Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay

Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay

Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Effects of Alcohol On Nutrition There are many affects alcohol has on nutrition, in people of all ages. Each year more than 100,000 people die from alcohol related causes. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug dependence more than 13 million Americans abuse alcohol. There are different types of alcohol dependency psychologically dependent and physically dependent. If you crave alcohol, or feel distresses without it you are said to be psychologically dependent, if your body changes when alcohol is stopped such as hot/cold flashes, tremor, or seizures you are physically dependent. Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay. One effect that alcohol has is on pregnant women, this causes fetal alcohol syndrome, this cause low IQ, fine motor skills dysfunction, which causes weak grasp, poor hand-eye coordination, and hyperactivity in later childhood.

Heart murmurs, cervical vertebral malformations. and joint malformations are common also. Also two drinks per week have been linked to higher rates of still birth and miscarriage. Just because the mother did not want to go without a drink. Prolonged misuse of alcohol can have serious effects on health affecting certain organs of the body: Liver and digestion- ~ Inflamed pancreas ~ Cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver (result of long term drinking, main killer of older drinkers) ~ Ulcers in stomach and intestines Heart and Circulation: ~ High blood pressure ~ High fat levels in blood ~ Disease of the coronary arteries ~ Damage to the heart muscle Brain and Nervous System: ~ Nerve damage ~ Dementia ~ Depression ~ Sleeplessness Most alcoholics get 50% of calorie intake from alcohol Nutrition: ~ Anemia (due to iron and folic acid deficiency ~ Skin Damage ~ Diarrhea Due to Vitamin B Deficiencies ~ Depression ~Loss of vitamin B1causes memory loss and abnormal co-ordination ~Thiamin and folate deficiencies can cause neurologic disorders Even moderate levels of alcohol are said to be a poison!! ~Alcohol is a complex drug it is both water and fat soluble which means it affects all the organs and tissues in the body. Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay.

~ High rate of tumors in the breast, liver, and mouth. Liver- Cirrhosis long term affect and main killer of older drinkers. Stomach- Irritates lining, vomiting is particularly visible result, ulcers Central Nervous system- depresses almost every brain function from balance to breathing, liver damage will reverse process and speed up damage to body particularly the brain. ~ Alcohol interferes with essential nutrients, it drains vitamins in body and slows absorption of new ones. ATTENTION WOMEN: 1 drink a day increases breast cancer by 30% 2-5 drinks a day increases breast cancer risks by 41% ~Even when food intake is adequate alcohol can impair mechanisms which control bodies glucose, either increasing or decreasing blood glucose.


~ Mineral deficiency can cause bone diese, night blindness, and skin lesions On the other hand, those who drank 1 drink a day had a 20% lower death rate from all causes compared to non-drinkers, and for cardiovascular dieses themselves death rates were 30% -40% lower in those who drank 1 drink a day. Moderate drinkers also have lower levels of heart disease that heavy drinkers and those who don’t drink at all. Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay. In another study, wine (moderate consumption) not hard liquors or beer is associated with a decreased risk of an eye disease known as (and) age-related macular degeneration Fatty liver and enlargement of the liver can be reversed if alcohol is withdrawn and proper nutrition is given. However, continous damage (liver) can result in alcoholic hepatitis with cell death and inflammation, which can be fatal. Health Care.

Alcohol is a part of many social occasions, from family dinners to parties, to sporting events and nightcaps. The problems associated with alcoholism are well known, but what about the impact of social drinking or a moderate intake of alcohol? Does alcohol belong in our diet, or does the risk that it presents outweigh any benefits that may be derived from consuming it?

The truth is that no one needs alcohol to live, so regardless of what you’ve heard or want to believe, alcohol is not essential in our diets. We consume alcohol to relax, socialize, and/or celebrate. Depending on your health, age, and the amount that you consume there may be some added health benefits, but the negative consequences when consumed in excess far outweigh these benefits. Many believe that as long as they are not an alcoholic they are not at risk for any health problems.Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay.  This may or may not be the case depending on many factors. If you want to be able to drink and gain any benefits that exist, while avoiding any of the negative consequences, you need to understand alcohol and learn about the research and guidelines for safely consuming it in moderation.

Good nutrition can help to improve your health and prevent diseases. The essential nutrients that your body needs are carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water. The term “essential” means that if you remove one of these nutrients from your diet, there will be a deficiency that causes health problems. Alcohol would not fall under the category of an essential nutrient because not having it in your diet does not lead to any sort of deficiency. Alcoholic beverages primarily consist of water, alcohol (ethanol), and different amounts of sugar. The calories come from the alcohol and sugar and are considered “empty calories” because of the lack of the other essential nutrients. It’s something that you may choose to add to your diet, but it’s not something that you need in it.

Alcohol is actually classified as a drug and is a known depressant. Under this category, it is the most widely used drug in the world. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), in the United States, 17.6 million people — about one in every 12 adults — abuse alcohol or are alcohol-dependent. Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay. The majority of the population consumes alcohol moderately or occasionally. You do not need to be an alcoholic for alcohol to interfere with your health and life. The potential to become addicted to alcohol is a serious problem that can affect anyone.

Shown are examples of sources used to make alcohol, such as grapes for wine, malted barley for beer, molasses for rum, and potatoes for vodka.

Source: iStock

How is alcohol made?

Alcohol, also known as ethanol, is made through a process called fermentation. During fermentation, yeast breaks sugar down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This process is done without any air present and once complete, the carbon dioxide gas bubbles out into the air, leaving ethanol and water behind. Distilled spirits, such as vodka, rum, gin, and whiskey, are fermented and then distilled to separate the ethanol from the water.

Various sources of sugar are used in these processes, resulting in different forms of alcohol. The sugar from crushed grapes is used to make wine; malted barley is used to make beer; sugar cane or molasses makes rum; grain, potatoes, beets, molasses, and a variety of other plants are used to make vodka.

The technique used to make the beverage will determine the alcohol content. You will see the percentage of alcohol per volume listed on the bottle, as well as the proof of the drink. The proof of a beverage is twice the alcohol content, so a drink with 12% alcohol per volume is 24 proof. Generally, a 12-ounce glass of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, and a 1.5-ounce shot of liquor all contain a ½ ounce of pure alcohol and are considered one drink. Effects Of Alcohol On Nutrition Essay.

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