Voluntary and Involuntary Admission

Voluntary and Involuntary Admission

Admission of patients to various healthcare centers depends on an array of factors. Despite the fact that admittance to hospitals is aimed at promoting the overall health of a person, the process ought to be conducted in a professional manner. Characteristically, admission to healthcare facilities may be voluntary, where a person willingly seeks for medical advice. Besides, involuntary admittance entails forceful confinement of patients, who display signs of mental instabilities. Voluntary and Involuntary Admission Notably, Player (2015) asserts that such aggressive commitments to care facilities involve individuals who pose a danger to themselves or other people, arising from their chronic illnesses. Various states in the United States have diverse laws concerning involuntary admission. Healthcare professionals, especially the Psychiatric Mental Health Practitioners (PMHNPs) ought to act in accordance to the state provisions to warrant procedural admissions, and minimize legal implications.

Case Scenario: Evaluation

The case scenario presents a 14-year old boy who took 50 tablets of Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride) in an attempt to kill himself. Evidently, the young lad had issues with his girlfriend, an aspect that contributed to his actions. The act of ingesting 50 tablets of any drug can be considered absurd. Based on this characteristic, it is palpable that the boy was suffering from a psychological illness. Besides, he would not make a solid decision to visit a healthcare center by himself. In fact, the patient would inflict further self-harm, an act that would endanger his life. The best action to ensure the safety of the boy would be involuntary admission into a mental health facility. Voluntary and Involuntary Admission Despite accessing the necessary medical aid, the victim displays further belligerence to the specialists, an aspect that confirms his deteriorating mental state.


Michigan State Laws

The United States’ Constitution protects the rights of the citizens through various constructs in the Health Act. Besides, various states across the country apply distinct regulations based on the constitution to ensure protection of population health. Notably, the Michigan Mandatory Treatment Laws establish a well-laid criterion of handling involuntary admission processes. Like any other state in the United States, Michigan protects the rights of psychotic patients in accessing timely and quality healthcare help. Despite this provision, it is evident that some sick victims lack the ability and willingness to seek professional help (Eliminating Barriers to the Treatment of Mental Illness, n.d).The regulations stipulate that sick victims, who pose a danger to themselves, are unable to attend to basic needs, and lack a clear understanding of the need for treatment can be reprimanded involuntarily. Additionally, communities are allowed to use court orders to facilitate unintentional admittance (Eliminating Barriers to the Treatment of Mental Illness, n.d). Voluntary and Involuntary Admission Similarly, the Michigan Health Laws stipulate that patients suffering from mental instabilities ought to be assessed by qualified PMHNPs (Eliminating Barriers to the Treatment of Mental Illness, n.d). The procedure is important, since it allows for precise detection of illnesses causing predicaments to victims.

Relativity of Case Scenario to Michigan Health Laws

The Michigan health laws stipulate that patients who display signs of harming themselves are legible for involuntary admission. From the case study, it is evident that the victim intended to inflict self-harm by consuming 50 tablets of Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride). From a pharmacological point of view, the amount of drug taken by the young boy would alter the normal functioning of the body, leading to death. Based on this aspect, it is truthful to authoritatively state that the act of forcefully confining the patient was a correct decision, in accordance to the Michigan health laws.

Parental Sustenance for Unentitled Patients for Involuntary Support

The boy’s parents experienced marital problems and therefore, posted conflicting views about handling his medical situation. Notably, the mother was skeptical about the suicide threats, labeling them as malicious and untruthful. The allegations were met with opposition from the father, who claimed the victim needed help. Despite the misunderstandings, the U.S. constitution through the Michigan health laws requires sick victims to receive treatment under any circumstances. According to Swanson and Swartz (2014), healthcare specialists are required to act professionally, by not siding with either parent in such a scenario. Evidently, the victim required urgent treatment and therefore, the right procedure ought to be implemented immediately. Regardless of the parents’ opinions, involuntary admission in accordance to Michigan health laws was the best option Voluntary and Involuntary Admission.


Treatment Methodology for Illegible Involuntary Commitment

Clinicians handling patients under forceful admittance ought to ensure utmost observance of the law to avert legal tussles. Notably, there are cases where healthcare professionals handle patients not legible for involuntary admissions. According to D’Lima, Archer, Thibaut, Ramtale, Dewa and Darzi (2016), it is imperative to assess the victim’s views about existing treatment options. Clinicians are required to allow patients choose their preferred treatment approaches, provided that they are in line with the requirements of state health laws (D’Lima et al., 2016). For instance, in the case where the boy was not legible for involuntary confinement in a health center, PMHNPs would inquire the best treatment approach from the parents, and through assessing past medical records Voluntary and Involuntary Admission.


Patients get treatment from healthcare facilities. Normally, hospitals admit ailing victims on a voluntary or involuntary basis. However, the state of Michigan health laws provide for forceful admittance, in case a victim displays signs of self-harm, and Is not aware of the importance of treatment. From the case scenario, it is evident that the victim was suffering from a psychological predicament, and the act of forceful admittance was in accordance to the Michigan health laws.


D’Lima, D., Archer, S., Thibaut, B. I., Ramtale, S. C., Dewa, L. H., & Darzi, A. (2016). A systematic review of patient safety in mental health: a protocol based on the inpatient setting. Systematic reviews, 5(1), 203. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-016-0365-7

Eliminating Barriers to the Treatment of Mental Illness (n.d). Treatment Advocacy Center. Retrieved from http://www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org/michigan

Player, C. T. (2015). Involuntary outpatient commitment: The limits of prevention. Stan. L. & Pol’y Rev., 26, 159. Retrieved fom https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/stanlp26&div=8&id=&page=

Swanson, J. W., & Swartz, M. S. (2014). Why the evidence for outpatient commitment is good enoughVoluntary and Involuntary Admission

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