Understanding of Nursing Quality Indicators Essay

Understanding of Nursing Quality Indicators Essay

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Task 1 name Western Governors University Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership Task 1 This template is intended to be used for task 1 for all assessment versions. Please follow the task instructions in the course of study in responding to these prompts.  

  1. Understanding of Nursing Quality Indicators

Replace this text with your response

  1. Advancing Quality Patient Care

Replace this text with your response

  1. Resolution of Ethical Issues

Replace this text with your response                          

  1. Sources

  The Reference Page always starts on a new page, never at the tail end of the final paragraph.  For tips on using APA style, including in-text citations and Reference page entries, please refer to the WGU Guide to Academic Writing:  Appendix: APA Formatting and Style guide here:  https://wgu.mindedgeonline.com/content.php?cid=48184 Any hyperlinks on the reference page must work – the evaluators WILL check these. Do not hyperlink to a page within an area accessible only through personal login, because the evaluator does not have your login and password. References   Authors, R. & Alphabetic, O. (2010). The authors must be in alphabetic order. Search Owl at Purdue for APA Style Helps. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/. (try not to allow blue hyperlinks). Hope-this-helps, I. (2013). Use this document to create your own template: Fill in your own information. Mentoring Advice Times: 7, 1-3. Last, N. & First, I. (1998). Title in italics without caps. Town, ST: Lippincott. Understanding of Nursing Quality Indicators Essay.

The nursing-quality indicators help evaluate the quality of health processes, structure and outcomes using facts to improve patient care, quality improvement requires scientific rigor sine nurses are expected to use the best evidence available when providing care. High-quality evidence is required to inform the nurses’ clinical decisions. Nursing-quality indicators are directly linked to patient safety as nurses provide care in accordance with defined standards depending on their competency and professional practice (Evangelou et al., 2018). Furthermore, the quality indicators improve patient satisfaction reduce healthcare costs and stay in hospital. Since the indicators are quality measurement instruments aimed at checking and evaluating results, the difference in patient outcomes and the quality of nursing services are useful to assess the effectiveness of the nursing-quality indicators.
The indicators ought to reflect the different aspects of nursing care and the structural indicators are important to provide competent care. Nurses will use their knowledge, skills and competence to enhance care and this depends on their experience and education levels as well as nurse staffing. Thus, adequate nurse staff mix plays an important role in facilitating provision of high-quality care. The nurse quality indicators help identify issues that affect patient care as the nurses use their knowledge and skills to evaluate changes in the patient’s health when they identify the patient characteristics, and this is especially in settings where their experience and skills are utilized. Ideally, nurses ought to advocate for change if there are challenges in the nurse practice environment and this helps to support the nurses’ work and their ability to intervene as well as practice to the extent of their education. Understanding of Nursing Quality Indicators Essay.


Patient outcomes are the most common criteria to assess the effectiveness of quality indicators and nurses ought to have knowledge on interpreting the indicators and prevention bundles. For instance reducing pressure ulcers and patient falls are quality indicators that are considered during nursing care and discharge planning to improve patient outcome and safety. When dealing with patient outcomes is one of the first things to assess and record the risk factors in the patient, which facilitate nurse interventions, based on the risks. This is followed by integrating patient safety protocols interventions and is necessary to improve patient safety and quality of care. It is necessary to report on the risks and guidance on patient safety. Furthermore, reassessing nursing interventions according to the patient’s situation prevents their health deteriorating where patient safety measures are prioritized (Merkley et al., 2018).
Audits of quality objectives and dissemination of information on the nursing-quality indicators helps to identify areas that require movement and nurses are involved in improving the quality of care. For instance, when there are protocols know the incidence of adverse effects in health care, this allows detection of patients at risk and nurses follow protocols and procedures to improve outcomes. Understanding of Nursing Quality Indicators Essay. Nursing goal evaluation procedures help to improve the quality of patient care, but nurses also require reliable data and records, to guarantee that the qual

Nurses strive to provide great care of their patients and improve their patients overall health throughout their hospital admission. Nursing includes teamwork and also individual tasks throughout a shift. In order to better understand whether care provided is effective in improving patient outcomes, it is helpful to use nursing-quality indicators. During the early 1990’s The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) was established to look at the link between nursing staff and patient outcomes (Illinois Nurse, 2011). The American Nurses Association (ANA) began to identify critical nursing sensitive indicators for acute care settings such as the hospital. These things are elements of care that are directly affected by nursing practice. Examples are things such as: pressure ulcers, patient falls, patient satisfaction with pain management, patient satisfaction overall, rates of nosocomial infections, and staffing ratios. Evaluating these types of indicators can give a better view of whether the nursing staff is performing well or perhaps where nursing care can be improved.In this scenario with Mr. J, the application of nursing-quality indicators could helpthe staff to identify issues that are interfering with care. For example, if the nursing supervisor looked at staffing ratios she might see that they were short staffed on the unit and that could be why Mr. J has not been repositioned or checked on enough and now he. nderstanding of Nursing Quality Indicators Essay.
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