Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay

Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay

Multiple sclerosis imposes a certain amount of burden not only on the patients but also on the caregivers. The unpredictability of the prognosis, the possibility of severe physical disability and cognitive add to the despair. It is very important to evaluate and take appropriate measures to relieve the burden of the caregiver because. health-related quality of life of the patient is inversely correlated with caregiver burden (Alshobaili et al, 2008).&nbsp.

Samantha’s family consists of four members: 33-year-old Samantha, her husband Nick and their two daughters aged 10 and 8 years. Both Samantha and Nick were earning members until the diagnosis of the disease in Samantha. Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay. As the disease progresses, Samantha will not be able to move normally. She may not be able to do activities normally. She may cease to go for work or take up only part-time work. Thus the disease may even affect the income of the family.

Samantha is in the middle age. As an active teacher until the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, she may not continue to be as active and cheerful as before. Besides the gloom of the diagnosis and the disabilities due to the disease process, Samanthas responsibility as the care-taker parent of her children is likely to change. She will now be more dependent on her husband and the care-taker maid to take care of her children. Depending on the extent of disabilities, Samantha may need help for day-to-day chores like cooking, bathing, washing clothes, cleaning the house and other activities. Her husbands’ responsibilities will increase. Other than becoming the only earning member of the family, he may have to support Samantha in daily chores and cooking, in her day-to-day activities and also in the care of their children.&nbsp. The children are in the middle childhood age group and are of minimal help in day-to-day activities. The increase in responsibilities causes an increase in workload for Nick which can lead to increased frustration.&nbsp. Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay.

The impact of Multiple Sclerosis on a patient’s life

Eight years ago my mother was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, the most common form of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affecting up to 85% of the MS patients, with twice as many women being affected as men1. It was a very difficult period for her as she had received very little support from her family and I find it fascinating how she managed to withstand the pressure and fight her condition despite all the odds being against her. For these reasons, I composed a poem from my mother’s point of view to try to empathize with her experience and understand the underlying issues of her condition. To have a sound foundation for this poem, I have carried out a…show more content…
“Upon feeling that she was finally running out of fuel”, I was, at the age of 12, invited for an interview in a elite Czech boarding school which required me to undertake a number of examinations, interviews, travelling and extensive paper work. Despite her worsening condition, she was always there with me, doing all the paper work, practising with me various interview questions and really being the best mum. After I had been accepted to the boarding school, she started to gradually break down due to a number of reasons. While she saw my being accepted as an incredible success, especially for someone from a working class family, my entire family started hating her as they perceived this as her “getting rid of me and her not wanting to take care of me”. Shortly after, she started suffering from short-term memory loss, severe chest pain and loss of balance, leading to the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. 


The diagnosis was by far one of the major  

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common neurological diseases in young adults and involves inflammatory demyelination of the CNS. MS typically manifests between 20 and 40 years of age, and can lead to significant disability in some cases. The disease course is unpredictable. Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay. MS has a significant impact on families, influencing their wellbeing and quality of life, often creating psychological stress in each family member as well as on family functioning in general. Common themes include the impact of the emotional state of the person with MS on family members, the role of the healthy parent on how children cope, the effect of a lack of information about MS, communication within the family and with healthcare professionals, and the importance of assessing and treating families as a dynamic unit in order to assure comprehensive intervention plans. The current literature review is based on 30 full research articles meeting inclusion criteria related to partners/couples, family caregivers, children with a parent with MS and parents of young children with MS.
Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis affects 350,000 people around the United States. Judy Rhamini, a forty- six-year-old mother of two, was diagnosed with the crippling disease in 1988. In late 1997, her attacks had become so devastating that one of them left her arms and legs temporarily paralyzed. To combat the attacks, Mrs. Rhamini began a four- hour daily regimen of intravenous steroids. Within weeks, her pain was gone. Judy Rhamini now takes Avonex, which is a beta- interferon, and since beginning this treatment, she has only had two mild attacks. With advances in the medical field, there is now hope that a cure for multiple sclerosis will be found in the near future.Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay.  Many new drugs are being developed to stunt the progression of multiple sclerosis. Some of these new drugs are being used today, and they are helping patients cope with the hardships of multiple sclerosis. Judy Rhamini tells how Avonex has helped her; “My MS has definitely slowed down. I am so grateful.” However, to find a cure, scientists still have to come to a distinct conclusion to what causes this disease. The only way to rid a patient of this horrible disease is to attack the main culprit responsible for bringing the disease upon a person. Although scientists are not totally sure, there are many possibilities as to what causes multiple sclerosis. Scientists feel that there are two main possible causes for multiple sclerosis: the environment in which a person lives, and Herpes Virus 6. Experts are not totally sure, but they are working out the problems, and are confident they will find the answer soon. Some viruses have been thought to be a cause, but it usually comes down to the environment in which a person lives. Speculation… … middle of paper … …ars to be the First to Slow the Progress of Multiple Sclerosis.” Time, 29 March 1993. Electric Library. Online. Internet. 20 January 2000. Rowen, Carol. “Multiple Sclerosis: Hope Through Research.” Multiple Sclerosis: Hope Through Research, September 1996, 1-44. Reproduced in SIRS Researcher CD-ROM, SIRS Government Reporter. Fall 1999. Siegel, Judy. Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay. “Hope Finds its Way to the Marketplace.” Jerusalem Post, 16 October 1996, Page 6. Electric Library. Online. Internet. 25 January 2000. Squires, Sally. “Interferon Drugs Offer Hope to MS Patients; Researchers Say Injections Reduce the Brain Shrinkage that is Common in Patients.” The Washington Post, 4 May 1999. Electric Library. Online. Internet. 20 January 2000. Talan, Jaime. “New Hope for MS Patients.” The Record, 26 January 1998. Reproduced In SIRS Researcher CD-ROM, SIRS Mandarin. Fall 1999. Impact of Multiple Sclerosis on Family Essay .



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