Strategies to Maintain Function for Ethnically Diverse Older Adult with a Chronic Disease Essay

Identify two strategies you can implement to provide comfort to maintain function with an ethnically diverse older adult with a chronic disease? This can be nutrition, ADLs, exercise, etc.
Reference a nursing journal and
Miller, C. A. (2018). Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.  Strategies to Maintain Function for Ethnically Diverse Older Adult with a Chronic Disease Essay

Strategies to Maintain Function for Ethnically Diverse Older Adult with a Chronic Disease
The management of chronic diseases is an integral aspect of medical care. The older adults often have chronic diseases associated with the aging process. Sometimes access to care and the recommended lifestyle modifications is a challenge due to the old age, among other hindrances (Miller, 2018). This becomes more difficult for patients from ethically minority backgrounds.


The first strategy I would employ for an older adult from an ethnically diverse background and with a chronic disease is to modify their traditional ethnic food for their illness. Older adults with chronic diseases face challenges such as living alone, lack of time and efforts needed to shop and prepare healthy meals and also may lack the necessary skills to prepare healthy meals. In addition, myths and beliefs among the diverse communities may hinder them from adopting a healthy diet (Almiron-Roig et al., 2017). Therefore, it would be appropriate to modify the diet of such a patient. For example, reducing sodium intake and sugar intake for older adults living with hypertension and diabetes may help in controlling hypertension and their sugar levels. In addition, it would also be appropriate to reduce the intake of fatty foods and red meat even if they are culturally accepted in the community of such a patient. Reducing the intake of fatty and foods high in cholesterol can help in the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases. Strategies to Maintain Function for Ethnically Diverse Older Adult with a Chronic Disease Essay
The second strategy would implement a patient-centered approach for such a patient. The care approach should be responsive and respectful and tailored to fit the values, preferences, and needs of such patients (Fix et al., 2018). For example, it would be important to integrate the cultural values such as religious needs and language needs for such patients.

Almiron-Roig, E., Aitken, A., Galloway, C., & Ellahi, B. (2017). Dietary assessment in minority ethnic groups: a systematic review of instruments for portion-size estimation in the United Kingdom. Nutrition reviews, 75(3), 188–213. doi:10.1093/nutrit/nuw058.
Fix, G. M., VanDeusen Lukas, C., Bolton, R. E., Hill, J. N., Mueller, N., LaVela, S. L., & Bokhour, B. G. (2018). Patient-centered care is a way of doing things: How healthcare employees conceptualize patient-centered care. Health expectations: an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy, 21(1), 300–307. doi:10.1111/hex.12615.
Miller, C. A. (2018). Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.    Strategies to Maintain Function for Ethnically Diverse Older Adult with a Chronic Disease Essay


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