Arguments for Low Fat Diet Essay

Arguments for Low Fat Diet Essay

3. Low fat diet meant less sugar intake thus prevents diabetes. 4. Gastrointestinal symptoms associated with fat intake is absent in a low fat diet. 5. Low fat diet usually leads to a fitter body that makes one attractive and enhances one’s self esteem. 6. Low fat diet meant less consumption of meat and poultry which is good for the environment. Meat and poultry requires a lot of energy to produce that strains the environment. 7. Low fat diet when done on scale could lessen our dependence towards foreign source of oil. This is because growing cows and other animals requires crude and gasoline to grow and transport them. 8. Over-all health improves. 9. When over-all health improves, one saves a lot of money from hospitalization or medicine bills. 10. Arguments for Low Fat Diet Essay .A good health brought by low fat diet meant low opportunity cost that is foregone during sickness when one cannot work to make money. b. Five rebuttal statements 1. Low fat diet is very hard to sustain. Once the diet has been stopped, the dieters usually revert back to the old weight level. 2. Not all fat are bad. Fats coming from fish has Omega-3 that lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. 3. … It categorizes weight according to the following classification. 18.5lt. underweight 18.5 to 25.00 (some table put this at 24.90) normal weight 25.10 to 29.9 overweight 30.00 and above = obese. BMI is computed by the formula weight / [height (in inches)]2 x 703. b. BMR (Basal Metabolism Rate) BMR is the amount of energy needed to sustain the body and energy used while at rest. It is computed as (BMR Calculator, nd). Women: BMR = 655 + ( 9.6 x weight in kilos ) + ( 1.8 x height in cm ) – ( 4.7 x age in years ) Men: BMR = 66 + ( 13.7 x weight in kilos ) + ( 5 x height in cm ) – ( 6.8 x age in years ) III. Criteria for evaluating diets, nutritional needs for dieters, and activity patterns. According to National Academies Press, there are three criterion for evaluating the efficacy of the diets which are (2012). a. The match between the program and consumer The efficacy of the diet really depends on the various factors and circumstances of the consumer. For example, calories restrained diet may be generally good because it limits the intake of calorie which could be turned into fat. But this would not be applicable to athletes who need calories for their excessive use of energy. Such, the profile of the consumer has to be determined first before embarking on any diet program. b. The soundness of the program This is particularly directed to novelty diet programs which eliminates certain food in its effort to reduce weight.Arguments for Low Fat Diet Essay .  Removal of certain food types also removes source of nutrients that the body needs which could be dangerous. c. The outcome of the program In the final analysis, the efficacy of the diet program depends on achieving the desired outcome. If the objective is weight reduction, then weight would be the


High-fat and Low-fat Diets Today, more people suffer from weight and health problems than people from twenty years ago. You may ask why is that, and what is the difference between us today and the people of the last generation? Well, one main difference is the high-fat and low fat foods that we eat. High-fat and low-fat diets can be the cause of half our problems. People today; choose some sort of diet to help their weight problems. But many people do not know what the bad intake of some foods can do to you. The first thing that most people are drawn to is the high-fat diet, because of the foods that seem so delicious. When people eat according to the high-fat diet, they might not realize the danger they are putting their bodies…show more content…
A person that is on a low-fat diet: eats less food; satisfies hunger; fills the stomach; and diminishes the desire to eat. In a low-fat diet, there is also less risk of a heart attack and/or stroke. The low-fat diet can also prevent and/or reduce the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cancer. In other words, prevents many illnesses. Some of the low-fat diet foods include vegetables and fruits that are very important to the human body.Arguments for Low Fat Diet Essay .  The low-fat diet helps a person maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of illnesses. So, to compare and contrast the two diets, we realize that high-fat diet puts the body at risk by serious illnesses and diseases. For example, high-fat diet can result in a heart attack because of the fat that gets deposit in the blood vessels and disrupts the flow of the blood; in contrast, low-fat diet prevents the serious illnesses and diseases like heart attack. Low-fat diet also helps reduce weight, and obtain a normal lifestyle by keeping the body balanced, whereas the high-fat diet can cause obesity and unbalanced weight. By comparing and contrasting the two diets, it becomes obvious that low-fat diet is much better than the high-fat diet. In conclusion, I believe people should choose a low-fat diet to obtain a normal healthy lifestyle. I believe that the low-fat diet can also stimulate us to do better. So, instead of being on the high-fat diet that causes many problems and illnesses, its better
In general, a healthy diet can help to maintain a healthy body weight or improve overall health and decrease the risk of many diet-related chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers. Arguments for Low Fat Diet Essay .
There is a good evidence proved that eating a healthy diet can reduce the risk of obesity and illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis and some types of cancer. The foods that people consume contains several different types of nutrients, which are all required for the vital processes of human body.
Impact and contribution of a healthy diet to a positive lifestyle are according to people’s lifestyle, behavioral and habits. Examples, eating habits, health awareness, physical activity, lifestyle practices, and others that will influence people’s lifespan and lifestyle.
And, there are five food sources and Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs) that need to understand. This is because of the information will help people understand with having different food sources will influence to the nutrition that human need. Examples, grain food sources that contain carbohydrate; fruit and vegetable food sources, dairy food sources that contain fiber; meat/meat alternate food sources that contain protein and also fats, oils and sweet food sources that contain fat. There are total contain five food sources with different nutrition. So, eating different sources of food with different nutrition will influence the body health that related to human daily life and. 
Arguments for Low Fat Diet Essay.
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