A Common Pediatric Diagnosis Essay

A Common Pediatric Diagnosis Essay

Croup is one of a pediatric diagnosis, which is a very common viral infection in minors. Like some similar childhood viral infections as roseola that causes a fever accompanied with a rash, or fifth disease, with slapped like cheeks appearance, it has distinguishing symptoms that characteristically makes it easy to recognize.

Croup symptoms

Minors prone to croup are usually between six months to six years of age, initially experience a few days of a low level of fever, runny nose, and cough and then swiftly, normally at night, they experience: The characteristic croupy or hoarse cough that sounds like a barking, a croaky voice. A Common Pediatric Diagnosis Essay. Difficulty inhalation and inspiratory stridor, which is a snoring type noise minors with croup can produce when they breathe in, confusable with wheezing, a continued fever that can be low level or up to more than 100, although some children with croup do not have any fever at all. Also characteristic is that the signs are worse at night and when agitated, and are at least bearable during the day and when a child calms down. Symptoms can also get reduce when a child is exposed to cool and fresh air, which explains why most minors get better when being taken to emergency room (Iannelli, 2006).Although most cases of croup are not severe and can be treated with home treatments or primary care, some minors do have more severe symptoms and do require immediate medical attention when they started having croup symptoms. These more harsh symptoms can include: being very fussy, in some cases being very low and not agile or having a bluish bruising of his fingernails or about the mouth, drooling and having difficulty swallowing and being sluggish.

Family Intervention

Croup nursing intervention at home is a primary care treatment that needs to be undertaken by the family members of the infants suffering from this illness. This is a respiratory problem that normally put family members at unrest during the night. The simple way to put mild croup at bay would be using a cool-air humidifier in the child’s sleeping room or have the minor breathe the warm, moist air in a steamy room. Weather permitting, also wrap the child in a blanket or coat, and stand in the fresh night air. For severe croup, such as a barking cough with noisy, labored stimulations of breathing also known as stridor; a doctor may recommend corticosteroids, epinephrine, or a different medication to open the child’s airways.A Common Pediatric Diagnosis Essay.  Most cases of croup respond to self-care and in some cases medical intervention necessary (Tibballs, Shann, & Landau, 1992). In some cases, it can be caused by an allergy or can be an early indication of asthma. The expected outcome for the family interventions is to reduce the effect of croup and put the family at ease. The families of the infants suffering from croup must be prepared to give primary health care and put the patient in a more conducive environment. If this is not well taken care of then the consequences may be dire and even escalate the sickness.

Croup Misconceptions

It is an ordinary misconception that croup is a hundred percent harmless condition that all minors come down with at a point in their childhood period. This is not true at all because this is a pediatric diagnosis that must be treated with care. Seek medical intervention incase a child is down with cold and self-care is not yielding fruit. Respiratory illnesses are very severe, and depending on the child’s age, in general health also blood oxygenation levels, in some cases they can be deadly. Always ensue with caution and engage a child’s doctor immediately at the first indication of distress. There is myth concerning hot steaming environment not being a treatment mode for croup. This is not so because it has been used successfully to put croup at bay.

Health care for minors with croup

Croup is a medical condition which need medical interventions if not prevented at early stages. Health care providers give the necessary education to the family members and treatment procedures. Warm, humid air has for a long time been considered a useful croup treatment; if symptoms are not severe. However, there is little scientific evidence or proof showing measurable merits from using steam as a croup treatment. Still, exposing the child to a warm, moist environment as a croup treatment remedy is not likely to be dangerous and may be worth an attempt. The primary symptom of croup medically referred to as viral laryngotracheobronchitis is a distinguishing barking cough caused by swelling around the vocal cords. Other symptoms and signs include fever and a croaky voice. Medically there are no proven prevention methods for croup a part from common hygiene (Muñiz A. (1994). A Common Pediatric Diagnosis Essay.


There is no known vaccine against the human parainfluenza virus. Furthermore, since croup is a virus caused, antibiotics are not associated in the treatment of the illness. Prevention is best accomplished by regular hand washing prior to interacting with a minor six years of age and below. If you have a kid in your home that previously has come down with the croup, do not bother with cough and cold medicines. Since croup is essentially a narrowing of the airways, these medicines will accomplish little. Instead, be alert on the fever and offer plenty of liquids. In addition, fever reducers. Operating a humidifier during the night is also a good idea. If the croup is mild or severe, a physician’s assistance may need to be sought to decide on medical treatment. Most often medications will include the injection of a steroid, the administration of oxygen, and also hospitalization in severe cases (Geelhoed & Macdonald, 1995).

Croup can be scary, because attacks typically happen at night and the minor has trouble breathing. In many cases, croup is not severe, and symptoms can be calmed. If attacks occur during the day and come with fever, the infirmity is more serious. The outcome of the treatment methods are expected to reduce these kind of frustration the disease cause to the infants and family members. Treatment for croup is majorly linked to self-care if condition worsens then emergency treatment should be sought. Children with croup should be considered for admission if they have stridor at rest, adverse social circumstances, a history of severe symptoms earlier in the episode or a past history of severe croup. Steroids have been proven as one of the means treatment is administered to minors with croup who are admitted.


Self-care is the best way to handle most cases of croup when identified early enough. If the condition is severe emergency department help to revive and save the life of the minor. Both home care providers and nurses must be equipped with the basic knowledge of croup. Treatment of croup is dependent on the causes of the croup, such as bacteria or virus caused. A Common Pediatric Diagnosis Essay.


Geelhoed GC., & Macdonald WB. (1995) Oral dexamethasone in the treatment of croup: 0.15 mg/kg versus 0.3 mg/kg versus 0.6 mg/kg. Pediatr Pulmonol pp 20:362-8.

Muñiz A. (1994) Pediatric Croup, retrieved on 14th August 2011 from             http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/962972-overview

Iannelli V. (2006) Croup Symptoms: Croup Basics, retrieved on 14th August 2011 from             http://pediatrics.about.com/od/croup/a/1106_croup_symp.htm

Tibballs J, Shann FA, Landau LI., (1992) Placebo-controlled trial of prednisolone in children     intubated for croup. Lancet; pp 340:745-8. A Common Pediatric Diagnosis Essay.

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