Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay

Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay, Research Paper

ARDS ( grownup respiratory distress syndrome ) Disease

Table Of Contentss:

? Alternate names

? Definition

? Pathophysiology

? Causes, incidence, and hazard factors

? Prognosis / Mortality

? Prevention

? Symptoms

? Signs and trials

? Treatment

? Complications

? Naming your wellness attention supplier

Alternate names:

stiff lung ; daze lung ; pump lung ; acute respiratory distress syndrome ;

congestive atelectasis


Adult ( ague ) respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) is the rapid oncoming

of progressive malfunction of the lungs, particularly with respect to

the ability to take in O, normally associated with the malfunction

of other variety meats. The status is associated with extended pulmonary

redness and little blood vessel hurt in all affected variety meats.

ARDS has a human death rate of about 50 % despite supportive therapy,

including assisted respiration. It is hard to gauge the incidence

of ARDS because it is frequently associated with other terrible unwellnesss. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .But

it is a common job in infirmary intensive attention units. The incidence

of ARDS has been hard to find, due partially to the assortment of

causes. Assorted published estimations have ranged from 1.5 to 71 instances

per 100,000 population. Other figures suggest the happening of 13,000

to 27,000 instances yearly.

Pathophysiology ARDS is the terminal consequence of ague alveolar hurt caused by

a assortment of abuses and likely initiated by different mechanisms. The

initial hurt is to either the capillary endothelium or dental consonant

epithelial tissue. There is increased capillary permeableness, Organization and

marking follows. The capillary defect is produced by an interaction

of inflammatory cells and go-betweens, including leucocytes, cytokines,

O groups, complement and arachidonate metabolites, that amendss the

endothelium and allows fluid and proteins to leak. Endotoxin, neutrophils

and macrophages may besides play cardinal functions in the pathogenesis of ARDS. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .

ARDS consequences from widespread acute hurt to the alveolar capillary

membrane. This produces high permeableness hydrops, seeable on the thorax

X ray. It besides inhibits surfactant map ( particularly fibrin monomers ) .

Epithelial hurt besides impairs new surfactant synthesis. Inflammation

may worsen the hurt because of release of oxidizers and lysosomal

enzymes from activated leucocytes. Lung conformity ( delta V ) / ( delta

P ) is decreased because many air space? s contain hydrops ( and therefore can non

accept air ) and because abnormally high surface tenseness counteracts the

negative intrapleural force per unit area.

Causes, incidence, and hazard factors: ARDS is a medical exigency. It may

be caused by a assortment of conditions that straight or indirectly do

the blood vass to & # 8220 ; leak & # 8221 ; fluid into the lungs. The ability of the

lungs to spread out is badly reduced and harm to the air pouch and

liner ( endothelium ) of the lung is extended. Blood concentration of

O remains really low in malice of high concentrations of auxiliary

O given to the patient. Systemic causes of lung hurt include

injury, caput hurt, daze, sepsis, multiple blood transfusions,

and medicines. Pneumonic causes include pneumonic intercalation, terrible


pneumonia, fume inspiration, radiation, high height, near drowning,

and more. Symptoms normally develop within 24 to 48 hours of the hurt

or unwellness. Cigarette smoke may be a hazard factor. The incidence is 1

out of 100,000 people.

ARDS is normally precipitated by injury, sepsis ( systemic infection ) ,

diffuse pneumonia and daze. It may be associated with extended surgery,

and certain blood abnormalcies. Less common causes include submerging

and inspiration of toxic gases. In half the instances, oncoming occurs within

24 hours of the original unwellness or hurt ; in about all, it occurs

within three yearss.

Prognosis / Mortality The decease rate estimates a scope from 30-70 %

Although subsisters normally recover normal lung map, some

persons may endure lasting lung harm, which can run from mild to

severe. Recent information suggests that on norm more than 40 per centum dice from

ARDS. This information histories for direct deceases ensuing from non retrieving

from ARDS. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .The information does non account for deceases among subsisters which

may be causally related due to medical conditions originating or effected

by the brush with ARDS.

Since ARDS was first described in 1967, the forecast has

improved somewhat despite rapid promotions in medical scientific discipline and

engineering. Statistical information reveals that about one half of

who develop ARDS each twelvemonth will last in the United States and other

states which have good trained medical forces and installations for

handling ARDS patients.

Younger people and those who have fewer chronic wellness jobs are more

probably to retrieve. It is known that people with a milder signifier of ARDS

tend to hold a better opportunity of retrieving than those with a more terrible

signifier of the unwellness. It is besides known that the cause of a patient & # 8217 ; s

ARDS helps predict that patient & # 8217 ; s opportunities for endurance. For illustration,

patients who develop ARDS due to sepsis normally do non make every bit good as

patients whose ARDS is related to trauma. Finally, those patients who

make survive after developing ARDS normally better over several months

with a return to normal or near normal lung map.

/ & gt ;Prevention:

? No steps to forestall ARDS are soon known.


? labored, rapid external respiration

? nasal flame uping

? cyanosis blue tegument, lips, and nails caused by deficiency of O to the tissues

? take a breathing trouble

? anxiousness, emphasis, and tenseness

Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:

? joint stiffness

? articulation hurting

? external respiration, absent temporarily

Signs and trials:

? Chest auscultation ( scrutiny with a stethoscope ) reveals unnatural breath sounds.

Trials used in the diagnosing of ARDS include:

? chest X ray

? arterial blood gas


? The aim of intervention is to supply compensation for the terrible

disfunction of the respiratory system and handle the implicit in cause of

the lung hurt.

? Oxygen is used to handle hypoxia, frequently at high concentrations ( 100 %

O concentration may be needed ) .

? Cannulation, go throughing a tubing through the olfactory organ or the oral cavity into the

windpipe ( airway ) , is frequently necessary. Mechanical airing or a

inhalator ( a machine used to help the external respiration ) is normally necessary for

farther support of the respiratory system. This intervention is continued

until gradual ablactation from the mechanism is tolerated.

? Medicines may be indicated to handle infections, cut down redness,

and extinguish fluid within the lungs.

? The emphasis of unwellness can frequently be helped by fall ining support groups

where members portion common experiences and jobs. See lung disease –

support group.

Treatment for ARDS consists of mechanical airing along with

fluid remotion and a supportive external respiration technique called positive terminal

expiratory force per unit area ( PEEP ) . These are combined with go oning intervention

of the precipitating unwellness or hurt. There are many experimental

therapies that show promise for the intervention of ARDS. These include

replacing wetting agent and the usage of anti-inflammatory agents.


? multiple organ system failures

Naming your wellness attention supplier:

? If take a breathing trouble or other symptoms of ARDS develop name the

local exigency figure ( such as 999 ) or travel to the exigency room.


? ARDS is less a disease and more the terminal consequence of a assortment of terrible

hurts that have in common the activation of the complement system. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .

? The first well-described cause of ARDS was traumatic daze sustained

after non-thoracic hurt ( daze lung ) .

? ARDS is a clinical syndrome characterized by the sudden oncoming of terrible

shortness of breath, tachycardia, and profound hypoxia furnace lining to

O therapy. Some grade of pneumonic hydrops is present on chest X ray.

? Common causes of ARDS include: infected daze, traumatic daze, diffuse

viral pneumonia? s, O therapy toxicity, inhaled toxins and thorns,

narcotic overdose, hypersensitivity reactions to organic dissolvers,

cardiac surgery with an extracorporeal pump and aspiration pneumonitis.

? The presently accepted pathogenesis of ARDS begins with the

release of go-betweens ( like complement C5a, thrombocyte triping factor,

leukotriene B4 ) into the blood that consequence in leukocyte collection in

the lungs. Stimulated neutrophils release O free groups, lysosomal

enzymes and merchandises of arachidonic acid that damage the lung capillaries

and alveolar epithelial tissue.

? Damaged endothelium of the capillaries allows fluid to leak from

the blood. Further chemical harm by neutrophils destroys alveolar

run alonging cells.

? The consequence is the accretion of serum, fibrin and dead cell dust

in the air sac.

? Pink glassy membranes signifier on the interiors of the air sac. These pink

membranes are called hyaloid membranes.

? Once hyaloid membranes have formed, no wetting agent is present in the

air sacs so they tend to fall in ( atelectasis ) . The combination of

atelectasis and hydrops make the lung stiff and balker.

? Many patients with ARDS advancement to a stage of the disease where

mending occurs by fibrosis of the lung ( forming phase ) .

? Most patients who develop ARDS have some other status that brings

them to the infirmary. Once ARDS develops, there is a 50 % mortality.

? There is no effectual therapy for ARDS one time it has begun. Merely deciding

the initial hurt ( e.g. handling the initial sepsis ) and supportive

attention are utile. Some patients will decide their ARDS wholly with few sequela. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .


? The Vietnam struggle highlighted this war-related etiology of ARDS.

? This constituent of the compliment system is the first to be triggered

in ARDS.

? This cellular event is the 2nd measure in the pathogenesis of ARDS.

? These toxic substances are produced by neutrophils and are felt to

bring on vascular and epithelial harm with permeableness and end point


? While many pneumonic diseases may bring forth & # 8220 ; white-out & # 8221 ; on the thorax

X ray, ARDS can be distinguished by this facet of its presentation.

? A trademark of ARDS pathologically are these glassy pink membranes that

line the interiors of air sac.

? The mortality rate for ARDS may be every bit high as this figure.

? The chest X ray in ARDS can be described best by this term.

? Some therapies may inherently worsen ARDS which is what makes this

manifestation of ARDS, the most hard to pull off.

? The stiff lungs of ARDS are produced ab initio by these two related


Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a serious respiratory condition of diffuse alveolar injury seen frequently in intensive care patients. It was first identified in 1967 by Ashbaugh, Bigelow, Petty and Levine as the acute onset of broad respiratory symptoms.Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .  This improved the clinical and pathological understanding of the condition. Small changes to therapeutic practice have developed, however despite these developments the morbidity and mortality in patients of all ages with ARDS remains significantly high (Fan, Needham, & Stewart, 2005).

This topic has been chosen by the author as they have a personal interest in this type of patient after having recently cared for a critically ill ARDS patient in their ICU (Intensive Care Unit). The author has previously been involved in caring for ARDS patient’s at their place of work and over that period has observed changing practices and treatment. A further knowledge and understanding of this complex patient is their motivation for this topic. A case study relating to a case of ARDS is attached as Appendix 1 and will be referred to throughout this assignment.

The pathophysiology of this disease leading up to the presenting signs and symptoms of ARDS will be presented. Current literature and treatment trends will be discussed in conjunction with the medical and nursing practice observed within the ICU workplace. Treatment trends and recommended best practices will be identified and critically analysed. Recommendations will then be presented to encourage best practice within the ICU workplace.

First described in 1967 by Ashbaugh and colleagues as Adult Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, ARDS patients continue to have a high rate of mortality and morbidity (Fan, Needham, & Stewart, 2005). A definition was implemented in 1988 (MORE DETAILS>>>) and then a new simplified definition was recommended in 1994 by the American-European Consensus Conference (AECC) (Harman 2009). It acknowledged that the severity of lung injury varies, and it was a definition that was easy to apply in the clinical setting (Ware & Matthay, 2000). The new definition involved changing the name from “adult” to “acute” respiratory distress syndrome as it was observed that the syndrome occurs in adults and children. The AECC definition states that the patient must have an acute condition, characterised by bilateral pulmonary infiltrates and severe hypoxaemia in the absence of evidence of cardiogenic pulmonary oedema. Hypoxaemia is calculated as a ratio of PaO2/FiO2. In ARDS the ratio is less than 200. Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema is excluded either clinically or by pulmonary wedge pressure of less than 18mm Hg in patients with a Swan-Ganz catheter.

Despite this official and accepted definition there is still argument over the ability to accurately define ARDS when it is a syndrome and not an illness and because of this the presentation and pathway of the disease varies between patients (Zambon & Vincent, 2008). There has also been criticism over the simplicity of the AECC definition as it does not identify the underlying cause, nor does it require other systems affected to be assessed (Ware & Matthay, 2000). The major benefit of the universally accepted definition has been the ability for hospitals and investigators to begin the advancement of clinical trials into treatment of this syndrome (Ware & Matthay, 2000).

In patients diagnosed with ARDS 80% can have the cause related to either direct or indirect injuries. Direct injuries include pneumonia, aspiration, lung contusion, fat embolism, near-drowning, inhalation injury, and reperfusion injury. While indirect injuries include non-pulmonary sepsis, multiple trauma, massive transfusion, pancreatitis and cardiopulmonary bypass (Berten & Soni 2009).

This insult to the respiratory system is reflected in a variety of pathophysiological presentations leading to the patients presenting signs and symptoms. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .There are 3 identified stages of ARDS. The acute or exudative phase is seen in days 1-7. The sub-acute or proliferative stage is seen from around day 7, and the chronic or fibrotic phase is generally seen around 2-3 weeks after the initial onset (Marshall, Bellingan, & Laurent, 1998, Griffiths 2007).

The exudative phase leads to the disruption of the normal alveoli-capillary barrier which therefore disrupts ventilation and oxygenation. Inflammation occurs in the lungs and the body releases cytokines and inflammatory mediators from the epithelial and endothelial cells. Other cells (neutrophils and T-lymphocytes) move into the lungs and causing alveolar damage. The inflammation causes endothelial dysfunction, and increases the permeability of this barrier which allows fluid to escape from the capillaries and limits the draining of fluid out from the lungs. Small vessel thrombosis occurs as a result of pulmonary capillary and endothelial swelling Cell debris plugs the alveolus lumen leading to pulmonary oedema increasing the thickness in the alveolar-capillary space. Surfactant supply depletes and production becomes inactivated.

The exudative phase is seen in the ICU patient as increased shortness of breath, higher respiratory rate, productive cough, “wet” sounding chest, decreased oxygenation. These symptoms were all seen with the patient in Appendix A.

The Proliferative Phase is

and involves the initial stimulus causing the stimulation of the cascade effect. All ARDS patients will experience this stage. It leads to an increase in the permeability of the alveolar-capillary barrier leads to a rush of fluid into the alveoli. This injury allows pulmonary oedema to occur in patients with no known cardiogenic failure. This protein rich fluid engulfs the alveoli drawing in activated neutrophils and macrophages. This initiates the inflammatory cascade which releases interleukins, tumour necrosis factor and inflammatory mediators. Neutrophils release oxidants, leukotrienes and various proteases. The effect of this process is cell damage, with cell debris blocking alveolus lumen and the inactivation of surfactant.

As a result platelets combine, a procoagulant cascade may arise. Surfactant inactivation, alveolar filling, cellular debris all lead to an increase in respiration rate. Surfactant loss causes alveolar collapse due to increased surface tension and causes a decreased closing lung volume. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .This leads to less than normal functional residual capacity causing increased respiratory rate and reduced lung compliance. The alteration in the harmony between alveoli and vascular **************************************************

The proliferative stage is generally seen after day 7. It involves the proliferation of fibroblasts, hyperplasia of pneumocytes and ongoing inflammation.

The Fibrotic phase is seen 3 weeks after presentation and the patient is seen to have lung fibrosis, honeycombing and bronchiectesis. This leads to long-term chronic lung conditions.

Clinical management of ARDS is focused on promptly and appropriately treating the underlying cause, supporting lung function and preventing complications related to the medical treatment and the disease process. No treatment is definitive, but early anticipation of complications can reduce the length of stay.

Treatment is supportive

As previously noted mortality rates have barely reduced over the years. There has been much research into new ventilation strategies along with pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques. So far few have improved survival. The most important and practice changing study was in 2000 when The Acute Respiratory Syndrome Network did a large (861 patients) multi-centred randomised trial comparing traditional tidal volumes with lower tidal volumes. At the time patients were being ventilated with tidal volumes (VT) of 10-15ml per kilogram of body weight with plateau pressures of 50, to achieve normocarbia and pH. The study was abandoned early as there was seen to be a 22% decrease in mortality of those patients with the lower range of TV. The high peak pressure and the high tidal volumes were found to be causing shearing injuries to the lungs and also causing a higher mortality. This study revolutionalised ventilation strategies of ARDS patients and demonstrated that lung protection techniques could improve survival (Levy, 2004). Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .It is now common practice worldwide to ventilate patients on tidal volumes of around 6ml/kg and as low as 4ml/kg and to allow permissive hypercarbia. I

There continues to be research in to the benefit of PEEP in ARDS. There have been several studies conducted looking at the benefits but few have had conclusive results. Ashbaugh et al. (1967) identified patients that were mechanically ventilated with ARDS and had no PEEP became immediately severely hypoxaemic. Research has continued since then as to identify the optimal amount of PEEP. PEEP is important as it assists the severe ARDS patient by minimising alveolar collapse and improving gas exchange and lung compliance. Traditionally PEEP is set at 5-12cmH2O (Briel et al., 2010) but it is yet to be established what is the optimal level of PEEP ( Gattiononi, & Caironi, 2008, & Dellinger, Levy, Carlet et al, 2008). recent studies have been trying to identify if higher PEEP is better than lower, or traditional PEEPS. The problem has been what is low and what is high PEEP? A recent analysis by Briel et al. (2010) and supporting commentary by Rubenfeld (2010) has identified that the

it has also been found that PEEP can be dangerous in but it is not established how much is enough PEEP.

The author has identified medical and treatment seen within their place of work and will discuss this further. Oxygenation is optimised as seen in appendix A by Treatment includes optimising gas exchange by maintaining oxygenation, adequate tissue perfusion. Strict fluid balance. Ensuring nutritional requirements are met

Before 1990 ARDS was reported to have a mortality rate of 40-70% in the US (there were few studies outside the USA initially) (Harman, 2009). Since then several studies have been done around the world. New research has found the rate of mortality has deceased marginally in some studies, but still not significantly. A couple of studies in the US and the UK in the 1990’s have found mortality rates much lower in the 30-40% range (Davidson, Caldwell & Curtis, 1999, Davey-Quinn, Gedney & Whitely 1999). A 2002 Australian study identified mortality at 34% (Bersten, Edibam, Hunt, Moran, and the ANNZCCSCTG). A 2008 systematic analysis of ARDS statistics identified mortality still in the range of 15-61% in studies published after 2000 (Zambon & Vincent, 2008). It must be acknowledged that some of this data was from studies with very small groups of patients in the trials. Despite this it still identifies a high rate of mortality and very little improvement in survival over the years. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .

Improvements have been developed in the care due to ventilation strategies, improved intensive care… better understanding and treatment of sepsis, recent changes in the application mechanical ventilation, better overall supportive care of critically ill patients

Medical and nursing management within the authors

One of the biggest developments in the treatment of ARDS was a study done in 2000 which challenged the traditional ventilation of high

Treatment is supportive with the aim of maintaining adequate oxygenation to the tissues via


Mrs X is a 51 year old female who is normally fit and well. She has no past medical history. She does not take any regular medicines. She has no known allergies.

She lives with her husband and 3 adult children and works full time.

She returned from Melbourne 10 days prior to her presenting symptoms appearing.

Mrs X has been unwell for 7 days with lethargy, myalgia, and a slight cough.

She presents to her GP with a 72 hour of worsening headache, myalgia, and now a productive cough. Her GP prescribes antibiotics (Amoxycillin) and advises her to commence them the following day.

The following day Mrs X is taken to the local tertiary hospital (A) by her husband with further worsening symptoms and now respiratory distress. Her respiratory rate is 30; her SpO2 is 93% on room air. She is tachycardic (110), afebrile, normotensive and her chest x-ray shows right middle and right lower lobe pneumonia, early basal consolidation, and a small left pleural effusion. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay .

Mrs X is admitted to the medical ward on CPAP

Presents at tertiary hospital (A) with worsening symptoms. Respiratory Rate 30. CXR shows RML + RLL pneumonia, early basal consolidation, and small L) pleural effusion.

Admitted to medical ward with CPAP, tiring over the evening with increasing PEEP and FiO2 requirements. Transferred to ICU on CPAP.

Intubated at 2130hrs due to worsening condition and tiring.

Continues to deteriorate over the next 12 hours, now with a vasopressor requirement.

Referred to tertiary hospital (B) for transfer. Swabs and cultures taken for multiple bacteria and to identify the source of pneumonia. Broad spectrum antibiotic cover commenced. (Screening included H1N1, mycoplasma serology, and urinary legonella-all eventually coming back as negative).

Managed in tertiary hospital (A) overnight with high PEEP (20) and Fio2 (90%) requirements. Spo2 and PaO2 remain low (85%/55). Recruitment manoeuvres attempted by consultant and found to bed unsuccessful.


Bloods show early coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia.

Worsening CXR: RUL, RML, RLL, LML, LLL consolidation. Discussion with family regarding possibility of ECMO in tertiary hospital (C) if continued deterioration. Tertiary hospital (B) arrives the following afternoon. Pt being managed “prone”.

Unproned and transferred to Tertiary Hospital (B).

Arterial blood gas on arrival=

Managed in hospital (B) with high respiratory support. Peaking with Fio2 1.0 PEEP of 24. Aiming for Pao2 >60, SpO2 >88%.

Condition further deteriorates on day 3 in hospital (B). Ventilation and oxygenation proving difficult. Any movement causing severe desaturation. Increasing PEEP (18) and decreasing FiO2 (0.6-0.7) found to be beneficial in this patient. ABG over the day

Time FiO2 pH pCO2 pO2

0908 0.6 7.35 53.5 59.7

1452 0.7 7.36 52.4 60.5

2001 0.6 7.35 53.6 62.6

2300 0.7 7.38 49.7 55.0

Initial arterial blood gas shows

Sedated on morphine and midazolam and propofol.

Strict fluid balance.

Commenced on regular IV steroids. IV frusemide. IV erythromycin and imipenem.

FASTHUG principle applied. Enteral feeding recommenced

Remained febrile despite antibiotic and line changes.

Chest drain insertion on day 3 in hospital (B)

Tracheostomy on day 9 as not respiratory or cardiovascularly stable enough earlier.

Remained on a FiO2 of an average of 0.60 and PEEP of 16-20 for the first 12 days.

De-sedated and a slow respiratory wean commenced on day 10.

Patient continues to be critically ill and have slow respiratory wean on day 18 when she is transferred back to her domicile hospital (Hospital A) to continue recovery and weaning. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Essay.

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