Uruguay Healthcare Essay

Uruguay Healthcare Essay

Healthcare and reasonable access to the services is a must for any nation. People should be able to rely on the system in order for the society to function. Uruguay is one of the countries which have both public and private healthcare; the choice is left to the people in accordance to their resources and individual needs.

Uruguay is a country located is the South Eastern part of South America; it borders with Brazil in the North and Argentine in the West. One of the primary concerns for the government of the country is to predict the spread of any disease; thus, many resources are put forth in the form of preventative measures.Uruguay Healthcare Essay.  There are many sociological surveys and research which are aimed at finding out the most common diseases. This has enabled people to expect a lot from the healthcare system, and it has showed in the way of life longevity, which is approximately 74 years old. At the same time, mortality among infants is rather low (“Uruguay – Health”, n. d.). The economic and political situation in the country is fairly reasonable as it allows people proper sanitary care and access to drinking water. This shows that the government is taking great care in providing proper living conditions to the population. The major problems with diseases relate to heart problems, disorders with the digestive tract and cancer (“Uruguay – Health”, n. d.).

The prices for private healthcare are rather low when compared to the United States. One of the choices proposed to the citizens is to get health insurance through private agencies. The private healthcare provider sets its own limitations and conditions when accepting new clients; therefore, the majority has a cut off age at approximately 60 to 65 years old, and a lot will depend on whether the person is employed or not (“Uruguay – Health”, n. d.). This is one of the unfortunate facts because even though the government is determined to provide proper health services there is little control over private clinics. Of course, the citizens always have the option of public health care, but the lines are much longer and there might be a wait period when tests are needed. One of the most important benefits of Uruguay healthcare is that all the equipment is modern and up to the highest standards. The country stays very current in all the medical advances and technologies which the present world offers, so, people will be able to get proper treatment if such need arises. The doctors will provide care and their training is also on the highest of level. There are several medical schools, but the majority of the doctors received training in the United States. Some study as far as Germany, and others choose Brazil which is much more convenient through its proximity to Uruguay. Uruguay Healthcare Essay.

The best option recommended to people is to make use of a plan called “mutualista” (Hammond, 2014). This sort of plan can be applied to a hospital, and it has its own and unique criteria for membership. Some of the conditions pertain to age limitations, employment, pre-existing conditions and the general health history of the individual. The large portion of the population does belong to mutualista because it guarantees timely care, as well as covering all expenses with their monthly plans. There are a number of associations which allow access to full care, including surgeries, regular check-ups and long term treatment. As the public healthcare system is often crowded and takes more time, people select private clinics and plans similar to mutualista. The coverage goes as far as doctors and nurses coming to the house of the patient, unless the person needs extensive care and special equipment. Most of the treatment is done by professional doctors and nurses, but of course, there are many places which offer natural remedies to treat illnesses. Due to the current developments in medicine, Uruguay is relying more on science and evidence which has proven beneficial to the population; therefore, people usually go to the hospital instead of choosing the natural option although minor health problems can be solved outside the hospital.


Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, has the highest number of hospitals and private clinics, but almost every major city has both public and private locations where people can get treatment. Overall, the government, population and healthcare system have done a great job in fighting infectious diseases such as malaria and hepatitis. Individual lifestyles of a small portion of the population lead to cases of malnutrition or infections which are spread by wild animals. The location of the country predisposes people to large amounts of sunlight and heat; thus, unless the necessary precautions are taken, there is a risk of sunburns and heat stroke. One of the benefits of Uruguay in relation to the society and its location is that people are rather friendly. In case someone is in need of medical attention or anything else, help will be offered to someone with limited resources. Uruguay Healthcare Essay. A large portion of the population is considered healthy because the living conditions are of great quality. The necessary health coverage exists for those who are employed by the government, mostly in the industry section. The closeness of the ocean and untouched nature provides people with clean air, so there are very few health problems in relation to the environment; the number of healthcare problems is also low because of excessive alcohol intake as people prefer beer. Tea is considered the preferred choice for individuals of all ages, and this has proven to be one of the most beneficial health effects.

The unique fact about Uruguay’s healthcare system is that the majority of the population is healthy and the living conditions are kept very high, so that health problems are minimized. This has led to high life expectancy and a well-organized access to private clinics. At the same time, it must be noted that the separation between classes is one of the major determinants of healthcare quality. People of low income are forced to use the public healthcare system and the wait is rather long. In case there is an emergency or tests are needed to be done in a short time, the person is risking that the worsening of condition. Uruguay Healthcare Essay. This is one of the unfortunate things about healthcare because the class separation between people and medical attendance is clearly visible. However, if the person is healthy and some minor healthcare is needed, it can be done free of charge as people are covered by the government. Health insurance and privately offered plans are the best choice for people if they have the necessary resources. This will ensure that all medical needs are taken care off; this option also offers home care, and the time needed for the doctor to visit is short. Medical professionals are judged on the amount of knowledge they have and not the place where they have received their education.

Overall, Uruguay has a well-developed private healthcare system, and the public one could be better, just as in any other country. People select treatment options in accordance with their needs and financial resources. The environmental conditions are one the most valued and visible benefits of the country because the ocean provides with healthy lifestyle and clean air. Uruguay Healthcare Essay.

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