Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay

Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay

The non motile nature of workss makes them susceptible for assorted sort of emphasis and diseases. Major losingss in output return topographic point due to biotic and abiotic emphasis. Abiotic emphasiss include temperature, radiations, H2O, minerals and salts emphasis while arthropods, roundworms, fungus, bacteriums and viruses are the major components of the biotic emphasiss. Plant infective viruses are the major hinderance in increasing output and productiveness of the of the works merchandises in all heater parts of the universe. Most of the viral diseases belong to the viral household Geminiviridae and are transmitted by the members of the phylum Arthropoda. ( Ilyas et al. , 2010 ) Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.
Cotton is the most important fibre harvest that portions 60 % of the entire fibre of the universe ( Chachral et al. , 2008 ) . Cotton plays a critical function in Pakistan ‘s economic system. Although it is a non nutrient harvest but it earns important foreign exchange. It contribute 8.6 % of the value added in the agribusiness and 1.8 % to the GDP of the state. The harvest was sown on the country of 3106 1000 hectares in 2009-10 which was10.1 % more than last twelvemonth ( 2820 1000 hectares ) . The production in this twelvemonth is 21.7 million bales which is 7.4 % higher from the last twelvemonth. However, the cotton production was 5 % less than the mark because of high temperature, inordinate fruit sloughing and spread of Cotton leaf Curl Disease ( CLCuD ) ( Economic Survey, 2009-10 ) .
The genus Gossypium has about 50 different species from which four are in agricultural usage including G. hirsutum L. , G. barbadense L. , G. arboreum L. , and G. herbaceum L. the G. barbadense and G. hirsutum are tetrapoloid while the remainder of the two diploid ( Sakhanokho et al. , 2004 ) . G. hirsutum is the most widely grown and lend to 80 % of the entire cotton production in the Asia. Cotton workss are of course susceptible to a figure of diseases from which 75 % are infective. In semitropical and tropical part G. hirsutum is really susceptible to the Gemniviruses i.e, Cotton mosaic virus ( CotMV ) , cotton foliage Crumple virus ( CLCrV ) and cotton foliage coil virus ( CLCuV ) in natural conditions ( Sharma et al. , 2004 ) . From 1992-93 the CLCuV has become a serious menace to cotton every bit good as Pakistan ‘s economic system.Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.  During these old ages, disease eruption was reported to 97,580 hectares with the loss of 543,394 bales in Punjab. It was the first terrible dismaying epidemic of ClCuV ( Hameed et al. , 1994 ) .


There are different techniques used for the sensing of the CLCuV. Visually it can be diagnosed with aid of symptoms. Cotton leaf curl disease ( CuCLD ) is characterized by upward or downward curling of the foliages and thickened venas which are more outstanding on the upper side. In terrible onslaught, the matrilineage ” , the cup shaped branch of outer sided of the foliage blade is observed. On the whole the growing of works is normally stunted ( Hussain et al.,1991 ) .
The most simple method to observe the CLCuV is PCR based designation in which the sum Deoxyribonucleic acid of the septic tissue is taken which is used as a templet and virus specific primer are used to observe the virus at already optimized status ( Khan and Ahmed, 2005 ) . But this method has restriction particularly when viral transcript figure is low. Another method is Nucleic Acid Probe Technique ” in which radio-labeled investigation is used for hybridisation to observe the CLCuV among different cultivars of cotton ( Sharma et al. , 2004 ) . Enzyme linked Immounosorbent check can besides be used in sensing of CLCuV viruses particularly Triple Antibody Sandwich ELISA provide the attested consequence ( Parveen et al. , 2010 ) .
In this survey Rolling Circle Amplification ( RCA ) method has been used to observe the CLCuV in cotton workss. The RCA method was discovered in mid 1990 ‘s. In this method a phi29 DNA polymerase is used to magnify the round DNA molecule. This method has the advantage that the anterior cognition of DNA sequence is non required for doing the primer alternatively random hexamer primer are used ( Liu et al. , 1996 ) . RCA amplify the round Deoxyribonucleic acid from a individual transcript to 109 creases at a individual temperature. The RCA has reliable sequence specificity and let unambiguous designation of the DNA. As compared with PCR, RCA shows less amplification mistake and output more copy figure of the templets ( Demidov, 2002 ) .
Many schemes have been devised to develop opposition in workss against Geminiviruses chiefly include ( 1 ) pathogen derived opposition through the look of viral protein i.e. , associated protein and motion protein, ( 2 ) pathogen derived opposition without look of viral protein i.e. , Gene hushing and RNAi and ( 3 ) opposition due to look of the non pathogen derived antiviral agents i.e. , virus induced cell decease and DNA adhering protein. Despite of all these attempts merely moderate opposition has been developed which can be easy overcome by the high familial recombination and mutant of geminiviruses ( Gutierrez et al. , 2004 ) .
The first and first physical barrier in works pathogen interaction is epicuticular wax ( Carver and Gurr, 2006 ) . Epiculticular wax non merely hinders the bacteriums and Fungis but besides make a first line of defence against insects ( Eigenbrode and Espelie, 1995 ) . They may alter the roamer for provender for insects for example, in wax deficient pea mutants the aphid spent more clip on the pea workss ( Chang et al. , 2004 ) .
The Asiatic G. arboreum is resisttant to CLCuV ( Zafar et al. , 2003 ) as we want to cognize that whether the wax plays a critical barrier in transmittal of CLCuV by whitefly in Asiatic G. botanical garden. In 2009, Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan produced a wax deficient mutation GaMW3 from Asiatic G. arboreum which have 50 % less wax than Asian G. botanical garden ( Khan, 2010 ) . So the following survey was done to prove these mutant workss whether the whitefly can convey the virus in wax deficient mutation workss or non. Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.
Material and Method
The wax mutant seeds of GaWM3 were obtained from Plant Genomic Laboratory ” of Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology ( CEMB ) ” . The mutations were developed by Khan, 2010 from Gossypium arboreum and mutations have 50 % lack in epicuticular wax as compared to their ascendants.
In this experiment, GaWM3 workss of cotton were choosen as a trial works. For CLCuV positive control, extremely susceptible cotton cultivar MNH-93 were selected and for negative control, G. arboreum assortment 786 was selected that have 50 % more wax than GaWM3 and resistant to CLCuV.
Five seeds of GaWM3, G. hirsutum assortment MNH-93 G. arboreum ( assortment 786 ) were sown in different pots of same size on 22nd February 2010. Each set of workss was sown in 3 reproductions.
All pots were placed in green house holding the optimal status for cotton growing and whitefly infection. Each works pot was kept in stray insect proof net coops. The net coops have the size 2x2x4 pess and the mesh size of the net fabric was 32 through which whitefly can non go through as shown in fig 3.1.
Seeds of all workss started sprouting on 28 February 2010 and reached to six leaf phase on 20 March 2010. Plants were so thinned such that now each pot contains merely one works in it.
For doing the workss infected with CLCuV it was necessary to roll up the septic whiteflies. The whiteflies were collected from the cotton field of CEMB. Whiteflies were caught with the aid of adult male made whitefly inhalator shown in fig 3.2.
The whiteflies that were caught by inhalator were so released to already septic G. hirsutum MNH-93 in net coops for 48 hours. This measure was taken to acquire the viruliferous whiteflies that contain CLCuV. Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.
After 48 hours, the viruliferous whiteflies were re-caught from the net coops of G. hirsutum MNH-93 workss. These whiteflies were kept at 4oC for 4 hours to do them hunger. The starving whiteflies were so allowed to feed and infect by let go ofing them in the coops of GaWM3, MNH-93 and 786 workss.
After three yearss of the incubation on the experimental workss, the whiteflies were collected from the coops of these experimental workss and kept at 4oC for 1 hr. The whiteflies lost their activity and so transferred to the 1.5ml microfuge tubing. The Deoxyribonucleic acid of the group of whiteflies ( about 50-60 in Numberss ) were extrated by Lifton Buffer ” Method. Deoxyribonucleic acid from group of whiteflies was isolated individually.
In 1.5ml microfuge tubing 90 Aµl of lifton buffer ( appendix1 ) was added and whiteflies were crushed with the aid of oppressing cock ( Fig. 3.3 ) .
After all right suppression, once more 90 Aµl of lifton buffer was added to the tubing to do the concluding volume 180 Aµl. To take the protein, 20 Aµl of the protease K enzyme was added to the tubing and tubings were incubated at 55oC for 1 hr. After 1 hr tubings were removed from H2O bath and 1/10 volume of Potassium ethanoate ( pH5.6 ) was added and assorted exhaustively. Tubes were incubated on ice for 10 proceedingss. After incubation, 200Aµl of Phenol: Chloform: Isomylalcohol ( 25:1:24 ) were added in the tubing. Tubes were extractors at 13000rpm for 10 proceedingss and topmost bed was taken and transferred to the new tubing. This supernatant contained DNA that was precipitated with 100 % ethyl alcohol. Pellet was washed with 70 % ethyl alcohol and air dried. Finally pellet was resuspended in 100 Aµl H2O.
Deoxyribonucleic acid EXTRACTION FROM PLANTS
Deoxyribonucleic acid of all these workss were isolated by following the CTAB method. Leafs were grinded in person and stamp with the aid of liquid N and transferred to 1.5ml microcentrifuge tubing and 700 Aµl of CTAB buffer was added to the land leaves. It was assorted gently and incubated on 65oC for 1 hr. After one hr, Chloroform and Isomylalcohol ( 24:1 ) were added in equal volume and assorted. Tubes were so centrifuged at 13000rpm for 10 proceedingss and supernatant was taken to the new tubings. In supernatant, 0.6 volume of isopropyl alcohol was added. Tubes were incubated at room temperature for 1 hr and centrifuged for 10 proceedingss. After centrifugation, supernatant was discarded and pellet was saved. This pellet was washed with 70 % ethyl alcohol. Pellets were air dried and resuspended in distilled H2O.Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.  To take the RNA content in the Deoxyribonucleic acid, 1 Aµl of RNAase was added in each tubing and incubated at 370C for 20 proceedingss. Equal volume of trichloromethane and isomylalcohol was added and assorted gently. Tubes were centrifuged once more and supernatant was taken. In the supernatent 40 Aµl of NaCl was added and DNA was precipitated with 100 % ethyl alcohol. The pellet was saved and washed with 70 % ethyl alcohol. The pellet was washed and air dried and eventually it was dissolved in 80Aµl distilled H2O.
The unity of the Deoxyribonucleic acid was checked by utilizing agarose gel cataphoresis. 0.8 % of agarose gel was prepared in 1xTAE buffer and ethidium bromide with a concentration of 0.5-1 Aµg/ml was added. Gel was run at 80V for 1 hr and so visualized with the aid of Gel Documentation System ( UV trans-illuminator ) utilizing plan Grabit.
3.12. Quantification OF Deoxyribonucleic acid
Deoxyribonucleic acid was quantified with the aid of spectrophotometer ( Bio Rad # 170-2525EDU ) . 3Aµl of the templet was taken and diluted in 57Aµl H2O. It was quantified and concluding concentration was made upto 50 ng/Aµl by the expression N1V1=N2V2.
In turn overing circle elaboration 4Aµl of templet Deoxyribonucleic acid of whiteflies, Gossipium arboreum ( 786 ) Gossipium hirsutum ( MNH-93 ) and GaMW3 holding concentration 50ng/Aµl were used whereas 10mM dNTPs were used 2 Aµl of hexamer primer ( Fermentas Cat # SO142 ) holding concentration 0.2 Aµg/Aµl were used and 10x I†29 ( Fermentas Cat # EP 0091 ) Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase buffer was used in a concentration of 2x. The entire reaction sociable was planed for 20 Aµl so 8 Aµl H2O was used and therefore till now the entire volume was 18 Aµl. The reaction sociable was nanofuged and it was placed at 94oC for 3 proceedingss. After 3 min sociable was bit by bit cooled to 30oC and the 1Aµl of pyrophosphatase ( Fermentas Cat # EF 0221 ) holding concentration 0.02u/Aµl and 1 Aµl of I†29 DNA polymerase enzyme was added. The reaction sociable was nanofuged once more and so it was placed at 30oC for 16-18 hours. After 18 hours the PCR tubings were placed at 65oC for 10 proceedingss and so bit by bit cooled. 2Aµl of the RCA merchandises was used for agarose gel cataphoresis. Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.
35 Cycles RCA merchandise was used as a templet for elaboration of the CLCuV. The Deoxyribonucleic acid templets of workss which were RCA positive were diluted in a ratio of 2:28 ( RCA merchandise and H2O ) and the DNA templets of workss which gave negative RCA consequences were non diluted and straight used as templet in PCR reaction. In the PCR elaboration 2.5 Aµl of templet was used, 2.5Aµl of 10X PCR buffer ( Fermentas cat # B34 ) , 2.5Aµl of 2mM dNTPs, 1.5Aµl of MgCl2 ( Fermentas cat # R0971 ) , 0.5Aµl of 10 pmol farward primer ( 5’ACGCGTGCCGTGCTGCTGCCCCCATTGTCC3 ‘ ) , 0.5Aµl of 10 pmol frontward primer ( 5’ACGCGTATGGGCTGYCGAAGTTSAGAC3 ‘ ) , 0.25Aµl of 5u taq polymerase enzyme ( Fermentas cat # EP0071 ) were used. 14.75Aµl deionized distilled H2O was used to do the concluding volume of reaction mixture 25Aµl. The undermentioned thermocycler status were used.
The PCR elaboration was checked utilizing agarose gel cataphoresis. 0.8 % of agarose gel was prepared in 1xTAE buffer and ethidium bromide with a concentration f 0.5-1 Aµg/ml was added. 5Aµl of PCR merchandise along with 2Aµl of 6X lading dye was loaded on gel and run at 80V for 1 hr and so visualized with the aid of Gel Documentation System utilizing plan Grabit.
The RCA merchandise from cotton workss template were farther used to analyse the constituent it contains.Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.  For this intent, the 5 Aµl of RCA merchandise was used to digest with 0.5 Aµl of Eco R1 ( Fermentas cat # ER0271 ) enzyme. In this reaction 1 Aµl of Eco R1 enzyme buffer was besides added and eventually 3.5 Aµl H2O was added to do he concluding volume 10 Aµl of the reaction. The consequence of the digestion was examined by agarose gel cataphoresis and visualized in the Gel certification system.
Deoxyribonucleic acid OF THE WHITEFLIES
The Deoxyribonucleic acid of the whiteflies was extracted with aid of Lifton buffer ” method as explained in old chapter. The bunch of whiteflies was collected from each coop for DNA extraction.
The extracted Deoxyribonucleic acid of the whiteflies was used as a templet for RCA. All templets give the positive consequences for elaboration.
The RCA merchandises that were amplified from whiteflies were used as templet to magnify the full length virus by PCR.
In this experiment the viruliferous whiteflies were incubated on the wax mutation GaWM3, Gossypium arboreum -786 and Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 workss. Although the experimental conditions were same for all workss yet these workss showed different behaviour against viruliferous whiteflies. The most terrible onslaught of virus was observed on Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 workss that were used as positive control in this experiment. The growing was stunted and typical symptoms of CLCuV appeared on the foliages. The foliages were curled upward and bear foliage like matrilineage. On bottom of the foliage the venas appear really thick. The wax mutant GaWM3 workss showed about similar behaviour as Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 workss but the symptoms are somewhat different than those of Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 as the texture and form of the foliage is bit different. Most strikingly, the upward curling of foliages and vena thickener was besides observed in these workss. On the manus, the Gossypium arboreum -786 workss which were used as negative control, showed the normal growing and remained symptomless. The comparing among the foliages of wax mutation GaWM3, Gossypium arboreum -786 and Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 is shown in fig. ( ) in which the foliages of Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 and wax mutation GaWM3 works demoing upward curling which is absent in the foliage of Gossypium arboreum -786 works. Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.
Deoxyribonucleic acid OF THE COTTON PLANTS
Deoxyribonucleic acid of the workss was extracted with the aid of CTAB method and visualized on agarose gel cataphoresis ( fig. ) . The Deoxyribonucleic acid of the workss was diluted to obtain the concluding concentration of 50ng/Aµl and used for farther analysis.
The Deoxyribonucleic acid of cotton workss was used as a templet for RCA ( fig. 4.7 ) . All replicates of the wax mutant GaWM3 and Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 gave positive consequences for RCA merchandise. The positive control workss of Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 gave positive RCA merchandise but no RCA merchandise was found in negative control Gossypium arboreum -786 workss.
The RCA merchandise was diluted and used as a templet for full length virus elaboration. However the sample which gave minimal RCA merchandise ( wax mutation GaWM3 replicate # 3 ) and the Gossypium arboreum -786 were non diluted and used straight as a templet for PCR elaboration of the virus.. The full length virus was successfully amplified in wax mutant GaWM3 workss and Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 workss while Gossypium arboreum -786 showed negative consequences for viral elaboration.
The RCA merchandises of wax mutant GaWM3 workss and Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 workss were digested with aid of Eco R1 enzyme. The digested merchandise was visualized on gel ( fig. ) along with 1Kb DNA ladder M ” . The figures shows the undigested RCA merchandise at top and 2.75 Kb full length viral DNA beneath it in all samples. In sample 1, 2 and 4 there is a set of 1.35 Kb of I? DNA of satellite virus.
The above consequences shows that viruliferous whiteflies can convey the virus in Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 but non in Gossypium arboreum -786 workss due to the presence of protective bed of wax. When the viruliferous whiteflies were allowed to incubate on wax mutations of Gossypium arboreum -786 workss ( GaWM3 ) holding 50 % less wax than Gossypium arboreum -786 workss, the workss become septic and showed symptoms of CLCuD. The CLCuV was besides detected from the wax mutant GaWM3 workss and lead to decision that Wax plays a of import function as mechanical barrier in impeding the transmittal of virus by whiteflies. ”
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 8 9 10
RCA Product
Figure 4.2: RCA merchandise from whiteflies DNA that incubated on different workss. Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay. M is 1Kb Deoxyribonucleic acid Ladder. Lane 1 demoing positive control, Lane 2, 3 & A ; 4 demoing Wax mutant GaWM3. Lane 5, 6 & A ; 7 demoing Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 while lane 8,9,10 demoing Gossypium arboreum -786 workss.
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 8 9 10
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 M 7 8 9
RCA Product
Figure 4.7: RCA merchandise from different cotton workss. M is Lambda Hindi III DNA Ladder. Lane 1, 2, 3 demoing Wax mutant GaWM3. Lane 4, 5, 6, demoing Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93 while lane 7, 8, 9 demoing Gossypium arboreum -786 workss.
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 16 17 18
2.75 Kb
Figure 4.3: Full length virus elaboration from whiteflies DNA that incubated on different works samples. M is 1Kb Deoxyribonucleic acid Ladder. Lane 1-9 demoing Cotton workss, Lane 10, 11 & A ; 12 demoing whiteflies on Wax mutant GaWM3. Lane 13,14 & A ; 15 demoing whiteflies on Gossypium arboreum -786 workss while lane 16,17,18 demoing whiteflies on Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93.
2.75 Kb
M 1 2 3 4 5 6
1.35 Kb
2.75 Kb
RCA Product
Figure 4.9: Digestion of RCA merchandise with Eco R1 enzyme. M is the 1 kilobit ladder. Lane 1, 2, 3 demoing Wax mutant GaWM3. Lane 4, 5, 6 demoing Gossypium hirsutum MNH-93.
Wax Mutant
Gossypium arboreum -786
Gossypium hirsutum MNH 93
Figure 4.5: Comparison of foliage symptoms of all three types of experimental workss. Wax mutant GaWM3 and Gossypium hirsutum MNH 93 shows upward curling of foliage and thickener of foliage venas while these symptoms are absent in Gossypium arboreum -786.
The wax mutant GaWM3 workss produced by Khan ( 2010 ) were taken from Plant Genomic ” research lab of Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology ” for this survey. The GaWM3 ” holding 50 % less wax from their wild Gossypium arboreum were susceptible to CLCuV. It is of import to advert that the Gossypium arboreum are non susceptible to CLCuV ( Zafar et al. , 2003 ) . When the wax mutant GaWM3 were incubated with viruliferous whiteflies, they produced the symptoms of CLCuD holding upward curling of foliages and thick matrilineages. These symptoms resembles to the symptoms of CLCuD as reported by Briddon and Markham in 2000 on Gossypium hirsutum workss.
Insects are the chief vectors that transmit the virus in workss ( Rubinstein and Czosnek, 1997 ) . The whitefly transmit begomoviruses to many workss including cotton ( Nateshan et al. , 1996 ) . In cotton whitefly transmit several viruses including cotton foliage coil virus, cotton foliage crumple virus and cotton mosaic virus ( Sharma et al. , 2004 ) . The experimental workss the wax mutation GaWM3 ” , Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium hirsutum were incubated with viruliferous whiteflies for 48 hours. For doing whiteflies viruliferous, they were allowed to get virus for 48 hours from septic workss of Gossypium hirsutum as this is the acquisition clip reported by Brown and Nelson ( 1988 ) . The whiteflies so incubated with experimental workss as they remain viruliferous for 3 yearss ( Cohen and Berlinger, 1986 ) for CLCuV transmittal.
There are many schemes through which viruses are thought to be controled but in this experiment it was assumed that wax plays the of import function as mechanical barrier in transmittal of virus among workss. Although the thought that wax act as a mechanical barrier is non new many scientist worked upon the function played by wax and described how it contribute in works defence. The first thing with which insects come in contact, is works epicuticular wax ( Juniper, 1995 ) . In some workss the major constituent of wax is triterpeniods which give the wax to its slippery features ( Bass and Fidgor, 1978 ) and do trouble for insect to acquire attached with workss but in most of the workss the wax makes the surface more unsmooth and cut down the possible surface country required for adhesion between the insects tablets and workss. Wax crystals besides contaminate the insects pad surface therefore create hinderance in contact of insect with workss ( Eigenbrode, 2004 ) . Neglecting all other factors if merely there is unsmooth surface, there is lessening in fond regard of chrysomelid beetle ( Gastrophysa viridula de Geer ) ( Gorb, 2001 ) .Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.  So, presence or absence of wax dramas an of import function in insect behaviour to workss ( Eigenbrode et al.,1999 ) .


Previously Eigenbrode and Espelie ( 1995 ) has reported that lessening in epicuticular wax increased the insect onslaught on the workss as lessening in wax per centum ease the insects to feed upon them. For illustration Phyllotreta sp. onslaught on the Brassica oleracea increased by diminishing the epicuticular wax ( Stoner, 1990 ) . Bodnaryk ( 1992 ) studied the efficaciousness of Phyllotreta sp. To assail on the same species Brassica Tragulus Javanicus and found that the lessening in wax addition the insect infestation on it as it was in Brassica oleracea. Similar consequences were found when Eigenbrode et al. , ( 2000 ) found that Phyllotreta sp. onslaught more on Brassica Tragulus Javanicus when there is lessening in epicuticular wax.
Eigenbrode and Kabalo ( 1999 ) produced four mutation works of Brassica oleracea holding different per centum of wax, studied the consequence of wax of fond regard and predation of Hippodamia convergens. They found that the Hippodamia convergens pass more clip on mutation works and less on the normal workss. Epicuticular wax appear to interfere with parasitoid scrounging behaviour. Some consequences were reported by Rutledge et al. , ( 2003 ) in field that the parasitism of the pea aphid by aphidus ervi is higher on workss holding reduced epicuticular wax and same was reported by White ( 1998 ) in research lab experiment ( Chang et al. , 2004 ) . However Jackson et al. , ( 2000 ) found no striking difference between the scrounging paeastoid copiousness on normal and decreased Brassica oleracea when infested with whiteflies. Yet there are such studies that scrounging damage of Orius leavigatus ( Antocoridae ) on Brassica oleracea is caused by epicuticular wax when the quarry is whitefliy ( Gerling and Samara, unpublished observations ) .
Here in this survey the consequence of decrease of wax in foliages of Gossypium arboreum on whiteflies ability to convey CLCuV ” was studied. It was found that 50 % decrease in wax ( in the foliages of GaWM3 workss ) made possible for the whiteflies to convey CLCuV which made workss infected and they produced symptoms of CLCuD. Keeping on oculus that whitefly can non convey CLCuV in Gossypium arboreum ( Zafar et al. , 2003 ) , it is concluded that wax act like barrier in impeding the CLCuV transmittal in Cotton.  Biotic And Abiotic Stress Health Essay.

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