Consumer Brochure Essay

Consumer Brochure Essay

The health problem of modern people is of a high importance nowadays. Hence, there are many special establishments, such as medical and social services, which provide people with necessary and useful information about the influence of food on man’s body and mind. The main purpose is to help consumers to eat healthy food and be aware of its ingredients. The brochure presented by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services gives the recommendations how to step on an immaculate way of human’s great vitality. Doubtless, the information displayed helps to comprehend the basic needs of human being and gives the knowledge how to keep the body in an appropriate weight. Hence, there are four parts concerning the products of priority, fast food and its harmfulness, the amount of calories in daily ration, and importance of physical activities for people. Generally, these topics have the intention to prove the significance of food as the main source of human’s energy. Consumer Brochure Essay.  It presupposes not very strict rules to follow, for example, preference of vegetables and fruits instead of sweets, water instead of sugary drinks or the whole-grain foods’ value. Avoiding foods full of extra sodium, such as pizza, hot dogs and crisps, is a smart decision for everyone. Evidently, it is not useful for the body. In addition, it causes not only overweight but also many malfunctions inside organism. The brochure brings the statistic about more economical way of cooking at home. It is a big advantage. Moreover, each consumer can control what he/she eats, if the products are really fresh, or what sort of ingredients the meal includes. Salt, soda, extra sugars and solid fats are considered to be the most insidious enemies against healthy lifestyle. It is better to substitute them for natural spices and herbs, not flavored water or fresh juices. It is also more useful to replace fat by oil, for instance, olive or corn. Low-fat milk and cheese is a good way out to get many vitamins and minerals from diary and stay in a nice physical shape. The same value belongs to seafood but quite less to poultry. Consumer Brochure Essay.

In order to keep fit, everyone should remember the role of sports and different movable activities. Accordingly, the development of healthy person presupposes the example to follow. The case is ideal when parents can be such samples for their children. The right way is to show them a real satisfaction of eating healthy food, as well as being in motion.


The strengths of the brochure “Let’s Eat for the Health of It” (2011) are in its concise and clearly presented main points. A lot depends on the consumer’s own desire to change the regular course of actions. Of course, a person should have a great willpower and general understanding of getting additional vitality. Probably, the major weakness of the brochure is that many psychological factors are not presented for the reader. The motivation should be shown simultaneously with the real person’s experience going through this daily schedule. Nevertheless, the brochure in general is very useful for everyone. It advises people to be more precise in the questions concerning food, which, at first sight, are very simple. After all, people have to keep in minds that their health depends on their attitudes towards many aspects, and that food full of useful minerals and vitamins makes people happier and increases their potential to succeed in life. Consumer Brochure Essay.

Most people now have a laptop, smart phone, or tablet and the belief is that everything is now easily available online. Photos, for instance, are immediately uploaded on websites like social media giants Facebook and Twitter instead of being printed and kept in a photo album.

The same goes for advertisements with companies preferring to go online in promoting their products and services. However, many firms still like to print and distribute advertising materials like flyers and brochures because of the distinct advantages of printed material.

Small businesses and even large companies continue to use these traditional advertising materials provided by printing firms. These are then distributed to their target consumers like students and people strolling in the malls. Printed advertising materials have characteristics like:


Printed materials such as brochures and flyers are tangible. People can hold these items. Consumers who receive these pamphlets can keep these in their bags or store these in their cabinets. These printed materials can stay with the consumers for months and even years, not like an Internet advertisement that can disappear anytime. Companies understand that people are more likely to buy a product or avail of a service that they learned from a flyer or brochure.


Because a consumer can hold a brochure or pamphlet, he or she will find the material more credible as opposed to product or service promoted through an Internet advertisement. Consumer Brochure Essay. Advertising materials like flyers printed by printing shops like Costco Photo and CVS Photo give a sense of legitimacy to the companies that published and distributed them.

Likewise, pop up ads and banner advertisements are usually associated with malware and adware. The tendency of most Internet users is to stay away from these ads and not clicking the links. This is something that printed ad materials have an advantage over Internet ads.

Easily Reach Target Audience

Printed materials like brochures and flyers remain popular amongst advertisers because they can easily reach their target

Consumer Brochure Essay

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