Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay

Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay

Operating systems (OS) are important system software and withoutthem, humans would not have been in a position of handling and usingcomputer systems. In its apparent meaning, operating system is acollection of software packages, and their primary obligation is tomanage computer resources and allow for an interface for clientapplications to interact with different computer hardware (Bassil2012). Additionally, OS is accountable for carrying out otheractions including engendering process, distribution of primary memoryto numerous applications, and manage data storage. Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay. Up to moderntimes, Windows and Linux are the most common operating systems (OS)used on personal computers. Comparing and contrasting Windows andLinux OS has been a semi-permanent matter of discourse within acomputer related field. This paper, therefore, explores thedifferences and similarity of both operating systems that tend toreplicate on their origins, historical user bases and dispersionmodels.


The main differences between Window and Linux OS are the approachesto the system, information files, and user accounts. In Windows,users can have many administrative perquisites while Linux has onlyone administrative account. This means that only one user can onlyaccess one application in Windows OS but in Linux, numerous users canaccess one application. On the other hand, Windows operating systemdoes not allow for user access to programming code that forms theground cornerstone of this operating system, however, Linux operatingsystem is owned by GNU public license, which means that it can allowaccess to the encryption to users of all classes (Bassil 2012).Another distinctive difference between Windows and Linux OS is thatin Windows the OS can only be mounted on PC’s desktops, laptops,servers, and some particular mobile phones. However, in Linux, the OScan be mounted on several categories of computer hardware, rangingfrom mobile, tablet computers, to C.P.U.s, and supercomputers(Abhilash &amp Visthav, 82). Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay.

Looking at the stability of an operating system, Linux has severalprocedure levels since all the application are classified from thegraphic subsystem, which is isolated from Linux kernel. This makesthe Linux OS not to crash easily. However, in Windows, OS is based onNT kernel, which makes it technically stable (Bassil 2012).

Additionally, Linux OS is a free software but sometimes help isprovided at a certain price, while in Windows the cost runs from$50-$450 considering the version you want to install (Abhilash &ampVisthav, 82). File management for the two OS is characteristicallydissimilar. Windows only have NTFS (and its variations), FAT,ISO9660, while Linux has EXT (and its variations), RaiserFS, FAT,ISO9660, UDF, NTFS, Minux, and GmailFS file system. Similarly,Windows OS permits its users with several disks like C: D: and E:that makes the drives not to be installed on a single tree, while inLinux users cannot discover Program Files or My Documents situated ona particular memory. Therefore, all drives are connected to onesingle tree (Abhilash &amp Visthav, 83).

Considering the similarities between the two operating systems, bothcan horde PHP via quick CGI. On the other hand, both operatingsystems have anti-viruses, which means that they can be attacked byviruses. On the file management, they both support some particularfile systems like NTFS, ISO9660, and FAT, however, Linux supports avariety of filesystems.

In conclusion, there are many differences between Linux and WindowsOS in various fields. However, they also share some common features.In general, both operating systems provide relative multi-task andsecurity technology making them be among the trusted OS. Overall, thechoice of the OS by and individual and business operators will dependon the level of confidence and what activities the OS will operate.

Work Cited

Abhilash, P., &ampVisthav, Abhinay. P. Abhilash Int.Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. Comparingof Windows and Linux Operating System in Advanced Features. Vol. 5(2) p.81-83. 2015. Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay.

Bassil, Youseff. Journalof Global Research in Computer Science.Windows and Linux Operating System from a Security Perspective. Vol.3 (2). 2012.

The team project required members of the team to obtain information on Windows CE, Windows XP and Linux. The plan to find this information involved searching the World Wide Web for articles and websites containing the features of each of the operating systems over the course of 3 weeks. Each week we researched a different operating system. Towards the end of each week, we each posted our findings on the team newsgroup, compared our lists and if necessary, discussed of findings. Each week, one team member compiled all our individual lists of features into one complete list for each particular operating system. The forth week the team members will write this paper containing this plan, a selection of features that should be compared, an explanation of the features for each of the operating systems and an explanation of how the different operating compared with each other.
Items to Compare and Contrast.
All operating systems have numerous features unique to themselves. Although these features may be unique to a particular operating system they usually fall into categories are that common to all modern operating systems. Features found for these operating systems include those found categories such as communications and networks, application, performance and capability, security, display or graphic and other miscellaneous features. By breaking up these features up into these categories allows comparisons and contrasts to be easily seen. Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay.
The network and communications features include how the operating system communications with other systems. This category includes use of network protocols such as TCP/IP. It also includes network services such as DNS, WINS, SNMP or SMTP. All these network components allow one computer to interact with another sometime independent of the operating system on the other computer.
Application features can include applications that come with operating system upon initial installation, the operating system’s graphic user interface, programming languages used to create new applications and the operating system’s installation.


Operating systems have evolved from simple standalone and command
line programs like MSDOS to distributed multi-user systems like windows and
Linux, which support graphical user interface. Every new version of the
operating system tries to address the hidden loopholes and to improve the
efficiency and security. The file allocation systems and the security
implementation are also different between these operating systems. Today’s
multi user environment has literally stomped out the simple standalone
operating system like MSDOS. Windows has also evolved a long way from 16
bit OS to 32-bit operating system. Linux being an open source system is
evolving at a faster pace. A comparative study of these three operating
systems in context of the important features like user interface, file
management, memory management, security implementation would help us
discern the similarities and differences between them.
MS-DOS was a purely text based operating system before the Dosshell
with minimal graphical features was introduced in MS-DOS version 4. Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay. Windows
is a GUI operating system, which uses a standard display mode for the
desktop. Linux by default was a text based (command line) operating system
but now users can choose from a variety of graphical user interfaces that
are provided now by the X window based graphical display. Two of the common
interfaces being the GNOME, KDE. The KDE has a comprehensive office suit,
web browser and text editor. The configurability of these interfaces is
what differentiates Linux from windows allowing for highly customizable
desktop environments. Another key difference between windows and Linux is
that the Linux operating system offers graphical user interface
abstraction’ at the network level as against the hardware level
abstraction’ offered by windows and other operating systems. [Nathan’s
Both Linux and windows use the process model. The…

Compare and Contrast Windows and Linux Operating Systems Essay

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