomfort associated with allergic rhinitis comparably to cetirizine.

In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial bilastine (20 mg), desloratadine (5 mg) and placebo were administered to 721 patients at the age between 12 and 70 years with seasonal allergic rhinitis [10]. It was found that bilastine administered for 2 weeks in a dose of 20 mg efficiently relieved the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis. Additionally, bilastine significantly reduced the symptoms of allergic rhinitis as compared to placebo. Efficacy of bilastine and desloratadine in relief of nasal and extra-nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis after 7 and 14 days was similar. Comparably to desloratadine, bilastine improved the quality of life in patients with allergic rhinitis.

In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial Sastre et al. [11] compared the efficacy of bilastine and cetirizine in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. It was found that the efficacies of bilastine and cetirizine are similar and significantly higher when compared to placebo. Additionally, bilastine was found to be effective, safe and well tolerated in 12 months of treatment. Antihistamine Drugs Essay.

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