Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.


I have identified one topic of interest for further study. I have researched and identified one peer-reviewed research article focused on this topic and have analyzed this article.  The results of these efforts are shared below.Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.




Step 1: Research Analysis

Complete the table below

Topic of Interest: Decreasing turnover and increasing retention of nurses.
Research Article: Include full citation in APA format, as well as link or search details (such as DOI) Halter, M., Pelone, F., Boiko, O., Beighton, C., Harris, R., Gale, J., Gourlay, S., & Drennan, V. (2017). Interventions to Reduce Adult Nursing Turnover: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews. The Open Nursing Journal, 11, 108-123.
Professional Practice Use:

One or more professional practice uses of the theories/concepts presented in the article

The article identifies nurse turnover as an issue of concern that further complicates the existing nurse shortage. Although there are a range of strategies that have been applied to improve staff/personnel retention in other professions, the nursing profession is unique and may not necessarily present similar results as other professions. It notes that intervention can be applied at the individual, leadership and organizational levels. Interventions at the individual level include preceptorship, residency, internship, and mentorship. Interventions at the leadership level include management training and supervision support. Interventions at the organizational level include nursing practice models and professional accreditation. Applying the listed interventions is expected to increase retention and decrease turnover of nurses.
Research Analysis Matrix

Add more rows if necessary

Strengths of the Research Limitations of the Research Relevancy to Topic of Interest Notes
Research objective clearly stated.   Helps to guide the research and ensure that readers gain insight that is useful and relevant. The research objective should be further refined to enable readers better understand what the research article seeks to communicate.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria clearly stated.   Helps to ensure that the research question is focused while preventing bias from selecting the studies as the criteria defines the literature search. Defining the literature search is important for ensuring that the study can be replicated.
Multiple databases searched.   This helps to maximize the relevant studies and minimize selection bias. Searching multiple databases ensures that a wider number of relevant studies are available from which to select those to be included in the study.
Study selection described.   Ensures that the selection process is transparent and that each included study is relevant in addressing the review question. This would help with replicating the study.
Characteristics of the individual studies were explored, but lacked some details.   This is useful for clarifying the more popular ideas and opinions on how to answer the review question. Providing greater details about individual studies helps to explore what is known and the questions that still remain from previous research.


List of excluded studies was not provided. This allows for rigorous study conditions. Helps to explain why some studies were included and others were excluded.


Meta-analysis was not conducted. This is important for assessing the strength of evidence presented. Assessing the strength of evidence shows how much the evidence should be trusted.
  Unclear if the research explored study bias. This is important for allowing the readers to critically and independently review the literature. Exploring the study bias is important for showing whether or not there was undue influence in the study.




Step 2: Summary of Analysis


  • Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research


Three approaches were concurrently applied to identify and analyze peer-reviewed research. The first approach is limiting the literature search to peer-reviewed journals by using the search settings. Database searches has a settings feature that allowed for the search conditions to be revised, such as publication type and date. The second approach is examining the article to determine if it is peer-reviewed. This includes locating its masthead with information on the editors, seeing if the article says that it is peer-reviewed, and use of terminology. The third approach is checking the official site for the journal to see if there is a statement about it being peer reviewed (Angelo State University, 2021).Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.


  • Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research


There are two strategies for finding peer-reviewed research. The first strategy is conducting a search in a single database and limiting the search to only peer-reviewed research. The search must be conducted in a subject specific database, such as PubMed that publishes research on health sciences. The second strategy is using a combined search tab that is capable of conducting the search in multiple databases at once (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.


  • Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research


PubMed database will be a useful research for finding peer-reviewed research on nursing subjects. This is a free resource that contains literature on health sciences. It contains more that 30 million citations with links to the articles when only the abstracts are available. In addition, it facilitates searches in other literature sources to include MEDLINE, Bookshelf, and PubMed Central (PMC) (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2020).Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.

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