Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay

Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay

Blood derivatives are substances derived from human blood. They are sometimes referred to as biologic drugs. Among the blood derivetives known today include whole blood, blood components and plasma derivatives. These blood products essential improve tissue oxygenation when given to a person that has lost 25 per cent or more blood volume.

    1. Whole bloodW

hole blood is a substance originate from human blood. It consists of Red and white blood cells, platelets, electrolytes, plasma and stable clotting factors. Whole blood use depend on themassive blood loss which should have a minimum of 25 per cent. However, whole blood has not been practically administered to patientinstead it has been replaced by blood components. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay.

    1. Blood components

This include red blood cell concentrates or suspensions, platelets produced from whole blood, plasma and cryoprecipitate. These blood components come from the voluntary donation make by people without any compansetions.

    1. Plasma derivatives

These are substances prepared by pharmaceutical manufacturing conditions. Plasma derivatives include Albumin, coagulation factor concentrates and immunoglobin. These are useful in replacing blood which has lost.

    1. Mechanism of action of blood derivatives

The mechanism of action of blood derivetives is related to their ability to increase the colloid oncotic pressure, and hence the plasma volume. This is achieved by pulling fluid from extravascular space to the intravascular space.


    1. Uses of blood derivatives

Blood derivatives are important in the treatment of various clinical conditions, and their use rely on the specific indication. For example, cryoprecipitate and PPF are useful in the treatment of acute bleeding in which 50 percent of the blood has been lost. Slowly or 20 per cent rapidly. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) increase clotting factor level and PRBCs increase oxygen-carrying ability in patients with anemia, in patients with substantial hemoglobin deficits as well as patients who have lost up to 25 per cent of their total blood volume.

  1. Interaction of blood derivatives

Blood derivatives can interaction with calcium and aspirin which normally afeect coagulation when infused in the body in a similar way they interact with body’s own blood components.

Blood derivatives produce undesired effects that could be serious to human. In 2017, blood derivatives exhibited incompatibility behavior with recipients of immune system.

Thrombolytic drugs

These are drugs that dissolve a preexistinh clot or thrombin that occur in an acute or emrgence situation. This includes alteplase, reteplase, streptokinase, tenecteplase and urokinase. When these drugs administered, they spread throughout the circulation system, which activates plasminogen. These drugs (alteplase, reteplase, streptokinase, tenecteplase and urokinase) are removed by the liver. However, streptokinase is remved from the circulation by antibodies and the reticuloendothelial system.

How it acts

Thrombolytic drugs convert plasminogen to plasmin, which dissolves thrombi, fibrinogen and other plasma proteins.


Thrombolytic drugs are useful in many situation. The most common uses include treatment of certain thromboembolic disorders such as acute M.I., acute ischemic stroke and peripheral artery occlusion, dissolve thrombi in arteriovenenous cannulas and I.V. catheters to reestablish blood flow. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay

Haematological drug are very important as they target or remedy the clinical condition that are crucial to blood, especialy red blood cells. The core role of these drugs as seen in the above discuss, promote the formation of red blood cell which, if low would lead to wide variety of disorders. Although such drugs are differently made, we can conclude that a number disorders relating to blood are predominantly treated by Haetological drugs. Haematological drugs can treat anemia of all kinds, prevent new clot formation, prevent acute bleeding, treat acute ischemic stroke, peripheral artery occlusion and thromboembolic disorders are some of the examples.


Cardiovascular disorders are on the rise worldwide due to alcohol abuse, obesity, hypertension, raised blood lipids, diabetes and age-related risks. The use of classical antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapies combined with surgical intervention helped to clear blood clots during the inceptive years. However, the discovery of streptokinase and urokinase ushered the way of using these enzymes as thrombolytic agents to degrade the fibrin network with an issue of systemic hemorrhage. The development of second generation plasminogen activators like anistreplase and tissue plasminogen activator partially controlled this problem. The third generation molecules, majorly t-PA variants, showed desirable properties of improved stability, safety and efficacy with enhanced fibrin specificity. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay. Plasmin variants are produced as direct fibrinolytic agents as a futuristic approach with targeted delivery of these drugs using liposome technlogy. The novel molecules from microbial, plant and animal origin present the future of direct thrombolytics due to their safety and ease of administration.

KEYWORDS: Plasminogen activators, streptokinase, tissue plasminogen activator, thrombolytic enzymes, urokinase

Thrombolytic therapy plays a pivotal role in cardiovascular disease management. A thrombus or a blood clot is a solid mass, made up of the blood constituents, that forms within the vascular system. The pieces of such thrombi can break free and may be carried to a different location via the blood stream. Such an “embolus” that blocks the vessels gives rise to the condition known as an embolism. These blockages obstruct the oxygen supply to the surrounding tissue resulting in its degradation and death. Depending upon the location of such thrombi and emboli, they may manifest themselves in the form of varied thromboembolic disorders like stroke, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, arterial thrombosis, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and retinal artery occlusion.1 With 17.5 million deaths in 2012 and an estimated rate of approximately 23.6 million by 2030, such cardiovascular diseases are progressively becoming the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.2 The majority of these cases occur in the low and middle-income countries due to socio-economic conditions and inaccessibility of efficient healthcare services. Three major variables predisposing to thrombosis include: alterations in the vascular wall, reduction in blood stream velocity and an increased tendency of blood coagulation (Virchow’s triad).3 The emerging trends of alcohol abuse, obesity, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and lifestyle, tobacco use, hypertension, raised blood lipids, diabetes, air pollution, high salt intake combined with age-related risks further increase the risk of developing such cardiovascular complications.2

An effective therapy should be based on rapid clot dissolution so as to minimize tissue damage and boost survival rates. In general, there are 4 treatment options available for thrombolytic therapy. The classical therapy relies upon the administration of anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs. The anticoagulants, like warfarin (Coumadin®, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Company) and heparin, act by blocking steps in the fibrin formation cascade. Warfarin interferes with the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors and heparin blocks factor X activation and thrombin formation in the coagulation cascade.4 The antiplatelet drugs prevent thrombosis from occurring or getting bigger, and blocking the vessel. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay. Aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation while clopidogrel and ticlopidine inhibit platelet activation. Surgical intervention to remove the thrombus is performed under conditions of massive vessel occlusions where drug treatments have failed or are contra-indicated. Fibrinolytic enzymes, on the other hand, are used to lyse pre-existing thrombi.4,5

Enzymes are used as anti-inflammatory agents, digestive aids, mucolytics, thrombolytics, anticoagulants, oncolytics, and antimicrobials for the clinical management of several disorders.4 Thrombolytic enzymes are mainly serine or metalloproteases having a direct or indirect mode of action for fibrin lysis. The former includes plasmin-like enzymes such as mini-plasmin, micro-plasmin, delta-plasmin, nattokinase (NK), serrapeptase (SP), some snake-venom thrombin-like enzymes (SVTLEs), and some earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes (EFEs), capable of degrading fibrin directly while the latter group is composed of the plasminogen activators that include streptokinase (SK), staphylokinase (SAK), urokinase (u-PA) and tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) etc (Table 1).

Table 1.

An overview of different thrombolytic agents.

Name (Abbreviation)/ Mode of action Safety (Fibrin Specificity, Immunogenicity)/ Cost
First generation plasminogen activators
(i) Streptokinase (SK)/ Indirect Non-fibrin specific, Immunogenic/ $
(ii) Urokinase (u-PA)/ Direct Non-fibrin specific/ $$
Second generation thrombolytics
(i) Prourokinase (Pro-uPA)/ Direct Fibrin specific (+)/ NA
(ii) Anisoylated plasminogen-streptokinase activator complex (APSAC)/ Direct Non-fibrin specific, Immunogenic/ NA
(iii) Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)/ Direct Fibrin specific (++)/$$$
Third generation plasminogen activators
(i) Reteplase (r-PA)/ Direct Fibrin specific (+)/$$$
(ii) Tenecteplase (TNK-tPA)/ Direct Fibrin specific (+++)/$$$$
(iii) Duteplase (met-t-PA)/ Direct Fibrin specific/ NA
(iv) Monteplase (E6010)/ Direct Fibrin specific (++)/ NA
(v) Lanoteplase (n-PA)/ Direct Fibrin specific (+)/ NA
(vi) Pamiteplase (YM866)/ Direct Fibrin specific (++)/ NA
(vii) Amediplase (CGP 42395, K2tu-PA, MEN 9036)/ Direct Fibrin specific/ NA
(viii) Desmoteplase (Bat-PA, DSPAα1, v-PA)/ Direct Fibrin specific (+++), Immunogenic/ NA
(ix) Staphylokinase (SAK)/ Indirect Fibrin specific (++++), Immunogenic/ NA
Other plasminogen activators
(i) TSV-PA (Trimeresurus stejnejeri venom-plasminogen activator)/ Direct Fibrin specific*
(ii) Haly-PA (Agkistrodon halys-plasminogen activator)/ Direct
(iii) LV-PA (Lachesis muta muta venom-plasminogen activator)/ Direct *However, the data about the level of specificity and cost is not available.
(iv) GHRP-scu-PA-32K (Chimera)/ Direct
(v) GHRP-SYQ-K2S (Chimera)/ Direct
Direct thrombolytic enzymes
Plasmin (Pm), Mini-plasmin, Micro-plasmin, Delta-plasmin, Fibrolase, Alfimeprase, Lebetase, Lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase (SP), Nattokinase (NK)

NA: Not available, + low fibrin specificity, ++ moderate fibrin specificity, +++ high fibrin specificity, ++++ very high fibrin specificity; $ low cost; $$ moderate cost; $$$ high cost; $$$$ very high cost. The cost data is available only for approved molecules.

Plasminogen activators mediate thrombolysis via activation of the inactive zymogen present in the circulation, i.e. plasminogen into the active serine protease plasmin that can degrade the fibrin blood clot. The plasminogen activators mediate fibrin lysis via a direct or an indirect mechanism. The direct plasminogen activators are serine proteases that mediate a direct action on plasminogen to catalyze its activation eg: u-PA, pro-urokinase (pro-uPA), t-PA, reteplase (r-PA), tenecteplase (TNK-tPA) etc. The indirect plasminogen activators (SK, SAK), on the other hand, do not have any enzymatic activity of their own. They form a 1:1 stoichiometric complex with plasmin or plasminogen. This activator complex then activates the plasminogen molecules present in the circulation (Table 1). Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay.

While the plasminogen activators of human origin (t-PA and u-PA) are still in use for thrombolytic therapy, their high cost and side effects have led researchers to look for alternate sources of fibrinolytic enzymes. In this scenario, microbial fibrinolytic enzymes have gained attention due to their low cost of production and reduced side effects.6 Microbes from food and non-food sources have been found to be promising producers of such thrombolytic enzymes with Bacillus being the most important genus.4Fermented Asian foods have been found to provide a good habitat for the production of such bacterial enzymes.6 Furthermore, apart from humans and microbes, thrombolytic enzymes have also been reported in animals like vampire bats, snakes and earthworms and more recently in plant lattices.7,8,9,10 In addition, recombinant DNA technology has helped to produce thrombolytic variants with different pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. In the current review, the authors have described the current status of thrombolytic therapy with an insight into the mechanism of coagulation and thrombolysis. The physical and biochemical characteristics of the different thrombolytic enzymes have been discussed in detail with an emphasis on the future state of thrombolytic therapies.

Mechanism of coagulation and thrombolysis

The physiological balance between the coagulation and thrombolytic processes in the human body maintains a healthy circulatory system. A schematic representation of the coagulation and thrombolytic cascade has been shown in Fig. 1. During normal circulation, the coagulation cascade is in the favor of anticoagulation.11 While coagulation is essential for minimizing blood loss during an injury (hemostasis), it is also involved in the formation of a fibrin clot that may block the blood vessels. Thus, any perturbations in the hemostatic balance may lead to bleeding or thrombotic disorders.

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Figure 1.

Overview of the coagulation (extrinsic and intrinsic) and thrombolytic cascades. In the extrinsic pathway (red arrow), membrane associated tissue factor (TF) binds to activated factor VII (VIIa) already present in circulation. This binary complex further activates factor X to factor Xa. Factor Xa then activates factor V to Va forming the prothrombinase complex that catalyzes activation of prothrombin to thrombin. Thrombin cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin that forms a mesh in which the RBCs, WBCs and platelets are entrapped to form the blood clot. In the intrinsic pathway (blue arrow), factor XII is activated via contact with negatively charged surfaces (collagen). Factor XIIa activates factor XI to XIa which catalyzes the activation of factor IX.Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay.  Activated factor IXa forms a complex with factor VIIIa and mediates activation of factor X. The extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of blood coagulation merge at factor X activation (black arrow). The propagation of the fibrin clot is limited by the action of the serine protease, plasmin (green arrow). It is formed via the activation of plasminogen by plasminogen activators such as u-PA, t-PA, SK, APSAC etc. Plasmin cleaves fibrin into fibrin degradation products that are then removed by macrophages. A detailed mechanism has been described in the text.

All enzymes and substrates of the coagulation cascade are vitamin-K-dependent proteins that interact with the phospholipid membrane via γ-carboxy glutamic acid residues located in their amino-terminal domains. These residues are involved in binding to calcium that is essential for the proper folding of the γ-carboxy glutamic acid domain.11Blood coagulation may be initiated through 2 pathways: the extrinsic pathway or the intrinsic pathway. The extrinsic pathway, where tissue factor plays a critical role, is the mechanism of trauma-initiated coagulation in vivo. It is triggered in response to the exposure of blood from a ruptured endothelial layer to the extravascular tissue.11 This causes the release of tissue factor (TF, thromboplastin), a membrane protein that is constitutively expressed by cells surrounding the vascular bed.12 It is a receptor for both zymogen and activated forms of factor VII i.e., factor VIIa. A fraction of factor VII circulates in the blood in the active form. Binding of active factor VIIa to the tissue factor promotes coagulation by catalyzing the activation of factors IX and X to IXa and Xa in the presence of Ca2+ ions.11,12 Subsequently, the prothrombinase complex is formed that is responsible for activating prothrombin to thrombin. This complex, assembled on the negatively charged phospholipid membrane in the presence of Ca2+ions, is composed of factor Xa and its co-factor Va. Factor V activation is catalyzed by factor Xa on the phospholipid surface as well as by thrombin in plasma and on the phospholipid membrane. In addition, thrombin activates factor VIII and XI resulting in feedback amplification of the system. In circulation, the inactivated factor VIII is attached to von Willebrand factor, an adhesive protein necessary for the primary platelet plug formation. Once activated, the factor VIIIa dissociates and forms a complex with factor IXa on the platelet surface called the tenase complex.11 This complex then activates factor X which can then activate thrombin using factor Va as the co-factor. The extrinsic pathway is so named due to the requirement of an exogenous agent, the TF, which is exposed upon breakage of the endothelial barrier.12 In an alternate mechanism, coagulation may also be carried out via the intrinsic pathway. This pathway is named so since all the components required for this pathway are present in the blood. In this pathway, factor XII (Hageman factor) gets activated and forms factor XIIa by contact activation via negatively charged surfaces like glass, collagen, kaolin or even membranes of some microorganisms.12,13 Factor XIIa can further activate plasma prekallikrein to plasma kallikrein which in turn catalyzes the activation of factor XII in a positive feedback loop.12 Active factor XIIa, along with high molecular weight kininogen as a co-factor, subsequently activates factor XI to factor XIa. In the presence of Ca2+ ions, factor XIa converts factor IX to factor IXa.13 The activation of factor X to factor Xa is catalyzed by factor IXa along with factor VIIIa. Further, factor Xa can convert prothrombin to thrombin in the presence of calcium and factor Va. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay.

Regulation of the coagulation cascade occurs via the action of several anticoagulants. The enzyme antithrombin inactivates several coagulation factors. The tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) blocks the TF:VIIa complex formation by complexing with factor Xa. Another regulator, activated protein C is responsible for proteolytic inactivation of factor Va and VIIIa.11,12

Once thrombin has been produced, it converts the soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin, which forms the blood clot. During thrombus formation, the circulatory erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets are incorporated into its structure. The detailed mechanism of fibrinogen activation by thrombin has been described in the next section.

The thrombus so formed is lysed through the action of proteolytic enzymes. Thrombolysis is the term given to the enzyme mediated degradation of the fibrin clot. In the mammalian circulatory system, plasmin plays a central role during thrombolysis. This protease is generated from the circulatory zymogen plasminogen through the action of plasminogen activators, u-PA, and t-PA in vivo. Plasmin restores the vascular patency by proteolysis of insoluble fibrin into fibrin degradation products leading to the dissolution of blood clots.14

The thrombolytic system

The human thrombolytic system is an enzyme-based proteolytic system whose main function is to limit the intravascular thrombosis and restore blood flow through the occluded vessels. It is composed of the plasma zymogen plasminogen and its activated form plasmin, fibrinogen and its active product fibrin, as well as plasminogen activators that activate plasminogen to plasmin. Furthermore, it also includes the inhibitors of the thrombolytic system that mediate the regulation of thrombolysis. These act at the level of plasmin and plasminogen activators. In the following section, we describe the structure of plasminogen and fibrinogen and their conversion into the activated forms plasmin and fibrin respectively as well as various inhibitors responsible for thrombolysis regulation.

(i) Human plasminogen (Pg, profibrinolysin)

The gene for human plasminogen (52 kb) is located on chromosome 6 and consists of 19 exons and 18 introns. Human plasminogen (92 kDa) is synthesized as a single polypeptide chain of 810 amino acids while the mature protein is 791 amino acids (2373 bp) having a leader sequence of 19 residues (57 bp) that is cleaved during secretion. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay. The primary source of plasminogen is the liver, however, other sources like the adrenal glands, thymus, lung, brain, gut, uterus, kidney, spleen, testis and heart have also been identified. Its concentration in the plasma is 2.2 µM. The protein is glycosylated at Asn289, Thr346, Ser248, Thr339 and phosphorylated at Ser578.15 Plasminogen activators catalyze the activation of plasminogen to plasmin (Pm) by inducing a proteolytic cleavage at the Arg561-Val562bond. Plasmin is a 2-chain molecule held together by 2 disulfide linkages. The N-terminal heavy chain of human plasmin (Glu1-Arg561) carries 5 kringle (K) domains that are triple-disulfide linked protein modules involved in interaction with lysine. Domains K1 and K4 exhibit the strongest affinity with lysine, while K2 has the weakest affinity.15Binding of plasmin to fibrin is mediated via the lysine-binding sites on these kringle domains. Kringle 1 is also involved in plasmin binding to the α2-antiplasmin inhibitor, one of the fastest protein-protein interactions (rate of the inhibition reaction is ∼107 M−1s−1).16 Consequently, plasmin bound to fibrin impedes inactivation by this inhibitor. The C-terminal light chain carries the serine protease domain with His603, Asp646 and Ser741as the catalytic triad.16 The heavy chain also accommodates a 77 residues N-terminal peptide region, which is cleaved during in vitro activation of plasminogen by autolysis. The Glu1-Pm and Lys78-Pm can catalyze the hydrolysis of the N-terminus 77 amino acids of Glu1-Pg or Glu1-Pm, converting Glu1-Pg to Lys78-Pg and Glu1-Pm to Lys78-Pm. Such a plasmin or plasminogen molecule having an N-terminal glutamic acid residue has a closed conformation while that with lysine as the N-terminal residue has a more open conformation making it the preferred substrate for activation by plasminogen activators.15 Plasmin degrades fibrin as well as fibrinogen, and other coagulation factors including factor V, VIII, IX, XI, XII, insulin and growth hormones.17 Various cell types such as monocytes, lymphocytes, granulocytes and endothelial cells express plasminogen receptors, which interact with plasminogen to accelerate its conversion to plasmin. The surface bound plasmin has an enhanced activity and is also protected from inactivation via inhibitors compared to plasmin in the blood plasma. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay. Cell surface associated plasmin can also mediate the degradation of extracellular matrix and basement membrane molecules.18


(ii) Fibrinogen

It is the most abundant plasma protein (2–4 g/L) synthesized mainly by the hepatocytes and in smaller amounts by the epithelium of the intestine, cervix, and lungs with a half-life of approximately 4 d.19 The FGA, FGB and FGG genes, coding for 3 fibrinogen chains namely Aα, Bβ and γ, are located on chromosome 4 in a ∼50 kb region.20 The first step in fibrinogen assembly is the formation of 2 chain complexes Aα-γ and Bβ-γ. In the next step, a third chain is added to form a 3 chain complex Aα-Bβ-γ. Finally, 2 of the 3 chain complexes join at the N-termini to form the dimeric hexamer (Aα-Bβ-γ)2 of 340 kDa held together by 29 disulfide bonds.19 The central portion of this glycoprotein (domain E) comprises of the N-termini of the 6 chains. The domain D is a globular structure composed of the carboxy terminal of the Bβ and γ chains. The coiled coils of the α-helices of the 3 chains connect these domains. The spontaneous polymerization of the fibrinogen molecule is prevented due to the presence of negative charges at the N-terminus of the Aα and Bβ chains. Thrombin catalyzes the hydrolysis across the Arg16-Gly17 and Arg14-Gly15 peptide bonds in the N-terminal of the Aα and Bβ chains, respectively, due to which fibrinopeptides A and B are cleaved from fibrinogen. This partially degraded form of fibrin is called the fibrin monomer. Cleavage of fibrinopeptides A and B unmasks positively charged end groups which are the sites for polymerization termed as EA (Gly-Pro-Arg-Val) and EB (Gly-His-Arg-Pro). They interact non-covalently with negatively-charged complementary polymerization sites Da and Db in the C-terminal portion of the γ and β chains.21 The fibrin monomers interact with each other in a half-staggered manner to form protofibrils, a 2 stranded fibrin polymer, leading to the polymerization process. Alongside, thrombin catalyzes the conversion of factor XIII to active factor XIIIa, a transglutaminase that stabilizes the fibrin structure by cross-linking. The cross-linked fibrin is mechanically stronger and more resistant to proteolysis by plasmin. Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay.

During degradation, plasmin mediates cleavage in the C-terminal portion of the Aα chain and attacks the amino and carboxy terminal part of the Bβ chain. The γ chain hydrolysis is relatively slow.22 The first degradation product termed fragment X (∼260–300 kDa) is formed after the cleavage and removal of the C-terminal region of the Aα chain at Lys208-Met209, Lys221-Ser222 or Lys232-Ala233. This fragment is clottable by thrombin with an increased affinity toward plasmin and has a faster lysis rate compared to clots formed by intact fibrin.22 Fragment X is further hydrolyzed giving rise to the fragments Y (∼150 kDa) and D (∼94 kDa). Fragment Y is further degraded producing another fragment D and fragment E (∼50 kDa). Degradation of cross-linked fibrin produces D-dimers instead of D fragments.23

Blood Derivatives And Thrombolytic Drugs Essay

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