ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay

ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay

A nurse is caring for a client who is in active labor and has gonorrhea for which of the following patient complication of gonorrhea  should the nurse monitor.  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay


This study was designed to create, implement, and evaluate three evidenced based interactive student-centered learning modules for practical nursing students. The top three learning needs for each of the modules were identified from test results of the Assessment Technologist Institute (ATI) Maternal/Newborn exam. It is important to note that remediation using the newly developed learning modules was a requirement of all nursing students. However, the students were invited to voluntarily participate in evaluating the effectiveness of the learning activities using a 5-point Likert scale. The evaluation of these three interactive learning modules indicated success of this teaching/learning method. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay

Evidence suggests that nursing faculty of undergraduate programs are facing challenges preparing nursing students for the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX). Nursing programs are held to the standard of meeting or exceeding the national average for NCLEX pass rates to maintain national accreditation (Davenport, 2007). As a result, nursing programs have added adaptive electronic learning systems to their curriculum. Two programs that are being implemented are Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) and Elsevier’s Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI). These programs not only provide students with experience taking standardized tests, but they also help to identify strengths and weaknesses so students may be provided remediation modules that are intended to increase the pass rates when taking the NCLEX for the first time.  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
The purpose of this study was to create, implement and evaluate evidence-based interactive student-centered learning modules for a small sample of practical nursing students to address the top three learning needs identified from the students’ ATI Maternal/Newborn exam.

Literature Review
Nursing curricula prepare students to practice in today’s health care settings, as well as prepare nursing students to successfully pass the NCLEX. During a review of literature, it was discovered that there are over 299,000 articles on standardized testing and NCLEX remediation strategies used in nursing education.ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay  For this literary review, the key words and/or phrases used in electronic databases were NCLEX, ATI, HESI, nursing standardized testing and remediation, interactive learning/teaching strategies and evaluation and teaching effectiveness in nursing. The articles explore the significance and the overall passing rate of the NCLEX Exam, an overview of adaptive electronic learning systems, the significance and roles of ATI and HESI implemented in nursing programs and how these programs assist educators to identify learning needs. Learning styles and interactive learning/teaching strategies, nursing program remediation practices and how nursing students perceive and/or evaluate teaching effectiveness will also be discussed in this literary review. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
NCLEX Exam Pass Rates
The NCLEX exam is the final test a graduate nurse has to successfully pass before beginning a career in nursing. According to research, the number of licensed practical nursing students taking the NCLEX in 2015 was 70,097, with an overall passing rate of 69.04% (NCSBN, 2016). The acceptable NCLEX exam pass rate for Colleges is 80%. Many peer- reviewed journals gave mention to the fact that outcome achievement and NCLEX success is a priority for all nurse educators and programs because these benchmarks establish their quality standards and eligibility for accreditation. According to Heroff (2009) failure of the NCLEX has serious consequences not only for the new graduate, but also for nursing programs as well as the nursing profession. Davenport (2007) suggests that educators face many challenges preparing nursing students to be successful in passing the NCLEX and maintaining national accreditation standards for the College of Nursing. In response to declining NCLEX pass rates many nursing programs have added adaptive electronic learning systems to their curriculum.
Adaptive Electronic Learning Systems ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Adaptive electronic learning systems such as ATI and HESI can assess student knowledge before they are admitted to a nursing program and from the very first nursing course that is taken until their final class. These programs serve several purposes: to provide students with experience taking standardized testing, identify student strengths and weaknesses, provide individualized remediation modules, and increase the pass rate of students taking the NCLEX for the first time (Jacobs & Koehn, 2006). Because student test scores are compared to those of students across the nation, nursing programs are provided a clear indication of how well students will do on NCLEX examinations (ATI Nursing Education, 2011).  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Assessment Technology Institute (ATI)
According to Davenport (2007), nurse educators should create awareness for nursing students of the need to prepare for NCLEX as early as the first semester when they enter the nursing program and view it as an activity to be completed or mastered by the final semester. There are limited articles that reveal how ATI is implemented within nursing program curricula, but those found gave a summary of expectation set forth by ATI and nursing schools seemed to follow ATI recommendations. According to ATI (2010), students are required to purchase the ATI comprehensive package allowing them access to all required tests throughout the program The programs included within ATI are computerized critical thinking entrances and exit exams, a learning style inventory, content-specific exams, and a comprehensive predictor test, all of which are based from the NCLEX test blueprint. Students also complete non-proctored and proctored exams during each semester (Asessment Technologies Institute, 2010). These articles reveal that the ATI Content-Mastery Series is based on an NCLEX blueprint and consists of review modules to help students learn, review, or remediate content-specific material to include nursing fundamentals, medical-surgical nursing, maternal/newborn nursing, nursing care of children, mental health nursing, pharmacology, community health nursing, nursing leadership, nutrition, and nursing management that correlates with nursing content within the curriculum. According to Heroff (2009), ATI Content-Mastery examinations are scheduled to coincide with content presented in theory class. Before taking the proctored exams, students are required to take two non-proctored exams with a passing score of 90%. The non-proctored exams assist to prepare for the proctored ATI exams by identifying areas of strengths and weaknesses that need to be reviewed.ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay  In addition, the ATI predictor that is taken prior to graduation is intended to evaluate the readiness for taking the NCLEX exam (2011). There have been very few studies that show whether there is a correlation between ATI scores and first-time pass success rates of NCLEX. However, Davenport and Vandenhouten (2008) conducted studies that indicate the ATI Predictor Test score accurately determines the chance of success or failure of graduates taking the NCLEX exam. In another study conducted by Jacobs & Koehn (2006) it was discovered that 12% of students taking the ATI scoring below the 20th percentile failed the NCLEX exam on the first attempt. This implies that ATI is a successful tool that can be utilized to effectively determine at-risk students needing remediation and is the adaptive learning system used by the sample of student nurses in this study. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay

Identifying Learning Needs
There were limited articles that addressed how learning needs are identified by means of adaptive electronic learning systems, such as ATI and HESI. The research that has been conducted demonstrates identification of learning needs addresses the fact that early identification and intervention for students at risk for failing the NCLEX is vital for students to pass the licensure exam. In a research study conducted by Heroff (2009) evidence shows that many nursing schools are developing progression policies using standardized testing to identify students’ strength and weakness areas within the curriculum. There were a few articles found that gave descriptions of how ATI and HESI are used to identify students’ learning needs to address weakness areas found from proctored exams. Upon the schools providing a course syllabi, an exam is designed to test content covered in specific courses. The exams compare student’s responses with other students that have previously answered the same group of test items. After students complete the tests, an item analysis is conducted for all tests and a summary analysis is given. Low scores identify a learning need. Results are available to students for immediate feedback. ATI consist of a performance profile based on either the group performance that can be assessed only by educators or an individual performance profile, which can be assessed by the educator or the student. The performance profile consists of each students’ score based on the national mean. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay Each student is given a score that is calculated and compared to the National Mean, which means that each individual student scores are calculated based on previous students that have taken the exam nationally. There are four ATI proficiency level scores. These scores are as follows: Level 3 is the highest score meaning students scored 76-100% of the national mean and are considered to exceed most expectations for performance in the content area; Level 2 students scored 64-74% of the national mean and are considered to exceed minimum expectations for performance in the content area; Level 1 students scored 44-62% of the national mean and are considered to meet the absolute minimum expectations for performance in the content area; Below level 1 students scored 0.0%-42% of the national mean and are considered below minimum expectations and can be indicative of significant risk in the content area. Of the articles reviewing this data, nursing schools require a minimum of Level 2, which signifies that students are on target and are at the level that is required to successfully pass the NCLEX. Weakness, or learning needs, and strength areas are identified on the students’ performance profile of each exam. The performance profile consists of a list of major content areas, the number of items missed within these areas and scores related to the national mean. Following a list of major content areas, there is a further breakdown of items missed under a section labeled Topics to Review (ATI Nursing Education, 2011).  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay


There were many articles found regarding remediation guides to help students pass the NCLEX on the first attempt among different nursing institutions. These articles did not go into great detail about the remediation process. However by researching ATI remediation recommendations, detailed information was found on the ATI website. ATI has many sources to offer students for remediation. The remediation plan may include ATI Review module content, review completion of practice application exercises, review of available rich media content, and the use of tutorials built to match the students learning style. One source of remediation is content specific Comprehensive Review Modules (paper copy or electronic). Most nursing programs that require ATI participation administer paperback versions of the modules. Each module works in conjunction with each component of the nursing curriculum. For example, if students are in their Maternal-Newborn Semester, there is a Maternal Newborn Comprehensive Review Module. This works in conjunction with the Maternal Newborn online practice assessment and would be utilized by the educator and students during the Maternal Newborn semester (Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC., 2016). The ATI content specific comprehensive review modules cover many content areas. These modules also include NCLEX style questions at the end of each chapter, so students can practice applying knowledge. These include multiple choice and multiple select items. After each application exercise, there is an answer key with the rational provided. The Review module is also organized into units covering aspects of different specific content. For example, the Maternal Newborn  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay Comprehensive Review Module (2014) consists of units covering antepartum, intra-partum, postpartum and newborn nursing care chapters. Chapters within units conform to one of these organized principles for presenting the content: Nursing Concepts, Procedures and Complication of Pregnancy. The review of relevant sections of NCLEX outline: Client Needs: Health Promotion & Maintenance; Client Needs: Basic Care & Comfort; Client Needs: Reduction of Risk Potential; and Client Needs: Physiological Adaptation. Another remediation form suggested by ATI (2016) is to generate an online focused review after every tutorial, practice or proctored assessment. The online focused review serves as a personal plan based on the students results. The focused review directs the student where to get help or remediate in problem areas. Under the focused review tab, students can access their individual results by clicking the results tab and report icon and the report will populate on the screen and generate the student’s own individual transcript with all ATI results in one PDF document, as well as tutorial activity and scores. The student can also see the total time spent on the focused review in this report. After the students log in to their ATI account, they may go under the My Results tab and find tutorials, proctored or online practice assessments they have taken. This tab houses all online assessment results and helps the student remediate where it is needed. Next to their score report is a link for the student to create a customized review. This is their personalized study plan. The student can click create under the Focused Review column. The next page then gives 2 options, the student can either review all missed topics or sections below a certain score. There is an area that the student can type in a score, for example 50% then can choose the default option and select create focused review. By choosing 50% as the score, for example, a focused review would be created for missed topics of a score that was 50% or below. Again, the other option would be to not choose a score and all topics missed can be reviewed. At this point, once the focused review is opened, on the left side of the screen there is a table of contents of the focused review. The student would then click the topics to review section of their score report. Under this section includes the title of the assignment, major content area, the sub-content area and finally the topic of each question that was missed on the assessment. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay Underneath the topic missed, the student has access to every tool available for remediation. For example, if the icon looks like a book symbol, it will contain a relevant chapter of the ATI review module or the relevant active learning template to help break down the specific content. If it is a globe symbol, it includes rich media content. The imbedded media links the student to videos, animations and graphs. The audio and visual components work together so the student can see and hear the content to improve learning and retention study. In protocol assessment the student can view information such as their name, school, program type, test date, number of questions and additional score information. The proctored results for each content area assessment will focus on the ATI Proficiency Level. There are up to 4 different levels listed. Level 3 is considered to exceed most expectations of the content area; Level 2 is considered expected to exceed minimal expectation; Level 1 refers to meeting the absolute minimum in the content area; and Level 1 and Below indicates the student has much more remediation to review for the content not yet mastered. Of the articles reviewed, it was primarily discovered that students scoring level 1 or below proficiency score on their ATI exams were directed to self-remediate using the summary analysis by writing a summary of the items missed under the category Topics to Review from the performance profile on the ATI. Sifford & McDaniel (2007) explored the effects of remediation by conducting a 15-week remediation course on students at risk for failing. These students showed a significant increase after remediation. A research conducted by McCarthy, Harris & Tracz (2014) focused on the predictability of NCLEX pass rates. With using ATI as one of the predictors, the results indicated there was a significant relationship between NCLEX successes on the first attempt when completing ATI remediation. There were no articles researched that addressed that remediation was not successful in first attempt NCLEX pass rates with using adaptive electronic learning techniques. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Teaching Strategies
Several articles were found regarding the use of teaching strategies for nursing students considered at risk for failing the NCLEX exam. According to DeYoung (2009) the selection of teaching methods is not always easy. Teaching strategies are basically forms of teaching methods used by educators for teaching a certain body of information. DeYoung suggests that if the educators goal is to mold attitudes of learners, it is best to use learning strategies such as case studies, discussion, or role-playing. If the educator goal were to motivate the learner, the best learning strategies would an activity such as gaming might be a better choice, but if the educator wants to encourage students, then creativity and problem-solving skills are the better approach. Different teaching strategies result in different outcomes. Therefore, the educator needs to have a goal in mind so they may choose the appropriate teaching method that identifies with the learning style of students (DeYoung, 2009). According to DeYoung (2009) there are traditional teaching strategies and activity-based teaching strategies. Traditional teaching strategies include lecture, discussion, questions, audiovisuals (such as with the use of handouts, you-tube videos, power point presentations, digital video discs DVD’s, videotapes, chalkboards/whiteboards and interactive whiteboards, Activity-Based teaching strategies are through cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and simulations. There was limited research found regarding the use of interactive learning modules for remediation purposes. However the limited articles found in which nursing schools used a classroom course approach of remediation also had positive results with first-time NCLEX attempts. According to DeYoung (2009) developing modules need to be planned in advance, because module development is a time-consuming process. DeYoung (2009) demonstrated the components of developing self-learning modules that are fairly standard. The components of developing a self-learning module consist of: Introduction and instruction, behavioral objectives, pretest; learning activities, self-evaluation and post-test. Although this study was conducted in the classroom setting, this resource was very helpful with the development of the student-centered interactive modules. The components the educator used were very similar to the self-learning module components. DeYoung (2009) suggested when developing modules in the classroom setting on a specific topic that it is recommended to develop several modules for that topic. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay It was also recommended to use a form of evaluation to assess the learning process (2009). DeYoung (2009)gave an example, “You would not develop one module for a critical course, but would develop several topics like airway maintenance, hemodynamic monitoring, fluid balance, and so on,” (p. 112). It was also suggested that a pretest is usually, but not always done in a module and that learning activities make up a good portion of the content of a module. In this study, the researcher created, implemented and evaluated 3 student-centered interactive learning modules based from the top three learning needs identified from the ATI Maternal Newborn assessment. The three major areas of weakness identified were: (1) Accident Prevention: Maternal Car Safety, (2) Accident Prevention: Pediatric Car Seat Safety, and (3) Maternal/Newborn Reduction of Risk Potential & Physiological Adaptation. The researcher created 3 student-centered interactive learning modules from each of these components. The first interactive learning module involved content for maternal car safety. One of the interactive teaching strategies used for this module was a role-playing activity. The students watched a you-tube video demonstrated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). They were also given handouts and lectured on content regarding maternal car safety. The students’ created a skit that was videoed and were involved in a role-playing activity demonstrating correct car safety during pregnancy. During the skit, the students had to demonstrate the correct position of driving when pregnant and were able to verbalize important safety measures to take when driving while pregnant. The skit that was performed was fun interactive learning activity and was used as an evaluation method to demonstrate understanding of the learning material. The second module involved content for pediatric car seat safety. The students were lectured on pediatric car seat safety, given handouts from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and shown a you-tube video on the correct way to place a car seat safely in a vehicle. For this activity, the students created a skit and demonstrated the correct and safe measures to place an infant car seat in a vehicle. They were also able to discuss during the skit proper safety measures to take regarding driving with an infant and car seat safety. The skit was used as an evaluation to demonstrate understanding of pediatric car seat safety. The third module involved content for maternal/newborn reduction of risk potential and physiological adaptation to include a comprehensive overview of all three modules. The students were lectured via power point, given handouts of the comprehensive review to be discussed and were involved in group sessions to quiz one another on the specific content. One of the interactive learning activities used included gaming, using a Jeopardy game to include the content addressed within this module. This was a fun and interactive activity that demonstrated learning. Therefore, gaming was used as an evaluation method to demonstrate understanding of car safety, risk potential, and physiology in pregnancy and infancy.
Neuman et al. (2009) conducted a study on the perceptions of innovative teaching strategies of nursing students in four types of nursing programs. The first nursing program evaluated Associate Degree nursing students using patient-simulation problem solving activities. The second nursing program evaluated baccalaureate-nursing students that were involved in an innovative group project assignment. The third nursing program evaluated master-prepared nursing students who participated in a project working with the state nurses association. All of theses strategies were supervised and implemented by nursing faculty. After the strategies were implemented there were group discussions to explore students’ perceptions of all the innovative teaching strategies. The findings from Neuman et al. (2009) project reflected similar positive attributes with positive comments from students regarding the use of innovative teaching strategies. (Neuman, et al., 2009, p. 160). This study supports the fact that interactive learning strategies are an effective method of teaching in nursing education. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Another study was conducted on the use of traditional versus innovative teaching strategies on mental health knowledge among forty-four nursing students (Mythilli, Sailaxmi, Thirumoorthy, & Muralidharan, 2015). One group of students was exposed to the traditional teaching methods, while another group were exposed to innovative teaching strategies about mental health assessment and therapeutic communication. The results of this study indicated that the knowledge score among students exposed to innovative teaching strategies were significantly increased as compared to those exposed to traditional teaching methods (Mythilli, Sailaxmi, Thirumoorthy, & Muralidharan, 2015). Therefore, this is another study that supports innovative teaching strategies in nursing education.
The Teach-Back method was used in this study. There were no studies found that had specific terminology as Teach-Back used as an innovative teaching strategy. However, according to Hunt (2013), this form of evaluation during learning is comparative to clinical evaluation methods where students review a skill, for example, and then check off on that skill by repeating the skill back to the nursing instructor.  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Evaluating Teaching Effectiveness
According to DeYoung (2009) assessing and evaluating learning is an important part of the teaching process. Assessment and evaluation practices give feedback and demonstrate effectiveness of teaching strategies and techniques. For this study, one of the evaluation methods used to assess teaching effectiveness was the skits that were performed in the first two modules and gaming in the third module. Another evaluation used was students were invited to participate in a 5-point Likert-scale survey after the completion of the 3 student-centered teaching modules. According to the results of this survey, the use of the interactive learning modules were an effective teaching method.
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework used for this study was based from Malcolm Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory. Knowles theory is based on the belief that adults are self-directed learners who use past experience to gain knowledge and that their learning style is different from that of children (Knowles, Holten, & Swanson, The adult learner, 2005). This theory was chosen for this study to assist in the understanding of adult learners, such as student nurses. Because nursing students bring with them life experiences they can use these experiences to improve their overall learning (Knowles, 1984). Knowles theory was used in this study to develop teaching strategies for the enhancement of student nurse learning (Knowles, Holten, & Swanson, 2005).  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
The concept of andragogy is a term coined to refer to the art and science of teaching adults and is frequently used in academia. According to Knowles (1984), andragogy was premised on 5 assumptions regarding the characteristics of adult learners that are different than child learners, on which traditional pedagogy is premised. These assumptions were: Self-concept, Adult-Learner Experience, Readiness to learn, Orientation to learning and Motivation to learn. Knowles viewed these assumptions as a foundation for developing programs for adult learners and thus they were the foundation of this teaching/learning project. These assumptions are suggestive to the fact that for an adult learner to excel, there must be a learning climate of mutual trust and expectations, which was key in the interactive learning activities in this project.
According to Knowles’ (1984), as a person matures his or her self concept moves from one of being a dependent personality toward one of being a self-directed human being. After being introduced to the students, before going through the learning modules, the students seemed to have more of a dependent sense about them regarding maternal-newborn content and lacked in the ability to critical think in the content area of maternal-newborn. While advancing through the course of the learning modules, the students developed more confidence and by the end of the remediation process, they had developed more of a personality toward being self-directed in the subject content of maternal-newborn. For example, they were able to apply the knowledge they had received and use it to create a skit, which demonstrated they were showing a sense of responsibility of their own learning leading to being self-directed.
Experience and Readiness to Learn  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Knowles’ also believed that as a person matures, he or she accumulates a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning (Knowles, 1984). In this study, the students were all adults and brought with them many life experiences. Some had children of their own, some had worked in some form of the health field previously, but most were able to use their prior knowledge and experience as a resource for learning. According to Knowles’ (1984), as a person matures his or her readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental tasks of his/her social roles. In other words, what is to be learned relates to the individual’s current life situation and tasks. These students were like sponges and were so eager to absorb every little bit of knowledge they could get, so they may be better prepared for the NCLEX exam. Their readiness to learn was apparent by the way the students presented themselves and their willingness to participate in the interactive learning modules.  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Orientation and Motivation to Learn
Knowles’ principle of orientation to learn was implemented as student’s demonstrated application to problem-centered scenarios versus just content-oriented. According to LoBiondo-Wood & Haber (2014), evidence-based practice is about integrating clinical expertise and patient preferences with the best experiences with the best external evidence to guide clinical decision-making (p. 415). When given a clinical scenario, the students not only looked at the content relevance of the subject matter, but they looked at the scenario as being problem-centered. They used the knowledge they had of the content matter of maternal-newborn and were able to use evidence-based practice to come up with problem-solving solutions.
The last principle used by Knowles’ was motivation to learn. Knowles’ believed that as a person matures the motivation to learn is internal (Knowles, 1984). In this study, the students seemed to have a drive to learn that were both internal and external. The internal drive to learn was a motivating factor for these students because some of them expressed how completing this program was so important to them because passing this program and getting their nursing license would bring such a sense of accomplishment to them as individuals. The internal and external motivating factors expressed were that passing the NCLEX and getting their nursing license was going to change not only their life, but the lives of their families. The student-centered learning strategies were meant to serve as a source of motivation for students to learn the maternal-newborn content so they may be better prepared to pass this subject content on the NCLEX exam.  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
A non-experimental descriptive study using both quantitative and qualitative design was used to determine the effectiveness of three interactive learning modules. Once students had completed the learning modules they were given the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the modules via an electronic survey. The survey consisted of six 5-point Likert-scale questions and five open ended questions that were relevant to the evaluation of the three interactive learning modules with the first question including the informed consent and agreeing to participate or not participate in the survey.
Each of the three learning modules were created to engage learners in the remediation process. Modules one and two utilized Teach-Back Method of evaluation, while the third module incorporated gaming as a teaching/learning strategy and evaluation method. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay

Learning Module One
Maternal car safety. The first interactive learning module involved content for maternal car safety. One of the interactive teaching strategies used for this module was a role-playing activity. Nursing students watched a 4-minute YouTube video ( approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology on how to properly use seatbelts while pregnant and other safety tips for maternal car safety. Using the Teach-Back method of evaluation, the students then created a skit that was videoed and were involved in a role-playing activity demonstrating correct car safety during pregnancy. During the skit, the students had to demonstrate the correct position of driving when pregnant and were able to verbalize important safety measures to take when driving while pregnant.
Learning Module Two


Pediatric car safety. The second module involved content for pediatric car seat safety. The students were given handouts from a website by the (Department of Motor Vehicles) DMV that contained information on infant car seat safety and step-by-step instructions on how to properly place an infant in a car seat, as well as how to place a car seat in a motor vehicle. The students divided into groups and practiced the correct steps to place an infant and car seat in a vehicle properly. Next students viewed a 3-minute YouTube video ( on the correct way to place a car seat safely in a vehicle demonstrated by a technical advisor from Safe Kids USA and approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The link to the video was provided. The students also watched a 1-minute YouTube video ( on the correct way to place a car seat safely in a vehicle demonstrated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). For this activity Teach-Back Method of evaluation was also utilized when students created a skit and demonstrated the correct and safe measures to place an infant in a vehicle. They were also able to discuss during the skit proper safety measures to take regarding driving with an infant and car seat safety and offer feedback to one another during the skit creation process.
Learning Module Three
Risk potential and physiological adaptation. The third module involved content for maternal/newborn reduction of risk potential and physiological adaptation. The reduction of risk potential in Maternal/Newborn consisted of content regarding nursing care that decreases the risk of clients developing health-related complication or students being able to recognize or identify risk factors that could be harmful or life threatening during all stages of pregnancy (Prenatal, Intra-partum and Post-partum), as well as potential risk factors of the fetus or newborn to include changes/abnormalities in vital signs, such as complications during the postpartum period (i.e.) indications of postpartum hemorrhage; familiarity with diagnostic and laboratory test to include understanding of test results that could potentially be harmful to mother or baby; potential for alterations in body systems to include complications (i.e.) Third trimester complications or postpartum complications such as mastitis; potential for complications of diagnostic tests/treatments/procedures (i.e. Phenylketonuria or PKU); and familiarity of therapeutic procedures (i.e.) discharge instructions for Cervical Cerclage.  ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay
Physiological Adaptation in Maternal/Newborn consisted of content related to nursing students being able to participate in the provision of nursing care for clients experiencing physical illness to include: Alterations in Body Systems, which involved students being familiar with clinical manifestations or abnormalities such as Candida Albicans in the newborn or Endometritis in the postpartum patient. Physiological Adaptation also consisted of students being familiar with the normal physiologic changes during pregnancy and medical emergencies to include nursing actions or interventions during the labor process (i.e.) umbilical cord prolapse
The students were lectured via power point, given handouts of the comprehensive review for module three to be discussed and were involved in group sessions to quiz one another on the specific content. One of the interactive learning activities used included gaming, using a Jeopardy game to include the content addressed within module three. Therefore, gaming was used as an evaluation method for this module.
Recruitment Method
During class time the researcher handed out fliers to the nursing students to evaluate the three learning modules. The flier included the link forwarding the participants to an electronic informed consent form and survey. ATI Proctor Maternal Newborn Nursing Essay

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