NGO Proposal Essay Paper

Writing an effective proposal, including a balanced scorecard, is an important professional skill. Proposals are deliverables used in many fields, the purpose being to gain the support of decision makers for a project by providing accurate and succinct information. Proposals are written to persuade a specific audience, and should be clear and to the point. Do not repeat information that the audience already knows. Determine the key information they need to know in order to make a decision, and back it up with references. There are many examples for learning how to write a proposal on the Internet, as well as many types of templates that may be helpful as you write this assessment. Review the links in the Resources for support in completing this assessment.  NGO Proposal Essay Paper

Balanced Scorecards are also used in many professions. Refer to the Balanced Scorecard course file in the Resources for links and pertinent information. A balanced scorecard of a nonprofit can look very different from one for a commercial enterprise as it undertakes activities that serve altruistic ends.

Example of a Nonprofit\’s Balanced Scorecard
This balanced scorecard of the Victoria Cool Aid Society is a great example of the perspectives and objectives of a service organization, whose mission is to operate as a steward for humanity in providing shelter and community health services to adults in need. Notice from this sampling the emphasis on becoming known and trusted in the community both in the eyes of clients and potential donors.

1. Financial Perspective
Seek actively funding to deliver new or expanded services or programs.
Diversify funding mix.
Maintain break even budget and ensure adequate reserves.
2. Customer Perspective (Expectations)
\”Provide support, guidance, and leadership in your fields of expertise.\”
\”Provide us with opportunities to contribute.\”
\”Listen to my needs and be there when and where I need you.\”
3. Internal Processes
Learn from our clients in order to advocate solutions within our community.
Engage stakeholders proactively to communicate who we are and our capabilities.
Minimize negative workplace environmental factors (number of violent incidents).
4. People Development Perspective
Hire, retain, and train to align resources and competencies.
Nurture a culture that supports and advocates the importance of work/life balance.
Foster a culture that embraces innovation, teamwork, leadership, and knowledge sharing.
For this assessment, assume the role described in the scenario below:

Scenario: Imagine you are working for a nongovernmental organization (NGO) and you have been tasked with examining a specific health problem in a country and determining how the NGO could combat the problem. How could the organization best supplement or complement services already in existence? What evidence-based tools for tracking outcomes would you suggest?

Country: Choose a country which has identified one of the issues below as a central problem facing its population. Be sure that you have reasonable access to this country\’s health care information.
NGO: Choose a specific NGO with a global health mission to investigate.
Health Issue: Choose one of the global health care issues listed below. Consider choosing an issue that is of particular interest or relevance to your career.
Infant and child mortality.
Substance abuse.
Infectious diseases (Zika virus, cholera, AIDS, malaria, flu, et cetera).
Noninfectious diseases (cardiovascular disease, diabetes).
Maternal and reproductive health.
Gap Analysis: Identify gaps in services by examining one of the following areas in detail:
Affordability and funding.
Patient access and equity.
Education programs.
Prevention programs.
Service positioning (delivery).
Health care workforce.
Monitoring of the disease.
Structure your proposal as follows:

Part 1: Executive Summary
Examine a global health care issue within the context of a country.

Summarize the action(s) you are recommending for the NGO\’s involvement in a country (one page).

Propose specific ways in which nonprofit financial resources could fill a gap in health care services.
Explain the rationale for the action. Why is this necessary?
Explain why the NGO is best positioned to address this need, as opposed to governmental or private organizations.
Explain how the proposal aligns with the NGO\’s mission and/or existing services in the country.
Part 2: Need
Analyze the services of government, private, and nongovernmental providers to address the identified health issue.  NGO Proposal Essay Paper

What existing services address this issue? Who is providing these services?
What existing funding amounts and sources are dedicated to this issue?
What is a gap in these services that you can identify?
Part 3. Balanced Scorecard
Appraise current performance indicators and outcome measures for potential improvements.

Create a balanced scorecard that addresses a proposal to fill a health service gap.

Financial Perspective: Differentiate the services of private and nongovernmental providers from those of governmental entities.
How would the NGO would supplement or complement existing initiatives (or address an unmet need)?
Customer Perspective (Expectations).
Internal Processes.
People Development Perspective.
Part 4: Project Evaluation
Propose an approach to measure NGO outcomes.

What evidence-based tools for tracking outcomes would you suggest?
Part 5: Conclusion
Summarize how the NGO is uniquely positioned to meet this need in a country (one paragraph).

Additional Requirements
Your proposal should meet the following requirements:

Formatting: Use current APA standards for style and formatting.
Number of Resources: Minimum of 3 peer-reviewed resources.
Length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, not including title and reference page.
Font and size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Communication: Write clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported with relevant evidence. Use bullet points, phrases, or tables or charts to convey information succinctly. NGO Proposal Essay Paper

NGO Proposal


The Save the Child Fund: Infant and Child Mortality in Somalia

Part 1: Executive Summary

The infant and child mortality rate refers to the number of deaths occurring for infants and child under 5 years per 1,000 live births (Maniruzzaman et al, 2018). Majority of the deaths are due to malnutrition, lack of health access, poor hygiene, poor sanitation, and diseases. The infant and child mortality in Somalia is among the highest worldwide where 1 out of every 7 infants and child die before their 5th birthday (Smart Vision, 2018). The major causes of infant and child mortality rate in Somalia include malnutrition and diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia, measles, and malaria. Somalia faces serious food insecurity, drought, poor healthcare, as well as lack of safe drinking water and safe sanitation (Smart Vision, 2018).

The Save the Child Fund is an NGO that focuses on improving the lives of the child through better healthcare, improved education, provision of emergency aid and economic opportunities. Therefore, Save the Child reduce the infant and child mortality rate within Somalia by providing healthcare services and supplies, developing healthcare facilities and equipping the facilities with medical supplies such as medications and vaccines and nutritional services (Yaya et al, 2018).

The Save the Child can fill a gap in health care services by building and equipping healthcare facilities, employing qualified medical staff and providing health systems and clinical support that include vaccination services for child, training community health workers, and providing health education (GBD, 2018). Save the Child is best positioned to address this need because currently, the governmental and private organizations in Somalia lack the resources to address the need.

The proposal seeks aid to reduce infant and child mortality rate in Somali by improving healthcare in the country. This is in line with the mission and objective of Save the Child. The aim and mission of Save the Child is to improve a child’s lives by providing better healthcare, among other services.

Part 2: Need

The government of Somalia has not been able to provide effective healthcare to its population. This is because the humanitarian situation in the country continues to deteriorate with approximately 3.2 million people requiring healthcare services (Smart Vision, 2018). The severe vulnerability of Somali and inability of the government to address infant and child mortality is manifested by the child health indicators that continue being among the worst worldwide with 1 out of 10 children in Somali dying before they are 12 months (Smart Vision, 2018).  NGO Proposal Essay Paper

There are various NGOs such as World Vision and UNICEF that have been addressing the issue of infant and child mortality through community-based programs. These programs aim to lower common childhood diseases that lead to high infant and child mortality rate within Somali. The programs not only build healthcare facilities but also aim to improve healthcare access in order to ensure healthcare aid to children. In addition, the NGOs have established programs that support child healthcare programs that encompass child immunizations and child health and treatment of common diseases.

However, with the lack of government capacity to address the infant and child mortality in Somalia as well as the lack of government security and prevalent conflicts within Somalia, it has become extremely difficult for the government to make any progress and adequately address healthcare. As a result, there is a need for NGOs such as Save the Child to take the issue of infant and child mortality in their own hands and implement interventions that can help in reducing the infant and child mortality rate.

Part 3: Balanced Scorecard

The current performance indicators include the infant and child mortality rate, increased access to healthcare and reduced rate of diseases among children.  Potential improvements will be measured by evaluating the increased access to primary healthcare by the target population, and also measured the increased access to intervention focusing in prevention, identification and treatment of childhood diseases and interventions aimed to reduce infant and child mortality rate (Rasella et al, 2018).

The strategic targets for the NGO would be to improve the health of infants and children in Somalia and reduce the infant and child mortality rate. The priority program includes developing the quality of health services within Somali; developing and maintaining healthcare facilities and community infrastructure; to improve health services for infants, children, and maternal health; and to prevent infectious and noninfectious diseases among children. The strategic measures include infant and child mortality rate. The target is that 1/1000 birth survives (Maniruzzaman et al, 2018).

For the financial perspective, the government has the role of providing licensing services to the health facilities. The government entities in Somalia are not able to recruit qualified healthcare personnel not adequately equip healthcare facilities due to lack of finances and resources. However, private and nongovernmental providers have the required resources and financial capacity to recruit qualified personnel and equip healthcare facilities to ensure effective delivery of healthcare services (Rasella et al, 2018).

Save the Child can address the unmet needs by providing funds and resources to develop healthcare facilities and equipping them with the required medical components. In addition, the NGO will implement other interventions that can help in reducing the infant and child mortality rate. The expectations are that the infant and child mortality rate will reduce due to improved healthcare in the country.  NGO Proposal Essay Paper

Project Evaluation

An evaluation of the programs implemented by the NGO (Save the Children) will be conducted to confirm if the project met its goals and targets in accordance with the set evaluation criteria. The evaluation will provide a comprehensive analysis of the programs’ achievements against the expected goals and targets the current performance of the NGO’s programs (OECD, 2018). The evaluation will be conducted along the five pillars of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development-Development Assistant Committee (OECD- DAC) evaluation criteria that include: Relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability. Additionally, the evaluation will analyze how Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) information will be utilized in informing the programs’ implementation.  Outcomes will be assessed in accordance with the Sphere Project standards while accountability will be evaluated in accordance with Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) (OECD, 2018).


Save the Child is uniquely positioned to meet the needs of Somalia because it has the experience and the required resources to improve the lives of children in Somali by improving healthcare and economic opportunities. This will be achieved by the NGO providing healthcare supplies, building healthcare facilities and equipping the facilities with medical supplies. The NGO Save the Child has adequate resources, funds, and competency in addressing issues such as infant and child mortality.


GBD 2015 Eastern Mediterranean Region Neonatal, Infant, and under-5 Mortality Collaborators (2018). Neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality and morbidity burden in the Eastern Mediterranean region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study. Int J Public Health. 63(1), 63–77.

Maniruzzaman M, Kumar N, Suri J, Bhoot M, Teji J & Rahman J. (2018). Risk factors of neonatal mortality and child mortality in Somali. J Glob Health. 8(1), 010417.

OECD (2018). Development Co-operation Report 2018: Joining Forces to Leave No One Behind. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Rasella D, Basu S, Hone T, Paes-Sousa R, Ocké-Reis CO, Millett C. (2018). Child morbidity and mortality associated with alternative policy responses to the economic crisis in Brazil: A nationwide microsimulation study. PLoS Med. 15(5).

Smart Vision (2018). Final Report for Integrated Lifesaving Assistance for Drought and Conflict-Affected Populations in Somalia Program. Smart Vision.

Yaya S, Bishwajit G, Okonofua F & Uthman O. (2018). Under-five mortality patterns and associated maternal risk factors in sub-Saharan Africa: A multi-country analysis. PLoS ONE. 13(10).  NGO Proposal Essay Paper


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