Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay

Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay

The purpose of this paper is to discuss a learning theory with application to a teaching-learning situation in health care. This paper will focus on the social learning theory and its application to the teaching-learning process in nursing. I will explore a clear definition of the theory and present the main concepts. Lastly, I will apply my knowledge of the social learning theory by describing how I use it in a health care setting when educating student nurses during senior practicum. Definition of the Social Learning Theory and its Contributor

The social learning theory suggests that people learn new behaviors through observation of factors in their environment, by taking note of other’s behavior and the consequence of that behavior. Observing a desired result makes the learner more likely to adopt a behavior to seek that result.Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay. This does not necessarily mean that the learner needs a direct experience to learn, but rather just taking notice of another’s behavior they can learn by what happens to that person (Bastable, 2008). Albert Bandura, a Canadian psychologist, is known as the originator of the social learning theory.

During his early research, Bandura examined the foundations of human learning and the tendency of children and adults to model their own behavior on behavior observed in others. He found that “learning is often a social process, and other individuals, especially significant others, provide compelling examples or role models for how to think, feel, and act” (Bastable, 2008, p. 67). He termed this “role modeling”. Bastable defines role modeling as “the use of self as a role model… whereby the learner acquires new behaviors and social roles by identification with the role model” (2008, p. 34).

In his book, Social Learning Theory (1977), Bandura argues that most human behavior is learned through observing others and that it could be potentially hazardous for individuals to learn by relying only on their own actions. The social learning theory puts great emphasis on the learner’s personal characteristics, behavior patterns, and internal processing; as well as the impact of social dynamics (Bastable, 2008). Therefore, it is important to identify the learner’s perception, interpretation and response to the social situation in which they are learning.


This can be particularly important in the health care environment. Learning and behavior occur because of the interaction of environmental and cognitive factors occurring within a social context by observation, imitation, and modeling the behaviors, attitudes and emotional reactions of others (Abbott, 2007; Ormrod, 1999). Bandura (1977) uses a four-step approach when implementing learning consisting of four phases: Attentional , Retention, Reproduction, and Motivational. The attentional phase is when the learner observes the role model.

The processing and memorization of the observations takes place in the retention phase. Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay. The learner performs the learned action or behavior in the reproduction phase. Lastly, the motivation phase focuses on the learner’s motivation to perform the behavior depending on their perception of reward or punishment as a consequence. This is known as vicarious reinforcement (Bastable , 2008). Application of Learning Theory to Health care Setting As a Registered Nurse I have had the opportunity to be a preceptor to a number of nursing students.

I take this role very seriously as I am aware of the impact that my mentoring has on the students’ learning experience, competence and satisfaction (Bastable, 2008). I base my teaching and mentoring around the social learning theory. Bastable (2008) and Neary (2000) both recognize the importance of role modeling for students pointing out the importance for the experienced nurse mentor to exhibit desired professional attributes and behaviors as this is the first observation a student will make.

At the outset of the practicum I want to be aware of the student’s personal characteristics, including their perception, interpretation, motivation and response to their own learning. I find out what their learning objectives and goals are and build on their current level of knowledge and on their previous experiences by asking questions and presenting the student with the opportunity to ask me questions. By doing so I begin building a rapport and trusting relationship in which the student can feel secure and supported.

Seifert and Sutton (2009) state that most students value their relationships with their teachers and benefit from the positive support the relationship provides. I begin role modeling by having the student shadow me. This teaches time management, patient care, rapport with staff, self-confidence, self-regulation, self-efficacy, self-evaluation, and competence. Throughout the practicum I observe and conference with the student to assess their retention and reproduction of what I have modeled, as well as any gaps in learning and give corrective feedback as needed.

I continually assess the student’s motivation to learn, being aware that this is influenced by vicarious reinforcement. I show this through my attitude, job satisfaction and love for nursing by being positive, energetic and eager to work. Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay. My goal by the end of the practicum is to have taught my student these qualities all the while teaching policy, procedure, and safe and competent patient care. In conclusion, the social learning theory involves the consideration of the individual learner in the context of the social environment and the behavior to be learned. It believe it is a “do as I do, not as I say” concept. Exposing my students to socially healthy experiences by being an exemplary role model is imperative to the success of my students.


Abbott, L. (2007). Social Learning Theory. [taken from the University of Texas at Austin online http://teachnet. edb. utexas. edu/~lynda_abbott/Social. html]. Bandura, A. (1977). Social learning theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Bastable, S. (2008). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (3rd ed. . Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Ormrod, J. E. (1999). Human learning (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Neary, M. (2000). Supporting students’ learning and professional development through the process of continuous assessment and mentorship. Nurse Education Today, 20, 469-474. Seifert, K. , ; Sutton, R. (2009). Educational Psychology (2nd ed. ). Global Text. http://docs. globaltext. terry. uga. edu:8095/anonymous/webdav/Educational%20Psychology/Educational%20Psychology. pdf

Learning Theory Applied to Health Care The purpose of this paper is to discuss a learning theory with application to a teaching-learning situation in health care. This paper will focus on the social learning theory and its application to the teaching-learning process in nursing. I will explore a clear definition of the theory and present the main concepts.Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay.  Lastly, I will apply my knowledge of the social learning theory by describing how I use it in a health care setting when educating student nurses during senior practicum. Definition of the Social Learning Theory and its Contributor The social learning theory suggests that people learn new behaviors through observation of factors in their environment, by taking note of other’s
Therefore, it is important to identify the learner’s perception, interpretation and response to the social situation in which they are learning. This can be particularly important in the health care environment. Learning and behavior occur because of the interaction of environmental and cognitive factors occurring within a social context by observation, imitation, and modeling the behaviors, attitudes and emotional reactions of others (Abbott, 2007; Ormrod, 1999). Bandura (1977) uses a four-step approach when implementing learning consisting of four phases: Attentional , Retention, Reproduction, and Motivational. The attentional phase is when the learner observes the role model. The processing and memorization of the observations takes place in the retention phase. The learner performs the learned action or behavior in the reproduction phase. Lastly, the motivation phase focuses on the learner’s motivation to perform the behavior depending on their perception of reward or punishment as a consequence. This is known as vicarious reinforcement (Bastable , 2008). Application of Learning Theory to Health care Setting As a Registered Nurse I have had the opportunity to be a preceptor to a number of nursing students. I take this role very seriously as I am aware of the impact that my mentoring has on the students’ learning experience, competence and satisfaction

The purpose of this essay is to outline the episode of learning that I have been involved, I am going to discuss how different types of learning theories and learning styles informed to develop my knowledge, it also reflect and evaluate the type of strategies that has been used within the episode of learning and it will discuss the implications in relation to my future role as a register nurse.

In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct and Performance NMC (2008) Patient information must be treated as confidential and should only be used for the purpose intended for to maintain confidentiality. Therefore the patient’s name, hospital and the learning facilitator name will be disclosed. Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay.

Education is an activity undertaken or initiated by one or more agents that is designed to effect changes in the knowledge, skill, and attitudes of individuals, groups or communities. The term emphasizes the educator, the agent of change who presents stimuli and reinforcement for learning and designs activities to induce change (Malcolm et.al 2005). The term learning, by contrast, emphasizes the person in whom the change occurs or is expected to occur. Learning is the act or process by which behavioural change, knowledge, skills and attitudes are acquired (Boyd, et al. 1980) therefore learning is not just attending a class or reading books it is all about changing behaviours and attitudes, reflecting what has been taught by practicing.

When I was doing my placement in the medical ward my mentor taught me how to carry out an electrocardiogram (ECG) when she showed me the first time I was very confused and thinking how I am going to know which leads is going to where after she has done the procedure on the patient she explain everything step by step, there was also a diagram as a guideline on the machine showing how and where to stick the leads. After seeing her carrying out the procedure on many patient one day she asked me to carry out the procedure on a patient even though I saw her doing it so many times but I had no confidence to do it however, she encouraged me and also said she will be there to help me all the way, as usual I introduce myself to my patient and ask his consent to carry out the procedure and draw the curtains to respect patient dignity, according to NMC (2008) obtain consent before you give any treatment or care and it also says that we must respect patients dignity. She observe me and correct my mistakes which was preventing me from repeating the same mistakes again because the way she corrected me she didn’t just say that I was wrong, she explain everything if I do it in the wrong way that’s going to give me the wrong reading which can affect patient treatment, she also suggested me to read about the heart and how to assess patients with heart problem and when a new patient admits to the ward what type of assessment we should carry out? And she asks me why? So I learnt a lot from her.

In this episode of learning various learning theories has been contributed in order to develop my knowledge.Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay.  From social learning theory behaviourism was the first one I used according to Pritchard (2005) defining behaviourism is a theory learning focusing on observable behaviours and discounting any mental activity.

Learning is the acquisition of new behaviour. I believe I learn through observing others behaviour, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviours. According to Bandura (1977) most human behaviour is learned observationally through modelling. From observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviours are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action. By observing my mentor for so many times while she was carrying out the procedure of ECG I was able to remember the procedure step by step. However, Bandura (1977) argue that people cannot learn much by observation unless they attend to and perceive accurately, the significant future of the modelled behaviour, which is right because if I was not get the chance to practice what I observe, it iseasy to forget all about it so I found it very useful and I fully understood when I did the procedure by myself rather than observing it all the time.

Working with and observing a mentor enables students, through a process of reflection, to internalise their mentor’s behaviour and build on previous knowledge and experience (Schon, 1987). My mentor has been a good role model, she act professionally she advocate for her patients best of interest and she dose follow the hospital rules and regulations in order to give the best care and she also have a good communication skills with the multidisciplinary teams regarding to the patients that she is looking after so I learnt so much from her that I will continue to build it up on my future placements, Role modelling is a process that allows students to learn new behaviours without the trial and error of doing things for themselves (Bandura, 1977). The benefits of role modelling lie in the opportunities for students to work with experienced and knowledgeable practitioners (Spouse, 1998). Therefore my mentor teaches me every single thing that she knows and she shared her experience with me by giving me the opportunities to work with her at all the time and she always monitor my progression anything that I need to improve she advices me to write down my action plan and she always check me if I met them. Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay.

According to Rogers(1993) Individuals want to learn and do so best when they feel free to express and choose their own direction, My mentor was professionally friendly, trusting, mutually respectful, informal, warm, collaborative and supportive openness which allows me to do best and learn quickly. When they are able to do this, mentors fulfil a dual role of teacher and learning facilitator and they must help their students to identify what direction learning should take and to facilitate the best conditions for this to occur, (Rogers, 1983). According to Hartley and Ellis (2000) The mentor must create trust in an atmosphere where the student can ask questions freely without feeling foolish, therefore my mentor when she wants to explain things she always take me to the side and we discuss everything she is open I feel comfortable to ask her any questions. Also NMC (2008) you have a duty to facilitate students of nursing, midwifery and specialist community public health nursing and others to develop their competence. You have a responsibility to deliver care based on current evidence, best practice and, where acceptable, validated research when it is available.

Pratt(1988) recognize that most learning experiences are highly situational, and that a learner may exhibit very different behaviours in different learning situation, for example it is entirely likely that a learner may be highly confident and self directed in one realm of learning but very dependent and unsure in another. Because of the different learning opportunities from being dependent I become more confident on doing ECG, by reading and practicing does help me to develop my knowledge. My mentor was encouraged me and explain things that I didn’t know and she answer any question that I ask her without being judgemental, so we had a good mentor and student relationship.

According to Rogers (1983) the humanists theorist, the key factors in motivating learning is the quality of the relationship between the learner and the teacher, each learner must be respected and valued for who and what she is, he also mention that a relationship of trust must be built between the teacher and the learner unconditional positive regard. My mentor showed positive interest to tech me which makes me feel valued and respected therefore it is motivating me to learn more and to be competent. Operant conditioning is a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behaviour. Through operant conditioning, an association is made between behaviour and a consequence for that behaviour Reinforcement is the key element, in Skinner (1971) a reinforce is anything that strengthens the desired response. It could be verbal praise, a good grade or a feeling of increased accomplishment or satisfaction.Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay.  Every time after I have done the ECG procedure my mentor gives me positive feedback that encouraged me to do it more often and it also gives me the confident that I needed. According to Malcolm (2005) the Andragogical Model in adult learners has a self-concept of being responsible for their own decisions, for their own lives. Ones they arrived at that self-concept, they develop a deep psychological need to be seen by others and treated by others as being capable of


As I am an adult learner I know what I need to learn and move towards independently, I have my own responsibilities for my own learning. Having positive feedback and encouragement from my mentor does motivate me to learn all new things. Reflecting on this experience the good thing going well is knowing my learning style According to Honey and Mumford (1986) we need to be able to adopt one of four different styles in order to complete any given learning task satisfactorily which are activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists, as I am a reflector, I like to stand back and look at situations from different perspectives before coming to conclusion to carry out any procedure or new things, so before I carry out the ECG I use every opportunity to observe my mentor and other nurses doing it, I take time to read about it and I have did research which makes me to have the confident to carry out the ECG by my own on any patient. According to NMC (2008) maintain your professional knowledge and

competence you must keep your skills and knowledge up to date throughout

our working life. In particular, you should take part regularly in learning activities that develop your competence and performance.

Knowing my learning style also helped me to develop my knowledge. For my future

role as a registrant nurse I can be able to carry out any procedures effectively because as I am a reflector I do research and collect as much information to do any procedures accurately, according to Pritchard (2005) the strength of reflectors is their painstaking data collection and its subsequent analysis, which will take place before any conclusion is reached. I am also a visual learner I learn fast by seeing I am good at

reading maps, graphs and any displays, in this particular learning the diagram on the ECG machine which shows how to carry out the procedure does help me to do my job quick and I can relate it with what I read before which gives me a full understanding on what I am doing, in relating to my future role it is important to be able to engage with new technologies, in health care settings there are a lot of different machines that we are using, in emergency situation it’s good to act fast how that machine is working just only by reading the manual or following a diagram or a poster showing how to operate it. Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay. According to NMC (2008) you must have the knowledge and skills for safe and effective practice when working without direct supervision.


The use of charts on the ECG machine which demonstrates all the concepts of the lesson which helps me be able to capture information as I observe from our discussions and from the demonstrations provided by my mentor and other nurses. The charts are acting as visual aids which are observable. This helps me to be able to observe what the charts have stressed on and l achieve great knowledge by observing the charts as a set of required example. According to West, Clark and Jasper (2007) provide students with best opportunity for success during the assessment process it is essential to ensure they have a feasible workload for their stage of education that can enable them to learn as well as to work therefore my mentor was giving me every opportunities to learn and to reflect what I learnt by practicing and she assess me by giving me home work and by asking me questions which does building up my confidence.

In conclusion, having the knowledge of the different type of theories help me to understand the practice better, having a mentor who encourage and motivating me to practice also give me the confident to apply theory in to practice. The use of different learning strategies also met my learning style. I learnt the important of knowing patients learning style which can make it easier for them to understand their condition or treatment better and. For my future role as a register nurse I can apply my knowledge to do health promotion. As a student nurse I will continue to use my learning styles in both theory and practice. Learning Theory Applied to Health Care Essay.

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