Electronic Health Record Implementation.

Electronic Health Record Implementation.


One way informatics can be especially valuable is in capturing data to inspire improvements and quality change in practice. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) collects data related to adverse events and safety concerns. If you are working within a practice setting to implement a new electronic health record (EHR) system, this is just one of the many considerations your team would need to plan for during the rollout process. In a paper of 1,250-1,500 words, address the following questions related to the advanced registered nurse\’s role during this type of scenario: Electronic Health Record Implementation.


What key information would be needed in the database that would allow you to track opportunities for care improvement? What role does informatics play in the ability to capture this data? Which systems and staff members would need to be involved in the design and implementation process and team? What professional, ethical, and regulatory standards must be incorporated into the design and implementation of the system?Electronic Health Record Implementation. How would the EHR team ensure that all order sets are part of the new record? How would you communicate the changes, including any kind of transition plan? What measures and steps would you take to evaluate the success of the EHR implementation from a staff, setting, and patient perspective? What leadership skills and theories would facilitate collaboration with the interprofessional team and provide evidence-based, patient-centered care? You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.


Electronic Health Record Implementation


Healthcare industry has embraced health informatics in capturing of data and storage of important information. Many healthcare organizations are embracing electronic health records (EHR) system because it helps the health practitioners to share information securely between themselves and patients. Electronic health record keeping has enabled providers to reduce medical errors, provide safer and quality care, improved communication and interaction between patients and healthcare professionals, and enabling effective diagnosis and safer prescribing due to availability and accessibility of information (Gross et al., 2019). This essay will address the issues to be considered in the implementation of a new electronic health record and the role of a nurse in each process.Electronic Health Record Implementation.

Key Information needed in the Database to allow Tracking Opportunities for Care Improvement

Electronic health record has been embraced as a tool for tracking opportunities that improve services offered in the healthcare industry through the database feature. The information contained in an EHR database include patients registries and records indicating their names, health status, diagnosis, past medical history, treatment measures, care plans, results of care plans and treatment. The patient registry has all information concerning their interactions with the hospital and healthcare providers (Ratwani et al., 2016).Electronic Health Record Implementation.  A database should contain some specific elements and information in order for it to effectively track opportunities for improving care. Patients demographics is one of the information required in a database. By collecting demographics while keeping records, one is able to track trends, evaluate and observe care improvement attempts and conduct research on areas which require further improvement. The database should also contain data on patients’ reaction to different treatments and care plans, and if the intended objectives were achieved under the care plans.  The database should contain data that has a clear link between treatment approach and outcomes. This information will support decision making in future to know what worked to achieve the intended objectives (Crowley et al., 2019). Electronic Health Record Implementation.A database should contain comprehensive indices that permit collection of data at a single point and allow access only to the authorized personnel. Access of information promotes team work among health professionals and health outcomes.

Role played by Informatics in the ability to Capture Data

Informatics refers to how an organization utilizes information technology in the organization and analysis of health records to enhance health outcomes. The interactions between healthcare providers and patients can result to cumbersome data leading to errors if it is not properly managed. Therefore, a need arises to ensure data is processed into meaningful and logical aspects. By use of informatics, a healthcare organization is able to make logical meaning of data collected through value assignment and insight extraction. This helps in reduction of errors and improves the chance of achieving the intended health outcomes. According to Tsai et al (2020), informatics can help in the development of logical correlations and associations between data variables in the collected data which allow for care improvement initiatives and cost management efforts.Electronic Health Record Implementation. Informatics utilizes the collected data and consequently play an imperative role in capturing of data.  Informatics affect the data capturing process through the identification of critical success factors, contextual elements and variables pertinent to achievement of desired healthcare aims and goals (Ratwani et al., 2016). Informatics also affect data capturing capabilities through the identification of meaningful data.Electronic Health Record Implementation.

Systems and Staff members needed to be involved in the Design and Implementation Process and Team

Implementation of EHR system and informatics will require the contribution of the system and staff members. The system will be the particular technologies to be used in performance of logical functions. In healthcare settings, several systems are required in the provision of services and quality care. Clinical decision support systems will be required to provide basic care through proper diagnosing, preventing, and treating the identified condition. The clinical decision support system will also comprise of e-tools, prediction tools, alarms, and reminders.  The system will also include personal health records comprising of demographic data, treatment data, and information collected during patient-medical personnel interaction (Gross et al, 2019). Electronic Health Record Implementation.The systems will be required to support provision of telehealth, self-care efforts, and telemedicine while maintaining safety and avoiding unnecessary medical risks to patients.  All the systems will be required to be secure, safe, and ensure authorized access only. The system will maintain confidentiality and protect patients’ data and information.  People will be required to perform logical functions in the system. They will be responsible for the interactions with informatics and patients information.  The system developers, programmers, engineers, and system analysts will deal with the system design, development, and its technical aspects (Crowley et al., 2019). Electronic Health Record Implementation.There will be database administrators, trainers, support analysts, and operators who will be expected to manage the system and ensure it is operational, train users on the applications, and give access and user passwords. The system will have information security managers, project manager, and information officer to determine how the informatics and its results will be applied. Electronic Health Record Implementation.


Professional, Ethical, and Regulatory Standards to be incorporated into the Design and Implementation of the System

EHR systems implementation raises ethical concerns, and professional/regulatory implications because they use health information as inputs. Patient health information should be protected and its confidentiality maintained not to attract legal suits if it is misused.  EHR and Informatics systems rely on patients’ information and this presents concerns that some professional and regulatory standards should be laid in order to ensure that information security and confidentiality is maintained (Shahmoradi et al., 2017).Electronic Health Record Implementation. In the management of healthcare information, all the persons engaged in the implementation process will be expected to maintain information integrity, accountability, and confidentiality as part of professional and ethical standards. The rights of patients to privacy should not be infringed during system implementation. In addition, the implementation team has a role to ensure that information is accessed by authorized users only.Electronic Health Record Implementation.

All the informatics activities are expected to maintain security and privacy to protect the information from illegal access and intrusion. Regulatory standards to be maintained will include the legislation intent to protect information because if the information privacy is violated, it has legal implications which can attract heavy penalties. Other relevant regulatory regulations to be considered during the system implementation will include Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009, Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act of 2012, Privacy Act of 1974, and Affordable Care Act (Jacobs et al., 2016). There will be need to observe Health insurance laws and policies as well as patient registries privacy rules.Electronic Health Record Implementation.



Ways in which the EHR Team will ensure that all order sets are part of the New Record

EHR implementation team have an obligation of ensuring all order sets are part of new record. To achieve this, some steps will need to be taken such as ensuring the new record is compatible with the existing record (Shahmoradi et al., 2017).Electronic Health Record Implementation. If the existing record is not compatible with the new one, it should be reviewed and assimilated into the new one to ensure that all the information will be fit into one database. The new record will be implemented as a gradual process while data is being transmitted to allow users to acquaint themselves with its usage. As users become familiar with the new record, they will be able to assess if it performs as desired.Electronic Health Record Implementation.

Communicating the Changes and Transition Plan

Communication is very vital in the EHR system implementation process to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of events taking place. Constant communication ensures that the team knows what is expected of them and keep them prepared in the event of any required changes. When implementing a new EHR system, it is necessary to communicate the expected changes and the transition plan to ensure a successful system change (Zeng, 2016). Electronic Health Record Implementation.All the stakeholders should be made aware of the need for change and why it is required. To support the system implementation, the stakeholders should recognize the existing problem that will be addressed by the change. This helps the stakeholders in owning the process. A leader should be appointed to spearhead and oversee the implementation process (Jacobs et al., 2016). The leader will be expected to communicate the expected change and persuade others to support the process by making them dissatisfied with the existing process and appreciate the need for change.Electronic Health Record Implementation.


Measures and Steps to take in Evaluating the Success of the EHR Implementation from a Staff, Setting, and Patient Perspective

When implementing an EHR system, it is necessary to evaluate it to assess if it was successful. Evaluation of a project is done considering the various perspectives of the stakeholders. For instance, the EHR system will be evaluated from the staff, setting, and patient perspective. The EHR system will be evaluated in terms of technical performance and from the stakeholders’ perspective (Tsai et al., 2020).Electronic Health Record Implementation. Technical performance will be assessed in terms of how the new system meets the expectation. In addition, the cost of implementation and time taken will be compared against the budgeted cost and scheduled time to know if the budget and the timelines were exceeded. Various stakeholders including staff, patients, and other users will be interviewed and given self-administered questionnaires to fill as a way of collecting their views on the new system. This method will collect data on how these stakeholders were affected and how they find the system performance.Electronic Health Record Implementation.

Leadership Skills and Theories that facilitate Collaboration with the Inter-professional Team

For effective system implementation, leadership skills are required to facilitate collaboration between the inter-professional team to ensure that all the intended objectives are met. Leadership skills required include self-governance and delegation. Under self-governance, the leader will encourage all the stakeholders to express themselves and share opinions and ideas. This will promote good communication and working rapport (Zeng, 2016). Electronic Health Record Implementation.A leader should be able to delegate duties and responsibilities to individuals in a way that each member understands what is expected of them. A leader will be expected to motivate and promote creativity and innovation among the team members. The leadership theory that will facilitate inter-professional collaboration will be transformative leadership theory which will require a leader to have integrity, planning skills, decisive, self-regulated and a change agent. Transformative leadership theory will help the leader to assess the variables in a situation and act accordingly.

In summary, EHR system implementation require leadership skills, effective communication, and inter-professional collaboration to ensure its success.Electronic Health Record Implementation.

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