The Theatre of the Absurd – Essay Example

The Theatre of the Absurd – Essay Example

As it is seen in this opening conversation, Gus questions the possibility of that event in society. He is looking for the cause, the origin or motivation by asking, “Who advised him to do a thing like that?” Meanwhile, Ben accepts it as it is without questioning its possibility.The Theatre of the Absurd – Essay Example.  “It’s down here in black and white”, he simply states. Gus wants to know more about his job, about the disorders he sees in the basement or those who are on the upper floor. It is this perpetual questioning that candidates him as the victim of the final scene. Gus. Did you get any cigarettes? I think you’ve run out. He throws the packet high up and leans forward to catch it. I hope it won’t be a long job this one. Aiming carefully, he flips the packet under his bed. Oh, I wanted to ask you something? On the next page Gus continues to ask questions:
Gus. What time is he getting in touch? Ben reads. What time is he getting in touch? Ben. What’s the matter with you? It could be at any time. Any time . . . ….Gus (moves to the foot of Ben’s bed). Well, I was going to ask you a question. Ben. What? Gus. Have you noticed the time that tank takes to fill? Ben. What tank? Gus. In the lavatory.
Here Gus is after knowledge so as to decrease the fear of the unknown in himself while Ben, by evading the thought of danger, does not permit the fear to capture his mind. This, of course, makes the whole difference.
Another element of The Theatre of the Absurd which I have mentioned before is that the characters in absurd plays are scared about everything around. 


There are a wide variety of different types of theatres in accordance to the different types of genres that exist. One particular theatre that is known as the Theatre of the Absurd exhibits the idea of something that does not follow or answer to a logical explanation. Its philosophy is to take on the existential view of the world, and apply it to a play. There is no underlying message to absurd plays, and are virtually pointless. It takes on the idea of nothing and turning it into something interesting. The Theatre of the Absurd – Essay Example.
When writing a play in this style there are various factors that you must consider. First off, you must realize that these plays are written from an existential point of view and therefore have no apparent reason, true order or meaning. However, it can still be informative and should cause the audience to think about what is happening in a scene, the purpose is to provoke thought with laughter. There are always very intense moments, but it can never look like conventional theatre because it has no start, middle or ending. Moreover, a writer must be aware that the script cannot follow any specified form and that language is reduced to a game of bantering that usually leads to chaos to confuse the audience . A sense of the place is minimal and characters are forced to move in an incomprehensible void-like realm. It is however, usually motionless with the idea that there is no catharsis or document. In the end, an ‘absurd’ scriptwriter must realize that it should be about nothing, and end where it has started. Furthermore, the audience can relate to this type of play by abstractly thinking about the scene and determining what is happening. The audience is forced to really think about the issues presented to them in the play and are faced with a realistic scenario of life, as they watch the characters attempt to work it out. Most scenarios presented in Absurd plays take on realistic situations and were even demanded by the au…

The Theatre of the Absurd originated from experimental Arts of the avant-garde in the 1920’s and 30’s. It highlighted the meaning of life and came about as a result of the Second World War. It was also a result of absurd plays having a highly unusual, innovative form, aiming to startle the viewers.

In the Second World War, in the meaningless and godless post Second
World War world, it was no longer possible to keep using traditional art forms and standards that had ceased being convincing. It openly rebelled against conventional theatre. It was very anti-theatre, coming across as surreal, senseless and plotless. Samuel Beckett and
Harold Pinter were known as the ‘absurd’ play writers. They both
‘Black and White’ has only two main characters as apposed to three in ‘Come and Go’.

In ‘Black and White’, the characters come across as being old, one being small and the other tall. They come across to us, the audience, as very shallow people with very little to talk about. They seem to be non-trusting characters. Evidence from the play suggests that the second of the two women is more of a threatening, aggressive character than the first, who comes across as a calmer woman. The second woman shows aggression when saying ‘I said, clear off out of it before I call a copper’. The first woman shows she is calmer, by not getting worked up over things. ‘I like a bit of bread with my soup’. In ‘Come and Go’, the atmosphere between the women has less tension. The Theatre of the Absurd – Essay Example. The women are not realistic but anonymous, with no identity. Towards the end of this play, it shows the characters are calm when Vi says ‘May we not speak of the old days? (Silence) Of what came after? (Silence) shall we hold hands in the old way?’ This suggests memories may be appearing and the characters don’t really want to bring the subject up.

The Theatre of the Absurd originated from experimental Arts of the

avant-garde in the 1920’s and 30’s. It highlighted the meaning of life

and came about as a result of the Second World War. It was also a

result of absurd plays having a highly unusual, innovative form,

aiming to startle the viewers.

In the Second World War, in the meaningless and godless post Second

World War world, it was no longer possible to keep using traditional

art forms and standards that had ceased being convincing. It openly

rebelled against conventional theatre. It was very anti-theatre,

coming across as surreal, senseless and plotless. Samuel Beckett and

Harold Pinter were known as the ‘absurd’ play writers. They both share 


the views that man inhabits a universe with which he is out of key.

‘Come and Go’ by Samuel Beckett is a very simplified; basic play based

on three characters talking of the old days and their friendship.

Beckett was born 13th April 1906 near Dublin. He was awarded a Nobel

Prize for literature in 1969. ‘Black and White’ by Harold Pinter is

the core of a minimalist set with very little communication between

the characters.  The Theatre of the Absurd – Essay Example.The play bases the two old women in a milk bar. It

comes over as a plot less play with very little meaning.

These two plays ‘Come and Go’ by Samuel Beckett and ‘Black and White’

by Harold Pinter both seem to carry very little meaning. On a surface

level, both plays are short. ‘Black and White’ is a non-trusting play

with evidence of emptiness. Both plays send out a message to the

audience. This is shown particularly where there are silences

throughout the plays.

Theatrical techniques used in ‘Come and Go’, show at the start of the

play, clearly how the…

… middle of paper …

…nce to finish the

play, here the audience probably feel although the play is referring

to an old friendship that maybe once hung about the three characters

and they are bringing back memories between them.

In the Theatre of the Absurd, the two plays ‘Come and Go’ by Samuel

Beckett and ‘Black and White’ by Harold Pinter carry many similarities

and differences. They are both plays which carry no meaning and

characters have no identities. ‘Black and White’ is much longer than

‘Come and Go’. ‘Black and White’ is set in a more realistic modern

way, of two women sat in a bar having a typical talk, watching the day

go by. ‘Come and Go’ gives a more 1800’s feeling with the characters

having 1800’s names and the setting being very abnormal to a normal

more modern play. ‘Come and Go’ is a more atmospherically, tensional

play with the characters being more active. The Theatre of the Absurd – Essay Example.

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