Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.


Discuss how Nursing Theory has changed your perspective on understanding how evidence based theory is equivalent to theory based practice.

Nursing Theory

A nursing theory is a collection of related concepts that guide a systemic view of phenomena. Theory-guided practice refers to the use of theories to understand patients and plan interventions. Nursing theory improves our discipline by giving it a structure and unity by which we examine our effectiveness.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.


Most often, theories are classified by their philosophical perspective and scope. In nursing, we primarily use grand theories and middle-range theories.

  • Grand theories are the highly abstract and the widest in scope. They are most often used to describe general concepts or propositions, and they are not meant for empirical testing.
  • Middle-range theories are concrete and offer specific explanations about phenomena of interest. The concepts of these theories are operationally defined and can be empirically tested.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Both grand theories and middle-range theories encompass either one or more of four types of theory: descriptive, explanatory, predictive, and prescriptive. Nursing Theory Network defines these types as:

  • Descriptive theory: identifies properties and components of a discipline.
  • Explanatory theory: identifies how the properties and components relate to one another.
  • Predictive theory: conjectures the relationships between components of a phenomenon and predicts when the phenomena will occur.
  • Prescriptive theory: addresses therapeutics and consequences of interventions.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Theory-Guided Practice

Nurse practitioners learn about theory during their education, and they use it to guide their practice in order to achieve better patient outcomes. Zaccagnini and White eloquently write, “Considering the often fragmented, inefficient, and disorganized care typical of the current healthcare system, we need nursing theory-guided practice to provide a coherent antidote.”Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Nurse practitioners undergo extensive education on practice theory and are expected to understand a variety of different theories. Using only one theory to guide a person’s entire practice narrows own vision and forces every patient into a single mold. Nurse practitioners select the most appropriate conceptual model for each particular situation.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

To choose a theory to guide their practice, nurse practitioners follow the process outlined by Janet Kenney (See Chapter 31 in Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives for Advanced Nursing Practice).Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

  • Consider your personal values and beliefs about nursing, patients, health, and the environment.
  • Examine your underlying assumptions, values, and beliefs of various nursing models.
  • Identify several models that are congruent with your own values and beliefs.
  • Practice applying the models and theories to different patient situations.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Examples of Nursing Theories

Table 3 lists nursing theories organized by topic. Table 4 lists theories by other disciplines that are commonly employed by nursing professionals. Nurse practitioners, especially those with DNP degrees, take courses that focus on understanding and utilizing these theories to improve healthcare delivery.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

For a high-level summary of these theories see Chapter 1 of Zaccagnini and White’s Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials. For a detailed explanation of the theories see Parts III and IV of Butts and Rich’s Philosophies And Theories For Advanced Nursing Practice. Additional information can be found on the Nursing Theory Network website.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Nursing goals and functions Florence Nightingale’s environmental model of nursingVirginia Henderson’s 14 components of basic nursing careDorothy Johnson’s behavioral system modelNola J. Pender’s health promotion modelIda Jean Orlando’s nursing process theoryPeplau’s theory of interpersonal relations in nursing
Systems thinking Roy adaptation modelKing conceptual system and theory of goal attainmentNeuman systems model
Human existence Barrett’s power as knowing participation in changeNewman’s theory of health as expanding consciousnessRosemarie Rizzo Parse’s humanbecoming school of thought
Competencies and skills Brenner’s from novice to expertAmerican association of critical care nurse’s synergy model for patient careTravelbee’s human-to-human relationship model
Caring The nursing as caring theory by Boykin and SchoenhoferWatson’s theory of human caringSwanson’s middle-range theory of caringDuffy’s quality-caring model
Culture Campinha-Bacote modelGiger and Davidhizer modelLeininger’s culture care diversity and universality theorySpector’s health traditions modelPurnell model for cultural competency
This list is adapted from Part IV Chapters 17-22 of Butts and Rich’s Philosophies And Theories For Advanced Nursing Practice.

Complexity science Complex adaptive systems
Critical theory and emancipatory knowing Habermas’s critical social philosophyFreire’s theory of human liberation
Ethics Natural-Law TheoryRights TheoryDeontologyConsequentialismCommunitarianism
Educational Behaviorist learning theoryCognitive learning theoryGestalt theoryCognitive development theoryInformation-processing theorySocial learning theorySocial constructivismPsychodynamic learning theoryHumanistic learning theory
Health behavior The health belief modelTheory of reasoned actionTheory of planned behaviorIntegrated behavioral modelTranstheoretical model and stages of changeSocial cognitive theorySocial ecological models
Interpersonal Harry Stack Sullivan’s theory of interpersonal relationsInterpersonal relations theoryExistentialismPositive psychologyTranspersonal psychology
Organizational behavior and leadership Bureaucratic theoryHuman resource theoryContingency theoryGeneral systems theoryChange theoryTheories X, Y, and Z
This list is adapted from Part III Chapters 6-16 of Butts and Rich’s Philosophies And Theories For Advanced Nursing Practice.

Through systematic analysis, nurses can establish information related to improving patient care in nursing research or practice. Nursing theory is an innovative and thorough structuring of ideas that project a preliminary, purposeful, and systematic view of phenomena.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

The nursing theories include a plan for contemplation to analyze a specific direction in which the plan could lead. This system consists of an arrangement for management, investigation, and decision-making as new problems are encountered (Brandão et al., 2019).Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Even if nurses are not conscious of their use, nursing ideas are used every day in practice. Theories help direct analysis based on evidence, which then contributes to best practices and strategies. Such policies and practices, while ensuring the best quality treatment, keep patients safe.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

In addition to taking care of patients at the bedside, nursing theories allow me to affect the health and well-being of their patients positively. The theory-guided nursing practice helps increase the quality of care offered and helps to move the nursing profession forward (Masters, 2014). Most bedside nurses do not generally understand the reasons behind their way, so their utility is sometimes ignored. Nurses, nurse writers, nurse educators, and nurse researchers in advanced practice would most likely be up to date on emerging nursing ideas and their effect on the nursing profession.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Both in academia and at the bedside, nursing ideas can continue to guide nursing practice. It helps me to provide their patients with the latest best practice treatment while not influencing them beyond the bedside.Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.

Recommendations for Further Reading

Want to learn more about nursing science and evidence-based practice? These are some of my favorite books.

  • Nursing Research by Polit and Beck. My BSN, MSN, and DNP programs all required this textbook. It is an excellent resource with particularly helpful tables, graphs, and illustrations that explain complex research topics.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials by Zaccagnini and White. This is one of my favorite nurse practitioner books. The authors write clearly, succinctly, and confidently. Chapters one and three discuss nursing science and evidence-based practice from a nurse practitioner’s standpoint.
  • Comprehensive Systematic Review for Advanced Nursing Practice by Holly, Salmond, and Saimbert. This is an excellent book if you are interested in learning about or conducting a systematic review. I used this book through every step of my DNP project.
  • Philosophies And Theories For Advanced Nursing Practice by Butts and Rich. These authors offer a detailed guide to nursing theories and the philosophical foundation of our profession. I purchased this book on my own accord during my MSN program. It helped me write my assigned papers and answer the question, “What theoretical framework did you use for this study?”Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.
  • Nurse Practitioners: The Evolution and Future of Advanced Practice by Sullivan-Marx, McGivern, Fairman, and Greenberg. First and foremost, this book is awesome! It provides a great overview of nurse practitioner history. Remember, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”Nursing theories in the conceptual expansion of good practices in nursing.
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