Improving Population Health Essay Paper.

Improving Population Health Essay Paper.


Population health is defined as the health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group. (3,4) These groups are often geographic populations such as nations or communities, but can also be other groups such as employees, ethnic groups, disabled persons, prisoners, or any other defined group. The health outcomes of such groups are of relevance to policy makers in both the public and private sectors.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.


Note that population health is not just the overall health of a population but also includes the distribution of health. Overall health could be quite high if the majority of the population is relatively healthy—even though a minority of the population is much less healthy. Ideally such differences would be eliminated or at least substantially reduced.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.

The right hand side of the figure indicates that there are many health determinants or factors, such as medical care systems, individual behavior, genetics, the social environment, and the physical environment. Each of these determinants has a biological impact on individual and population health outcomes.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.
Isn’t this so broad to include everything?

Population health, as defined above, has been critiqued as being so broad as to include everything—and therefore not very useful in guiding specific research or policy. The truth is, no one in the public or private sectors currently has responsibility for overall health improvement. Policy managers, for example, tend to have responsibility for a single sector while advocacy groups likewise focus on a single disease or factor.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.

The inherent value of a population health perspective is that it facilitates integration of knowledge across the many factors that influence health and health outcomes. For population health research, specific investigations into a single factor, outcome measure, or policy intervention are relevant, and may even be critical in some cases–but they should be recognized as only a part and not the whole.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.

What is the difference between population health and public health?

The distinction between public health and population health deserves attention since it has been at times both confusing and even divisive. Traditionally, public health has been understood by many to be the critical functions of state and local public health departments such as preventing epidemics, containing environmental hazards, and encouraging healthy behaviors.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.

The broader current definition of the public health system offered by the Institute of Medicine reaches beyond this narrow governmental view. Its report, The Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st Century, calls for significant movement in “building a new generation of intersectoral partnerships that draw on the perspectives and resources of diverse communities and actively engage them in health action (5).”Improving Population Health Essay Paper.

However, much of U.S. governmental public health activity does not have such a broad mandate even in its “assurance” functions, since major population health determinants like health care, education, and income remain outside public health authority and responsibility. Similarly, current resources provide inadequate support for traditional–let alone emerging–public health functions. Yet for those who define public health as the “health of the public,” there is little difference from the population health Improving Population Health Essay Paper.

Improving Population Health

  •   Tell us about a healthcare program within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?
  • In Pinellas County, I lobby for a healthcare program aimed at preventing teenage suicide by teaching both teenagers and parents on the red flags. In order to assist them in coping with any problems, the program will also inform teenagers and parents about the available resources for that. The program is intended to describe a risk factor and possible risk factors for suicide among adolescents, including online harassment through social media and smartphones and inadequate sleep (Abi-Jaoude et al., 2020). Improving Population Health Essay Paper.
  • This program will cost about $80,000 a year because it is confined to Pinellas County. A more enlightened and knowledgeable community is the desired result, resulting in decreased suicide cases, which lead to lower mortality.
  •   Who is your target population?

○ People between 13 and 20 years of age will be the target population.

  •   What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
  • Nurses may offer their experiences with previous programs as well as their skills. I recall when I just began operating at a hospital as a nurse practitioner, and the nurses there were coping with elevated alarm exhaustion levels. A very comprehensive policy was established by the management; however, one of the nursing staff suggested policies for particular sections of the hospital. The management thought it through and agreed instead to use the nurse’s policy idea.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.
  •   What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
  • As a spokesperson for my target group, my job is to raise awareness that teenage suicide is a problem that requires to be addressed and resolved. I have knowledge about design decisions as a nurse and an advocate. I influence design by offering my expertise in previously executed healthcare programs and strategies.
  •   What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
  • Nurses play a significant role in the deployment of the healthcare program. Their function is not only to perform the program’s goals, but they also educate on the program’s goals and shed light on how the program works (Salmond & Echevarria, 2017).Improving Population Health Essay Paper.
  • The nurses’ role tends to vary moderately between design and implementation as the nurse has the most insight in the implementation part since it is basically their role. Nurses can implement and offer additional input on the program.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.
  •   Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?
  • Undoubtedly, nurses are most considered necessary in the program implementation. Predominantly, in the field of healthcare, they are simply vital stakeholders. One may have a flawless plan for solving a particular problem, but it is destined for failure without nurse practitioners implementing the plan. In addition, nursing staff are at ground level and will tell if a strategy is effective or not, enabling changes to be implemented to deal with the problem better.Improving Population Health Essay Paper.
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