Chelsea Warren shadow health Differential Selection

Chelsea Warren shadow health Differential Selection

Differential Selection : N/A

In this activity, you were asked to identify which differential diagnoses were essential to investigate to ensure patient safety. Your Do-Not-Miss diagnosis selections were not automatically scored by the simulation in this assignment, but your instructor may choose to grade this list.

Review the list of most appropriate Do-Not-Miss diagnoses below. Correct selections have been marked with a , while selections you missed have been marked with a .

Do Not Miss Student Rationale Model Rationale

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You correctly identified this diagnosis as do not miss.
presence of type 1 diabetes, joint pain and limited movement Chelsea Warren shadow health Differential Selection It’s important to consider how Ms. Warren’s Type 1 diabetes may factor into the consideration of certain high value differentials, includingxxx

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You correctly identified this diagnosis as do not miss.
joint painxxx  is a high consequence differential. If osteosarcoma is discovered early, there is a significantly increased rate of patient survival.
 Proximal Tibiofibular Fracture

  • You scored: 1 out of 1
  • Great job! You correctly identified this diagnosis as do not miss.
joint pain Proximal Tibiofibular Fracture is a high consequence differential. If left untreated it may cause further pain, complications, and injury to the patient. Chelsea Warren shadow health Differential Selection Given Ms. Warren’s presentation, it’s important to rule this differential in.

Other Differentials

You were asked to select other potential differential diagnoses that you thought were applicable to the case. Review the list of differential diagnoses below and compare your answers to Diana’s list. Chelsea Warren shadow health Differential Selection Your selections in this section are not automatically scored by the simulation, but your instructor may choose to grade this list.

Differential Student Rationale Model Rationale

  • Great job! This is an applicable diagnosis, given the patient case details and provider notes.
paint is expereinced during squatting Given Ms. Warren’s presentation and the prevalence of knee sprains, this is an important differential to consider.

  • Great job! This is an applicable diagnosis, given the patient case details and provider notes.
the presence of tenderness at tibial tuberosity and with physical activity According to the 2016 article “Apophysitis of the Tibial Tuberosity (Osgood-Schlatter Disease): A Review” (Vaishya, Raju, et. al., published in Cureus vol. 8, no. 9), the pain of Osgood-Schlatter “is usually exacerbated by physical activities like running, jumping, and climbing stairs. Knee extension against resistant and other sports-related activities may worsen the symptoms.” This matches Chelsea’s pain on physical exam and aggravating factors. Her age and the location and duration of the pain are also pathognomonic fxxx Chelsea Warren shadow health Differential Selection
 Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome

  • Great job! This is an applicable diagnosis, given the patient case details and provider notes.
the location of the patent’s pain, her age, her growth spurtand level of physical activity favor this diagnosis This is an overuse injury pathology that typically starts during an adolescent growth spurt and develops over time but can also present as sudden pain after injury and can be present in individuals without pre-existing or chronic conditions according to a 2018 article “Acute presentation of Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease simulating patella sleeve fracture: A case report” (Alassaf, published in SAGE Open Medical Case Reports vol. 6). Given the location of Ms. Warren’s pain, her age, reported growth spurt, and level of physical activity, this is a viable selection. Chelsea Warren shadow health Differential Selection
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