Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

My PICOT for this paper:
“For patients post MI, does a smoking reduction program, compared to handing out risks without supportive program, improve smoking cessation results and reduce risk for future MI?”

My professor is requesting that we use our ebook as a resource and reference. This is her message: Welcome to week 3!!


This week and next week you are analyzing/ critiquing two quantitative studies.. This means that you need to dig into the article and your text book and determine if the study meets criteria for peer reviewed. Your opinion doesn’t count unless you can support it with scholarly criteria and remember your book is a scholarly source so we consider it your bible! You need to use your book, cite your book, and have your textbook on your reference page to earn full credit for each piece of the analysis. To do this you will upload the Week 3 template and follow my hints to a strong analysis!!!

Here is a link to our book:


Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

The selected topic is about smoking cessation in patients who had a myocardial infarction. Cigarette smoking cause constriction of the blood vessels, activation of platelets, endothelial dysfunction, dyslipidemia, and causes chronic inflammatory state. These effects hasten atherosclerosis, promote acute coronary events, weaken coronary artery plaques, and can lead to sudden death. Therefore, stopping smoking offers immediate health benefits to patients who had a myocardial infarction, reduces the risk of recurrence of an MI event, and also reduces the mortality rate. Therefore, a smoking cessation program can increase the motivation of this patient population to quit smoking and reduce the risks associated with smoking for this patient population. Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Title and Author(s) of Article 1

Bucholz, E. M., Beckman, A. L., Kiefe, C. I., & Krumholz, H. M. (2016). Smoking status and life expectancy after acute myocardial infarction in the elderly. Heart (British Cardiac Society), 102(2), 133–139.

Background Article 1

According to the article, smoking elevates the mortality rate in patients with or who have had a myocardial infarction. However, stopping smoking has been shown to reduce the mortality rate among survivors of myocardial infarction. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the effect correlation of current smoking with long and short mortality after a myocardial infarction event. This study hypothesized that current smokers post myocardial infarction have an increased risk of mortality when compared to non-smokers (Bucholz et al., 2016). The research question is “what are the long-term effects of smoking on life expectancy following myocardial infarction”? The research question is related to the purpose of the study and this indicates the relevance of the research question in the study.

Title and Author(s) of Article 2

Bucholz, E. M., Beckman, A. L., Kiefe, C. I., & Krumholz, H. M. (2017). Life years gained from smoking-cessation counseling after myocardial infarction. American journal of preventive medicine, 52(1), 38-46.

Background Article 2

The clinical problem in this article is smoking in patients with myocardial infarction because stopping smoking is associated with reduced mortality rate when compared to persistent smoking (Bucholz et al., 2017). According to the article, smoking has adverse effects on patients with acute myocardial infarction and therefore hospitalization provides the appropriate time to provide counseling to smokers with MI to stop smoking since during hospitalization they are normally motivated to quit (Bucholz et al., 2017). The purpose of this study is to examine the long-term survival benefits for smoking-cessation counseling in patients after MI. The study, therefore, examined the variations in life expectancy after MI between non- counseled and counseled smokers. The research question in this study is “what are the long-term survival benefits for smoking-cessation counseling in patients after MI?”. The question is directly related to the purpose of the study.

Relationship to Nursing Practice

The article by Bucholz et al (2017) supports the PICO question by providing evidence on how counsel smokers to stop smoking after MI increases long-term survival benefits after MI. The intervention in this article counseling of smokers to quit, which is comparable to the smoking reduction program in the PICO question.

The article by Bucholz et al (2016) supports the PICO question by providing evidence regarding the benefits of smoke cessation such as increased survival rate in patients after a MI. The intervention presented in this article is stopping smoking, which is similar to the intervention in the PICO question.

Method of Study- Article 1

Bucholz et al (2016) is a prospective cohort study. The sample population in the study was 158,349 diagnosed with myocardial infarction. According to Grand Canyon University (2018), the potential research participants should meet a certain criterion depending on the desired sample and the study’s primary endpoints. In this study, the sample therefore should include participants with MI and smokers. Similarly, in this article, only smokers hospitalized for myocardial infarction and aged above 65 years were included in the study. The data was collected by extracting it from the databases. The researcher sorted the data using medical abstractors who abstracted the data. The data was analyzed using chi-square tests and t-tests. A sensitivity test was used to control the bias. In the literature review, the author cited quantitative and qualitative studies that were all relevant to the study topic. The majority of the studies used are current. According to Grand Canyon University (2018) studies used in nursing research should not be older than 5 years to ensure the latest evidence is used.

Method of Study- Article 2

Bucholz et al (2017) is a prospective cohort study. The sample population in the study was 13,815 smokers. According to Grand Canyon University (2018), the potential research participants should meet a certain criterion depending on the desired sample and the study’s primary endpoints. In this study, the sample therefore should include participants with MI and smokers. Similarly, in this article, only smokers hospitalized for myocardial infarction and aged above 65 years were included in the study. The data was collected by extracting it from the databases of Medicare beneficiaries with MI and discharged from specific hospitals within the US. The researcher sorted the data using medical abstractors who abstracted the data. The data was analyzed using chi-square tests and t-tests. A sensitivity test was used to control the bias.

In the literature review, the author cited quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as mixed-studies which were all relevant to the study topic. The majority of the studies used are current but one study was as old as dated 1990. According to Grand Canyon University (2018) studies used in nursing research should not be older than 5 years to ensure the latest evidence is used. The literature review in this article formed the basis for the study and also provided adequate information.


Combined Results of the Studies

The findings from Bucholz et al (2017) showed that smoking among patients diagnosed with myocardial infarction is associated with an increased mortality rate and reduced life expectancy. These findings showed that encouraging smoking cessation in patients at an increased risk for coronary heart disease as there is a poor prognosis for patients who smoke after MI. The study also shows that years are lost in patients who smoke after a diagnosis of MI (Bucholz et al., 2017). The findings from Bucholz et al (2016) show that smoking cessation has significant gains in life years following a MI. according to the findings, there was a longer survival rate for smokers who received counseling on smoking cessation after they were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction.

The implication to practice for the two studies is that it is of paramount importance for clinicians and nurses to ensure smokers diagnosed with MI receive smoking cessation counseling or are enrolled in a smoking cessation program to help them stop smoking. This is because evidence shows smoking cessation in this patient population improves health outcomes, increases life expectancy, and reduces the mortality rate. Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Ethical Considerations

According to Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2018), when performing research, informed consent should be obtained from the research subjects, and secondly, the privacy and confidentiality of the participants should be maintained and respected. In both articles, the researchers obtained informed consent, and also the confidentiality and privacy of the participants were respected by maintaining the anonymity of the patients, coding the information, and ensuring that only the researchers accessed the data.


Smoking cessation programs are vital for patients diagnosed with myocardial infarction to increase their survival rate, life expectancy, and reduce mortality rates. Therefore, healthcare organizations supported by the nursing staff should implement smoking reduction programs for patients diagnosed with MI to support them quit smoking even after discharge. Smoking reduction program during hospitalization motivates patients to quit smoking.

This is your introduction. Please tell the reader about your topic of interest. Explain why you are interested in researching this topic. You will pick two of your approved quantitative studies for this assignment. Please make sure you read my feedback because if I told you that the article was not approved, then you will get a zero for this assignment if you use it.

Title and Author(s) of Article 1

Background Article 1

Identify the clinical problem and research problem that led to the study. How did the author establish the significance of the study? In other words, why should the reader care about this study? Identify the purpose of the study. An author may clearly state the purpose of the study or may describe the purpose as the study goals, objectives, or aims. List research questions that the study was designed to answer. If the author does not explicitly provide the questions, attempt to infer the questions from the answers. Were the purpose and research questions related to the problem? Did the authors cite a hypothesis?

Title and Author(s) of Article 2

Background Article 2

Identify the clinical problem and research problem that led to the study. How did the author establish the significance of the study? In other words, why should the reader care about this study? Identify the purpose of the study. An author may clearly state the purpose of the study or may describe the purpose as the study goals, objectives, or aims. List research questions that the study was designed to answer. If the author does not explicitly provide the questions, attempt to infer the questions from the answers. Were the purpose and research questions related to the problem? Did the authors cite a hypothesis?

Relationship to Nursing Practice

            Explain how each of your two articles will be used to answer your PICO question and how interventions and comparison groups in the articles relate to those in your PICO question

Method of Study- Article 1

Was the study descriptive, correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental? Describe the sample population. What does your book say about population sample size? What data collection tools were used? How did the researchers sort the data?  How were results analyzed? How was bias controlled?

There is always a review of the literature section. Find the section and see what types of literature the authors read to get foundation for this study. In the review of the literature did the author cite quantitative and qualitative studies relevant to the focus of the study? Are the references current?  What does your textbook author say about articles older than 5 years for quantitative and qualitative studies? Did the literature review include adequate information to build a logical argument?

Method of Study- Article 2

Was the study descriptive, correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental? Describe the sample population. What does your book say about population sample size? What data collection tools were used? How did the researchers sort the data?  How were results analyzed? How was bias controlled?

There is always a review of the literature section. Find the section and see what types of literature the authors read to get foundation for this study. In the review of the literature did the author cite quantitative and qualitative studies relevant to the focus of the study? Are the references current?  What does your textbook author say about articles older than 5 years for quantitative and qualitative studies? Did the literature review include adequate information to build a logical argument?

Combined Results of the Studies

            Summarize key findings of each study in two comprehensive paragraphs. Please make sure you include implications of the two studies to nursing practice.

Ethical Considerations

Discuss two ethical considerations in conducting research.  What did your book state as imperative in protecting participants?  Discuss how researchers ensured ethical considerations while conducting research.


Make sure to emphasize the importance and congruity of the thesis statement, provide a logical wrap-up to bring the appraisal to completion and to leave a lasting impression and take-away points useful in nursing practice. Also, incorporate a critical appraisal and a brief analysis of the utility and applicability of the findings to nursing practice. Integrate a summary of the knowledge learned


Week 3 Assignment

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.

Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000–1,250 word essay, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.


This week and next week you are analyzing/ critiquing two quantitative studies.. This means that you need to dig into the article and your e-book and determine if the study meets criteria for peer reviewedYour opinion doesn’t count unless you can support it with scholarly criteria and remember your book is a scholarly source so we consider it your bible! You need to use your book, cite your book, and have your textbook on your reference page to earn full credit for each piece of the analysis. To do this you will upload the Week 3 template and follow my hints to a strong analysis!!!

Have a great week!!


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

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