Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay

Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay

Noopept is a synthetic molecule which was developed in the 1990s to slow down cognitive decline in the elderly. Noopept Noopept Despite its primary function as a cognitive enhancer, Noopept is also a great stress reliever and mood enhancer. It is often connected to Piracetam because the two work in fairly similar fashion, but Noopept is believed to be more than 1000 times more effective than Piracetam. This doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Pair that with a low price and it is pretty evident why Noopept is getting at the top of everyone’s smart drug list. But what does research say about Noopept? Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay.

How Does It Work?

With battling cognitive decline in mind, Piracetam was used by scientists as the basis for the development of Noopept in 1996, so it should not be surprising that brain scans show very similar brain function after ingesting the one or the other. Noopept is taken in pill, powder or drop form, and acts very fast. How fast? It takes about 7 minutes to reach the bloodstream or the same amount of time it takes you to listen through two of your favorite songs! Listen to three more songs, and you’re ready to rock, and your brain will surely be rocking on this smart drug. Noopept Review Noopept Review As soon as it reaches the brain, Noopept (similar to Piracetam) improves the alpha brain waves, which boosts your cognitive performance. It also increases the production of brain chemicals called NGF and BDNF in the hippocampus.

Researchers hypothesized the increase in the two neurotrophin factors correlates to chronic memory improvement, even though NGF and BDNF are more associated with long-term memory improvement.  Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay.Additional studies have proven taking Noopept also has a ‘cholinosensitizing’ effect on the brain, making the neuron receptors much more sensitive and reactive to the incoming neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Improved sensitivity to acetylcholine means the brain signals will travel faster, making your mind clear and ready for mental exercise. Along with improved memory and giving you better clarity of mind, Noopept is proven to be a far more effective stress reliever and mood enhancer than Piracetam.


There are many benzodiazepine receptors in the hippocampus, which are directly connected to how your stress level fluctuates. The main metabolite of Noopept has been proven to affect the hippocampus in an anxiolytic (anti-stress) manner. There is even some evidence Noopept excites neurons, meaning Noopept can be used as psychostimulant (focus booster) but there haven’t been any conclusive studies on the matter just yet.

How to Take Noopept

In essence, Noopept is a supercharged version of Piracetam, so the dosages will be far lower. Start slow, take 10 mg a day for a few days to feel out the effects and see how your body reacts to Noopept before increasing your dosage up to 30 mg. You can push the limit to up to 60 mg per day but your glutamate receptors may get overstimulated, and to top it all off, you will end up with a nasty headache. It’s recommended to take a month long break after every 60 days of use. These are the current guidelines for taking Noopept, as additional research to determine the optimal intake for humans is still in progress. This is a smart drug, so use rational judgment when taking it and if you have any doubts or questions, consult your physician first! How to take Noopept How to take Noopept. Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay.

Noopept Side Effects

When taken in the range of 10-30 mg a day, clinical studies claim the side effects should be fairly limited. When taken in high doses, Noopept can cause headaches, fatigue, nausea and insomnia. To avoid Noopept induced headaches, I suggest stacking it with choline, but more on that in the next section. Noopept should also not interfere with any medications you may be taking, but practice caution and consult your doctor before use. Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay.

How to stack Noopept

As you can see by now, Noopept is one versatile smart drug, and it reacts very well when stacked with other compounds. Here are my three favorite compounds to add to your Noopept: Choline Choline has been reported to have a soothing effect on Noopept users getting used to the smart drug. Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay. Because some may experience headaches in the initial stages of taking Noopept, adding a quality choline source such as of Alpha GPC will help you avoid the nagging headaches and reap only the benefits of Noopept. 300 mg of Choline has been reported to be an effective dosage when used side by side with Noopept. Racetams Adding racetams like Oxiracetam, Aniracetam or even Piracetam might seem counterproductive since Noopept was designed to mimic the effects of Piracetam, right? Wrong. Because Noopept and Racetams target different areas of the brain, the mentioned compounds can have a synergistic effect, taking mood, focus and memory to even higher levels.

Mind Lab Pro

This unique blend was one of the first nootropic blends I have ever tried and is still my favorite nootropic ever. The whole review of Mind Lab Pro is available here. The well-rounded profile of natural extracts lays a great foundation for all cognitive functions and adding Noopept to the mix will only magnify them. Noopept – A Drug For Intermediate Users Essay.








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