Anthropology Of Power And Symbolism In Complex Society Essay

Anthropology Of Power And Symbolism In Complex Society Essay

Discuss about the Anthropology Of Power And Symbolism In Complex Society.


The concept ritual is inevitable in our society as it is a system of activities involving objects, words, and gestures, and it is practiced in a seized place according to the system settings. Typically, rituals are a component of human culture. For example, a religious community can prescribe a ritual. Rituals in our society reflect the multiplicity of human experience in particular expertise (Blommaert, & Varis, 2015). Also, a ritual is a universal aspect that is practiced both within and between cultures.  Moreover, ritual plays a critical role in the field of anthropology as it acts as an entity of social, cultural analysis. The paper will answer five questions about the phenomena of rituals in our contemporary society.

Difference Between A Ritualist And A Ritologist According To Ron Grimes

According to Ron Grimes, the most critical thing about rituals is how they happen and not the fact that they happen. Grimes has played a prominent role in the field of anthropology as he has contributed a valuable set methodology in understanding the concept of rituals.Anthropology Of Power And Symbolism In Complex Society Essay.  The method has three stages; the first stage is identifying rituals at this stage one has to understand what ritual is. The second stage is mapping the ritual concept which is very critical according to Grimes, and the final step is ritualization. According to Ron Grimes ritualist are people who participate in ritual activities while Ritologist are people who study ritual actions and procedures.


The Principle Difference Between Liminality In Ritual And Liminoid Events

According to Turner Liminality is a transition stage of a specific ritual, for instance, the nature of initiation. Turner in his study was interested in how people handle symbol, what rituals does and how routines work. Turner argues that during the period of transition an individual is secluded in everyday life activities. Turner in his understanding of Liminality in rituals he compared tribal societies with western societies. He noted that the sensitivities of leisure, work, and play differ between the two communities. The principle difference between Liminality and Liminoid is that Liminality is obligatory in the society while Liminoid is optional. Typically, participating in a Liminal ritual earns an individual status or property in a community while non-participants are excluded, and they get no reward (Cohen, 2015). On the other, hand participating in Liminoid ritual activities, such as Carnivals festival does not call for rewards or exclusion. Anthropology Of Power And Symbolism In Complex Society Essay. Also, Turner argued that Liminal aspects encompass the total social process in a defined community while Liminoid elements are experimental and independent of the whole.

For the past century, Anthropology has come to be known as a study of an infinite curiosity about humans. Not only concerned with an interest in human beings and their developements, Anthropology is much more broad in concept of trying to understand the relationships between human beings and all possible questions about them. Anthropology is trying to understand all aspects of human beings through the broad discovery, study, interpretation and inference of past and present cultural characteristics. In appling the knowledge aquired, one can gain an understanding of individuals in society, regardless of the resulting conclusion being right or wrong.

The scope of anthropology is much more broad than that of other disciplines ofscience.…show more content…
Motivated by the will to eliminate error and inaccurate theory, Anthropology seeks to find consistent data for analysis of human exsistence. By removing skeptic ideals, Anthropologists can form a widley accepted explanation of human developement through time.

To further an already in-depth approach into the validety of human exsistence, Anthropology provides a holisitc way of joining the cultural traits of humans. In effort to define a certian people, an Anthropologist may use several factors of that peopel’s tradition. The geography of an area, the formation of a peoples’ language, conflicting religious sanctians, and the political history of a people are key factors in a human experience. Anthropology Of Power And Symbolism In Complex Society Essay. Not only studying a variety of people, Anthropology discerns why such a variety exsists and how a differenciation between people and their habits has occured.

In studying such specific details of perhaps only one area, Anthropologists can gather information to further the reason such great civilizations have exsisted during the ages of time. By also using a multifaceted system, Anthropologists of recent years have found themeselves specializing in different studies and branching the already diverse field of Anthropology. Investigating partcular areas of the discipline, Anthropologists center their attention toward a designated sub-field. Despite this, Anthropology still. Anthropology Of Power And Symbolism In Complex Society Essay.

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