Health Care Exam for POC Essay

Health Care Exam for POC Essay

Which of the following terms describes the condition of being placed on an official list after meeting the educational and testing requirements for an occupation?
Asking the physician before giving the treatment.
A medical assistant who believes that a physician made an error when prescribing a treatment would demonstrate good thinking skills by
Gathering facts and information.
Assessment is a term used in health care that means
Patients’ reports about how they feel
Which of the following is an example of subjective data?
When collecting information from a patient, which term best describes the results of diagnostic tests, measurements, and observations made by health care professionals? Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Develop personalized study techniques.
How can learners best take advantage of their dominant learning style?
Always study for understanding
Which of the following advice to new students will BEST help them become highly competent health care workers?
Sometimes requires confronting difficult issues.
A true statement about using the five-step problem-solving process is that it
Has been granted permission to legally perform specific acts
When a person is licensed in a health care profession, this means that he or she
Apply what they learned in school to situations encountered on the job
An important result of learning to think effectively is that when learners become health care professionals they will
Help patients become as self-sufficient as possible
The main purpose of occupational therapy is to
Massage therapist
Erin has always enjoyed working with her hands and wants to work directly with patients. Which of the following occupations would be the best choice her to consider?
Learn how body functions, such as digestion, occur.
Discovering the principles of chemistry in the eighteenth century made it possible to
The development of antibiotics and immunizations
What is the most significant reason for the dramatic increase in expected life span over the last 100 years? Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Acute care hospitals
The growing number of elderly citizens is causing dramatic increases in the need for all of the following health care services EXCEPT
Private physicians’ offices.
The majority of outpatient services are provided by
Long-term care
Which of the following health care services is expected to provide the largest number of employment opportunities for today’s health care graduates?
Inspect and regulate services that affect public health
Which of the following describes one of the primary responsibilities of local health departments?
Encouraging a patient to follow a healthy diet and start an exercise program are examples of the growing emphasis on the concept of:
Links have been discovered between lifestyle habits and major diseases.
What is the major reason why more patients are being encouraged by health care providers to take responsibility for their own health?
Provide comfort and pain control
Which of the following best describes palliative care?
80 years
The current life expectancy for females born in the United States in 2005 is:
What an individual believes to be most important in life
Personal values are best described as:
Some laws result in unintended negative results
Which statement correctly describes the laws of the United States?
Taking deliberate action that results in death
The term “euthanasia” means:
Allowing a patient to refuse treatment, even if it will negatively affect his health
Which of the following patient care examples is both legal and demonstrates respect for a patient’s autonomy?
A signed document outlining the terms of the agreement
Which of the following is NOT a necessary component of a legal contract?
Add to or change the meaning of the word root.
The purpose of the suffix in a medical term is to:
A word root and a vowel
What are the components of a combining form?
Surgical procedure
Which of the following is NOT a common meaning of a prefix?
Like the word “eye”
How is the letter “i” pronounced when it is used at the end of a word to create the plural form?
Only those that are facility-approved should be used.
Which of the following is a true statement about the use of medical abbreviations in written health care documentation?
If you are given 3/8 of a pie, into how many parts has the pie been divided?
Which of the following is an improper fraction?
3/8 =
20 drops to 4 cups
5 drops of medication to 1 cup of water is the same as:
If a physician orders that a patient be given 45 grams of a medication and it is only available in 15 gram tablets, how many tablets should the patient be given? Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
10:00 p.m. is expressed in military time as:
The Roman numeral XLVII =
A gram is the basic metric unit for measuring which of the following?
1 milliliter is equivalent to how many liters?
1 meter is equivalent to how many centimeters?
Two pounds is equivalent to approximately how many kilograms?
If 5 ml = 1 tsp, how many teaspoons are in 85 ml?
If 2 fluid ounces = 60 milliliters, how many milliliters are in 7 ounces of cough syrup?
If 98.6°F is the normal adult oral temperature, what would it be if it were measured using a thermometer that measures in centigrade?Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
continuously adjusting to changes.
Homeostasis means that the body is:
Cells, tissues, organs, body systems
Which series correctly lists the organizational levels of the body from the smallest to the largest?
an organ
The liver would best be described as:
What is the name of the part of the cell that controls its activity?
Produce energy for cellular processes
What is the purpose of the mitochondria?
Which directional term describes the hand in relation to the shoulder?
Left upper quadrant (LUQ)
Which abdominal quadrant contains the stomach?
The many individual bones in the human body are classified by:
In which body system are red blood cells manufactured?
Which of the following is NOT part of the appendicular skeleton?
The femur is a major bone in the
Blood is carried away from the heart to carry oxygen to the rest of the body by the
blocked coronary arteries
Heart attacks are the result of:
Transport oxygen
What is the major function of red blood cells?
Which organ produces bile to break down fats so they can be absorbed and used by the body?
Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra
Which sequence lists the major organs of the urinary system in order as it removes wastes from the body?Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Clean the blood and regulate amount of water in the body
What are the main functions of the kidneys?
The ____ is the part of the eye on which images are projected.
The brain and the spinal cord are the components of the ____ nervous system.
It functions outside the control of the individual.
Which statement is true about the autonomic nervous system?
Harmful physical and mental stress can occur when the ____ nervous system is continually activated.
In which part of the male reproductive system is sperm manufactured?
increase in height
The phrase “human development” refers to all of the following EXCEPT:
Thought, awareness, and the ability to comprehend meaning are referred to as ____ abilities.
life consists of conflicts that must be resolved for development to occur.
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development are based on the theory that:
Motor sensory skills peak and start to decline
Which of the following is accurate about the young adulthood stage of development?
40 to 65
What age span is considered middle adulthood?
Which of the following birth years are defined as baby boomers?
A chair that provides good back support and is the proper height for the user is an example of good:
When lifting objects off the floor, it is safest to use the muscles of the:
Sitting straight up with the head and shoulders aligned over the hips
Which is the best body position to maintain when working at a desk for long periods of time?
6 to 8 inches apart
When lifting heavy objects, what is the best way to position your feet?
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Which of the following conditions have the signs and symptoms of tingling, numbness, and pain in the hand and results in an inability to make a fist?
bacteria cause many specific diseases.
The germ theory states that:
Produces antibodies
How does the body’s immune response operate to fight infection?
Destroys the body’s normal flora
What is the most common reason that long-term antibiotic therapy can cause new infections?
Higher temperature kills microorganisms
What is the principal purpose of a rise in body temperature?
ensure employee safety.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration conducts visits at health care facilities in order to:
Medical asepsis decreases pathogens; sterile asepsis eliminates pathogens.
What is the difference between medical and surgical asepsis?
Which of the following procedures is an example of medical asepsis?
At all times
When should health care workers who are in direct contact with patients follow Standard Precautions?
Microorganisms can live in wet cloth towels.
Why are paper towels most appropriate for drying the hands in a health care facility?
Do not touch faucets with bare hands.
Which of the following practices is essential to ensure effective handwashing technique?
Clean the spill as soon as possible with a disinfectant.
What is the proper action to take if blood is splashed on a countertop during a procedure on a patient?
Transmission-Based Precautions
All pathogens that are easily transmitted and have the potential to cause epidemics require the use of:.
Bag items once in the room, and then place them in second bag held outside the room.
What is the proper way to remove linen and other items from the room of a patient who is in isolation?Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Hepatitis B
Which of the following diseases is contracted by the highest number of health care workers each year?
Hepatitis B
Against which of the following diseases can health care workers be protected by a vaccine?
Awareness of common dangers is decreased.
How can changes in mental function increase a patient’s risk of accident and injury?
discarding waste that contains body fluids.
Special biohazard bags should be used for:
Are placed in the patient’s file
Which of the following statements is NOT true about incident reports?
It can be used on all types of fires.
What is the advantage of using an ABC type of fire extinguisher?
15 minutes
What is the minimum length of time that eyes that have been splashed with chemicals should be rinsed?
Label it as “radioactive” and place it in a special container.
What is the proper way to dispose of radioactive waste?
Chest pains
A patient with which of the following would be evaluated and treated first under a triage system?
Make a decision that you want to change
Which action should you take first to help you succeed when attempting to change a negative habit?
Identify sources of stress.
An effective way to begin reducing stress in your life is to:
On a regular basis.
Muscle relaxation is most beneficial if it is done:
mental view of the world.
A health care professional’s attitude is determined by his or her:
Doing one’s best to provide high-quality service
Which is the best definition of “professionalism” as it applies to the health care professional?
Ask yourself what might have caused this reaction.
What is the most appropriate way to react when a patient responds rudely to your attempts to provide care?
learn as much as possible from the problems.
The best way to deal with problems in the workplace is to:
Loss of confidence in their care
What is the most likely reaction of patients who hear health care professionals complain about their working conditions?
Increase patient confidence.
The most important reason for dressing conservatively at the workplace is to:
Look in the employee manual. Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
What is the first thing to do if you are unsure about how to request a personal leave day from work?
Caring about patients without becoming too friendly
Which of the following best illustrates the meaning of professional distance?
All purposeful learning activities
Which statement best describes the concept of lifelong learning?
credits earned to add to professional knowledge.
Continuing education units are best described as:
50 to 60 minutes
What is the common length of class attendance necessary to earn one continuing education unit?
The certifying organization that requires the units
Who should health care professionals check with regarding acceptance of continuing education units they plan to earn?
fully develop their teamwork skills.
The increase in medical specialization has led to the need for all health care professionals to:
Every human being is entitled to respect.
Which statement best expresses the meaning of the Philosophy of Individual Worth?
“Why do you think that helped you?”
What is the best response to a patient who tells you that he feels much better after trying a “cure” that is practiced by his cultural group but that you know may have dangerous consequences?
These groups now make up significant percentages of the total population.
Why is the term “minority group” no longer very effective in describing certain ethic groups in the United States today?
make assumptions about patients’ cultural backgrounds.
When assessing the needs of patients, it is disrespectful for the health care professional to:
reflect the accepted values of society as a whole.
The term “dominant culture” refers to the customs that:
Comfortable distance between people in conversation
Cultures have different beliefs about appropriate personal space. What does this term refer to?
use of scientific methods.
The main characteristic of traditional Western medicine as practiced by the majority of physicians in the United States is the:
ask questions about her health beliefs and preferences.
If an elderly patient appears to be of Chinese background, it is best to:
ask the patient to explain in his own words or demonstrate the instructions.
When giving instructions to a patient who speaks limited English, it is best to:
18 inches
Comfortable personal space between individuals who share the dominant culture of the United States is about:
listening actively.
Of the many oral communication skills needed by the health care professional, the MOST important for building effective patient relations is:
listen carefully to determine whether there is a contradictory message.
The best way to respond to a patient who jokes about being an “old cripple” due to injuries suffered in a car accident is to:
not showing respect for the child.
When a medical receptionist greets a 5-year-old patient by asking his mother, “And how is little José today?” she is:
have given their permission
It is appropriate for a dental assistant to address patients by their first names when they:
Check whether the patient has consented to his having the information.Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
What is the appropriate action for a nurse whose patient’s older brother informs her that he is acting on behalf of the patient and wants information about treatments she has received?
I need to be someplace else right now.
Which message is most likely communicated by a phlebotomist who tells a patient, “I’d really like to hear more about that” while looking anxiously at his watch?
Be sure your facial expression communicates caring and reassurance.
What is the BEST course of action when performing a procedure on a patient whose condition causes a strong, unpleasant odor?
Use pantomime
Which action is most likely to increase the effectiveness of communication when a patient is having difficulty understanding the health care professional’s instructions?
ask the patient if he would prefer not to be touched.
If a patient seems uncomfortable with being touched on the arm in a caring manner, it is best to:
Listen and observe very carefully.
What is the best strategy to follow when listening to a patient speaking in favor of something about which you strongly disagree?
A respiratory therapist who tries to imagine the fear a patient experiences when he has difficulty catching his breath is practicing:
A dental hygienist who says to a patient, “I hear you saying that you don’t like to floss because it makes your gums bleed,” is using a technique known as:
project a positive image of their facility
The MOST important reason for health care professionals to develop excellent telephone skills is to:
Determine the goal of the instruction.
What would be the first step when planning instruction about postoperative home care for a patient’s husband?
decide on the specific goal of the communication.
When preparing to discuss nutrition with a diabetic patient, the first step in the communication process is to:
list every idea you can think of, including those that seem unlikely.
When you are beginning the process of writing a report on a health care topic, it is recommended that you:
The specific circumstances
What determines the tone of a written document?
when the writer finds this organizational technique helpful.
Before the writer begins to write a report, an informal outline should be prepared:
write the first draft quickly without worrying about perfect grammar and spelling.
Professional writers suggest that a good way to prevent being overwhelmed by a long writing project is to:
Which word correctly applies the “i before e” rule?
Which word correctly applies the rule about adding letters to words that end in “y”? Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Which word correctly applies the rule about forming plurals?
Which of the following words is spelled correctly? Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
Your leg is almost healed; the cast can probably be removed next week.
Which sentence is written correctly?
In medical usage, which is the correct way to express the percentage?
Stephen Carruthers, O.D.
Which of the following professional titles is written correctly?
how the lines of text are lined up with the margins.
The main difference between the three block-style business letter formats is:
To encourage attendees to prepare in advance and be on time
What is the main purpose of a staff meeting agenda?
Which of the following is the correct plural form of the word “diverticulum”?
Which abbreviation for electrocardiogram is written correctly?
project views from inside the patient’s mouth onto a screen.
The development of fiber optics has enabled dentists to:
provide quick access to diagnostic and treatment information.
The purpose of an expert system is to:
Entering patient data during a home care visit
Which health care function is made easier by point-of-care charting?
search for information among millions of references.
Health care professionals can use MEDLARS to:
University medical school
Which sponsor is most likely to have a Web site that contains current and accurate information about the link between nutrition and cancer?
store instructions and data.
The principal purpose of the computer’s hard drive is to:
The instructions necessary for computers to operate and perform specific tasks are provided by the:
Write direct quotes and enclose the entry in quotation marks.
Which is the correct way to document a patient’s statement about symptoms experienced?
Follow facility policies.
How should the health care professional select appropriate abbreviations to use in written documentation?
Patient states, “I only slept 3 1/2 hours last night.”
What is the best way to record in a patient’s report that he only slept from about 1:00 a.m. to 4:30 a.m.?
Refuse to sign either name.
A coworker calls from home and asks you to sign his name on a patient chart that he forgot to sign after administering a medication. What should you do?
Recording observations and information about patients
Which of the following is the best definition of charting?
Helps ensure compliance with regulatory agencies
What is one of the purposes of medical documentation?
Which of the following items would be included in the personal history?Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Medical problems of relatives
Which of the following items would be part of the familial history?
from head to toe
Which order is most frequently used for conducting complete physical examinations?
Understanding normal anatomy and physiology
Which of the following is the most fundamental skill on which to base good health care observational skills?
The medication has been effective.
What does it mean when a patient reports his pain dropping from an 8 to a 2 after receiving pain medication?
Increase intake of fluids
Which is the most appropriate action for a patient who is febrile?
Do not remove the cover in advance of use.
Which statement is true about the proper use of chemical-dot thermometers?
cool itself.
Sweating is a method the body uses to:
Which method of taking the temperature should NOT be used with patients who have recently suffered a heart attack?
Which of the following routes will give the highest thermometer reading?
When the pulse is strong, regular, and within normal range and patient does not have a cardiac condition
When is it appropriate to take a pulse by counting the heart rate for 30 seconds and multiplying by two?
measure the ability of the heart to contract.
Testing for an apical-radial deficit is done in order to:
Count respirations without the patient’s knowledge.
Which action is necessary to obtain an accurate respiratory rate?
At 30 mm Hg higher than when you last felt the pulse
When taking a blood pressure, at what point should you stop inflating the arm cuff?
Victim is not breathing and does not have a pulse.
Which emergency condition requires the immediate use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)?
All individuals who perform within the limits of their ability
Who is typically protected by Good Samaritan laws passed by the states?
Call emergency personnel.
What should be the first action taken when arriving on the scene of an emergency in which people have been injured?
When the victim’s life is in immediate danger
When is it acceptable for you to move an accident victim without the assistance of emergency medical personnel?Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
Above heart level
Which is the best position for an arm or leg that is bleeding heavily?
Apply cold compresses.
Which is the proper treatment for strains and sprains?
When the burn covers a very large area of the body
When is it NOT appropriate to run cool water over a burn?
Call the Poison Control Center or Emergency Medical Services.
What should be your first action when assisting a victim who has swallowed a poisonous substance?
a low rate of respiration.
A victim suffering from hypothermia should be carefully observed for
Apply cool water to the body
Which is the correct treatment for a victim suffering from heat cramps?
What should you suspect if an individual is experiencing excessive thirst, hunger, and frequency of urination?
Place on his or her back and raise the legs
Which action is appropriate when assisting a victim who has fainted?
Loosen tight clothing.
Which action is most appropriate when assisting a victim who is experiencing a seizure
Sweating and pale skin color
Which of the following are signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia?
It rewards health care providers who prescribe the most services.
Why is it argued that the fee-for-service method of determining medical expenses/costs has contributed to rising health care costs?
offer a predetermined medical care benefit package.
A health maintenance organization (HMO) is composed of health care providers who:
When a health care provider is paid a set amount for each person covered by an insurance plan, regardless of how many services each person requires, this is called:
has difficulty purchasing health insurance.
If a person has a preexisting health problem, this often means that he or she:
Some enrollees never use the services.
What is meant by “spreading the risk” among enrollees in a health insurance plan?
Evaluate and coordinate the health care needs of patients
How do physicians who are primary care providers contribute to the control of health care costs?
agree in advance to accept set fees for specific services.
If an insurance plan is based on negotiated fees with health care providers, this means that the providers:
Can use the money to earn interest or pay debts
Why is it a good business practice to keep accounts receivable as low as possible?
Which category of expenses is often the highest for a health care organization?
Accusations of fraud
What is the most serious consequence for a facility if treatments administered to patients are frequently reported and coded incorrectly? Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
have learned to perform duties in addition to those expected of those with their job title.
If health care professionals are cross-trained, this means that they:
Money remaining after all costs paid
What is it mean to earn a profit?
POS (point-of-service plan)
Which of the following allows members to choose to receive a service from a participating or nonparticipating provider?
Providers are paid before rather than after services are performed.
Which of the following is true about prepaid plans?
Patient pays $10 every time they have an office visit
Which of the following is an example of a copay?
improve or maintain the quality of care while decreasing costs.
The purpose of quality improvement is to:
Always listen carefully to what patients say and how they say it.
What is the best way for health care workers to help their facility ensure that its patients have positive experiences when receiving care
20 to 40 hours
How much time do employment professionals recommend that you spend each week on job search activities?
the school career or placement office.
The resource that often ranks number one for helping graduates locate job leads is (are):
tell as many people as possible that you are looking for a job.
Networking is most effective for identifying job openings and getting hired when you:
Ask them questions about how to succeed both in the job search and later on the job.
Which of the following is a good way to get maximum benefit from professional networking contacts?
Perform to the best of your ability every day.
How can you increase your chances of being hired by the site where you do your clinical experience?
state your employment goal.
The objective section of the resume is used to:
With a clear statement that it was an unpaid training position
How should your externship/clinical experience be listed on your resume?
Hobbies and interests that relate to health issues
Which of the following should be included in the resume?
The way the work history is presented.
The main difference between the chronological and functional resume types is:
With any resume sent to a prospective employer
When should cover letters be written and sent?
handwrite it to communicate interest and a personal touch.
When writing a cover letter, it is recommended that you NOT:
be prepared with examples that demonstrate your qualifications.
A good way to convince an employer during the interview that you are qualified for the job is to:
When the job offer is made
When is it appropriate to ask about salary, benefits, and office rules?
how your answer relates to the job and the employer’s current needs.
When answering general employment questions, such as “Tell me about yourself,” the most important point to include in your answers is:
State that you decided to seek opportunities elsewhere.
Which is the best way to handle the question of why you left your last job, if it was because you thought your supervisor was incompetent?
try to include an example to back up your answer.
A general rule for answering questions about your qualifications is to:
talk about what you’ve learned and why the behavior won’t happen again.
If you are asked about employment difficulties in the past, such as having held many jobs for very short periods of time, the best strategy is to:
Your clinical training supervisor
Which would be the best person to choose as a reference?
be prepared to demonstrate your competencies at interviews.
The reason for creating a professional portfolio is to:
After every interview
When should you send a thank you note following an interview?
evaluate your interviewing skills and seek advice to improve them.
The best way to deal with being repeatedly rejected for jobs you want is to:
how you would handle a given workplace situation
The purpose of a behavioral interview question is to learn:
Why did you leave your last job?
Which of the following questions can an interviewer legally ask?
have in order to be hired for the job.
The minimum requirements for a job are the qualifications the health care professional must:
Ask your supervisor to explain the reason for the rule.
What is the best action to take if a workplace rule seems silly and unnecessary? Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
A coworker who was rude to you in front of a patient
Which of the following workplace issues should NOT be discussed at a staff meeting?
develop effective strategies for solving them.
The best way to approach everyday problems at the workplace is to:
Flirting at the workplace between people who are interested in dating each other
Which of the following is NOT an example of behavior that could be considered sexual harassment?
provide an opportunity for employees to learn and make plans for improvement
The best use of the annual employee performance evaluation is to:
ask for examples or an explanation of what led to the low rating.
The best action to take if you receive low ratings you believe are unjustified on a performance review is to:
The last date you plan to work
What should be included in a letter of resignation?
Disregarding patient confidentiality
Which of the following employee behaviors is most likely to result in immediate dismissal?
Be prepared with ideas for solutions.
Which of the following is the best action if you are meeting with your supervisor to discuss a workplace problem?  Health Care Exam for POC Essay.
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